Make updates to Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model - laravel

I'm pretty sure this is not the best thing to do - change/add/update Laravel core but I'm facing the following problem.
Version 7 has a new date serialization format (more info here) and I want to update it to the old return value. What they suggest to do is add this in each model.
protected function serializeDate(DateTimeInterface $date) {
return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
As I have numerous models I was wondering if I can do a more general thing and update the abstract Model Class for example. Any suggestions?

As Eloquent model is not localized by default in your project. You should create a Model class and inherit from the eloquent model
namespace App\Models;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as BaseModel;
* Class Model
* #package App\Models
* #method static count
* #method static latest
* #method static oldest
class Model extends BaseModel
* Prepare a date for array / JSON serialization.
* #param DateTimeInterface $date
* #return string
protected function serializeDate(DateTimeInterface $date)
return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
Then, update all of the models to inherit from your local Model class, not the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model


How to filter User by role based on the called Model?

I'm using Laratrust to manage these roles:
I've a class called User which is the main entity, then I have a specific class for each role: Patient and Doctor.
To retrieve a list of users with the role of doctor I have to write:
The problem's that I have defined some relationship within the class Doctor, eg:
namespace App\Models;
use App\Models\Boilerplate\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
class Doctor extends User
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'users';
public function patients()
return $this->belongsToMany(Patient::class, 'invites', 'doctor_id', 'user_id');
and I cannot access to the relationship patients from the User model.
Is there a way to call Doctor:with('patients')->get() and return automatically the users which have the role of Doctor?
So if I type: Doctor:all() the result must be equal to User::whereRoleIs('doctor')->get()
How can I do this?
Splitting data like this by model isn't really the intended use for models. Models in Laravel contain data on a per-table basis. In order to achieve what you want I would either make a DocterService that has methods in it to retrieve docter users by calling User::whereRoleIs('doctor') or just use this method straight away.
If you really want to use the model though you can use scopes. ( Create a new scope that includes the whereRoleIs('doctor') method
namespace App\Scopes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope;
class DoctorScope implements Scope
* Apply the scope to a given Eloquent query builder.
* #param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builder
* #param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
* #return void
public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model)
and apply it to the model by adding the following to the model:
* The "booted" method of the model.
* #return void
protected static function booted()
static::addGlobalScope(new DoctorScope);

How to use laravel repository pattern searchable array?

I am using laravel-repository pattern ,i have one api which is responsible for getting all users it's working fine ,if we are using that package by default search should support for that i set $fieldSearchable array in the repository class.
i hit an api like this,it's not working can you please help me where did i mistake
public function __construct(UserRepositoryInterface $repository)
$this->repository = $repository;
public function getUsers(){
$data = $this->repository->show();
return response()->json(fractal($data, new UserTransformer()));
interface UserRepositoryInterface extends RepositoryInterface
public function show();
namespace App\Repositories;
use Prettus\Repository\Eloquent\BaseRepository;
use Prettus\Repository\Criteria\RequestCriteria;
use App\User as AppUser;
use App\UserSection;
use App\Validators\UserValidator;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
* Class UserRepositoryEloquent.
* #package namespace App\Repositories;
class UserRepository extends BaseRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface
protected $fieldSearchable = ['phone_number'];
* Specify Model class name
* #return string
public function model()
return AppUser::class;
* Boot up the repository, pushing criteria
public function boot()
public function show(){
return $this->model()::get();
It maybe resolved by utilising pre-difined methods No need to write show() function logic because by default l5-Repository pattern contains some methods to get all the data all()or paginate().in your controller write like this in getUsers()
$data = $this->repository->all();
$data = $this->repository->paginate('25');
all() is for fetch all the data from DB and paginate($limit) is fetch the data per page based on the limit.
if you are using any one of the above mentioned method then automatically search functionality will work

