Understanding ".with" in Ruby - ruby

Sorry this is probably a question that has been asked many times but as it regards what is a very common word in English it is pretty much impossible to google or search for it.
I have seen a few examples of Ruby code which looks like this:
EnquiryNotification.with(post: #post)
I'm trying to understand what the ".with" part does. Can anyone shed some light on this please?

with is a class method defined on the EnquiryNotification class (or one of its ancestors). The method is neither a keyword in the Ruby language nor is it a common method on classes shipped with Ruby itself or its standard library. As such, to find what this method does, you would likely have to consult the documentation of your chosen framework or application.
An example of a with method defined in a framework is Sequel::Dataset#with to add a CTE to the current query. The method is also available as a class method in Sequel model classes.
It could also be part of ActionMailer as mentioned by Stefan in a comment above.
In any case though, make sure to consult the documentation of your chosen framework or library for details.


How can I manually compile something inside Eclipse?

One way of doing seemed to be to use the java.lang.Compiler
I tried to use the java.lang.Compiler inside Eclipse anddid not understand the Object any parameters for the methods of that class? And putting in a class did not seem to work either.
Compiler.command(any) // what is meant by any? What are valid objects to put there?
Compiler.compileClass(clazz) // Nothing happens when I out a class in there?
Compiler.compileClasses(string) // hm?
How to can I print a hello message with a Compiler inside Eclipse...?
Reading the documentation is a very important skill you need to learn.
Whenever you come across a class or a method that you don't know the functionality of, simply look at the documentation first.
Here is the docs for java.lang.Compiler: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/Compiler.html
This is the first sentence of the document:
The Compiler class is provided to support Java-to-native-code compilers and related services. By design, the Compiler class does nothing; it serves as a placeholder for a JIT compiler implementation.
So, the answer to your question is, it does nothing. According to the documentation, it does nothing. It is used to start up the Java compiler when the JVM starts. You are not meant to use this.

UML how to represent a class concern/module/extension

I am talking about concern/module/extensions as they exist in Ruby and Swift for example.
A Ruby module is something that a class can include (= add the module functions as its own instance methods) or extend (add the module functions as its own class methods).
A swift extension is also an add-on for class, typically when you want to add a functionality you would first define the prototype, then implement it in an extension.
(please correct me if I'm wrong)
How would you represent such a Ruby module/Swift extension in UML, and its link to the class it is included in/it extends ?
I also don't know a standard for this, but would model it like this:
A Realize relation with an <<import>> stereotype. Maybe the Realize is too strong in the context and a simple Dependency but still with that stereotype would be better.
Not everything is available natively in UML. But like in any language, if you don't have a single word for a thing you can make constructs that describe the thing. You are rather free in choosing your vocabulary. Only you should be consistent in the domain where you use such a paraphrase.

Proxies to the real Tire methods?

I am reading the documentation for the Tire gem and I am a confused about what it mean by the following paragraphs. Could someone explain it?
In fact, all this time you've been using only proxies to the real Tire
methods, which live in the tire class and instance methods of your
model. Only when not trampling on someone's foot — which is the
majority of cases — will Tire bring its methods to the namespace of
your class.
So, instead of writing Article.search, you could write
Article.tire.search, and instead of #article.update_index you could
write #article.tire.update_index, to be on the safe side. Let's have a
look on an example with the mapping method:
It means just what it says: Tire tries hard not to drag methods into your model/namespace, and defines its methods only when they don't exist.
As a regular user, you don't have to care about it much. Whenever you call MyModel.search or MyModel.mapping you can also call MyModel.tire.search or MyModel.tire.mapping.
to piggy back off what Karmi has said, you might find this useful if for example your Model already has a search defined on it.
So if say, Post.search already does something in your rails app, you can just use Post.tire.search to do a tire search instead. I like to use it to signal to all developers who might work in the code after I do, that this is a tire method, so they (hopefully) don't spend time wondering where to find a search method in the Post model.

Aspect to trap Controller creation in Roo project - how to?

I would like my first Aspect in a Roo project to run the advice when a web controller starts up. But I cant get the pointcut to match.
The controllers have a class name starting Cfx. I have tried with the following form:
pointcut setBrand() : initialization(Cfx*.new (..));
before() : setBrand()
log.info("xxxxxxxxxxxx setting brand");
As well as "initialization" I have tried (from the book AspectJ Cookbook) call(Signature) with new keyword, preinitialization, staticinitialization. What is the formula?
Maybe this is related - the Roo aspects do not have this form - no pointcut for example. How are they working? Where is this documented?
PS apologies, this is a re-post. I posted this to the Spring Roo forum but got no response. http://forum.springsource.org/showthread.php?129374-Aspect-to-trap-Controller-creation-how-to
I know next to nothing about Roo or Spring, but some AspectJ, so I am going to answer your question from an AspectJ perspective only, assuming that you are an AOP newbie (sorry if my assumption is incorrect):
If you want to do something when a class is loaded, use a staticinitialization(TypePat) pointcut.
If you want to do something when an object (instance) is created, use something like execution(ConstructorPat). The initialization is for special purposes and preinitialization is needed even more rarely. I am assuming that the first one will do for you, not knowing your exact purpose.
Further assuming that something like execution(Cfx*.new (..)) is basically the thing you want, I suggest you look at possible errors or warnings like "advice defined in ... has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]", because it might just be a pointcut matching issue. Please note that the type pattern you use assumes the matched constructors are in the same package as the aspect and that they have standard visibility (not public or anything else). So unless there is a class-loading issue, maybe you just want to specify more exactly (or more generally) what you want to match. Examples:
public com.bigboxco..Cfx*.new(..)
!private com.bigboxco..Cfx*.new(..)
* com.bigboxco..Cfx*.new(..)
A good strategy could be trying to match one of your constructors by replicating its exact signature and using its fully qualified class name, then working on from that point to make it more general.
Update: I know you can do a web search by yourself, but anyway here are some useful links:
AspectJ quick reference
AspectJ language semantics with topics about signatures, matching etc.

How to identify necessary classes and modules of Ruby software?

Say I am writing a Ruby gem. I want to design classes and modules going to be used.
How to identify them?
Where do I need classes and where do I need modules?
Your question is about one of the main design feature of the Ruby language.
Basically, you can see module as collection of tools, and class as collection of objects which are able to mix with those tools.
Ruby faq says about modules :
Modules are collections of methods and constants. They cannot generate instances.
When you want to provide something, you'll need a class. You can do a MyClass.new, you cannot with a module : MyModule.new won't work.
On the other hand :
Classes may generate instances (objects), and have per-instance state (instance variables).
When you want to provide a way of doing something, you'll a need a module. You can do a MyModule.doSomething(SomeParams). You can also do that with a class methods, but you won't be able to do some mix-in with it.
See this faq for a more detailed answer.
This is a object oriented design task, if you are really new to that I would recommend to study a book like Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. I usually try to identify the core actors/concepts in the business model to discover which classes I need.
A basic rule is to use classes when you need to maintain some states, and modules when there is no need of maintaining states. Ruby has several uses for modules Ruby, there are several articles about this topic in the Practicing Ruby blog: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
I use to think of Modules stricly as as behaviour capsules and Classes as state and behaviour capsules (from encapsulation).
So, if you want to encapsulate a behaviour use a module. Otherwise use a class.
