Could not import ... (no required module provides package) - go

I am following this tutorial.
I initialised my project and got the dependencies via
go mod init
go get
go get
I have a Go file that uses import metav1 "".
VS Code shows me could not import (no required module provides package ""). What am I doing wrong here? Is my Go installation not correct?


Import from the same package, using package name

I've added dependency to in Golang project. I've tried to build application, however I am getting error from one of the classes from golearn - this one: : undefined: base. I've tried to find what is the base package refering to. There is no imported package base in this file so it looks like it is import from the same package but using the package name. I mean, dataframe_go.go is in the same package (base) where is the imported struct (FixedDataGrid). How to solve this import issue?

Golang Module problem--package xxx/xxxx is not in GOROOT

so here is what my directory is:
and here is the content of hello.go
package main
import (
jjj "ppppppSample/newFolderOne"
func main() {
fmt.Println("start to test")
here is the content of firstSample.go
package newFolderOne
var FirstVVVV = "Im first SSSSSSSSSSSS"
and here is my go.mod's content
module mmmmmppppp
go 1.15
when giving it the cmd go run hello.go, the terminal came out with like this:
D:\Users\eien_zheng\go\src\ppppppSample>go run hello.go
hello.go:5:2: package ppppppSample/newFolderOne is not in GOROOT (C:\Go\src\ppppppSample\newFolderOne)
So here is my question:
(since I'm new for golang, I wish you guys could understand and tolerate some of my misunderstanding)
According to my understanding to Go module (maybe it's wrong), the Go module's function is gonna let some kind of online resource be downloaded to the directory GOPATH/pkg/mod instead of existing in GOROOT.
No matter which directory your project in, your project can still import those resource from GOPATH/pkg/mod if you init Go module.
But!!, in my understanding, it still can use package system to import package around project directory, in the meantime import online resource by Go module system.
How is that when I do (mod init) for hello.go, then it loses the (basic package import function) for this project?
|-firstSample.go (package xyz)
|--hello.go (package main import(xyz "sample/newFolder")
|--go mod (module sample go 1.15)
go mod should reference the root folder , here the root folder is |--sample
module sample
go v1.xx
inside hello.go;
package main
import ( xyz "sample/newFolder")
and make sure exported functins or variables use camelCase aka starts with BlockLetters.
Import packages within a module using the module's path:
package main
import (
jjj "mmmmmppppp/newFolderOne"
Run it on the Playground.

Go module import from github

I am new to golang and trying to import and use modules from this Github repo.
I am using go module to manage dependencies but importing is failed.
package main
import (
But I got this error.
go: finding latest
build command-line-arguments: cannot load cannot find module providing package
Is it possible to import a specific directory for go like this repo?
You can either go get the branch containing that package explicitly, or add explicit version tags on that branch in the format that the go tool recognizes (with a leading v prefix on the tags, such as v1.18.445 or v0.1.0-go).

Accessing local packages within a go module (go 1.11)

