Cache miss latency in clock cycles - performance

To measure the impact of cache-misses in a program, I want to latency caused by cache-misses to the cycles used for actual computation.
I use perf stat to measure the cycles, L1-loads, L1-misses, LLC-loads and LLC-misses in my program. Here is a example output:
467 769,70 msec task-clock # 1,000 CPUs utilized
1 234 063 672 432 cycles # 2,638 GHz (62,50%)
572 761 379 098 instructions # 0,46 insn per cycle (75,00%)
129 143 035 219 branches # 276,083 M/sec (75,00%)
6 457 141 079 branch-misses # 5,00% of all branches (75,00%)
195 360 583 052 L1-dcache-loads # 417,643 M/sec (75,00%)
33 224 066 301 L1-dcache-load-misses # 17,01% of all L1-dcache hits (75,00%)
20 620 655 322 LLC-loads # 44,083 M/sec (50,00%)
6 030 530 728 LLC-load-misses # 29,25% of all LL-cache hits (50,00%)
Then my question is:
How to convert the number of cache-misses into a number of "lost" clock cycles?
Or alternatively, what is the proportion of time spent for fetching data?
I think the factor should be known by the constructor. My processor is Intel Core i7-10810U, and I couldn't find this information in the specifications nor in this list of benchmarked CPUs.
This related problem describes how to measure the number of cycles lost in a cache-miss, but is there a way to obtain this as hardware information? Ideally, the output would be something like:
L1-hit: 3 cycles
L2-hit: 10 cycles
LLC-hit: 30 cycles
RAM: 300 cycles

Out-of-order exec and memory-level parallelism exist to hide some of that latency by overlapping useful work with time data is in flight. If you simply multiplied L3 miss count by say 300 cycles each, that could exceed the total number of cycles your whole program took. The perf event cycle_activity.stalls_l3_miss (which exists on my Skylake CPU) should count cycles when no uops execute and there's an outstanding L3 cache miss. i.e. cycles when execution is fully stalled. But there will also be cycles with some work, but less than without a cache miss, and that's harder to evaluate.
TL:DR: memory access is heavily pipelined; the whole core doesn't stop on one cache miss, that's the whole point. A pointer-chasing benchmark (to measure latency) is merely a worst case, where the only work is dereferencing a load result. See Modern Microprocessors
A 90-Minute Guide! which has a section about memory and the "memory wall". See also and to learn more about the details of out-of-order exec CPUs and how they can continue doing independent work while one instruction is waiting for data from a cache miss, up to the limit of their out-of-order window size. (
Re: numbers from vendors:
L3 and RAM latencies aren't a fixed number of core clock cycles: first, core frequency is variable (and independent of uncore and memory clocks), and second because of contention from other cores, and number of hops over the interconnect. (Related: Is cycle count itself reliable on program timing? discusses some effects of core frequency independent of L3 and memory)
That said, Intel's optimization manual does include a table with exact latencies for L1 and L2, and typical for L3, and DRAM on Skylake-server. ( Skylake Server Microarchitecture Cache Recommendations) - they say SKX L3 latency is typically 50-70 cycles. DRAM speed depends some on the timing of your DIMMs.
Other people have tested specific CPUs, like


Ram real time latency

I read somewhere that to find the real latency of the ram you can use the following rule :
1/((RAMspeed/2)/1000) x CL = True Latency in nanoseconds
ie for DDR1 with 400Mhz clock speed, is it logical to me to divide by 2 to get the FSB speed or the real bus speed which is 200Mhz in this case. So the rule above seems to be correct for the DDR1.
From the other side, DDR2 also doubles the freq of the bus in relation to the previous DDR1 generation (ie 4 bits per clock cycle) according the article "What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory".
So, in the case of a DDR2 with a 800Mhz clock speed, to find the "True Latency" the above rule should be accordingly changed to
1/((RAMspeed/4)/1000) x CL = True Latency in nanoseconds
Is that correct? Because in all the cases I read that the correct way is to take RAMspeed/2 no matter if it's DDR, DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4.
Which is the correct way to get the true latency?
The CAS latency is in memory-bus clock cycles. This is always one half the transfers-per-second number. e.g. DDR3-1600 has a memory clock of 800MHz, doing 1600M transfers per second (during a burst transfer).
DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4 still use a double-pumped 64-bit memory bus (transferring data on the rising and falling edges of the clock signal), not quad-pumped. This is why they're still called Double Data-Rate (DDR) SDRAM.
The FSB speed has nothing to do with it.
On old CPUs without integrated memory controllers, i.e. systems that actually have an FSB, its frequency is often configurable (in the BIOS) separately from the memory speed. See Front Side Bus and RAM speed; on even older systems, the FSB and memory clocks were synchronous.
Normally systems were designed with a fast enough FSB to keep up with the memory controller. Running the FSB at the same clock speed as the memory can reduce latency by avoiding buffering between clock domains.
So yes, the CAS latency in seconds is cycle_count / frequency, or more like your formula
1000ns/us * CL / RAMspeed * 2 transfers/clock, where RAMspeed is in mega-transfers per second.
Higher CL numbers at a higher memory frequency often work out to a similar absolute latency (in seconds). In other words, modern RAM has higher CAS latency timing numbers because more clock cycles happen in the same amount of time.
Bandwidth has vastly improved, while latency has stayed nearly constant, according to these graphs from Crucial which explain CL vs. frequency.
Of course this is not "the memory latency", or the "true" memory latency.
It's the CAS latency of the DRAM itself, and is the most important factor in latency between the memory controller and the DRAM, but is only a part of the latency between a CPU core and memory. There is non-negligible latency inside the CPU between the core and uncore (L3 and memory controller). Uncore is Intel terminology; IDK what AMD calls the parts of the memory hierarchy in their various microarchitectures.
Especially many-core Xeon CPUs have significant latency to L3 / memory controller, because of the large ring bus(es) connecting all the cores. A many-core Xeon has worse L3 and memory latency than a similar dual or quad-core with the same memory and CPU clock frequencies.
This extra latency actually limits single-thread / single-core bandwidth on a big Xeon to worse than a laptop CPU, because a single core can't keep enough requests in flight to fill the memory pipeline with that much latency. Why is Skylake so much better than Broadwell-E for single-threaded memory throughput?.
Ok I found the answer.
Everytime the manufacturers increased the memory clock speed they did it in a constant rate which always was the double (2x) of the FSB clock speed. ie
DDR200 100 MHz
DDR266 133 MHz
DDR333 166 MHz
DDR400 200 MHz
DDR2-400 200 MHz
DDR2-533 266 MHz
DDR2-667 333 MHz
DDR2-800 400 MHz
DDR2-1066 533 MHz
DDR3-800 400 MHz
DDR3-1066 533 MHz
DDR3-1333 666 MHz
DDR3-1600 800 MHz
So, the memory module has always the double speed of the FSB.

Interpretation of perf stat output

I have developed a code that gets as input a large 2-D image (up to 64MPixels) and:
Applies a filters on each row
Transposes the image (used blocking to avoid lots of cache misses)
Applies a filters on the columns (now-rows) of the image
Transposes the filtered image back to carry on with other calculations
Although it doesn't change something, for the sake of completeness of my question, the filtering is applying a discrete wavelet transform and the code is written in C.
My end goal is to make this run as fast as possible. The speedups I have so far are more than 10X times through the use of the blocking matrix transpose, vectorization, multithreading, compiler-friendly code etc.
Coming to my question: The latest profiling stats of the code I have (using perf stat -e) have troubled me.
76,321,873 cache-references
8,647,026,694 cycles # 0.000 GHz
7,050,257,995 instructions # 0.82 insns per cycle
49,739,417 cache-misses # 65.171 % of all cache refs
0.910437338 seconds time elapsed
The (# of cache-misses)/(# instructions) is low at around ~0.7%. Here it is mentioned that this number is a good thing to have in mind to check for memory efficiency.
On the other hand, the % of cache-misses to cache-references is significantly high (65%!) which as I see could indicates that something is going wrong with the execution in terms of cache efficiency.
