I built a blog with Gatsby and Tailwind using markdown for blog posts. When querying the data using graphql, I can't get any of the images to display. My images are stored within the src/ directory in an images/ folder. My posts are inside of a pages/ folder within that same directory. At one point the site displayed ALL of the images including the ones in markdown, but wouldn't work when deployed to Netlify. I've gotten the site to deploy, but now none of my images are showing and I've tried everything to get them back. I've also tried using gatsby-image (fixed and fluid) and still nothing.
This is my first project with gatsby, markdown, and graphql. Currently, the deployed site nikkipeel.netlify.app shows the proper path on the blog page for posts when inspected using devtools (../images/example.jpg), but still no image actually displays. 🤷♀️
Github repo: gatsby-blog
project structure:
|-- /public
|-- /src
|-- /components
|-- /pages
|-- /post-one
|-- /post-two
|-- /post-three
|-- /templates
|-- blog-post.js
|-- /images
|-- /static
|-- gatsby-config.js
|-- gatsby-node.js
|-- gatsby-ssr.js
|-- gatsby-browser.js
frontmatter for a blog post (index.md) -
path: "/create-a-blog-with-react-and-sanity"
date: "2021-01-10"
title: "Create a blog with React and Sanity"
description: "Create a technical blog built with React, TailwindCSS, and Sanity then deploy it using Github and Netlify"
category: "React"
author: "Nikki Peel"
authorImage: ../images/selfie.png
image: ../images/sanity-blog-collage.jpg
Blog.js with Graphql query for displaying all posts:
import React from "react"
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'
import Layout from "../components/layout"
import Link from 'gatsby-link';
import SEO from "../components/seo"
const BlogPage = ({ data }) => (
<SEO title="Blog" />
<main className="bg-brown text-white h-auto p-12">
<section className="container mx-auto">
<h1 className="text-4xl mono pl-4">Latest Blog Posts</h1>
<h2 className="text-lg mb-12 pl-4">Welcome to my page of blog posts</h2>
<div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 justify-center mx-auto md:gap-8 mb-24">
{data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.map(post => (
<Link to={post.node.frontmatter.path}>
<div className="block lg:h-64 relative leading-snug" key={ post.node.id }>
<img src={post.node.frontmatter.image} alt="" className="lg:block w-full items-center lg:h-full lg:object-cover lg:object-top relative lg:absolute"/>
<span className="block relative lg:h-full lg:flex lg:items-end ">
<h3 className="lg:bg-gray-800 lg:bg-opacity-75 text-white text-xl font-semibold lg:px-3 lg:py-4 rounded text-left">{post.node.frontmatter.title}</h3>
<div className="mt-4 mb-8">
<p className="text-base mb-4">{post.node.frontmatter.description}</p>
<span id={post.node.frontmatter.category} className="text-black font-semibold text-sm py-2 px-4 mr-2 rounded">{post.node.frontmatter.category}</span>
<small className="text-base ml-2">📅 {post.node.frontmatter.date}</small>
export const pageQuery = graphql`
query BlogIndexQuery {
allMarkdownRemark (sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }){
edges {
node {
frontmatter {
export default BlogPage;
And for Single Posts - blog-post.js:
import React from 'react';
import { graphql } from 'gatsby'
import Link from 'gatsby-link';
import Layout from '../components/layout';
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '#fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import { faChevronLeft } from '#fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
export default function Template({ data }) {
const post = data.markdownRemark
return (
<main className="container bg-brown min-h-screen p-4 md:p-12">
<Link to="/blog" exact className="text-white text-base items-center"><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faChevronLeft} className="mr-4"></FontAwesomeIcon> Back to Blog</Link>
<article className="container text-white mx-auto rounded-lg mt-4">
<header className="relative">
<div className="absolute h-full w-full flex items-center justify-center p-8">
<div className="bg-white text-brown bg-opacity-75 rounded p-4 md:p-12">
<h1 className="mono text-3xl mb-4">
<div className="flex justify-center text-brown">