Create contracts in laravel 5.4

Documentation on is not sufficient. Can any one guide me through how to How To Create contracts in Laravel from scratch.
I need implementation of Contracts in Laravel. Right now, I'm using Laravel 5.4
Contract is just a fancy name for php interfaces. We have being using them all along and its not a new thing.
Contracts/Interfaces help us to maintain a loosely coupled code base. See the example from doc below.
namespace App\Orders;
class Repository
* The cache instance.
protected $cache;
* Create a new repository instance.
* #param \SomePackage\Cache\Memcached $cache
* #return void
public function __construct(\SomePackage\Cache\Memcached $cache)
$this->cache = $cache;
* Retrieve an Order by ID.
* #param int $id
* #return Order
public function find($id)
if ($this->cache->has($id)) {
Here when ever the Repository instantiate we should give a \SomePackage\Cache\Memcached instance in order for code to work. Hence our code is tightly coupled with \SomePackage\Cache\Memcached. Now look at below code.
namespace App\Orders;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository as Cache;
class Repository
* The cache instance.
protected $cache;
* Create a new repository instance.
* #param Cache $cache
* #return void
public function __construct(Cache $cache)
$this->cache = $cache;
Same thing but now we just need to provide some cache interface. And behind the scene you could have done something like this.
namespace App\Orders;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository as Cache;
class RedisCache implements Cache {
When above Repository instantiate, php will look at the Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository and It has been implemented by RedisCache class.
I'm afraid Gayan's answer needs further elaboration to hit Rajan's question.
Yes Gayan is correct that creating a Contract class basically means creating a php interface.
Continuing the Cache example above, if we look into its source code (you can find it at this Github repo file), we can see something like this
namespace Illuminate\Contracts\Cache;
use Closure;
interface Repository
* Determine if an item exists in the cache.
* #param string $key
* #return bool
public function has($key);
* Retrieve an item from the cache by key.
* #param string $key
* #param mixed $default
* #return mixed
public function get($key, $default = null);
// the rest...
If we are using this interface in our laravel app, it is said to be a "Contract". It is declaring what methods/properties a class should have if it implements this interface. For example in our app...
namespace App\Whatever;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Cache\Repository;
class Foo implements Repository {
Then class Foo will need to have methods has and get in order to fulfil what has been stated in the Repository contract.

Laravel 5.3 Call to a member function groupBy() on null

I'm getting the following error:
FatalErrorException in EloquentVehicle.php line 30: Call to a member
function groupBy() on null
I have the following code:
namespace App\Project\Frontend\Repo\Vehicle;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class EloquentVehicle implements VehicleInterface
protected $vehicle;
* EloquentVehicle constructor.
* #param Model $vehicle
public function __construct(
Model $vehicle
$this->$vehicle = $vehicle;
* Fetch unique makes
* #return mixed
public function fetchMakes()
return $this->vehicle->groupBy(array('make'))
->orderBy('make', 'asc')
I've checked Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model for the method which is obviously not there, but I don't know what I should be adding to my class so that I can use the groupBy method. The laravel docs say the method exists.
UPDATE: Apparently I can't typehint an abstract class. I don't know how else I should be going about using Eloquent to retrieve records. If it helps, below is the code I have for registering the classes to the service container
namespace App\Providers;
use App\Vehicle;
use App\Project\Frontend\Repo\Vehicle\EloquentVehicle;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class RepoServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap the application services.
* #return void
public function boot()
* Register the application services.
* #return void
public function register()
$this->app->bind('App\Project\Frontend\Repo\Vehicle\VehicleInterface', function($app)
return new EloquentVehicle(
new Vehicle
I just found my mistake and quite literally lay my face in my palms.
$this->$vehicle = $vehicle;
should be this
$this->vehicle = $vehicle;

JSON Web Token only work in Laravel with Eloquent model

I am using Laravel and I want to use JSon Web Token (JWT). I download the tymon vendor. When I tried to generate the token it raise me an error said that my model is not an instance of Eloquent model. So I check the vendor code and I saw this in EloquentUserAdapter:
namespace Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class EloquentUserAdapter implements UserInterface
* #var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
protected $user;
* Create a new User instance
* #param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $user
public function __construct(Model $user)
$this->user = $user;
* Get the user by the given key, value
* #param mixed $key
* #param mixed $value
* #return Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
public function getBy($key, $value)
return $this->user->where($key, $value)->first();
My problem here is that this adapter only use Eloquent model injection. I am using Doctrine models. So my questions are:
Is possible to change this adapter to return new model (my doctrine
model). I asking because I am new in PHP and Laravel and I saw that
EloquentUserAdapter is used in other places in the vendor.
If I create a new Adapter I think that I have to return a Eloquent
model, so how do I can redefine only the model and reuse the other
classes and methods of the vendor?
Any clue?
Yes, you can:
use App\Entities\User;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\User\UserInterface;
class DoctrineUserAdapter implements UserInterface
protected $em;
public function __construct(User $user, EntityManagerInterface $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function getBy($key, $value)
return $this->em->find('App\Entities\User', $value);
You can inject EntityManagerInterface object as a second parameter, first parameter is a User model type from 'providers.user' in jwt.php configuration, why? Look at the code in JWTAuthServiceProvider.php:
* Register the bindings for the User provider.
protected function registerUserProvider()
$this->app['tymon.jwt.provider.user'] = $this->app->share(function ($app) {
return $app->make($this->config('providers.user'), [$app->make($this->config('user'))]);
My simple user model:
use DOctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
* Users *
* #ORM\Table(name="users")
* #ORM\Entity
class User implements \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable
use \LaravelDoctrine\ORM\Auth\Authenticatable;
* #var integer *
* #ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
public $id;
You can do this in version 1.0.0. More about problem:
