Git Bash script echo command output inverted after parameter - windows

i'm using git bash for windows (git version to write a bash script like this one:
if [[ ! -s "$file" ]] ; then #empty
echo -e "${RED}Invalid argument. Pass the file with all GCIDs as INPUT!!!${NOCOLOR}"
number=$(cat $file | wc -l )
echo -e "** ${number} GCID detected **"
echo ""
while read -r gcidRead
echo -e "select distinct operation from audit_trail.audit_trail where gcid='$gcid';" >> query.txt
value=$(psql "host=XXXX port=62013 dbname=prodemeagcdm user=XXXX password=XXXX" <<-EOF
select distinct operation from audit_trail.audit_trail where gcid='$gcid';
echo -e "${value}" >> output.txt
if grep -q delete_bupa output.txt ; then
echo -e "${gcid}" >> gcidDeleted.txt
done < $file
I created just to debug the query.txt file in which the output is:
';lect distinct operation from audit_trail.audit_trail where gcid='XXX
instead of
select distinct operation from audit_trail.audit_trail where gcid='XXX'
In short, every string after $gcid parameter will be written at the beginning of the entire string.
If I use a unix terminal the echo output is ok.
Why in git bash the "echo" command has the wrong output mentioned?
Thanks in advance

I think you see the output on terminal of a string which contains a CR (13 in dec or 0D in hex) : the last '; cahracters are written from the beginning of the line, thus overwriting the first two characters of the string.
The string actually consists of select dist... gcid='XXX\r';, and is just printed awkwardly (to a human) on the terminal.
There are many ways to drop CR from the input, here are two of them :
# remove all CR chars from the input :
cat $file | tr -d '\r' | while read -r gcdiRead; do
# remove all CR chars only at end of lines (e.g : when followed by LF) :
cat $file | sed -e 's/\r$//' | while read -r gcdiRead; do


combining all files that contains the same word into a new text file with leaving new lines between individual files

it is my first question here. I have a folder called "materials", which has 40 text files in it. I am basically trying to combine the text files that contain the word "carbon"(both in capitalized and lowercase form)in it into a single file with leaving newlines between them. I used " grep -w carbon * " to identify the files that contain the word carbon. I just don't know what to do after this point. I really appreciate all your help!
grep -il carbon materials/*txt | while read line; do
echo ">> Adding $line";
cat $line >> result.out;
echo >> result.out;
grep searches the strings in the files. -i ignores the case for the searched string. -l prints on the filename containing the string
while command loops over the files containing the string
cat with >> appends to the results.out
echo >> adds new line after appending each files content to result.out
$ ls -1 materials/*.txt
$ grep -i carbon materials/*.txt
$ grep -irl carbon materials/*txt | while read line; do echo ">> Adding $line"; cat $line >> result.out; echo >> result.out; done
>> Adding materials/1.txt
>> Adding materials/2.txt
$ cat result.out
Try this (assuming your filenames don't contain newline characters):
grep -iwl carbon ./* |
while IFS= read -r f; do cat "$f"; echo; done > /tmp/combined
If it is possible that your filenames may contain newline characters and your shell is bash, then:
grep -iwlZ carbon ./* |
while IFS= read -r -d '' f; do cat "$f"; echo; done > /tmp/combined
grep is assumed to be GNU grep (for the -w and -Z options). Note that these will leave a trailing newline character in the file /tmp/combined.

Concatenate String and Variable in Shell Script

Content of file is:
Shell Script:
typeset -A config
cmd="java -jar ./myprogram.jar"
#This section will read file and put content in config variable
while read line
#echo "$line"
if echo $line | grep -F = &>/dev/null
key=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '=' -f 1)
config[$key]=$(echo "$line" | cut -d '=' -f 2)
echo "$key" "${config["$key"]}"
done < "$config_file_path"
cmd="$cmd -lh ${config["ip"]} -lp ${config["port"]} -u ${config["debug"]} -hah \"${config["key"]}\" -hap ${config["delay"]}"
echo $cmd
Expected output:
java -jar myprogram.jar -lh -lp 7890 -u true -hah "" -hap 10 -b
Every time some unexpected o/p
Ex. -lp 7890rogram.jar
Looks like it is overwriting same line again and again
In respect to the comments given and to have an additional automatic data cleansing within the script, you could have according How to convert DOS/Windows newline (CRLF) to Unix newline (LF) in a Bash script? and Remove carriage return in Unix
# This section will clean the input config file
sed -i 's/\r$//' "${config_file_path}"
within your script. This will prevent the error in future runs.