<img src={post.frontmatter.authorImage} alt="" className="w-10 h-10 rounded-full"/>
<p className="mono flex items-center pl-4 text-xl">{post.frontmatter.author}</p>
<p className="text-base font-semibold mt-4 text-center">Published on <strong>{post.frontmatter.date}</strong></p>
<img src={post.frontmatter.image} alt={post.frontmatter.title} className="w-full object-cover object-left-top rounded-t" style={{ height: "400px", width: "100%"}}/>
<div className="break-words px-4 lg:px-16 py-12 lg:py-20 prose lg:prose-xl max-w-screen leading-normal">
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: post.html }} />
export const postQuery = graphql`
query BlogPostByPath($path: String!) {
markdownRemark(frontmatter: { path: { eq: $path } }){
frontmatter {
When using the graphiql playground, the proper image path is retrieved for blog.js but not for blog-post.js (individual posts):
blog.js query:
"data": {
"allMarkdownRemark": {
"edges": [
"node": {
"frontmatter": {
"path": "/customizing-the-scrollbar-with-css",
"title": "Customizing the Scrollbar with CSS",
"description": "Learn how to apply custom styling to the scrollbar on your project with pure CSS",
"date": "2021-01-28",
"category": "CSS",
"image": "../images/scrollbar.png"
blog-post.js query:
"errors": [
"message": "Variable \"$path\" of required type \"String!\" was not provided.",
"locations": [
"line": 1,
"column": 24
"stack": [
"GraphQLError: Variable \"$path\" of required type \"String!\" was not provided.",
" at _loop (C:\\Users\\npeel\\Microsoft VS Code\\gatsby-blog-main\\gatsby-blog-main\\node_modules\\graphql\\execution\\values.js:92:17)",
" at coerceVariableValues (C:\\Users\\npeel\\Microsoft VS Code\\gatsby-blog-main\\gatsby-blog-main\\node_modules\\graphql\\execution\\values.js:119:16)",
" at getVariableValues (C:\\Users\\npeel\\Microsoft VS Code\\gatsby-blog-main\\gatsby-blog-main\\node_modules\\graphql\\execution\\values.js:48:19)",
" at buildExecutionContext (C:\\Users\\npeel\\Microsoft VS Code\\gatsby-blog-main\\gatsby-blog-main\\node_modules\\graphql\\execution\\execute.js:184:61)",
" at executeImpl (C:\\Users\\npeel\\Microsoft VS Code\\gatsby-blog-main\\gatsby-blog-main\\node_modules\\graphql\\execution\\execute.js:89:20)",
" at execute (C:\\Users\\npeel\\Microsoft VS Code\\gatsby-blog-main\\gatsby-blog-main\\node_modules\\graphql\\execution\\execute.js:64:35)",
" at C:\\Users\\npeel\\Microsoft VS Code\\gatsby-blog-main\\gatsby-blog-main\\node_modules\\express-graphql\\index.js:152:16",
" at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)",
" at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)"
"extensions": {}
gatsby-node.js -
I received an error when adding 'image' and 'authorImage' to frontmatter here
const path = require('path');
exports.createPages = ({actions, graphql}) => {
const { createPage } = actions
const postTemplate = path.resolve('src/templates/blog-post.js');
return graphql(`
edges {
node {
frontmatter {
`).then(res => {
if(res.errors) {
return Promise.reject(res.errors)
res.data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.forEach(({node}) => {
path: node.frontmatter.path,
component: postTemplate
// for RSS feed:
const { createFilePath } = require(`gatsby-source-filesystem`)
exports.onCreateNode = ({ node, actions, getNode }) => {
const { createNodeField } = actions
if (node.internal.type === `MarkdownRemark`) {
const value = createFilePath({ node, getNode })
name: `slug`,
gatsby-config.js -
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: `Nikki Peel - Blog`,
description: `Technical blog created with Gatsby and Markdown`,
author: `Nikki Peel`,
siteUrl: `https://nikkipeel.netlify.app`,
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `pages`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/pages`,
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `images`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/images`,
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
name: `gatsby-starter-default`,
short_name: `starter`,
start_url: `/`,
background_color: `#663399`,
theme_color: `#663399`,
display: `minimal-ui`,
icon: `src/images/blog-logo.png`, // This path is relative to the root of the site.
