Insist on using Kafka brokers on Windows [closed] - windows

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I know Java services love Linux/Unix hosts much more.
However, there are indeed some scenarios where it's not always feasible to let customer install a Linux cluster in their environment just to deploy Kafka, i.e. Windows 10 / Windows Server may be their only acceptable choice.
To describle our application briefly: not a service running constantly, we just want to introduce Kafka as a reliable communication broker to exchange data among quite a few different distributed processes (on different machines in the network, probably including some machines on the cloud) when a certain operation starts and runs for a variable duration, say, from 1 hour up to 48 hours. Each run will create many temporary topics.
In such cases, is Kafka on windows a production option?
BTW, I encountered quite a few known issues for Kafka on windows, e.g. this one. For this specific issue, We simply assume there will someone in the customer company, or some scheduled script will be available and respsonbile for cleaning up the out-dated topics from the logs, say, topics from one month ago.
Is there any other unsolvable road blockers to use Kafka on Windows?
Any thoughts or comments are appreciated.

Is it an option? Yes. Is it a sensible option? … perhaps not.
As you've identified, there are several known issues with running Kafka on Windows. There are workarounds etc etc, but do you really want to be dealing with those in Production? It's one thing to run a hack to get your sandbox to work, but if you've got production workloads, quite another.
Here is one option if you really want to run Kafka on Windows - do so using WSL2.


Creating a setup script [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I don't even know how to ask this question, therefore I couldn't find anything that might help me.
I want to write some sort of script that downloads softwares, installs softwares(like eclipse), drivers, edit files(like configuration files) and more, so that a when a new developer comes to our company he will launch the script and he is set with all of our configurations.
What is the best way of doing it?
I am familiar with python, working on windows
Thank you very much!
I would say there a several options, but none of them are cheap:
Switch to VMs and setup a default VM for developers with everything they need one time and distribute the snapshot to new employees. If something changes, change the snapshot and distribute it again.
There are some options to do this on real hardware, but I have never done this and according to this it is not a common way to go
Script everything by hand, make a lot of mistakes and take a lot of time ;) A python script can certainly do a lot of things, also can powershell or batch files. But it is a long way to go and it is very time consuming when a operating system updates or all of the sudden some installers do not support unintended installations anymore. I used to automate some installations in my job when I was a student and it really took some time and effort to maintain this all.
After all, this is more of a question than stackoverflow, but maybe I could help anyhow.

Windows Hosting Suggestions [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I've been developing a Silverlight-c# client-server game that has now gotten to the point that it should be hosted for a small amount of people can test it out. The problem is that I've never looked at windows hosting before an am thus a total noob. I'm looking for a place that allows me to run a c# command line program (the game server), and allows me to open non-standard ports for communication. Since this is only for testing, I'm going for min specs etc.
Just spin up an Amazon EC2 or Rackspace Cloud instance, easiest way by-far to do this.
If you want raw hosting as you described, Amazon cloud, as Paul said, is probably your best bet. However... given that you are doing a C#/Silverlight application, I would suggest that you highly consider Azure for your hosting, as it scales rather nicely and the free trial is a great way to test.
You will likely have to refactor aspects of your server to do this. But you would have had to do that anyway, since hosting of servers in a console is an unstable choice -- at a minimum you would have wanted to use a Windows Service for your game server if only for the auto-start option.

Managing laptops and desktops in the organization and pushing windows updates to them [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Here are the couple of things we are trying to achieve
Our staff currently uses a bunch of desktops and laptops. Around 30-5o of the staff, most of them are laptops (mix of HP and Lenovo). Most using Win 7 professional , a minority using XP. What is the best way to
Manage pushing the windows updates to everyone's computer since not every one installs the updates by themselves.
Managing inventory through a software so that we know how many computers are there, who is using which one, which are currently being used and which ones are in repair.
Good to have feature would also be able to install software remotely and perfom maintenance remotely.
I am fine with a solution that may not solve all the above so would love to know which one can help with most of these issues.
Thank you.
You need a Software Management Solution, and Microsoft provides just such a server/client infrastructure.
Google also launched an open source effort last year to reduce the cost of software licenses by allowing employees to visit the tool, and uninstall apps. Not quite what your looking for, but you could likely extend their offering to get some use.

What uses have you found for XMPP that help you as a web developer/manager? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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To make my question clear:
I'm experimenting with XMPP, lately - I have set up my own XMPP server and trying to figure out what uses could it have in our development process. Except the obvious things (we use it for IM-ing and have set up a group chat room for our team), we employ it as a notification platform for our issue tracking system and our continuous integration system.
I have already thought about some other possible uses such as monitoring the state of our servers (via the presence layer), application exception notification (via PubSub), etc.
My general idea is to build some kind of unified support system for our development process that will communicate through a regular IM client (PubSub support would be great, though) and will make our processes much more transparent and more responsive.
Have you ever thought about something like this? Or do you use something completely different for this purpose? Am I just reinventing the wheel?
Web site notifications (most likely through changes published to Atom feeds) that get pushed out to subscribing IM clients via pure PubSub or PEP (PubSub subset) are going to be a big application, outside of vanilla enterprise instant messaging.
I wrote a bot that knows how to talk to our ticketing system (our Trac site). Users can ask to see the tickets for the current sprint, tickets assigned to them, they can "grep" through tickets, get the current Milestone information and update ticket fields (workleft, status, owner or attach comments). That's been pretty popular with several developers -- and getting people to keep their tickets updated is a Good Thing.
IMified ( is a pretty nice way to build out the kind of applications you are talking about.

Free OpenMosix replacement? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was shocked to learn that OpenMosix is closed. Can you suggest any similar free tool for linux.
For those who don't know, OpenMosix is
a software package that turns networked computers running GNU/Linux into a cluster. It automatically balances the load between different nodes of the cluster, and nodes can join or leave the running cluster without disruption of the service. The load is spread out among nodes according to their connection and CPU speeds.
The nicest part is that you don't need to link your programs with any special libraries neither do you need to modify your programs. Just "fork and forget".
Another nice (but not must have) feature is the fact that it doesn't have to be installed on dedicated computers, but can sit on various desktop computers in your organization/lab/home etc.
I'm aware of the names of several possible solutions (for example). I'm looking for personal experience and/or nice reviews
EDIT Mosix, the predecessor of OpenMosix, used to be free (as free beer). However, now it costs money
I'm not sure how it compares feature-wise to OpenMosix, but Rocks is an open source cluster Linux distro.
From the website:
Rocks is an open-source Linux cluster
distribution that enables end users to
easily build computational clusters,
grid endpoints and visualization
tiled-display walls. Hundreds of
researchers from around the world have
used Rocks to deploy their own cluster
You may want to listen to this episode of FLOSS Weekly that is all about Rocks.
The closet similar free solution to the openMosix technology is Kerrighed.
Shamelessly ripped from the Beowulf mailing list:
OpenSSI or
Mosix If you don't need a fully open-source solution and is a non-profit.
For a much more in-depth discussion check out this thread:
Beowulf - open mosix alternative
To help make this dead thread more useful, a more modern alternative is criu (Checkpoint and Restore In Userspace).
See for example:
You might also consider containers like Docker as well or instead
I looked here to get an update as I have not used openmosix since graduating, but there is now a new tech called "Mesh Computing", and also the ether of bitcoin, so processes must transport the means of getting their data to a suitable node in a secure manner, and then try to run in a fault tolerant manner. I think the answer is a HURD, which before the mesh was more of a pipe dream. I think you should go to and pitch in if you have time. The mesh is upon us and there is no access to anything except agent hosting on mesh.
