Cosmos SDK Coins Does Not Allow Uppercase Symbol Coins - cosmos-sdk

I am using the sdk coins module, and anytime I try to mint a coin with a symbol in it that is uppercase, it fails and gives me an invalid tx error. I was hoping you might be able to shed some light on why this might be. Here is the link to the cosmos sdk code around where everything blows up. I'm looking at the sdk code, and it seems like the regex should allow capital and lowercase letter symbols
We are able to call a function before we mint coins to accept uppercase regex, however this is not configurable at the blockchain level and causes issues because we have many places in the codebase where we mint and burn coins. This should be configurable at the blockchain level so we don't have to set the regex string anytime we want to mint and burn coins on cosmos.

You can set a custom validation rule in the command binary like seen here:
func main() {
cdc := app.MakeCodec()
sdk.CoinDenomRegex = func() string {
return validation.ReDnmString
This example imports RegEx rules from an external file here that only allows default rules plus all emojis.
The exact format might have been updated with this PR, but the concept should be the same by overwriting the default regex in /cmd/{binary}/main.go.


Use Google's libphonenumber with BaseX

I am using BaseX 9.2 to scrape an online phone directory. Nothing illegal, it belongs to a non-profit that my boss is a member in, so I have access to it. What I want is to add all those numbers to my personal phonebook so that I can know who is calling me (mainly to contact my boss). The data is in pretty bad shape, especially the numbers (about a thousand numbers, from all over the world). Some are in E164, some are not, some are downright invalid numbers.
I initially used OpenRefine 3.0 to cleanup the data. It also plays very nicely with Google's libphonenumber to whip the numbers in shape. It was as simple as downloading the JAR from Maven, putting it in OpenRefine's lib directory and then invoking Jython like this on each phone number (numberStr):
from import PhoneNumberUtil
from import PhoneNumberFormat
pu = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance()
numberStr = str(int(value))
number = pu.parse('+' + numberStr, 'ZZ')
try: country = pu.getRegionCodeForNumber(number)
except: country = 'US'
number = pu.parse(numberStr, (country if pu.isValidNumberForRegion(number, country) else 'US'))
return pu.format(number, PhoneNumberFormat.E164)
I discovered XPath and BaseX recently and find it to be very succint and powerful with HTML. While I could get OpenRefine to directly spit out a VCF, I can't find a way to plugin libphonenumber with BaseX. Since both are in Java, I thought it would be straight forward.
I tried their documentation (, but BaseX does not discover the libphonenumber JAR out-of-the-box. I tried various path, renaming and location combinations. The only way I see is to write a wrapper and make it into an XQuery module (XAR) and import it. This will need significant time and Java coding skills and I definitely don't have the later.
Is there a simple way to hookup libphonenumber with BaseX? Or in general, is there a way to link external Java libs with XPath? I could go back to OpenRefine, but it has a very clumsy workflow IMHO. No way to ask the website admin to cleanup his act, either. Or, if OpenRefine and BaseX are not the right tools for the job, any other way to cleanup data, especially phone numbers? I need to do this every few months (for changes and updates on the site) and it's getting really tedious if I can't automate it fully.
Would want at least a basic working code sample for an answer .. (I directly work off the standalone BaseX JAR on a Windows 10 x64 machine)
Place libphonenumber-8.10.16.jar in the folder ..basex/lib/custom to get it on the classpath (see and run bin/basexgui.bat
declare namespace Pnu="";
declare namespace Pn="$PhoneNumber";
let $pnu:=Pnu:getInstance()
let $pn:= Pnu:parse($pnu,"044 668 18 00","CH")
return Pn:getCountryCode($pn)
Returns the string "41"
There is no standard way to call Java from XPath, however many Java based XPath implementations provide custom methods to do this.

Entering Zodiac Signs into Visual Studio

I want to be able to quickly and easily enter the Zodiac signs (via their Unicode characters) into Visual Studio. I can copy+paste them in just fine, but that becomes tiring when needing to write code for a project that uses them extensively. I want something a bit faster that doesn't require paging back and forth between a sheet with copy+paste.
I tried using the Alt+Code entry but, for some reason, it enters the wrong characters into Visual Studio, despite working fine in most other applications I have tried. For example, when I tried to enter Aries '♈' it gives me 'H' (Alt+9800).
I read in a few places online that Unicode characters can be entered by typing their numeric value and then pressing Alt+X, but this seems to have no effect in my instance of Visual Studio. I thought that perhaps that key-binding wasn't enabled, but I had no idea what such a key binding would be called in order to rebind it.
So, my question to you, wise Stack Overflow, is this: What's the fastest and easiest way to repeatedly enter the Zodiac Unicode characters into Visual Studio?
I never found a faster solution to enter the characters as if I was typing a key on the keyboard. I even went as far as attempting to bind custom keys on my Razer peripheral devices, but they don't have a means to set "Enter character of choice" as a binding.
Ultimately, what I found was the fastest and easiest in this case, was to declare a public static class that includes const chars that are named appropriately and copy+paste the characters themselves in exactly once. Then, I simply allowed code-complete to handle using these in code.
It makes the code more verbose in every location that uses one of these chars, but does have the added benefit that, in the future if we were to decide that a different Aries character, for example, was preferable, we could change all of the characters globally from a single place without needing to find+replace-all.
public static class Zodiac
public const char Aries = '♈';
public const char Taurus = '♉';
public const char Gemini = '♊';
// ...