The detailed stat from perf stat -d is:
2711.191150 task-clock # 2.978 CPUs utilized
1,421 context-switches # 0.524 K/sec
50 cpu-migrations # 0.018 K/sec
362,533 page-faults # 0.134 M/sec
8,518,897,738 cycles # 3.142 GHz [40.13%]
6,089,067,266 stalled-cycles-frontend # 71.48% frontend cycles idle [39.76%]
4,419,565,197 stalled-cycles-backend # 51.88% backend cycles idle [39.37%]
7,095,514,317 instructions # 0.83 insns per cycle
# 0.86 stalled cycles per insn [49.66%]
858,812,708 branches # 316.766 M/sec [49.77%]
3,282,725 branch-misses # 0.38% of all branches [50.19%]
1,899,797,603 L1-dcache-loads # 700.724 M/sec [50.66%]
153,927,756 L1-dcache-load-misses # 8.10% of all L1-dcache hits [50.94%]
45,287,408 LLC-loads # 16.704 M/sec [40.70%]
26,011,069 LLC-load-misses # 57.44% of all LL-cache hits [40.45%]
0.910380914 seconds time elapsed
Here frontend and backend stalled cycles are also high and the lower level caches seem to suffer from a high miss rate of 57.5%.
Which metric is the most appropriate for this scenario? One idea I was thinking is that it could be the case that the workload no longer requires further "touching" of the LL caches after the initial image load (loads the values once and after that it's done - the workload is more CPU-bound than memory-bound being an image filtering algorithm).
The machine I'm running this on is a Xeon E5-2680 (20M of Smart cache, out of which 256KB L2 cache per core, 8 cores).
The first thing you want to make sure is that no other compute intensive process is running on your machine. That's a server CPU so I thought that could be a problem.
If you use multi-threading in your program, and you distribute equal amount of work between threads, you might be interested collecting metrics only on one CPU.
I suggest disabling hyper-threading in the optimization phase as it can lead to confusion when interpreting the profiling metrics. (e.g. increased #cycles spent in the back-end). Also if you distribute work to 3 threads, you have a high chance that 2 threads will share the resources of one core and the 3rd will have the entire core for itself - and it will be faster.
Perf has never been very good at explaining the metrics. Judging by the order of magnitude, the cache references are the L2 misses that hit the LLC. A high LLC miss number compared with LLC references is not always a bad thing if the number of LLC references / #Instructions is low. In your case, you have 0.018 so that means that most of your data is being used from L2. The high LLC miss ratio means that you still need to get data from RAM and write it back.
Regarding #Cycles BE and FE bound, I'm a bit concerned about the values because they don't sum to 100% and to the total number of cycles. You have 8G but staying 6G cycles in the FE and 4G cycles in the BE. That does not seem very correct.
If the FE cycles is high, that means you have misses in the instruction cache or bad branch speculation. If the BE cycles is high, that means you wait for data.
Anyway, regarding your question. The most relevant metric to asses the performance of your code is Instructions / Cycle (IPC). Your CPU can execute up to 4 instructions / cycle. You only execute 0.8. That means resources are underutilized, except for the case where you have many vector instructions. After IPC you need to check branch misses and L1 misses (data and code) because those generate most penalties.
A final suggestion: you may be interested in trying Intel's vTune Amplifier. It gives a much better explaining on the metrics and points you to the eventual problems in your code.

What can be the reason for CPU load to NOT scale linearly with the number of traffic processing workers?

We are writing a Front End that is supposed to process large volume of traffic (in our case it is Diameter traffic, but that may be irrelevant to the question). As client connects, the server socket gets assigned to one of the Worker processes that perform all the actual traffic processing. In other words, Worker does all the work, and more Workers should be added when more clients get connected.
One would expect the CPU load per message to be the same for different number of Workers, because Workers are totally independent, and serve different sets of client connections. Yet our tests show that it takes more CPU time per message, as the number of Workers grow.
To be more precise, the CPU load depends on the TPS (Transactions or Request-Responses per second) as follows.
For 1 Worker:
60K TPS - 16%, 65K TPS - 17%... i.e. ~0.26% CPU per KTPS
For 2 Workers:
80K TPS - 29%, 85K TPS - 30%... i.e. ~0.35% CPU per KTPS
For 4 Workers:
85K TPS - 33%, 90K TPS - 37%... i.e. ~0.41% CPU per KTPS
What is the explanation for this? Workers are independent processes and there is no inter-process communication between them. Also each Worker is single-threaded.
The programming language is C++
This effect is observed on any hardware, which is close to this one: 2 Intel Xeon CPU, 4-6 cores, 2-3 GHz
OS: RedHat Linux (RHEL) 5.8, 6.4
CPU load measurements are done using mpstat and top.
