How can one copy LDAP records from one OpenDJ server to another ?
Run /opendj/bin/export-ldif, it will output an ldif file that containes everything on your directory server, you can use then /opendj/bin/import-ldif to import the exported data.
If you need the same data, you can just copy OpenDJ data directory from one server to another. The path to OpenDJ data directory specified in instance.loc file.
I have my CSV data stored on a server that can be accessed via the internet. There is no authorization needed for access to that file. At the moment, I use scp and some crone jobs to copy that file to my Memgrpah server. Then I import data using LOAD CSV.
Is there a way to do something like LOAD CSV FROM "" NO HEADER AS row?
At the moment, it is not possible to import remote files into Memgrpah using LOAD CSV. There is an issue opened on GitHub repo so the solution should be available at some point.
I would like to know if there is a way to read a file on a remote server using url? For example i have been shared a url to a file on a remote server, i need to read it using bash commands or any tool to retrieve data (eg: view first 50 rows and write to a file) without downloading the original file to local system.
The use case is to avoid downloading/uploading huge files located on the remote server to local systems instead access the file content using the url.
Any resources on this would help.
I am trying to load to MySQL database using LOCAL INFILE however, i am having difficulties to move the files to a new location once they file has been successfully imported in MySql.
Below is a screen show of the process-flow.
My problem is:
I am managed to import/ load the database using the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE of MySql but the issue is when I am trying to move the successfully imported files to the correct directory. I fail to achieve so. The PutFile_sucess & PutFile_fail do not work as expected, so I decided to use: FetchFile and then I get an empty file when I say FetchFile it just creates it instead of moving the whole file.
I hope I have made myself clear, I would appreciate any inputs.
if your issue is to remove the file once imported, you could just add a FetchFile processor somewhere after your sucess part and set the Completion Strategy to Delete File
However, better aproach will be to load the content of the file in Nifi then parse/split/process it and then (eventually regroup by batch) ingest the content in MySQL.
Could you maybe improve your question with informations like the format/structure/content of the file you're trying to load ?
We need to delete the files after reading it from the S3 bucket, I could not find a option. How do we delete the source file after reading the file from S3 bucket and how do I backup files after successfully reading it?
Is there way that S3-Inbound-Adapter outputs the payload to a outputchannel?
Appreciate your time and help!
The S3-Inbound-Adapter works like all other file-based adapters for the remote file system. I mean FTP and SFTP. We synchronize the remote directory with the local one and pick up files from there on each poll. So, the remove operation should not be as a part of send file to output-channel process, just because the remote transfer and process are separated over the time.
I only see the option for you to delete/backup file in the end of your reading process, e.g. one more subscriber for the publish-subscriber-channel, or <transaction-synchronization on the <poller> of <int-aws:s3-inbound-channel-adapter>.
But with that you should supply somehow the AmazonS3Object properties to invoke the AmazonS3.deleteObject(String bucketName, String key) in the end...
I'm sure that we will be able to transfer those options through the MessageHeaders, so feel free to raise a JIRA on the matter!
I'm using "COPY SELECT ... INTO file" statement from within application code. After file is ready, next step is to move the file to different location. The only problem is that file created by MonetDB has only root permissions so my application code can't touch it. Is there a way to configure MonetDB so dumps are saved as specified user? or my only solution is to iterate results in batches in application and save to file that way. Dumps can range from several MB to 1GB.
You could run MonetDB as the same user that your application server is configured for. Also, both your application server and MonetDB probably should not run as 'root'.
There is no direct support to export files with different permissions. You could try configuring the umask for the user that the starts the DB.