Rubocop installation (machine: linux-gnu, Ubuntu) - ruby

I go through the process of installing the rubocop gem install rubocop --version 0.86.0
And run rubocop -v afterwards to make sure everything is fine.
Instead, I receive the message below:
warning: parser/current is loading parser/ruby27, which recognizes
warning: 2.7.2-compliant syntax, but you are running 2.7.0.
warning: please see
From what I can understand with my limited knowledge, it says that my ruby version is not compatible. Is that right? That I'm using 2.7.0 and I need to use 2.7.2 or above.
I run rvm ls
=* ruby-2.7.2 [ x86_64 ]
Then I try to run ruby -v
ruby 2.7.0p0 (2019-12-25 revision 647ee6f091) [x86_64-linux-gnu]
I've gone through the process of rvm install 2.7.2 & rvm use 2.7.2 I have toggled-on 'Run command as a login shell' - because that was the only way I could get 'rvm' to work in the terminal.
If someone is able to help me with how I can upgrade my ruby version, it would be greatly appreciated.
Sidenote - I tried to follow the link 1.8.1 and I willingly admit I don't understand what's going on, on this page or how I can use it to solve the problem.
Lucas R

You can safely ignore this warning. The parser gem takes things very seriously; it is detecting that you are running a different patch version than it expects (2.7.2 instead of 2.7.0), but there are normally no syntax changes between patch versions.
Unrelated note: rubocop 0.86 is very old; you should upgrade if you can.


Shopify CLI not recognising correct ruby install

When logging into a store with Shopify CLI I am given the following error:
"Your environment Ruby version, 2.6.3, is outside of the range supported by the CLI, 2.6.6..<3.2.0, and might cause incompatibility issues."
I am getting a general 'unexpected' error on a range of commands and believe it's due to the issue above. Thing is, I have latest ruby installed via homebrew, so it seems Shopify CLI is seeing another install.
I have tried reinstalling shopify-cli through homebrew using
brew reinstall shopify-cli
But this doesn't help.
If I run
ruby -v
I get the version mentioned in the error which shopify cli is seeing: "ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [universal.arm64e-darwin21]"
Not sure if you fixed this, but I figured it out using this tool. Run brew config command, and look for the CLT: key: If it says >14.x, then you got an update from macOS v12.6 version. Please correct me if you think I might be wrong.
Just like a plus, update your Node package at least to v18.x. I hope that helps.

Ubuntu VMWARE Ruby Error

I am trying to run bundler. My ruby version is 2.3.0 but I keep getting this error.
Your Ruby version is 2.1.2, but your Gemfile specified 2.3.0
Any help is appreciated.
Ubuntu version is 14.04.
ruby -v returns 2.3.0.
I am writing in notepad and compiling in terminal.
There are more options to this problem as you did not specifi it to a larger extent. But the options are:
you could have more versions of ruby installed which leads to collisions
if you are using IDE, it could be linked to a wrong version of ruby
if you are not using IDE but terminal, the default ruby might be set to a wrong version
If its not one of these, than you should give us more information on your setup.
Version of Ubuntu
outputs of rvm list or ruby -v from terminal
What are you using to develop? IDE, vim, Sublime, ... etc.
How do you compile it
May be something more, but I cant think of anything now...

Ruby Gems suddenly stopped working on ubuntu 12.04

After a couple of days of not doing pretty much anything on the ubuntu box, I decided to try out some ruby stuff. For this, I wanted to fire up pry. Unfortunately, I was presented with
Sorry, you can't use Pry without Readline or a compatible library.
Please gem install rb-readline or recompile Ruby --with-readline.
`require': cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory -
Being quite new to linux in general, I figured I'd just do as it said, and install this rb-readline. The installation passes just fine, but doesnt seem to do anything at all. If I do gem list p, the package just doesn't appear.
So yeah, I just don't know what to do to get it working again, and the only thing I managed to find by searching was related to an installation without rbenv and had something to do with sudo etc.
Any ideas?
Without understanding the problem and following the advice in option 2 of the message:
Sorry, you can't use Pry without Readline or a compatible library.
Possible solutions:
* Rebuild Ruby with Readline support using `--with-readline`
* Use the rb-readline gem, which is a pure-Ruby port of Readline <==== Option 2
* Use the pry-coolline gem, a pure-ruby alternative to Readline
I added the gem into the Gemfile (as follows), bundled and pry was then available.
group :development, :test do
gem 'pry'
gem 'rb-readline'
I had this problem too. I am using rbenv and reinstalling ruby via
rbenv install -f 2.2.3
did fixed it for me. Of course you'd put in your respective version. -f forces the installation even though you already have that specific version installed. use rbenv global to find out what version you have installed and set.
I have some problem. But I don't want to add gem 'rb-readline'. So try it...
$ln -s /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.8.0.dylib /usr/local/opt/readline/lib/libreadline.7.dylib
Do a sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev, seems like you're missing the readline shared library that pry is wanting. If it worked before, not sure why the library isn't there anymore.
I ended up doing rbenv uninstall, followed by rbenv install and re-installing all the gems, and got it back to working. Still no idea what caused it in the first place, but it works now.