If either the size of the program code used by a worker or the size of the data processed by a worker (or both) is non-small, the reason could be the reduced effectiveness of the various caches: The locality-over-time of how a single worker accesses its program code and/or its data is disturbed by other workers intervening.
The effect can be quite complicated to understand, because:
it depends massively on the structure of your code's computations,
modern CPUs have about three levels of cache,
each cache has a different size,
some caches are local to one core, others are not,
how often the workers intervene depends on your operating system's scheduling strategy
which gets even more complicated if there are multiple cores,
unless your programming language's run-time system also intervenes,
in which case it is more complicated still,
your network interface is a computer of its own and has a cache, too,
and probably more.
Caveat: Given the relatively coarse granularity of process scheduling, the effect of this ought not to be as large as it is, I think.
But then: Have you looked up how "percent of CPU" is even defined?
Until you reach CPU saturation on your machine you cannot be sure that the effect is actually as large as it looks. And when you do reach saturation, it may not be the CPU at all that is the bottleneck here, so are you sure you need to care about CPU load?
I complete agree with #Lutz Prechelt. Here I just want to add the method about how to investigate on the issue and the answer is Perf.
Perf is a performance analyzing tool in Linux which collects both kernel and userspace events and provide some nice metrics. It’s been widely used in my team to find bottom neck in CPU-bound applications.
the output of perf is like this:
Performance counter stats for './cache_line_test 0 1 2 3':
1288.050638 task-clock # 3.930 CPUs utilized
185 context-switches # 0.144 K/sec
8 cpu-migrations # 0.006 K/sec
395 page-faults # 0.307 K/sec
3,182,411,312 cycles # 2.471 GHz [39.95%]
2,720,300,251 stalled-cycles-frontend # 85.48% frontend cycles idle [40.28%]
764,587,902 stalled-cycles-backend # 24.03% backend cycles idle [40.43%]
1,040,828,706 instructions # 0.33 insns per cycle
# 2.61 stalled cycles per insn [51.33%]
130,948,681 branches # 101.664 M/sec [51.48%]
20,721 branch-misses # 0.02% of all branches [50.65%]
652,263,290 L1-dcache-loads # 506.396 M/sec [51.24%]
10,055,747 L1-dcache-load-misses # 1.54% of all L1-dcache hits [51.24%]
4,846,815 LLC-loads # 3.763 M/sec [40.18%]
301 LLC-load-misses # 0.01% of all LL-cache hits [39.58%]
It output your cache miss rate with will easy you to tune your program and see the effect.
I write a article about cache line effects and perf and you can read it for more details.

Does software prefetching allocate a Line Fill Buffer (LFB)?

I've realized that Little's Law limits how fast data can be transferred at a given latency and with a given level of concurrency. If you want to transfer something faster, you either need larger transfers, more transfers "in flight", or lower latency. For the case of reading from RAM, the concurrency is limited by the number of Line Fill Buffers.
A Line Fill Buffer is allocated when a load misses the L1 cache. Modern Intel chips (Nehalem, Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge, Haswell) have 10 LFB's per core, and thus are limited to 10 outstanding cache misses per core. If RAM latency is 70 ns (plausible), and each transfer is 128 Bytes (64B cache line plus its hardware prefetched twin), this limits bandwidth per core to: 10 * 128B / 75 ns = ~16 GB/s. Benchmarks such as single-threaded Stream confirm that this is reasonably accurate.
The obvious way to reduce the latency would be prefetching the desired data with x64 instructions such as PREFETCHT0, PREFETCHT1, PREFETCHT2, or PREFETCHNTA so that it doesn't have to be read from RAM. But I haven't been able to speed anything up by using them. The problem seems to be that the __mm_prefetch() instructions themselves consume LFB's, so they too are subject to the same limits. Hardware prefetches don't touch the LFB's, but also will not cross page boundaries.
But I can't find any of this documented anywhere. The closest I've found is 15 year old article that says mentions that prefetch on the Pentium III uses the Line Fill Buffers. I worry things may have changed since then. And since I think the LFB's are associated with the L1 cache, I'm not sure why a prefetch to L2 or L3 would consume them. And yet, the speeds I measure are consistent with this being the case.
So: Is there any way to initiate a fetch from a new location in memory without using up one of those 10 Line Fill Buffers, thus achieving higher bandwidth by skirting around Little's Law?
