How do I change the filename of the Junit XML report that Nightwatch.js generates? - nightwatch.js

I have a Nightwatch.js test suite running. When it completes, I've configured the output directory using the output_folder setting. It produces JUnit XML files in that directory correctly. I have an existing automation tool which scans the directory for JUnit test XML files and reports on them. Unfortunately it only matches files in the directory with a naming scheme: TEST-.xml. Let's assume that I can't change the matching rules on my automation tool. I'm looking for a way to add "TEST-" as a prefix to my tests. Ideally I can do this by configuring Nightwatch. Does Nightwatch support this configuration? I can't find any such options.

I ended up changing my test scripts in package.json so that they did a rename after the test was run. Here is what they were before:
// ...
"scripts": {
"integ-tests": "<some nightwatch command>"
// ...
Here is what they were after:
// ...
"scripts": {
"rename-integ-tests": "node -e \"require('fs').readdir('<my test directory>', (err, files) => { files.forEach(file => { if(file.endsWith('.xml') && ! file.startsWith('TEST-')) { fs.rename('<my test directory>' + file, '<my test directory>/TEST-' + file, function(err) { if (err) console.log(err); console.log('Renamed Smoke Test: ' + file + ' to TEST-' + file) }) } }); });\"",
"private-integ-tests": "<some nightwatch command>",
"integ-tests": "npm run private-integ-tests && npm run rename-integ-tests"
// ...


cy.task gives an error but no explanation, how can I fix it?

I'm using Cypress for frontend testing and I defined a task in cypress.config file.
setupNodeEvents(on) {
on('task', {
downloads: downloadspath => {
return fs.readdirSync(downloadspath);
deleteFiles: directory => {
const files = fs.readdirSync(directory);
if (files.length === 0) {
return 0;
for (const file of files) {
fs.unlinkSync(path.join(directory, file));
return 0;
And when I use it in my tests, it gives an error like this:
There's no explanation so, I don't know how to fix this error.
cy.task does a simple work, it just deletes all files in the cypress/downloads folder.
Generally, if the task throws an error it shows up in the Cypress log. You may get more info if you open devtools and click on the Cypress log entry.
Specifically, fs.unlinkSync(path.join(directory, file)) is probably failing because there is a sub-directory in the directory, see Node.js fs.unlinkSync() Method
The fs.unlinkSync() method is used to synchronously remove a file or symbolic link from the filesystem. This function does not work on directories, therefore it is recommended to use fs.rmdir() to remove a directory.
Since you are deleting cypress/downloads in the test, be aware Cypress does that for you
Cypress Configuration - Downloads
trashAssetsBeforeRuns (default: true)
Whether Cypress will trash assets within the downloadsFolder, screenshotsFolder, and videosFolder before tests run with cypress run.

report folder does not exist error with htmlpublisher

I am trying to write a jenkins pipeline script for one of my playwright test. Below is one simple code which i have done so far.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Run Playwright Test') {
steps {
stage('Publish Report'){
steps {
script {
sh 'ls -lrta'
allowMissing: false,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: true,
keepAll: true,
//reportDir: '.',
reportDir : "./TestReport2",
reportFiles: 'index.html',
reportName: "Html Reports",
reportTitles: 'Report title'
def runTest() {
node('MYNODE') {
docker.image('image details').inside('--user root'){
git branch: 'mybranchName',credentialsId: 'ID, url: 'url'
catchError() {
sh """
cd WebTests
npm install
npx playwright test --project=CHROME_TEST --grep #hello
sh "cp -R WebTests/TestReport TestReport2"
sh 'cd TestReport2; ls -lrta'
When I use the above code, the test executed successfully however i am seeing an error while trying to publish the report.
Below is the error :
Specified HTML directory '/bld/workspace//TestReport2' does not exist.
observation: when i put a ls -ltr after the runTest code i could not see the TestReport2 folder even if it was copied successfully.
Another thing i tried is when i put the code to publish the HTML as part of the runTest() it worked fine and i am able to see the reports generated. Something is going on with the TestReport2 folder when the block of code for runTest() is completed.
Does anyone have an eye on what is the root cause. Any suggestion will be appreciated