How do I uninstall an old version of Ruby, and is it a wise thing to do?

When logged in as root and I type ruby -v centOS server reports 'ruby 1.9.3p392'. This is what I want.
But if I put rvmsudo ruby -v then I get 'ruby 1.8.7'. I do not want to use this older version, it is causing problems for my gitlab install.
I would like to remove it and make sure only v1.9 is used, how can I do this? Or should I leave it there but try and require certain users to use a different version?
Also, in case doing this messes anything up, is it possible to either;
a.see if anything on the server requires v1.8?
b.reverse the uninstall if it causes a problem?
Before uninstalling, take note of the patch level of 1.8.7 just in case. rvmsudo ruby -v should return something like ruby 1.8.7p234. The p#{num} is your patch level.
You should be able to uninstall 1.8.7 with rvm uninstall 1.8.7 (or possibly rvmsudo uninstall 1.8.7). This version of Ruby shouldn't be used by anything on the system other than code you've written, so it should only affect your applications and scripts.
The best way to tell what else would be using 1.8.7 is to look for scripts and crontabs that are owned by the user that rvm is running under. I'm not sure there's a tool that can evaluate it for you.
The best way to roll back in case of an emergency is rvm install 1.8.7-p#{num_from_above}. Alternatively, if you're on a platform like AWS or have rsync backups enabled, you might consider taking a snapshot that you can roll back to if you get in over your head.
Hope that's helpful!
Try setting default
$ rvm --default use 1.9.2
$ ruby -v
#ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [x86_64-darwin10.4.0]
to remove you can use:
sudo apt-get remove ruby 1.8.7
Docs here & here
As you mentioned the ruby version output for root is ruby 1.9.3p392 in my understanding you will not have any problems.
Sure, you can have more than one version of ruby installed and find them under ~/.rvm/rubies. Also there you can find out the default version which is used. For more information you can have a look here: set default ruby where it explains how to set a default ruby and how to reset to the systems default.
You can uninstall cocoapods and install cocapods in the right directory.
sudo gem uninstall cocoapods
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods

Ruby 1.9.3 + Rails on Solaris 10 - libyaml is missing

I'm trying to install Ruby on Rails on Solaris 10 box. I managed to build Ruby 1.9.3 from source and I installed gems but when I run gem command every time I get this message:
# gem list
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/yaml.rb:56:in `<top (required)>':
It seems your ruby installation is missing psych (for YAML output).
To eliminate this warning, please install libyaml and reinstall your ruby.
This is really anoying :)
So I tried to rebuild Ruby and here is what I noticed in the output of make.
configuring psych
libyaml is missing. Please install libyaml.
Failed to configure psych. It will not be installed.
I found the extconf.rb script that checks for that and I tried to run it manually:
# pwd
# irb --simple-prompt
>> require 'mkmf'
=> true
>> find_header 'yaml.h'
checking for yaml.h... yes
=> true
>> find_library 'yaml', 'yaml_get_version'
checking for yaml_get_version() in -lyaml... yes
=> true
>> exit
Apparently extconf.rb could find libyaml but make could not. So I'm puzzled why make does not find it. Any thoughts?
There are a couple of walk-throughs online regarding the install of Rails on Solaris.
This is for Rails 3:
And this one talks about avoiding issues with incompatible libraries:
I've never tried this on Solaris, but hopefully this will be of help.
I had this problem with Mac OS, perhaps it helps:
You need to install libyaml.
If you're install libyaml from a pre-built package, you will likely need a separate package with development headers, usually "libyaml-dev" or similar.
Alternatively you can install libyaml from source:
Download the source package: To build and install LibYAML, run:
$ ./configure
$ make
# make install
(Note the last line begins with a #, indicated a root shell, prepend sudo when running as a normal user.)
Then reconfigure and recompile Ruby after installing libyaml.