Based on my testing, all types of prefetch instructions consume line fill buffers on recent Intel mainstream CPUs.
In particular, I added some load & prefetch tests to uarch-bench, which use large-stride loads over buffers of various sizes. Here are typical results on my Skylake i7-6700HQ:
Benchmark Cycles Nanos
16-KiB parallel loads 0.50 0.19
16-KiB parallel prefetcht0 0.50 0.19
16-KiB parallel prefetcht1 1.15 0.44
16-KiB parallel prefetcht2 1.24 0.48
16-KiB parallel prefetchtnta 0.50 0.19
32-KiB parallel loads 0.50 0.19
32-KiB parallel prefetcht0 0.50 0.19
32-KiB parallel prefetcht1 1.28 0.49
32-KiB parallel prefetcht2 1.28 0.49
32-KiB parallel prefetchtnta 0.50 0.19
128-KiB parallel loads 1.00 0.39
128-KiB parallel prefetcht0 2.00 0.77
128-KiB parallel prefetcht1 1.31 0.50
128-KiB parallel prefetcht2 1.31 0.50
128-KiB parallel prefetchtnta 4.10 1.58
256-KiB parallel loads 1.00 0.39
256-KiB parallel prefetcht0 2.00 0.77
256-KiB parallel prefetcht1 1.31 0.50
256-KiB parallel prefetcht2 1.31 0.50
256-KiB parallel prefetchtnta 4.10 1.58
512-KiB parallel loads 4.09 1.58
512-KiB parallel prefetcht0 4.12 1.59
512-KiB parallel prefetcht1 3.80 1.46
512-KiB parallel prefetcht2 3.80 1.46
512-KiB parallel prefetchtnta 4.10 1.58
2048-KiB parallel loads 4.09 1.58
2048-KiB parallel prefetcht0 4.12 1.59
2048-KiB parallel prefetcht1 3.80 1.46
2048-KiB parallel prefetcht2 3.80 1.46
2048-KiB parallel prefetchtnta 16.54 6.38
The key thing to note is that none of the prefetching techniques are much faster than loads at any buffer size. If any prefetch instruction didn't use the LFB, we would expect it to be very fast for a benchmark that fit into the level of cache it prefetches to. For example prefetcht1 brings lines into the L2, so for the 128-KiB test we might expect it to be faster than the load variant if it doesn't use LFBs.
More conclusively, we can examine the l1d_pend_miss.fb_full counter, whose description is:
Number of times a request needed a FB (Fill Buffer) entry but there
was no entry available for it. A request includes
cacheable/uncacheable demands that are load, store or SW prefetch
The description already indicates that SW prefetches need LFB entries and testing confirmed it: for all types of prefetch, this figure was very high for any test where concurrency was a limiting factor. For example, for the 512-KiB prefetcht1 test:
Performance counter stats for './uarch-bench --test-name 512-KiB parallel prefetcht1':
38,345,242 branches
1,074,657,384 cycles
284,646,019 mem_inst_retired.all_loads
1,677,347,358 l1d_pend_miss.fb_full
The fb_full value is more than the number of cycles, meaning that the LFB was full almost all the time (it can be more than the number of cycles since up to two loads might want an LFB per cycle). This workload is pure prefetches, so there is nothing to fill up the LFBs except prefetch.
The results of this test also contract the claimed behavior in the section of the manual quoted by Leeor:
There are cases where a PREFETCH will not perform the data prefetch.
These include:
If the memory subsystem runs out of request buffers
between the first-level cache and the second-level cache.
Clearly this is not the case here: the prefetch requests are not dropped when the LFBs fill up, but are stalled like a normal load until resources are available (this is not an unreasonable behavior: if you asked for a software prefetch, you probably want to get it, perhaps even if it means stalling).
We also note the following interesting behaviors:
It seems like there is some small difference between prefetcht1 and prefetcht2 as they report different performance for the 16-KiB test (the difference varies, but is consistently different), but if you repeat the test you'll see that this is more likely just run-to-run variation as those particular values are somewhat unstable (most other values are very stable).
For the L2 contained tests, we can sustain 1 load per cycle, but only one prefetcht0 prefetch. This is kind of weird because prefetcht0 should be very similar to a load (and it can issue 2 per cycle in the L1 cases).
