How to use key instead of `Set-Cookie` in Response Headers with Spring Security? - spring

I am having difficulty to store cookies in a React Native apps.
My goal is to send the JSESSIONID and XSRF-TOKEN as Response Header's keys instead of Set-Cookie, and the client will handle to store it as cookie manually.
I will store the JSESSIONID as cookie with HttpOnly set to true.
I will store the XSRF-TOKEN as cookie with HttpOnly set to false.

Basic Security Concepts:
1. Session Cookie (JSESSIONID for example).
Should always be HttpOnly, have a domain set (or use the default as the server that provided it).
Never be stored anywhere other than the browser handling it. Your JS/HTML should know nothing about the JSESSION Cookie and only just move the user to a login screen if they get a 401 (UnAuthorised) from an endpoint.
2. CSRF Tokens.
Back in the day (5 years a go probably ha!), most sites were rendered on the server. The server created the HTML and then just sent it back via the URI. Like you went to /profile then the server knew who you were and then created the profile page on its server and just fed back the HTML document.
When wanting to get some user input, this HTML rendered by the server would contain a <form/> which would collect user's data (password/bank details etc.) and then with the onSubmit passes it back to the server in a application/x-www-form-urlencoded format
By simply sending that link to someone who has an active session with the site the browser would visit it and carry out the request.
The victim is logged in as far as the site is concerned and will happily run that request sent by the attacker. These links were at one point even follower by simply loading an <img> like by posting on their wall or in an email etc.
So how did they fix this?
By adding some fields to the form called hidden fields. These hidden fields are created by the server when the page is rendered. They contain a value that is the CSRF TOKEN and also something in a CSRF COOKIE. So when the application/x-www-form-urlencoded form is sent, it must have these values produced on the server when rendering the form. The server can then verify the form was the one they created and not some malicious link an attacker created.
An attacker can not know/guess these when making their naughty link.
3. Nower Days
With having only JSON requests as many sites, like React Apps, are rendered client side and use Axios/Fetch...CSRF is somewhat redundant. You don't post forms/application/x-www-form-urlencoded...only make POST requests with a JSON body.
Sessions are still important as an XSS attack > CSRF attack. Store the session properly (JWT token or not...don't jump on the JWT band wagon and start throwing that JWT Auth Token around Local Storage which seems to have become some kinda strange default for newer devs).
If you are sure you only have application/json capable endpoints, then the only way an attacker is going to get you to POST their content instead of what you are meant to is via an XSS attack. But once they have an XSS attack it is game over anyway. They are simply then you as far as the server is concerned as they use their naughty injected <script> to manipulate the request before it sent and the server would have no way of knowing it had been manipulated on the fly (usually).
4. Getting your CSRF Token via a Header as it wont be made in the form
The XSRF-TOKEN you may need to expose the XSRF token by using a filter that will extract the CSRF Token (via the session) and adds it to a header on the response entity.
I wrote my own but it is basically the same in a library some use to do this same thing.
public class CsrfBindingFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
protected static final String REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "_csrf";
protected static final String RESPONSE_HEADER_NAME = "X-CSRF-HEADER";
protected static final String RESPONSE_PARAM_NAME = "X-CSRF-PARAM";
protected static final String RESPONSE_TOKEN_NAME = "X-CSRF-TOKEN";
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, javax.servlet.FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException {
CsrfToken csrfToken = (CsrfToken) request.getAttribute(REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
log.debug("CRSF Token from session : {}", csrfToken != null ? csrfToken.getToken() : "CsrfToken is NULL");
if (csrfToken != null) {
response.setHeader(RESPONSE_HEADER_NAME, csrfToken.getHeaderName());
response.setHeader(RESPONSE_PARAM_NAME, csrfToken.getParameterName());
response.setHeader(RESPONSE_TOKEN_NAME, csrfToken.getToken());
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
As far as the session, the browser should handle that and you should not be messing with it client side unless it is for a very specific reason (and I can't fathom one). The Cookies for Sessions are set as HttpOnly for the specific reason to disallow any JS running in the client to edit/read/add it.
One little cheeky advert/xss with some naughty code like get the cookie called JSESSION ID if the host is and post it over here... could mean you are compromised.
Read this for more detail:
Add HttpOnly Cookie via JS
The browser should handle the Set-Cookie headers as intended and is best practice (out of security reasons and also just for plain simple ease of use).
WebSocket STOMP Authentication
Once a user has been authenticated via your /login, Spring should send a Set-Cookie header with the JSESSIONID Cookie. This cookie will be stored by the browser and should be inaccessible to your front end javascript app.
If you then use the STOMP Spring WebSocket implementation, you can get the principal user name from a STOMP message by getting it via the StompHeaderAccessor in the #MessageMapping Controller params.
stompHeaderAccessor.getUser().getName() would give the Spring Security authenticated user's principal name (usually their username or id, username is default).
public void start(StompHeaderAccessor stompHeaderAccessor) {"Subscriber Start! {}-{}", stompHeaderAccessor.getUser() != null ? stompHeaderAccessor.getUser().getName() : "ANON", stompHeaderAccessor.getSessionId());
If you then want to edit the user's session attributes, you will then need to fetch their session id from the SPRING_SESSION table and you can use the Spring SessionRepository to fetch it.


