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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a device that sends data to a FTP server. In oneM2M, I want to implement an IPE to access this data and send it to MN-CSE.
I am thinking of periodically (say every 5 minutes) requesting the FTP server and fetching the data to the IPE which further processes and sends this data to MN-CSE. I just wanted to confirm if the approach is fine or are there any better ways to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
This is a question more related to the infrastructure architecture you are planing to deploy. It is feasible, of course, but polling has the disadvantage that if the delay is to small your AE would poll the ftp server unnecessarily often, and if it is to long then you might miss data delivered by your device (to the ftp server). Alternatives could be:
The ftp server notifies your AE
Your AE implements the ftp server and would then be able to directly react on new data events.
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Closed last month.
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As a product scales, APIs and two tier architecture incurs bottlenecks, data contention, downtime. Messages can become lost, if there are thousands or millions of requests & activity
What makes websocket connections beneficial vs Kafka? What are the best use cases for each?
Is there an example such as a large scale chat application where a hybrid of both technologies are necessary?
Websockets should be used when you need real-time interactions, such as propagating the same message to multiple users (group messaging) in a chat app.
Kafka should be used as a backbone communication layer between components of a system. It fits really well in event-driven architectures (microservices).
I see them as 2 different technologies which have been developed for 2 different purposes.
Kafka, for example, allows you to reply messages easily, because they are stored on the local disk (for the configured topic retention time). Websockets are based on TCP connections (two-way communication), so they have a different use-case spectrum.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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When i scan the Whatsapp code on my phone, the website switches IMMEDIATELY to the actual whatsapp page with the chats and all. I was wondering, how does the whole process look like? When i scan, my mobile probably recognized the code that's stored on the server and sends an Ajax request, but then how does the browser realize that the server received the request? is there some kind of "reverse Ajax" request from server to client? It happens so fast it's astonishing, and i really want to know what's up (heyoo sorry for the pun).
Thanks for responses in advance!
I did not check their code but it must be WebSockets.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm using phoenix controllers to receive data via REST calls. So an iOS app could send the "events" for each user and based on the event, I need to calculate the score/points and send it back to the user. Calculation and sending back to the user can happen asynchronously. I'm using Firebase to communicate back to the user.
What is a good pattern to do calculation? Calculate could be bunch of database queries to determine the score of that event. Where should this calculation happen? Background workers, GenEvent, streams within user-specific GenServer (I have supervised GenServer per user).
I would look at Phoenix channels, tasks and GenServer.
Additionally, if you would like to manage a pool of GenServer workers to do the calculations and maybe send back the results for you, check out Conqueuer. I wrote this library and it is in use in production systems for my company. It is uses poolboy, which is probably the most pervasive pool management library in Erlang/Elixir.
Admittedly, I do not fully understand the requirements of your system, but it does not seem to me GenEvent has a place in your requirements. GenEvent is about distributing events to one or more consumers of events. So unless you have a graph of processes that need to subscribe to events being emitted from other parts of your system I do not see a role for it.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to test automatically my website from different locations in order to localize content's presentation. I think I have to write a bash script to access the website with wget program, using an ip from a list. There is somewhere an established solution to this kind of problem ?
There is many solutions. I think to these ones :
IP spoofing. But it's not easy. In particular if you want orchestrate these tests to automate them...
Another solution is to use a reverse-proxy. An example: your application is hosted by Tomcat and you use Apache as reverse proxy. In this case you can easily configure several end-points in Apache where you lie about XFF
Another solution, you can rent VM in the cloud. This is a good approach if you want to perform real performance tests from a remote client, or check the behavior of Internet cache...
Some compagnies sells services to check availability of your web-stuff from different sites.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want the service to automatically send data to the phone when a row on a particular table is updated, how do I do this?
Step 1)
Create an application on your phone that supports push notifications.
Step 2)
Create a webservice (inside Azure) that you send your notification token and uri to plus some type of message that contains the stuff you want to monitor. Store that subscription somewhere, azure tables comes to mind.
Step 3)
have a worker role monitor the Azure database and the azure table of subscriptions to send out updates to your phone.
Monitoring for changes can be done in a number of ways, Sync framework is one of them. But it might be easier to use a a service + queue to isolate access to Sql Azure and then automatically send the push message to the phone if needed.