// this (optional) plugin enables Progressive Web App + Offline functionality
// To learn more, visit: https://gatsby.dev/offline
// `gatsby-plugin-offline`,
As you can see in the documentation, the when dealing with markdown plus images, the paths should be relative to the markdown file itself so:
path: "/create-a-blog-with-react-and-sanity"
date: "2021-01-10"
title: "Create a blog with React and Sanity"
description: "Create a technical blog built with React, TailwindCSS, and Sanity then deploy it using Github and Netlify"
category: "React"
author: "Nikki Peel"
authorImage: /gatsby-blog/images/selfie.png
image: /gatsby-blog/images/sanity-blog-collage.jpg
From post-one: https://github.com/nikkipeel/gatsby-blog/blob/main/src/pages/post-one/index.md
Should become:
path: "/create-a-blog-with-react-and-sanity"
date: "2021-01-10"
title: "Create a blog with React and Sanity"
description: "Create a technical blog built with React, TailwindCSS, and Sanity then deploy it using Github and Netlify"
category: "React"
author: "Nikki Peel"
authorImage: ../../images/selfie.png
image: ../../sanity-blog-collage.jpg
Note the relativity of both images (../../images/selfie.jpg). This will allow Gatsby to create a valid GraphQL node and it will display the childImageSharp node in the GraphQL playground (localhost:8000/___graphql).
Field "image" must not have a selection since type "String" has no
subfields. This can happen if you e.g. accidentally added { } to the
field "image". If you didn't expect "image" to be of type "String"
make sure that your input source and/or plugin is correct.
Unlike it may seem, this is a good error because it's pointing that Gatsby is trying to create nodes from your markdown files (i.e: your paths are well referenced now) and you will be able to use gatsby-image. I've realized that you are missing some plugins, according to the docs.
Add the gatsby-transformer-remark and the gatsby-remark-images plugin.
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-remark-images`,
options: {
maxWidth: 800,
I wouldn't put the markdown files in the /pages folder by Gatsby to avoid potential issues. Gatsby is a folder-structure based routing, or in other words, Gatsby infers the internal structure of the /pages folder to create the routing and the paths so it's better to avoid mixing stuff.
Your pages can be stored inside any folder if you set the gatsby-source-filesystem accordingly. This will allow Gatsby to create GraphQL nodes from those markdown files.
I was able to get the images to load by referencing an external source in the markdown files but still can't access them by file path 🤷♀️ I'm still researching and working on this issue
path: "/post-three"
date: "2020-11-23"
title: "My Third Gatsby Post"
description: "This is my third markdown post with gatsby"
category: "Tailwind"
author: "Nikki Peel"
authorImage: https://i.imgur.com/qyIekvV.png
image: https://i.imgur.com/lKnOCsT.jpg
I would like to combine i18n with the Vue Router (vue3). I can setup the i18n module successfully but the integration into the routing system always fails.
