Use Ncat in Heroku for Proxy Authentication - heroku

I need to use a proxy over ssh connection and I need the ncat tool.
But I cannot find any articles how can I setup nmap-ncat and use it.
Thanks for any help.

I could do it using
in Aptfile just add nmap


mariadb-secure-installation not working after source installation

I builded MariaDB 10.4 using GitHub source on CentOS 8.
But mariadb-secure-installation is not working.
There is no error when running it. But nothing works. For example, changing the root password or deleting an anonymous account does not work.
What should I check?
thank you.
I figured out why.
In MariaDB 10.4.3 and later, the unix_socket authentication plugin is installed by default, so if you do not want it to be available by default on those versions, then you will need to disable it.
there are two solutions.
disable unix_socket authentication
# /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
# or
set client to use TCP protocol
# /etc/my.cnf.d/client.cnf
or using '-h' option
# mysql -h -u root -p

ENOTFOUND when running `heroku create`

The Heroku documentation says that I should use the following proxy settings when I use the heroku create command:
> heroku login
Unfortunately, I am receiving the following error message:
! ECONNRESET: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
How can I fix this error?
I am also having trouble cloning the GitHub repo which is mentioned in the Heroku documentation, so I have to download it manually.
That documentation is under the heading Using an HTTP proxy. Are you sure that you need to use an HTTP proxy? In many cases you won't need one; simply running heroku create will work.
If you are sure that you need an HTTP proxy you should make sure to replace with your actual proxy server's name or IP address. is just an example.

how to connect to a mongodb via ssh using mac terminal

I'm new to mongodb and I need to connect to a mongo database that is on a server which I connect via ssh using mac terminal.
I've been reading about the subject and so far I didn't find anything that tells how to do what I need.
Would you have a link that answers that?
Thanks for any help.
Just as simple as this:
mymac$ ssh mymongoserver
mymongoserver$ mongo
So you just connect to remote server via SSH and then locally call Mongo console.

Connecting to Oracle WebLogic Server Instance (Admin Server)

I have just started playing around with Oracle Weblogic. I am trying to do some scripting using WLST , a commandline tool. I have a test environment set up which has Weblogic 10.3 and Linux 2.6.18 on it. I have managed to log into wlst in the offline/interactive mode.
I now want to connect to the AdminServer in my domain. I am having issues doing so.
Following is the command that I am using:
wls:/offline> connect('username','password','localhost:7002')
Once the command is fired it just shows the cursor blinking and the operation does not timeout.
Using the console I have verified the state of the AdminServer , the user defined in security realm and the listen port of the server.
I am wondering why the above command did not work.
On the other hand I created a test managed server using the administration console and successfully made a connection through wlst using the same command.
Am I missing something ?
Thanks !!
I see two things.
On a default installation, port 7002 is a ssl port. It might not be configured and to use it you should specify the t3s protocol, instead of using default t3.
Also, the server is not listening on localhost. That server has an IP address, and chances are the admin server bound to it. It is not listening to
To tell, issue this command (Linux):
netstat -plan | grep 7001.*LISTEN
REM Windows
netstat -a -p tcp -n -o | findstr /R 7001.*LISTENING
You will see something like this (Linux):
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: :::* LISTEN 20993/java
You can use the IP address, but might as well use the fully qualified name given by:
Try again connecting :
Or if SSL is configured, this should work:
Mohan there could be missing in /etc/hosts file. Please check that other reason could be firewall on the Linux box would making issue.
can you show your connect command for managed server? That may hint us to identify issue.
Did you tried with the 1p addresss as well with t3:// protocol?

Git and http_proxy (SparkleShare on windows and http_proxy)

I've just successfully built SparkleShare for windows according to guide:
and exported my ssh public key to a server.
The problem is that I can't connect from a client behind a http_proxy to a public server with ssh running on a custom port. I had also problem with cloning any git server. I need to switch git:// protocol to http:// one. Any suggestion? Does anyone have similar experience?
This is a log file:
15:25:13 [SSH] ssh-agent started, PID=4380 Identity added:
15:25:34 [Fetcher][C:\Users\MYUSER\Documents\SparkleShare.tmp\share]
Fetchin g folder: ssh://MYGITUSER#MYHOST/MYPATH 15:25:34 [Fetcher]
Disabled host key checking MYHOST 15:25:34 [Cmd] git clone --progress
ers\MYUSER\Documents\SparkleShare.tmp\share" 15:25:37 [Git] Exit code
128 15:25:37 [Fetcher] Failed 15:25:37 [Fetcher] Enabled host key
checking for MYHOST
To get SparkleShare to use your proxy you will need to modify the config of the msysgit that is installed as part of SparkleShare. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\SparkleShare\msysgit\etc and edit the gitconfig file in notepad and add the following line under the [http] tag
proxy = http://user:pass#proxyurl:port
modifying the url as required to match your settings. You can then use the "On my own server" option to add the http url of your repository.
I have a work around on this particular problem. I guess that you already successfully connected to your server via a simple SSH client (i.e. PuTTY)? With PuTTY you can easily configure an ssh connection via any kind of proxy (such as HTTP, SOCKS, Telnet, ..)
What you can do now is to specify a local "tunnel" (an SSH port forwarding rule) like this: L22 127.0.01:22 (see attachment). If you are using a ssh command line add the following option: -L 22:127.0.01:22.
So now as soon as your terminal is open and running you'll be able to reach your git server via the server url: ssh://git#
If your local port 22 is busy you can define the tunnet on a other port. i.e. if the 44 is not occupied: L44 The url to use in SparkleShare become ssh://git#
But it's a work around. I'm looking for a better solution.
