Spring Boot Content Type Error even when specified in Kotlin - spring

I have an issue in Spring Boot with Kotlin
I have a function that accepts all major Content Types as defined below:
value = ["/users/new"],
consumes = [
fun registerNewUser(
#RequestHeader("X-Forward-For") ipAddress: String?,
newUser: NewUser,
request: HttpServletRequest
): ResponseEntity<ObjectNode> {
var realIPAddress = ipAddress
if (realIPAddress == null) {
realIPAddress = request.remoteAddr
return userService.registerUser(realIPAddress!!, newUser)
Here is how my NewUser class is defined in kotlin
data class NewUser(val email: String?, val password: String?)
Here is how I am doing the check in the registration function
if (!StringUtils.hasText(newUser.email)) {
return responseHandler.errorResponse(
"Please provide an email address"
Now when I sent a post request with postman and even axios I keep getting the error as shown in the screenshot below
That error message should only be displayed if email address is not provided. But as you can see clearly, the email address is provided in the JSON Payload.
What could be wrong?
Note: This works when the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded but doesn't work when the Content-Type is application/json

put #RequestBody before newUser parameter to specify that input should be inside http body part. by default function parameters in spring are considered to be url parameters which can be further clarified with #RequestParam.
there are 2 ways to insert request parameters into http request. one is to attach request parameters to end of the url and the other is to put in http body with application/x-www-form-urlencoded as the content-type.


How to use #PostMapping and Postman to send post request and JSON Object as a request parameter

**I am trying to make a POST controller in springboot having request parameter as JSON object and hiting the controller from the postman .The problem I am facing is that I want to pass a JSONObject in the parameter itself from the postman. I am sending JSON from POSTMAN in body, basically pasted JSON object in the raw body **
public class PostController {
public JSONObject status (#RequestBody JSONObject jsonObject){
return jsonObject;
I am hitting from the postman with POST request at the url : localhost:8080/status ,,
I am not getting the appropriate response. Main problem is that the JSON object is not getting passed to the request . PLease explain.
Intellij terminal response :
AT line 19
and POSTMAN response is :
"empty": true,
"mapType": "java.util.HashMap"
enter image description here

How to modify headers of WebMVC.fn RouterFunction response?

I've defined a RouterFunction bean, with handler function returning a response with string body, which is a JSON. The builder however sets the content type to text/plain on passing a string to body
ServerResponse.ok().body(responseString).build() // Content type set to text/plain
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> infoRouter(MyHandler myHandler) {
return nest(
route().GET("definitions", __ -> myHandler.getDefinitions()).build()
).filter(HandlerFilterFunction.ofResponseProcessor((serverRequest, serverResponse) ->
// TODO: Set content type header to application/json
I tried to clone the response using ServerResponse::from but it doesn't include the response body. Is there another way to do this?

Spring post method "Required request body is missing"

public ResponseEntity<User> loginUser(#RequestBody Map<String, String> userData) throws Exception {
return ResponseEntity.ok(userService.login(userData));
I have this method for the login in the UserController. The problem is when i try to make the post request for the login i get this error:
"timestamp": "2018-10-24T16:47:04.691+0000",
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "Required request body is missing: public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<org.scd.model.User> org.scd.controller.UserController.loginUser(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>) throws java.lang.Exception",
"path": "/users/login"
You have to pass that as JSON in your body, if it's a POST request.
I had a similar issue, was getting this error in my Spring Boot service
HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing:...
My issue was that, when I was making requests from Postman, the "Content-Length" header was unchecked, so service was not considering the request body.
This is happening because you are not passing a body to you server.
As can I see in your screenshot you are passing email and password as a ResquestParam.
To handle this values, you can do the following:
public ResponseEntity<User> loginUser(#RequestParam("email") String email, #RequestParam("password") String password) {
//your imp
In order to accept an empty body you can use the required param in the RequestBody annotation:
#RequestBody(required = false)
But this will not solve your problem. Receiving as RequestParam will.
If you want to use RequestBody you should pass the email and password in the body.
You need to send data in Body as JSON
{ "email":"email#email.com", "password":"tuffCookie"}
If it's still not working, try adding additional information UTF-8 in Headers.
key : Content-Type
value : application/json; charset=utf-8
For my case, I must adding UTF-8 in Headers.
In my case it was poorly defined JSON that I sent to my REST service.
Attribute that was suppose to be an object, was in my case just string:
Changed from:
"client" = "",
"client" = { ... },
In my case String did not add additional information about value in different format.

Spring + Angular: How to parse ResponseEntity in angular?

I'm using Spring Boot to create an API that needs to be consumed in Angular 4. Spring and Angular are on different ports.
The problem is that Spring's ResponseEntity raises an error in Angular.
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity getFlow(#PathVariable int id) {
Flow flow = flowService.findById(id);
return new ResponseEntity(flow, HttpStatus.FOUND);
Now, I can perfectly use Postman to test the API and it works.
But when I make a request from Angular, it returns an error:
Strangely, it returns an error alongside the requested object.
Now, the cause of the problem is that the Spring Boot application returns a ResponseEntity and not a normal object (like String), and Angular doesn't know how to interpret it. If the controller returns just a Flow object, it works.
How can it be solved using ResponseEntity? Or, how else can I send the object alongside the HTTP status code?
Also, in #RequestMapping put produces = "application/json", and in get request in angular, add http options :
const httpOptions = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
So your get request looks like this:
this.http.get(url, httpOptions)
As per the document mentioned here
A response status code between 200 and 299 is considered a success status and will result in the success callback being called. Any response status code outside of that range is considered an error status and will result in the error callback being called. Also, status codes less than -1 are normalized to zero. -1 usually means the request was aborted, e.g. using a config.timeout. Note that if the response is a redirect, XMLHttpRequest will transparently follow it, meaning that the outcome (success or error) will be determined by the final response status code.
As you are sending an instance of ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.Found) whose Http status code is 302 which doesnt fall under the success range thats why error callback is called.
Try returning the content like this
return new ResponseEntity(flow, HttpStatus.OK);

Self-hosted Web API - Post Param null

I'm trying to set up a simple test to make a POST request to my self-hosted Web-API server.
var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration(new Uri(baseAddress));
// add a route
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute(name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
server = new HttpSelfHostServer(config);
I added a Controller:
public class PayloadController : ApiController
public string Get()
return "Hello from GET";
public HttpResponseMessage PostItem(Payload payload)
// payload
And I do have the corresponding model (making sure it contains properties):
public class Payload
public string Date { get; set; }
public string Command { get; set; }
I'm using Rest Console on Chrome to test the server, getting correct results for the GET in my controller.
Issueing the following request as POST:
Request Url: http://localhost:8080/api/payload
Request Method: POST
Params: {
"Date": "2012.09.26",
"Command": "Hello"
EDIT: Content-Type is set to application/json and encoding to UTF-8
Setting a break-point at the controller shows that the POST params are not correctly deserialized into an Paylod object, the param is null.
What am I possibly missing?
You need to specify the request Content-Type as application/json
Complete response with info from the comments below:
If you are using REST console's "request parameters" instead of "request payload raw body" it will not generate JSON out of them even when you specify application/json.
You need to paste raw JSON into the raw body field like this: http://screencast.com/t/iRWZqv91
"Date": "2012.09.26",
"Command": "Hello"
If you are receiving a null post parameter to your controller you need to create a constructor with 0 parameters in your model.