The router-view is located in App.vue:
<div class="container">
<!-- Content here -->
import TheHeader from './components/TheHeader.vue'
export default {
name: 'App',
components: {
I access the language routes via a global object $t. The languager switcher works. So the following router-links in the TheHeader component contain the right paths to the language specific components (this.$i18n.locale always returns the right path-fragment: eg: 'en','de' etc.., this works!!):
<ul class="navbar-nav">
<li class="nav-item">
<router-link class="nav-link active" aria-current="page"
:to="`/${this.$i18n.locale}/home`">{{ $t('nav.home') }}</router-link>
<li class="nav-item">
<router-link class="nav-link" :to="`/${this.$i18n.locale}/about`">{{ $t(`nav.about`) }}
Now I stuck with the router. I found the following example here, but it does not work:
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHistory(),
routes: [
path: "/:lang",
component: {
render: (h) => h("router-view"),
children: [
path: "home",
name: "home",
component: Home,
path: "design",
name: "design",
component: Design,
path: "about",
name: "about",
component: About,
path: "contact",
name: "contact",
component: Contact,
stack trace:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: h is not a function
at Proxy.render (router.js?41cb:15)
at renderComponentRoot (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:464)
at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:4332)
at ReactiveEffect.run (reactivity.esm-bundler.js?a1e9:160)
at setupRenderEffect (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:4458)
at mountComponent (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:4241)
at processComponent (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:4199)
at patch (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:3791)
at ReactiveEffect.componentUpdateFn [as fn] (runtime-core.esm-bundler.js?5c40:4409)
at ReactiveEffect.run (reactivity.esm-bundler.js?a1e9:160)
Principally, the language switcher should work independently from the router, with the independent global variable $t. However, I need the complete path in the URL, I need an integration of i18n into the router! How can I configure the Vue Router correctly?
import { h, resolveComponent } from "vue";
path: "/:lang",
component: {
render() {
return h(resolveComponent("router-view"));
I'm running into an issue where I've created a non page component with a StaticQuery that is pulling information with a set up like this.
const BestSellers = () => (
render={data => (
{data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.map(({ node }) => (
<Card className="m-2 index-card" key={node.id}>
<Link to={node.fields.slug}>
<hr />
<Link to={node.fields.slug}>
<CardTitle className="h4 text-light text-wrap">
{/* <CardSubtitle>{node.excerpt}</CardSubtitle> */}
<CardSubtitle className="float-left mt-5">
Price: ${node.frontmatter.price}
<Badge color="danger float-right mt-5">
const bestSellerQuery = graphql`
query bestSellerQuery {
filter: { frontmatter: { tag: { eq: "popular" }}}
sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC }
limit: 2
) {
edges {
node {
frontmatter {
image {
childImageSharp {
height: 600
placeholder: BLURRED
formats: [AUTO, JPG]
transformOptions: { fit: COVER, cropFocus: ATTENTION }
fields {
export default BestSellers;
What I'm doing is my pages are being created programmatically from a Markdown file once it is clicked on so I'm trying to import this into the template that i use to create pages and it just shows loading(static query) I've tried using this same query in pages that do and don't have a page query on them and it results in the same as using this in the template component that I'm trying to use it in.
It was the issues in the graphql query which was being used more specifically the line
filter: { frontmatter: { tag: { eq: "popular" }}}
the issue was the "popular" in the MD file is in caps so by changing it to "POPULAR" that solved it....
Hi I am starting with VueJS but I have a problem how to connect IMG src in my template with URL writing in my file JSON .for example when I have some product and I like to show full logo for each article I need to add URL exists in file JSON to src IMG .how I do that please thank
<img src="info.imglogo" alt="Media Aside" />
<span v-text="info.logotitle"></span>
var infos = [
compteur: 1,
imglogo: "../imgs/theme.jpg",
logotitle: "Themeforest",
title: "Thrive Themes",
"Conversion Focused WordPress Themes & Plugins, built from the ground up to make your entire website convert more of your visitors into subscribers, customers & clients.",
link1: "Visit ThriveTheme",
link2: "Read Review",
url: "../imgs/theme.jpg"
compteur: 2,
logotitle: "Elegant",
title: "Sub-Ex",
description: "com.goodreads.Tres-Zap",
link1: "Dr",
link2: "Honorable",
url: "../imgs/theme.jpg"
export default {
data() {
return {
infos: infos
name: "Home",
components: {}
like this.