Take multiple (any number of input) input strings and concatenate in shell

I want to input multiple strings.
For example:
and I want output like this (including quotes) in a file:
I tried the following code, but it doesn't give the expected output.
until [ "a$NextEmail" = "a" ];do
echo "Enter next E-mail: "
read NextEmail
echo -e $Emails
This seems to work:
# via
function join_by { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; }
while read line
if [[ -z $line ]]; then break; fi
join_by ',' "${emails[#]}"
$ bash
With sed and paste:
sed 's/.*/"&"/' infile | paste -sd,
The sed command puts "" around each line; paste does serial pasting (-s) and uses , as the delimiter (-d,).
If input is from standard input (and not a file), you can just remove the input filename (infile) from the command; to store in a file, add a redirection at the end (> outfile).
If you can withstand a trailing comma, then printf can convert an array, with no loop required...
$ readarray -t a < <(printf 'abc\nxyx\npqr\n' )
$ declare -p a
declare -a a=([0]="abc" [1]="xyx" [2]="pqr")
$ printf '"%s",' "${a[#]}"; echo
(To be fair, there's a loop running inside bash, to step through the array, but it's written in C, not bash. :) )
If you wanted, you could replace the final line with:
$ printf -v s '"%s",' "${a[#]}"
$ s="${s%,}"
$ echo "$s"
This uses printf -v to store the imploded text into a variable, $s, which you can then strip the trailing comma off using Parameter Expansion.

