Convert .md file into .pdf using Gradle - gradle

I´ve been searching for a way to automatically convert my file into a .pdf using a gradle task. I know that I can do this by using my prompt console, and it works fine, but I want to know if there is a way of doing the same by creating a gradle task. I´ve found some gitHub projects, and I´ve try some of them, but I always get errors in applying the needed plugins. There is a simple way of doing this, I know that gradle has a huge amount of task types, but I can´t find one for this. Can someone help me?
I´ve trying to use the plugin from, but when I run the implemented gradle task, I get the error:
Could not get unknown property 'MarkdownToPdfTask' for root project 'cms' of type org.gradle.api.Project
My build gradle from root path:
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'war'
id 'jacoco'
id 'eclipse'
id "fr.putnami.gwt" version "0.4.0"
id "info.solidsoft.pitest" version "1.3.0"
id "de.fntsoftware.gradle.markdown-to-pdf" version "1.1.0"
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
testCompile 'org.easymock:easymock:2.5.2'
testCompile ''
compile 'net.sourceforge.plantuml:plantuml:8001'
task exampleTask1(type: MarkdownToPdfTask){
inputFile = '/PATH/TO/'
outputFile = '/PATH/TO/README.pdf'
My build gradle from buildSrc path:
plugins {
id "de.fntsoftware.gradle.markdown-to-pdf" version "1.1.0"
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
// compile gradleApi()
compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:2.4.2'
compile 'commons-io:commons-io:2.4'
compile 'net.sourceforge.plantuml:plantuml:8051'
Thank you.

MarkdownToPdfTask is a class, and because it is not in the Gradle namespace (it's from a 3rd party plugin) it needs to be qualified. I can see that the documentation doesn't mention this, but try putting the following at the top of the script:
import de.fntsoftware.gradle.MarkdownToPdfTask
Otherwise, Gradle thinks it is a property.


Maven Project in IntelliJ, include Gradle Plugin

I'm new to IntelliJ and Gradle
I've got a Maven Project with a lot of dependencies which works on it's own.
Now I should use the libraries from that Project and create a Plugin for IntelliJ in Gradle.
I tried various ways to add the dependencies in the IntelliJ Module Settings, which allowed me to use the needed classes to write my code and build it. However, when I tried to start the plugin, it couldn't find the classes anymore.
I think I need to specify these in the build.gradle but I don't understand exactly how, as all the ways I tried didn't worked.
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'org.jetbrains.intellij' version '0.6.5'
group 'com.ast.devmate.intellij'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.12'
**compile 'com.ast.devmate.intellij:root:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'**
// See
intellij {
version '2019.1'
patchPluginXml {
changeNotes """
Add change notes here.<br>
<em>most HTML tags may be used</em>"""
gets me this:
Could not find com.ast.devmate.intellij:root:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
without the line marked with ** I got a lot of
error: package foo does not exist
import foo;
It looks like you're trying to access a custom library using Gradle. You will probably need to use a file dependency: How to add local .jar file dependency to build.gradle file?

Passing correct path to a local WSDL file in wsdl2Java task in Gradle Spring Boot project