<div v-for="(info, index) in infos" :key="index">
<img :src="info.imglogo" alt="Media Aside" v-if="info.imgLogo != undefined" />
<span v-text="info.logotitle"></span>
You can do as follow:
<img :src="info.imglogo" alt="Media Aside" />
If you use variables and not text, you have to prepend your HTML attributes by ":"
Here is a working code. Replace your entire vue file by this one:
<div v-for="info in infos" :key="info.compteur">
<img :src="info.imglogo" alt="Media Aside" />
<span v-text="info.logotitle"></span>
export default {
name: "Home",
components: {},
data() {
return {
infos: [
compteur: 1,
imglogo: "../imgs/theme.jpg",
logotitle: "Themeforest",
title: "Thrive Themes",
"Conversion Focused WordPress Themes & Plugins, built from the ground up to make your entire website convert more of your visitors into subscribers, customers & clients.",
link1: "Visit ThriveTheme",
link2: "Read Review",
url: "../imgs/theme.jpg",
compteur: 2,
logotitle: "Elegant",
title: "Sub-Ex",
description: "com.goodreads.Tres-Zap",
link1: "Dr",
link2: "Honorable",
url: "../imgs/theme.jpg",
I have some products that are being iterated over and being displayed. I'd like to use the images of the products as links to the specific page of each individual product. I want each product page to pull from the same template, substituting the props with the appropriate product details.
An example url for a product would be something like: /shop/product/name-of-product
Here is the relevant code:
<div class="p-avaible" v-for="item in avaibleProducts" :key="item.name">
<router-link :to={ name: 'avaibleProducts' , params: { id: 1 }}>
<img :key="item.image" :src="item.image">
<div class="p-name">{{ item.name }}</div>
<div class="p-price">€{{ item.price }}</div>
<div class="btn-container">
<button class="add-to-cart">ADD TO CART</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
cart: [],
avaibleProducts: [
name: "PLASTIC BAGS 3-PACK v1",
price: 0.33,
image: require('#/assets/plastic-bag-pack.jpg'),
description: 'First version plastic bags pack containing 3 HQ assets. Make sure to get yours today.',
id: 1
price: 0.22,
image: require('#/assets/vinyl-texture-pack.jpg'),
description: 'First version vinyl texture pack containing 2 HQ assets. Make sure to get yours today.',
id: 2
name: "STICKER PACK 6-PACK v1",
price: 0.66,
image: require('#/assets/sticker-bag-pack.jpg'),
description: 'First version sticker bag pack containing 6 HQ assets. Make sure to get yours today.',
id: 3
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import Shop from '../views/Shop.vue'
import Product from '../views/Product'
const routes = [
path: '/shop',
name: 'Shop',
component: Shop
path: '/product/:id',
name: Product,
component: Product
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
base: process.env.BASE_URL,
export default router
hey :)) first you must add a unique property to your product list like a uuid or anything, also you can use id property but its not a good method
step 1:
you must add uuid propery to your product object :
name: 'PLASTIC BAGS 3-PACK v1',
price: 0.33,
image: require('#/assets/plastic-bag-pack.jpg'),
'First version plastic bags pack containing 3 HQ assets. Make sure to get yours today.',
id: 1,
uuid: 'prd-001' // pay attention to this line
step 2:
you need to create an computed propery
computed: {
showProduct() {
const id = this.$route.params.id;
const product = this.avaibleProducts.find((p) => p.uuid == id);
return product;
step 3:
and in your template you can access it like this:
<li>{{ showProduct.name }} - {{ showProduct.price }} <!-- and etc ... {{ showProduct.image }} --></li>
step 4:
you can load single product in this route:
the above route return your first product in your available products state
step 5:
change your this line in your Router/Index.js file
name: Product
and put it in single quotation like this :
name: 'Product'
and change your router-link like this :
<router-link :to="{name: 'Product' , params:{ id: product.uuid }}">{{ product.name}}</router-link>
well done!