Even though the L2 has ~12 cycle latency, we are able to fully hide the latency LFB with only 10 LFBs: we get 1.0 cycles per load (limited by L2 throughput), not 12 / 10 == 1.2 cycles per load that we'd expect (best case) if LFB were the limiting fact (and very low values for fb_full confirms it). That's probably because the 12 cycle latency is the full load-to-use latency all the way to the execution core, which includes also several cycles of additional latency (e.g., L1 latency is 4-5 cycles), so the actual time spent in the LFB is less than 10 cycles.
For the L3 tests, we see values of 3.8-4.1 cycles, very close to the expected 42/10 = 4.2 cycles based on the L3 load-to-use latency. So we are definitely limited by the 10 LFBs when we hit the L3. Here prefetcht1 and prefetcht2 are consistently 0.3 cycles faster than loads or prefetcht0. Given the 10 LFBs, that equals 3 cycles less occupancy, more or less explained by the prefetch stopping at L2 rather than going all the way to L1.
prefetchtnta generally has much lower throughput than the others outside of L1. This probably means that prefetchtnta is actually doing what it is supposed to, and appears to bring lines into L1, not into L2, and only "weakly" into L3. So for the L2-contained tests it has concurrency-limited throughput as if it was hitting the L3 cache, and for the 2048-KiB case (1/3 of the L3 cache size) it has the performance of hitting main memory. prefetchnta limits L3 cache pollution (to something like only one way per set), so we seem to be getting evictions.
Could it be different?
Here's an older answer I wrote before testing, speculating on how it could work:
In general, I would expect any prefetch that results in data ending up in L1 to consume a line fill buffer, since I believe that the only path between L1 and the rest of the memory hierarchy is the LFB1. So SW and HW prefetches that target the L1 probably both use LFBs.
However, this leaves open the probability that prefetches that target L2 or higher levels don't consume LFBs. For the case of hardware prefetch, I'm quite sure this is the case: you can find many reference that explain that HW prefetch is a mechanism to effectively get more memory parallelism beyond the maximum of 10 offered by the LFB. Furthermore, it doesn't seem like the L2 prefetchers could use the LFBs if they wanted: they live in/near the L2 and issue requests to higher levels, presumably using the superqueue and wouldn't need the LFBs.
That leaves software prefetch that target the L2 (or higher), such as prefetcht1 and prefetcht22. Unlike requests generated by the L2, these start in the core, so they need some way to get from the core out, and this could be via the LFB. From the Intel Optimization guide have the following interesting quote (emphasis mine):
Generally, software prefetching into the L2 will show more benefit
than L1 prefetches. A software prefetch into L1 will consume critical
hardware resources (fill buffer) until the cacheline fill completes. A
software prefetch into L2 does not hold those resources, and it is
less likely to have a negative perfor- mance impact. If you do use L1
software prefetches, it is best if the software prefetch is serviced
by hits in the L2 cache, so the length of time that the hardware
resources are held is minimized.
This would seem to indicate that software prefetches don't consume LFBs - but this quote only applies to the Knights Landing architecture, and I can't find similar language for any of the more mainstream architectures. It appears that the cache design of Knights Landing is significantly different (or the quote is wrong).
1 In fact, I think that even non-temporal stores use the LFBs to get get out of the execution core - but their occupancy time is short because as soon as they get to the L2 they can enter the superqueue (without actually going into L2) and then free up their associated LFB.
2 I think both of these target the L2 on recent Intel, but this is also unclear - perhaps the t2 hint actually targets LLC on some uarchs?
First of all a minor correction - read the optimization guide, and you'll note that some HW prefetchers belong in the L2 cache, and as such are not limited by the number of fill buffers but rather by the L2 counterpart.
The "spatial prefetcher" (the colocated-64B line you meantion, completing to 128B chunks) is one of them, so in theory if you fetch every other line you'll be able to get a higher bandwidth (some DCU prefetchers might try to "fill the gaps for you", but in theory they should have lower priority so it might work).