Cypress error: Could not find any test to run

I am doing a unit test. Cypress now gives an errror. it cannot find the test. but in the login.js file I have written code. I don't understand why it can't find the test, it does exist.
the testcode:
describe("login", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
The error:
We could not detect any tests in the above file. Write some tests and re-run.
If this is all of your test code, it really doesn't have any test. Add any 'it' and cypress will recognize it as a test.
describe("login", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('Example test', () => {
expect(add(1, 2)).to.eq(3)
just edit the file... from your project's root folder to bypass cypress. Try that too to test, here it worked.
//... other file settings
"exclude": ["src/main/test/cypress"]
note: If you are using eslint, you will have to do one more configuration. Since eslint doesn't let us have a TypScrip file inside the project without being treated.
First: Create a file in the project root called tsconfig-eslint.json. It will extend the other tsconfig but ignore the deletion. Put the following content in it:
"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
"exclude": []
Second: modify the parseOptions of the .eslint.json file to point to the newly created file:
//... rest of the settings
"parserOptions": {
"project": "./tsconfig-eslint.json"

Protractor passing parameters in script run command

I need to pass the credentials in command running a script.
For now, I am using in protractor file following part:
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
spec: {
displayStacktrace: true
if (browser.params.Url == 'http://devel/') {
//(other environments)
else {
console.log('-------------error during log in');
and it was working fine, but I need to change it - I can't pass credentials in this way. I thought about changing it to:
if (browser.params.Url == 'http://devel/') {
and run the script using
npm run dev-script --browser.params.Url='http://devel/' --browser.params.webmaster='abc' --browser.params.webmaspass='foo'
where package.json I have:
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"dev-script": "protractor --params.Url=http://devel/ --browser.params.webmaster='' --browser.params.webmaspass=''"
(or any variation) But it fails - I can't update params during running script, I need to write down the credentials in the code (which I find a little unsafe)
I found issues like Protractor needs password for login => insecure? but it about Google Auth problems
Any idea?
You need to remove the variable assignment in the onPrepare. You are overwriting what you are passing in from the command line by setting it to an empty string.
When you pass them in from the command line they will be availble on the params object. There is no need to set them again in your onPrepare. Add a console.log() in your onPrepare and you will see.
Run it from the command line like this: protractor conf.js --params.webmaster=abc --params.webmaspass=foo --params.url=http://devel/
Again, if you log them in your onPrepare you will see that it is working. The way you currently have it you are just overwriting the values you are passing in through the command line.
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
spec: {
displayStacktrace: true
if (browser.params.Url == 'http://devel/') {
consoel.log(browser.params.webmaster) //should be abc
console.log(browser.params.webmaspass) //should be foo
//(other environments)
else {
console.log('-------------error during log in');
Another way you can do this is to set some environment variables before your test run and then you can access them in your scripts by using process.env.envVariableName or ${envVariableName}. Both ways will work.
onPrepare: function () {
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({
spec: {
displayStacktrace: true
if (browser.params.Url == 'http://devel/') {
//(other environments)
else {
console.log('-------------error during log in');
Just remember that if you use this method you would have to set the variables for each session. If you are planning to automate these tests using a CI environment you can just add them there as secret variables (if you have that option) and they will always be there ready and waiting. There will be no need to set them manually during each build.
What I did it here was create the scripts in my package.json:
scripts: {
"automation-test": "concurrently --raw --kill-others \"./node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager start\" \"sleep 5 && ./node_modules/.bin/protractor configuration/protractor.config.js\"",
"automation:pending": "TAGS=#pending npm run automation-test"
And in my protractor.conf.js I just assign the value to a variable so I can use in my config. Like this:
let tags = process.env.TAGS;
Then the command that I run is just this:
npm run automation:pending
but I could pass the TAGS like this as well:
npm run automation-test TAGS=#pending
I have not seen the configuration file on the parameters of the command line. you must specify the configuration file:
example: protractor config.js --params ......
Do this in your script file: i have added a config file after the command protractor
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"dev-script": "protractor config.js --params.Url=http://devel/ --browser.params.webmaster='' --browser.params.webmaspass=''"