You're missing one important part in your router index.js file. You need to enable prop passing in the Product components
path: '/product/:id',
name: Product,
component: Product,
props: true
Now you can actually pass props to your routes via a <router-link> element.
Now all you have to do is pass the appropriate props to the component. You can do this by emulating an API call on the component's created() hook.
I recommend you make a JSON file that you put somewhere in your src directory with all the details for the products. Instead of importing your image via webpack, just do it statically by putting the images in public/images.
You then need to make sure that the id is a unique URL-valid string if you want to use it as the param in the URL as you specified. It would look something like this:
"id": "plastic-bag",
"name": "PLASTIC BAGS 3-PACK v1",
"price": 0.33,
"image": "/images/products/1.jpg",
"description": "First version plastic bags pack containing 3 HQ assets. Make sure to get yours today."
Then in your Product.vue component:
<img :src="product.image" alt="">
<h1>{{ product.name }}</h1>
<pre>${{ product.price }} USD</pre>
<p>{{ product.description }}</p>
import products from "#/assets/json/productList.json";
export default {
data() {
return {
product: null;
created() {
methods: {
setProduct() {
const currentProject = products.find(project => project.id === this.$route.params.id); // Find project via the route id param
this.product = currentProject;
I decided to create a small project in new technology and I choose Gatsby. To let you know I don't work with React and GraphQl before. So thanks to Gatsby I can see also other technologies. So, for now, I try to make an index survey page where the footer and header are modifiable. I take for my backend Contentful and I succeed to do the connection between the content from ContentFul and my component footer. But when I try to do a query in the page index.js impossible to get the data, but they exist (I checked on graphql).
I try to make the query in the component, make the query in a hook and then call the hook. But nothing changes always undefined
In my index.js:
const query = graphql`
query header{
contentfulHeader {
logoCard {
file {
const SurveyTitleCard = props => {
return (
<div className="row">
<div className="survey-title card blue-grey darken-3 col s10 offset-s1 m6 offset-m3">
<div className="card-content grey-text text-lighten-3 center-align">
<div className="row logo valign-wrapper">
<div className="col s6 offset-s3 m4 offset-m4">
alt="logo company"
<div className="card-title">
<p>We would love to hear your anonymous thoughts and feedback</p>
const IndexPage = () => (
<SEO title="Home" />
<SurveyTitleCard />
Here the data from GraphQl:
Here my gatsby-config.js:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: `Gatsby Default Starter`,
description: `Kick off your next, great Gatsby project with this default starter. This barebones starter ships with the main Gatsby configuration files you might need.`,
author: `#AntoineB`,
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-contentful`,
spaceId: `MY_SPACE_ID`,
accessToken: `MY_ACCESS_TOKEN`,
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `images`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/images`,
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
name: `gatsby-starter-default`,
short_name: `starter`,
start_url: `/`,
background_color: `#663399`,
theme_color: `#663399`,
display: `minimal-ui`,
icon: `src/images/gatsby-icon.png`, // This path is relative to the root of the site.
// this (optional) plugin enables Progressive Web App + Offline functionality
// To learn more, visit: https://gatsby.dev/offline
// `gatsby-plugin-offline`,
See the docs regarding querying data in components using StaticQuery
import React from "react"
import { StaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby"
export default () => (
query header{
contentfulHeader {
logoCard {
file {
render={data => (
<div className="row">
<div className="survey-title card blue-grey darken-3 col s10 offset-s1 m6 offset-m3">
<div className="card-content grey-text text-lighten-3 center-align">
<div className="row logo valign-wrapper">
<div className="col s6 offset-s3 m4 offset-m4">
alt="logo company"
<div className="card-title">
<p>We would love to hear your anonymous thoughts and feedback</p>