However, the "king" prefetcher is the other guy, the "L2 streamer". Section reads:
Streamer : This prefetcher monitors read requests from the L1 cache for ascending and descending sequences of addresses. Monitored read requests include L1 DCache requests initiated by load and store operations and by the hardware prefetchers, and L1 ICache requests for code fetch. When a forward or backward stream of requests is detected, the anticipated cache lines are prefetched. Prefetched cache lines must be in the same 4K page
The important part is -
The streamer may issue two prefetch requests on every L2 lookup. The streamer
can run up to 20 lines ahead of the load reques
This 2:1 ratio means that for a stream of accesses that is recognized by this prefetcher, it would always run ahead of your accesses. It's true that you won't see these lines in your L1 automatically, but it does mean that if all works well, you should always get L2 hit latency for them (once the prefetch stream had enough time to run ahead and mitigate L3/memory latencies). You may only have 10 LFBs, but as you noted in your calculation - the shorter the access latency becomes, the faster you can replace them the the higher bandwidth you can reach. This is essentially detaching the L1 <-- mem latency into parallel streams of L1 <-- L2 and L2 <-- mem.
As for the question in your headline - it stands to reason that prefetches attempting to fill the L1 would require a line fill buffer to hold the retrieved data for that level. This should probably include all L1 prefetches. As for SW prefetches, section 7.4.3 says:
There are cases where a PREFETCH will not perform the data prefetch. These include:
PREFETCH causes a DTLB (Data Translation Lookaside Buffer) miss. This applies to Pentium 4 processors with CPUID signature corresponding to family 15, model 0, 1, or 2. PREFETCH resolves DTLB misses and fetches data on Pentium 4 processors with CPUID signature corresponding to family 15, model 3.
An access to the specified address that causes a fault/exception.
If the memory subsystem runs out of request buffers between the first-level cache and the second-level cache.
So I assume you're right and SW prefetches are not a way to artificially increase your number of outstanding requests. However, the same explanation applies here as well - if you know how to use SW prefetching to access your lines well enough in advance, you may be able to mitigate some of the access latency and increase your effective BW. This however won't work for long streams for two reasons: 1) your cache capacity is limited (even if the prefetch is temporal, like t0 flavor), and 2) you still need to pay the full L1-->mem latency for each prefetch, so you're just moving your stress ahead a bit - if your data manipulation is faster than memory access, you'll eventually catch up with your SW prefetching. So this only works if you can prefetch all you need well enough in advance, and keep it there.

Cycles/cost for L1 Cache hit vs. Register on x86?

I remember assuming that an L1 cache hit is 1 cycle (i.e. identical to register access time) in my architecture class, but is that actually true on modern x86 processors?
How many cycles does an L1 cache hit take? How does it compare to register access?
Here's a great article on the subject:
To answer your question - yes, a cache hit has approximately the same cost as a register access. And of course a cache miss is quite costly ;)
The specifics will vary, but this link has some good ballpark figures:
Approximate cost to access various caches and main memory?
Core i7 Xeon 5500 Series Data Source Latency (approximate)
L1 CACHE hit, ~4 cycles
L2 CACHE hit, ~10 cycles
L3 CACHE hit, line unshared ~40 cycles
L3 CACHE hit, shared line in another core ~65 cycles
L3 CACHE hit, modified in another core ~75 cycles remote
L3 CACHE ~100-300 cycles
Local DRAM ~30 ns (~120 cycles)
Remote DRAM ~100 ns
These figures represent much older, slower CPUs, but the ratios basically hold:
Level Access Time Typical Size Technology Managed By
----- ----------- ------------ --------- -----------
Registers 1-3 ns ?1 KB Custom CMOS Compiler
Level 1 Cache (on-chip) 2-8 ns 8 KB-128 KB SRAM Hardware
Level 2 Cache (off-chip) 5-12 ns 0.5 MB - 8 MB SRAM Hardware
Main Memory 10-60 ns 64 MB - 1 GB DRAM Operating System
Hard Disk 3M - 10M ns 20 - 100 GB Magnetic Operating System/User
Throughput and latency are different things. You can't just add up cycle costs. For throughput, see Load/stores per cycle for recent CPU architecture generations - 2 loads per clock throughput for most modern microarchitectures. And see How can cache be that fast? for microarchitectural details of load/store execution units, including showing load / store buffers which limit how much memory-level parallelism they can track. The rest of this answer will focus only on latency, which is relevant for workloads that involve pointer-chasing (like linked lists and trees), and how much latency out-of-order exec needs to hide. (L3 Cache misses are usually too long to fully hide.)