For this web project I need to generate Java classes from some WSDL files (which I have locally in my resources folder) in order to use them in my service. The final aim is to run jar file on web server but the program can't find path to WSDL file while running as a jar.
I am using wsdl2java to generate these classes and the code, where I do that in my build gradle file, looks like the following:
dependencies {
classpath 'no.nils:wsdl2java:0.12'
plugins {
id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.3.5.RELEASE'
id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.10.RELEASE'
id 'java'
apply plugin: 'no.nils.wsdl2java'
group = 'com.example'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
configurations {
compileOnly {
extendsFrom annotationProcessor
repositories {
wsdl2java {
wsdlsToGenerate = [
['-p', 'wsdlOne', file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/wsdl/wsdlOne.wsdl")],
['-p', 'wsdlTwo', file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/wsdl/wsdlTwo.wsdl")],
['-p', 'wsdlThree', file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/wsdl/wsdlThree.wsdl")],
['-p', 'wsdlFour', file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/wsdl/wsdlFour.wsdl")],
['-p', 'wsdlFive', file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/wsdl/wsdlFive.wsdl")],
// More lines here...
Project works fine locally, but when I run jar file on the server and test the service which uses WSDL, it crashes with the following exception:
Exception: Failed to access the WSDL at: file:/D:/projects/my_project/src/main/resources/wsdl/wsdlOne.wsdl. It failed with:
/D:/projects/my_project/src/main/resources/wsdl/wsdlOne.wsdl (No such file or directory).
I could replace local addresses of WSDL files with their real http addresses on the web, but I am required to leave them as they are now.
I researched a lot and tried all the possible solutions but I could not find any that would work for my case. I have looked thoroughly (I hope so) through these questions and answers but without results.
If useful in anything, here is the link to see the list of all the optional arguments that can be used to customize code generated from WSDL files by wsdl2Java and you can view the description of wsdl2java gradle plugin here.
I would be very grateful if anyone could give even a slightest hint about what I am missing here.

.kts script in a Gradle project

I have a Kotlin Gradle project.
If I create a .kts file it runs in InteliJ alright except when it is in the /src/main/kotlin folder.
IDEA highlights the whole file in red.
Gradle throws out compilation exception.
The exception is
...src/main/kotlin/test.kts: (3, 1): Cannot access script base class 'kotlin.script.templates.standard.ScriptTemplateWithArgs'. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies`.
What is the problem?
My build.gradle:
plugins {
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' version '1.3.0-rc-131'
group 'kotlin.tutorials.coroutines'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
repositories {
maven { url '' }
maven { url "" }
ext.ktor_version = '1.0.0-alpha-1'
ext.coroutines_version = '0.30.2-eap13'
dependencies {
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8"
compile "io.ktor:ktor-server-netty:$ktor_version"
compile "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.3"
//KTOR features
compile "io.ktor:ktor-jackson:$ktor_version"
compile "io.ktor:ktor-auth:$ktor_version"
compile "io.ktor:ktor-auth-jwt:$ktor_version"
compile "io.ktor:ktor-freemarker:$ktor_version"
compile "io.ktor:ktor-html-builder:$ktor_version"
compileKotlin.kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
compileTestKotlin.kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
.kts files should go to the src/main/resources folder since src/main/kotlin is for .kt files.
Scripts are a completely different animal in this sense, and you should use something like KtsRunner to execute them.
Related question is here.
If you just want to use scripts from IDEA, then you should use Scratch files which are supported out of the box.
The solution turned out to be very straight forward.
The compiler could not find utility classes that are usually added to any Kotlin script classpath. Adding one dependency to my build.gradle fixed it:
dependencies {
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-scripting-jvm"
I created 2 tickets to improve Kotlin script support in InteliJ:
If you care about those features, please vote them up!