Security Code generation's algorithm

Alright, here's the story:
I'm getting married soon, and I'd like to create a website (or an app).
Obviously, I'd like that only guests could access to it.
So I was thinking about a system where it would require a security code to sign up.
The problem is that I do not trust anyone not to be silent about the code, so I was thinking about giving a different code for every couple (or family) of invited people.
On the sign up form, I would then verify that the entered code has not already been used.
But since I don't know who will sign up to the app, and I don't really have time to manually register each guest, I won't have a database with what code has been provided to whom information.
So, I need an algorithm to generate a random security code, and the reversed one, to check if a given string is a validate security code
I need the algorithm to be complex enough so people could not guess what's the magic behing the code they received. (I know, it feels pretty paranoid)
The generated Securiy Code should be pretty simple, like 6 to 8 characters (mix of digits, upper and lower case letters)
The main issue is that I have no clue how to perform a reliable system to generate and validate a security codes.
I feel like I should have a secret key stored on the server side, that would be necessary to generate a code, and I would have to find it back if a given string is a valid code.
Let's say secret is my private key.
The generation algorithm would be something like secret + whatever = generated code (where the + whatever operation remains to define).
But then how could I check a given string? string - whatever =? secret would be the solution (where - whatever is the reverses operation of + whatever).
Well, I actually have no clue of what whatever could (or should) be.
Do you have any advice or guidance ?
For the technical part, I will probably code this in JS (with a NodeJS server).
But as I'm talking about the concept of security code generation, any pseudo-code will do the job.
Generate a hash of the person's email address (capitalized) and make the code the first n-characters. So, for example, if your email address is TOUPYE#GMAIL.COM then the SHA-256 hash would be: 038122aedbf777b8c7c3aaed14ae7c08249a9d47f82f4455a0d667cacc57d383 so your code would be "038122". Generate a list of codes for each person/family. If someone has no email address use the telephone number. If they do not have a telephone, use their address.

standardized international phone number field format as a string

I'd like to store phone numbers as unique user ids in my database/app which will initially roll out in the United States but could expand to other countries eventually.
My question is when storing phone numbers, what's a resilient way to store the number as a string so that I don't have any duplicate numbers from other countries overlap.
My initial thought is to do it this way
+{countryCode}({areaCode}){{subscriberCode}} *formatted with a hyphen for u.s numbers
Does that seem reasonable or are there any pitfalls to that? Should spaces be used? For instance I can't imagine other countries would use spaces or parenthesis in their subscriber codes... but maybe they do? It would also be nice if it followed the standard output format from ios and android phones' address books.
Here's what I'd say:
Use the plus. It indicates for certain that the country code follows and the number is not in a local format. You could also not store the plus and make an internal decision that all phone numbers will be stored with the country code, thus obviating the need for the plus.
Don't use any formatting in the storage of the number. Formatting is irrelevant when it comes to dialing and it makes searching and comparing more difficult.
Use a gem like phony_rails or phoney to format the number to local conventions when displaying.
So it looks like there is an international standard
And a node.js library that can format to that standard

Localizing spreadsheet cell names

I'm working on an application that has a spreadsheet-like interface. There is a grid of cells. Rows are numbered, and letters are used for the columns. So "names" like A2 and Q17 refer to cells in the grid.
I know I can use GetLocaleInfo(Ex) with LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS to get the appropriate digits for the user's locale, so I can format the row numbers. But I don't see something comparable for the locale-appropriate "alphabet".
I could imagine the same question arising for things like word processors that have an outline mode and need to be able to enumerate some list items with letters.
I've been pouring through the Windows NLS APIs, and I don't see anything like LOCALE_SNATIVEALPHABET nor do I see an API like EnumLocaleAlphabet. Am I missing such an API or am I stuck rolling my own?
Personally I haven't heard of such API. The closest to what you are asking would be ICU uchar's UBlockCode but it still won't give you concrete alphabet.
By the way, I don't think it is actually localize cell names unless you localize the whole User Interface. But in such case you may simply ask translators to provide valid cell symbols.
And this probably what you should do, because some writing systems do not have concept of alphabet at all. That is, it is called script, not alphabet. For example, I don't think it would be good idea to use Arabic for cell symbol (which glyph variant in such case?) nor I would use Chinese (all possible ideograms?).
My suggestion is: leave it to translators, if they want to localize it, that is OK, if they don't, just trust them, they really should know their craft.