Single-cycle cache latency used to be a thing on simple in-order pipelines at lower clock speeds (so each cycle was more nanoseconds), especially with simpler caches (smaller, not as associative, and with a smaller TLB for caches that weren't purely virtually addressed.) e.g. the classic 5-stage RISC pipeline like MIPS I assumes 1 cycle for memory access on a cache hit, with address calculation in EX and memory access in a single MEM pipeline stage, before WB.
Modern high-performance CPUs divide the pipeline up into more stages, allowing each cycle to be shorter. This lets simple instructions like add / or / and run really fast, still 1 cycle latency but at high clock speed.
For more details about cycle-counting and out-of-order execution, see Agner Fog's microarch pdf, and other links in the x86 tag wiki.
Intel Haswell's L1 load-use latency is 4 cycles for pointer-chasing, which is typical of modern x86 CPUs. i.e. how fast mov eax, [eax] can run in a loop, with a pointer that points to itself. (Or for a linked list that hits in cache, easy to microbench with a closed loop). See also Is there a penalty when base+offset is in a different page than the base? That 4-cycle latency special case only applies if the pointer comes directly from another load, otherwise it's 5 cycles.
Load-use latency is 1 cycle higher for SSE/AVX vectors in Intel CPUs.
Store-reload latency is 5 cycles, and is unrelated to cache hit or miss (it's store-forwarding, reading from the store buffer for store data that hasn't yet committed to L1d cache).
As harold commented, register access is 0 cycles. So, for example:
inc eax has 1 cycle latency (just the ALU operation)
add dword [mem], 1 has 6 cycle latency until a load from dword [mem] will be ready. (ALU + store-forwarding). e.g. keeping a loop counter in memory limits a loop to one iteration per 6 cycles.
mov rax, [rsi] has 4 cycle latency from rsi being ready to rax being ready on an L1 hit (L1 load-use latency.) has a table of latency per cache (which I'll copy here), and some other experimental numbers, including L2-TLB hit latency (on an L1DTLB miss).
Intel i7-4770 (Haswell), 3.4 GHz (Turbo Boost off), 22 nm. RAM: 32 GB (PC3-12800 cl11 cr2).
L1 Data cache = 32 KB, 64 B/line, 8-WAY.
L1 Instruction cache = 32 KB, 64 B/line, 8-WAY.
L2 cache = 256 KB, 64 B/line, 8-WAY
L3 cache = 8 MB, 64 B/line
L1 Data Cache Latency = 4 cycles for simple access via pointer (mov rax, [rax])
L1 Data Cache Latency = 5 cycles for access with complex address calculation (mov rax, [rsi + rax*8]).
L2 Cache Latency = 12 cycles
L3 Cache Latency = 36 cycles
RAM Latency = 36 cycles + 57 ns
The top-level benchmark page is, but still doesn't really explain what the different test-sizes mean, but the code is available. The test results include Skylake, which is nearly the same as Haswell in this test.
#paulsm4's answer has a table for a multi-socket Nehalem Xeon, including some remote (other-socket) memory / L3 numbers.
If I remember correctly it's about 1-2 clock cycles but this is an estimate and newer caches may be faster. This is out of a Computer Architecture book I have and this is information for AMD so Intel may be slightly different but I would bound it between 5 and 15 clock cycles which seems like a good estimate to me.
EDIT: Whoops L2 is 10 cycles with TAG access, L1 takes 1 to two cycles, my mistake :\
Actually the cost of the L1 cache hit is almost the same as a cost of register access. It was surprising for me, but this is true, at least for my processor (Athlon 64). Some time ago I written a simple test application to benchmark efficiency of access to the shared data in a multiprocessor system. The application body is a simple memory variable incrementing during the predefined period of time. To make a comapison, I benchmarked non-shared variable at first. And during that activity I captured the result, but then during application disassembling I found that compiler was deceived my expectations and apply unwanted optimisation to my code. It just put variable in the CPU register and increment it iterativetly in the register without memory access. But real surprise was achived after I force compliler to use in-memory variable instead of register variable. On updated application I achived almost the same benchmarking results. Performance degradation was really negligeble (~1-2%) and looks like related to some side effect.
As result:
1) I think you can consider L1 cache as an unmanaged processor registers pool.
2) There is no any sence to apply brutal assambly optimization by forcing compiler store frequently accesing data in processor registers. If they are really frequently accessed, they will live in the L1 cache, and due to this will have same access cost as the processor register.