Name (and set) variables in current shell, based on line input data

I have a SQL*Plus output written into a text file in the following format:
3459906| |2|X1|WAS1| Output1
334596| |2|X1|WAS2| Output1
3495792| |1|X1|WAS1| Output1
687954| |1|X1|WAS2| Output1
I need a shell script to fetch the counts which were at the beginning based on the text after the counts.
For example, If the Text is like |2|X1|WAS1| , then 3459906 should be passed on to a variable x1was12 and if the text is like |2|X1|WAS2| , then 334596 should be passed on to a variable x1was22.
I tried writing a for loop and if condition to pass on the counts, but was unsuccessful:
export filename1='file1.dat'
while read -r line ; do
if [[ grep -i "*|2|X1|WAS1| Output1*" | wc -l -eq 0 ]] ; then
export xwas12=sed -n ${line}p $filename1 | \
sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | sed 's/..$//'
elif [[ grep -i "*|2|X1|WAS2| Output1*" | wc -l -eq 0 ]] ; then
export x1was22=sed -n ${line}p $filename1 | \
sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | sed 's/..$//'
elif [[ grep -i "*|1|X1|WAS1| Output1*" | wc -l -eq 0 ]] ; then
export x1was11=sed -n ${line}p $filename1 | \
sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | sed 's/..$//'
elif [[ grep -i "*|1|X1|WAS2| Output1*" | wc -l -eq 0 ]]
export x1was21=sed -n ${line}p $filename1 | \
sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | sed 's/..$//'
done < "$filename1"
echo '$x1was12' > output.txt
echo '$x1was22' >> output.txt
echo '$x1was11' >> output.txt
echo '$x1was21' >> output.txt
What I was trying to do was:
Go to the first line in the file
-> Search for the text and if found then assign the sed output to the variable
Then go to the second line of the file
-> Search for the texts in the if commands and assign the sed output to another variable.
same goes for other
while IFS='|' read -r count _ n x was _; do
# remove spaces from all variables
count=${count// /}; n=${n// /}; x=${x// /}; was=${was// /}
printf -v "${varname,,}" %s "$count"
done <<'EOF'
3459906| |2|X1|WAS1| Output1
334596| |2|X1|WAS2| Output1
3495792| |1|X1|WAS1| Output1
687954| |1|X1|WAS2| Output1
With the above executed:
$ echo "$x1was12"
Of course, the redirection from a heredoc could be replaced with a redirection from a file as well.
How does this work? Let's break it down:
Every time IFS='|' read -r count _ n x was _ is run, it reads a single line, separating it by |s, putting the first column into count, discarding the second by assigning it to _, reading the third into n, the fourth into x, the fifth into was, and the sixth and all following content into _. This practice is discussed in detail in BashFAQ #1.
count=${count// /} is a parameter expansion which prunes spaces from the variable count, by replacing all such spaces with empty strings. See also BashFAQ #100.
"${varname,,}" is another parameter expansion, this one converting a variable's contents to all-lowercase. (This requires bash 4.0; in prior versions, consider "$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<"$varname") as a less-efficient alternative).
printf -v "$varname" %s "value" is a mechanism for doing an indirect assignment to the variable named in the variable varname.
If not for the variable names, the whole thing could be done with two commands:
cut -d '|' -f1 file1.dat | tr -d ' ' > output.txt
The variable names make it more interesting. Two bash methods follow, plus a POSIX method...
The following bash code ought to do what the OP's sample code was
meant to do:
declare $(while IFS='|' read a b c d e f ; do
echo $a 1>&2 ; echo x1${e,,}$c=${a/ /}
done < file1.dat 2> output.txt )
The bash shell is needed for ${e,,}, (turns "WAS" into "was"), and $a/ /} , (removes a leading space that might be in
$a), and declare.
The while loop parses file1.dat and outputs a bunch of variable assignments. Without the declare this code:
while IFS='|' read a b c d e f ; do
echo x1${e,,}$c=${a/ /} ;
done < file1.dat
The while loop outputs to two separate streams: stdout (for the declare), and stderr (using the 1>&2 and 2> redirects for
Using bash associative arrays:
declare -A x1was="( $(while IFS='|' read a b c d e f ; do
echo $a 1>&2 ; echo [${e/WAS/}$c]=${a/ /}
done < file1.dat 2> output.txt ) )"
In which case the variable names require brackets:
echo ${x1was[21]}
POSIX shell code (tested using dash):
eval $(while IFS='|' read a b c d e f ; do
echo $a 1>&2; echo x1$(echo $e | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')$c=$(echo $a)
done < file1.dat 2> output.txt )
eval should not be used if there's any doubt about what's in file1.dat. The above code assumes the data in file1.dat is
uniformly dependable.

Create files using strings which delimited by specific character in BASH

Suppose we have the following command and its related output :
gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.Terminal.ProfilesList | head -n 1 | grep -oP '(?<=\[).*?(?=\])'
Output :
'b1dcc9dd-5262-4d8d-a863-c897e6d979b9', 'ca4b733c-53f2-4a7e-8a47-dce8de182546', '802e8bb8-1b78-4e1b-b97a-538d7e2f9c63', '892cd84f-9718-46ef-be06-eeda0a0550b1', '6a7d836f-b2e8-4a1e-87c9-e64e9692c8a8', '2b9e8848-0b4a-44c7-98c7-3a7e880e9b45', 'b23a4a62-3e25-40ae-844f-00fb1fc244d9'
I need to use gsettings command in a script and create filenames regarding to output ot gessetings command. For example a file name should be
the next one :
and so on.
How I can do this?
Another solution... just pipe the output of your command to:
your_command | sed "s/[ ']//g" | xargs -d, touch
You can use process substitution to read your gsettings output and store it in an array :
IFS=', ' read -r -a array < <(gsettings)
for f in "${array[#]}"
file=$(echo $f |tr -d "'" ) # removes leading and trailing quotes
touch "$file"