How to generate HTML report while using Nightwatch with Mocha

I'm using Nightwatch JS to run my e2e tests with the Mocha runner.
I want to integrate an HTML reporter that with the suite.
I'm trying to use the nightwatch-html-reporter package. But as far as I understand there is a problem with the CLI commands (it's written in the Nightwatch docs that --reporter will not work when using mocha).
I also copied the code sample from nightwatch-html-reporter to my globals.js but it doesn't seem to work either.
The tests run but there is no output anywhere.
Here is my folder structure:
Here is my conf file:
const seleniumServer = require('selenium-server-standalone-jar');
const chromeDriver = require('chromedriver');
module.exports = {
src_folders: ['src/spec/e2e/tests'],
output_folder: 'report',
page_objects_path: [
globals_path: 'src/spec/e2e/globals/globals.js',
custom_commands_path: 'src/spec/e2e/customCommands',
selenium: {
start_process: true,
server_path: seleniumServer.path,
host: '',
port: 4444,
cli_args: {
'': chromeDriver.path
test_runner: {
type: 'mocha',
options: {
ui: 'bdd',
reporter: 'list'
test_settings: {
default: {
launch_url: 'http://URL',
silent: true,
desiredCapabilities: {
browserName: 'chrome',
javascriptEnabled: true,
acceptSslCerts: true,
chromeOptions: {
args: [
And here is my global.js file:
var HtmlReporter = require('nightwatch-html-reporter');
var reporter = new HtmlReporter({
openBrowser: true,
reportsDirectory: __dirname + '/reports'
module.exports = {
reporter: reporter.fn
I don't think it will work with nightwatch-html-reporter as it is probably not a mocha reporter (but correct me if I'm wrong).
You want to use built in or custom mocha reporters when using nightwatch with mocha.
You can use a custom mocha html reporter like mochawesome but you'll have to hack around a bit and I offer no guarantees as I only tested those hacks lightly.
Here are the instructions to use mochawesome
(tested with
"mocha": "^5.2.0",
"mochawesome": "^3.1.1",
"nightwatch": "^0.9.21")
npm install mochawesome
Modify mochawesome node_modules\mochawesome *.js files to require mocha-nightwatch instead of mocha. (See instructions/explanations towards the end of the answer)
Presuming you're using a nightwatch.conf.js, configure your test runner to the equivalent of
test_runner : {
type : "mocha",
options : {
ui : "bdd",
reporter : require("mochawesome") // Please observe that you can pass a custom report constructor function here, not just reporter names
Run tests and observe that you still see the default console reporter (spec) but that at the end of the run you also see an output like:
[mochawesome] Report HTML saved to C:\projects\myWebApp\mochawesome-report\mochawesome.html
Open the html report.
This solution is hackish and fragile because nightwatch comes with it's own version of mocha.
When you install nightwatch you will see in your node_modules a mocha-nightwatch folder. This is the mocha that is being used by nightwatch.
However mochawesome doesn't use mocha-nightwatch. If you look at node_modules\mochawsome\dist\mochawesome.js you will see lines of code like:
var Base = require('mocha/lib/reporters/base');
var Spec = require('mocha/lib/reporters/spec');
This means is requires mocha, not mocha-nightwatch.
Those lines should ideally be: require('mocha-nightwatch/...).
So please change them in all *.js files that need fixing.
You could also fork mochawesome and make them like that ;)
Debugging notes:
Try putting some additional console.logs in node_modules\mocha-nightwatch\lib\mocha.js in the Mocha.prototype.reporter function. That's how I figured out what's going on.
If you use Mocha you can always go with mochawsome:
I haven't tried it myself but it looks pretty neat.