I'm trying out Go's new modules system and am having trouble accessing local packages. The following project is in a folder on my desktop outside my gopath.
My project structure looks like:
- /platform
- platform.go
- main.go
- go.mod
// platform.go
package platform
import "fmt"
func Print() {
// main.go
package main
import "platform"
func main() {
go build main.go tells me
cannot find module for path platform
Let me define this first modules are collections of packages. In Go 11, I use go modules like the following:
If both packages are in the same project, you could just do the following:
In go.mod:
and inside your main.go
import ""
However, if they are separate modules, i.e different physical paths and you still want to import local packages without publishing this remotely to github for example, you could achieve this by using replace directive.
Given the module name and platform, as you've called it, is the only package inside there. In your main module's go.mod add the following lines:
require "" v0.0.0
replace "" v0.0.0 => "local physical path to the otherModule"
Note: The path should point to the root directory of the module, and can be absolute or relative.
Inside main.go, to import a specific package like platform from otherModule:
import ""
Here's a gentle introduction to Golang Modules
I would strongly suggest you to use go toolchain which takes care of these issues out of the box. Visual Studio Code with vscode-go plugin is really useful.
Problem here is that Go requires relative paths with respect to your $GOPATH/src or module in import statement. Depending on where you are in your GOPATH, import path should include that as well. In this case, import statement must include go module path in go.mod
Assume your project resides here:
Your import path should be:
import ""
Assume your go.mod file is:
Your import path should be:
import ""
As someone new to go I didn't immediately understand the accepted answer – which is great, by the way. Here's a shorter answer for those very new people!
In go modules/packages are expressed as urls that you import in your code:
But wait! My code isn't at a url, what's happening??
This is the cleverness of go. You pretend there's a url even when there isn't one. Because:
This makes including easier as no matter where your file is located the import uses the same url (the code stays the same even if the files move!)
You can have packages that having naming conflicts. So doesn't conflict with the definitions at
Someday you might publish a url on GitHub and all the code will just work
That's all great Evan, but how do I import a relative path?
Good question! You can import by changing your go.mod file to have this line:
module fancy_module
go 1.16
replace => ../path/to/fancy_module
Given the Golang Project structure
- /platform
- platform.go
- main.go
- go.mod
To access the methods or structs...etc (which are public) from local packages of /platform is simple, shown below
// main.go
package main
import (
p "./platform"
func main() {
this should work

Building package structure with child-/sub-packages

I'm trying to make a simple calculator in Go. I'm designing it in such a way that I can build a command-line interface first and easily swap in a GUI interface. The project location is $GOPATH/src/gocalc (all paths hereafter are relative to the project location). The command-line interface logic is stored in a file gocalc.go. The calculator logic is stored in files calcfns/calcfns.go and operations/operations.go. All files have package names identical to their filename (sans extension) except the main program, gocalc.go, which is in the package main
calcfns.go imports operations.go via import "gocalc/operations"; gocalc.go imports calcfns.go via import "gocalc/calcfns"
To summarize:
package main
import "gocalc/calcfns"
package calcfns
import "gocalc/operations"
package operations
When I try to go build operations (from the project dir), I get the response: can't load package: package operations: import "operations": cannot find package
When I try go build gocalc/operations, I get can't load package: package gocalc/operations: import "gocalc/operations": cannot find package
When I try go build operations/operations.go, it compiles fine
When I try to go build calcfns or go build gocalc/calcfns, I get can't load package... messages, similar to those in operations; however, when I try to build calcfns/calcfns.go it chokes on the import statement: import "gocalc/operations": cannot find package
Finally, when I try go build . from the project dir, it chokes similar to the previous paragraph: import "gocalc/calcfns": cannot find package
How should I structure my child packages and/or import statements in such a way that go build won't fail?
Stupidly, I forgot to export my GOPATH variable, so go env displayed "" for GOPATH. (thanks to jnml for suggesting to print go env; +1).
After doing this (and moving the main program to its own folder {project-dir}/gocalc/gocalc.go), I could build/install the program via go install gocalc/gocalc.
Moral of the story, make sure you type export GOPATH=... instead of just GOPATH=... when setting your $GOPATH environment variable
Please try to also add output of $ go env to provide more clues. Otherwise both the directories structure and (the shown) import statements looks OK.
However the sentence
When I try to go build operations (from the project dir), I get the response: can't load package: package operations: import "operations": cannot find package
sounds strange. It seems to suggest you have
package operations
import "operations"
in 'operations.go', which would be the culprit then...?
Very easy:
Lets say I have a project/app named: golang-playground
Put your root dir under GOPATH/src/, in my case GOPATH=~/go/src (run command go env to get your GOPATH). so complete path for my app is ~/go/src/golang-playground
Lets say you want to use function Index() inside of file: router.go from my main.go file (which of course is on root dir). so in main.go:
import (
func main() {
foo.Bar("/", router.Index) // Notice caps means its public outside of file