Applying Gradle Dependency-Check plugin

I am trying to use the dependency.check from the following link and have been unable to get it to run properly (at all) when following the instructions given.
When trying to build with the apply plugin and additional dependency the fails on startup and it throws the following error.
Build file '/Users/aaron/work/backups/eiss/build.gradle' line: 25
What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'eiss'.
Failed to apply plugin [id 'dependency.check']
Plugin with id 'dependency.check' not found.
I made a little progress when making some changes but was still ultimately unsuccessful.
First, I commented out the apply plugin line.
Next, I switched:
classpath ""
over to:
compile ""
After these two changes it began recognizing the path and I was able to see it grabbing the items from the repository.
Even with the path correct I am still having issues with the apply plugin line with it throwing the same error whenever I place it into the script or even try to change the '.' in it into a '-' (both are used in the instructions and in different repository examples).
Any help on this issue would be appreciated! Thanks
lastly here is the build.gradle script. I didn't want to just leave this blob right in the center of the post.
defaultTasks 'assemble'
// For third party libs that are widely used, keep versions in one place
ext {
MONGO_JAVA_DRIVER = "org.mongodb:mongo-java-driver:2.12.3"
RABBITMQ_VERSION = "com.rabbitmq:amqp-client:3.4.3"
LOG4J = "log4j:log4j:1.2.16"
// For groovy there are multiple libs, just capture version number and use lib-name-$GROOVY_VERSION
// Common settings for all projects
subprojects {
defaultTasks 'assemble'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'codenarc'
apply plugin: 'dependency.check'
targetCompatibility = "1.6"
sourceCompatibility = "1.6"
repositories {
dependencies {
compile LOG4J
compile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy:${GROOVY_VERSION}"
compile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-json:${GROOVY_VERSION}"
compile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-templates:${GROOVY_VERSION}"
compile ""
testCompile group: 'junit', name: 'junit', version: '4.+'
testCompile "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-test:${GROOVY_VERSION}"
testCompile "org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core:1.3"
clean.doLast {
// The archive path is configured via the jar tasks. Can't use
// delete jar.archivePath because that will configure the delete with
// the wrong (default) path of build/libs/<component.jar>
// Run and test
test {
// Uncomment to see standard output when running tests
testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
// This causes tests to run even when nothing has changed
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
maxParallelForks = 1
task runClass(dependsOn: 'classes', type: JavaExec) {
if (project.hasProperty('classToRun')) {
if (project.hasProperty('arguments')) {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
//run this task to create source jars
task jarSources(type:Jar){
destinationDir = new File(projectDir.parent + "/sourcelibs")
from sourceSets.main.allSource
classifier 'sources'
You added plugin dependency in a wrong place, to the dependencies of your project, not a build script itself, which will use it. Try to add buildscript dependencies, as it's made in the example of plugin installation
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
And then return your apply plugin
apply plugin: 'dependency.check'
Though this is very old post, accepted answer is using legacy plugin application, whereas below could be used while using the plugins DSL:
plugins {
id "org.owasp.dependencycheck" version "7.3.0"
With recent version of gradle it is below steps
add id 'com.diffplug.spotless' version '6.3.0' in plugins section like
plugins {
id 'com.diffplug.spotless' version '6.3.0'
And define your task to generate required format reports. Here for e.g. xml and json will be generated along with the html report
And this can be integrated with Sonar by adding below properties to file (Provide dependency plugin is installed already on the sonar)

How to configure a plugin to depend on a specific version of gradle?

I am writing a set of Gradle plugins, but I want to control the specific versions of groovy and gradle that are used.
I don't want the plugins to depend on whatever versions of Gradle/Groovy are installed, like the following would do:
dependencies {
compile localGroovy()
compile gradleApi()
Another reason I don't want to use the local method - when you use a proper dependency specification, Gradle then knows about the source code for those libs and the IDE plugins can hookup the source automatically.
Below are the relevant sections of my build script:
allprojects { Project iProject ->
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'maven'
repositories {
subprojects { Project iProject ->
apply plugin: 'groovy'
dependencies {
compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.3.2'
project(':eclipsei2g') {
group = 'eclipsei2g'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
dependencies {
compile 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.0'
project(':g2idea13') {
group = 'g2idea13'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
dependencies {
compile 'org.gradle:gradle-core:2.0'
compile 'org.gradle-plugins:gradle-ide:2.0'
When I run this I get an error resolving the gradle-ide dependency:
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':g2idea13:compile'.
> Could not find org.gradle:gradle-ide:2.0.
Searched in the following locations:
Required by:
There doesn't seem to be anything on the jcenter repository since 0.9 for the plugins stuff.
I also tried 'org.gradle:gradle-ide:2.0'.
Is this even how I should be doing this? Is there another way to specify a specific gradle version? Am I just using the wrong repository? I couldn't even get gradle-core to resolve on mavenCentral(). Is there an official Gradle repository somewhere that I should be using?
gradleApi() is the way to go. There isn't currently a public list of dependencies for Gradle plugins.