CSRF Token keeps refreshing every 2nd request. (Spring boot 3 and Next.JS)

I've been creating a Spring boot 3 and Next.JS app with Spring Security. Been having some problems with the "Set-Cookie" header being refreshed on every 2nd request I make to the backend. I can illustrate the problem as:
Make a request to /finances (with XSRF-TOKEN provided post-successful login)
The request goes through (contains all the necessary data for a valid request [CSRF cookie, JWT token, etc..]). The response contains a "Set-Cookie: XSRF-TOKEN= ...." header without the TOKEN.
I refresh the page (make a new request using the useEffect hook) and the CSRF cookie appears again, a new one.
If i refresh the page (make a new request using the useEffect hook) again, the CSRF cookie is deleted.
And so on.
I pass the cookie value on every request to the backend (whenever it is available) and the backend operates on it correctly. So there are no problems with the token validation.
I've also read that the spring security will provide a new XSRF cookie/value if the request from the client does not provide a cookie of the same name.
Could some one please help?
I've tried configuring the response on the backend to attach a new cookie with the same value, and also saving the cookie value in the session storage for later use. None of the options seem to work.
Making two requests to the server would solve the issue (probably) but that would not be an optimal solution. To the problem.

Spring Social losing auth token on redirect

I'm trying to use Spring Social Facebook login along side form login, more or less following the guide here:, only using header-based session management rather than cookies. Right now the login is successful. Facebook sends a 302 to my server at /api/signin/facebook, and my server sends a 302 to the post-sign-in url I've set on my ProviderSignInController along with the x-auth-token header. The issue is that when following the last redirect my browser throws away the auth token.
I think I want to just add the auth token as a query param on the final redirect uri, but I don't know how to intercept the final response. I've called setSignInInterceptors on my ProviderSignInController but that seems to be ignored after the first sign in. How can I keep my session information when it's not a cookie?
Just added the token as a query parameter and returned it from my custom SignInAdapter.signIn method. I feel like there's probably a better solution but I needed something.

CSRF token expires during login

I'm working on Spring web application and I need to avoid problem with expire csrf token on login page, because if user is waiting too long and try to login only one way to resolve problem with csrf is to reload page and try to login again. But it's not user friendly and I want to avoid this situation.
First question: Is it possible in general(by spring security 3.2.4)? Without disable csrf.
I tried to use security="none" for login page and spring seciruty "login_check", but it's not working, i got infinity redirect or I got error that no mapping for url "myhost/login_check".
Second question: How can i do it?
Recommended solution
I would say that you should not disable csrf tokens on a production site. You may make session (and thus the csrf token) last longer (but it usually should not last longer than a day, especially for not-logged-in users as it is a DOS vector), but the real solution may be to automatically refresh the login page when the csrf token expires. You may use a
<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="csrf_timeout_in_seconds">
in your login page header. If the user lets the login page sit for hours, it should not bother him that the page got refreshed.
Second solution
A possible solution which does not require you to actually store sessions but allows for infinite timeout is that you can generate your csrf tokens with hashing from the session id and a server-side secret:
csrf = hash(sessionid+secret)
Note however that you need to really dig and override spring-security internal mechanisms, namely:
re-creating anonymous sessions on the fly if a request arrives and no such session exists
re-creating the csrf token on the fly from the session id
And choose a very secure hashing algorithm, preferably sha-512.
Third solution
You could have a small javascript that calls a no-op page on your server regularly (just before the session timeout), thus extending your session. This results in infinite session timeout only if the browser is on all the time, so the DOS aspect is mitigated.
Ok, one last solution
You can alter the CSRF token checking code, and disable it for the login page. This is actually synonymous with the second solution, but is specific for the login page, not generally for all anonymous sessions.
You can do this e.g. by setting a custom RequestMatcher in HttpSecurity:
http.csrf().requireCsrfProtectionMatcher(new MyCsrfRequestMatcher());
class MyCsrfRequestMatcher implements RequestMatcher {
public boolean matches(HttpServletRequest request) {
return !request.getServletPath().equals("/login");
Another option would be set no timeout for the session by default and then, when the user is authenticated, change the timeout to whatever you want. You can see an example of how to do this here.
In one of the projects I worked on, I implemented the following:
Implement an exception handler which handles CsrfException (or AccessDeniedException in general in my case). Forward the request to a controller method.
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN)
public void handleAccessDeniedException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AccessDeniedException accessDeniedException) throws IOException, ServletException {
request.setAttribute(WebAttributes.ACCESS_DENIED_403, accessDeniedException);
request.getRequestDispatcher("/Access_Denied").forward(request, response);
In the controller method, check whether the original request is for the login page. If so, show an appropriate message within the login page.
if ("/login".equals(request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.FORWARD_SERVLET_PATH))) {
model.addAttribute("error", "An invalid security token has been detected. Please try again.");
return "login.jsp";
} else {
return "accessDenied.jsp";
With this approach, user will be able to retry the login without the need to refresh.
You can also make your CSRF protection rely on cookies and NOT server side session state. Spring Security has full support for this.
You will only receive a timeout if your cookie expires. This scales well since it's basically stateless (from the server's perspective).
public class WebSecurityConfig extends
WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

How do I handle ajax authentication after initial Login with Shiro

I have implemented the usual username/password login process with Shiro for my single page webapp which will submit the username and password over https in production. I use a REST back end rather than a typical MVC framework of any sort to facilitate my SPA. Typically with a REST API a BasicAuth is used to log in, and in response if successful an encrypted token is returned either as a cookie or a response header. Subsequent calls would return the cookie or header to avoid having to resend username and password. Usually the token is an ecnrypted username possibly with some other info that can be derived on the server side either as a session token or something else.
Anyway, as I said I am using Shiro and I understand Shiro can use multiple realms for authentication and authorization. What I am trying to do for my web site is require the initial username/password login, then after a user is logged in, somehow avoid the Shiro UsernamePassword authentication process and instead use the token check process.
I think the right way is to provide my own custom authentication realm and credentials matcher.. and I have a public domain SHA256 salted password bit of code that stores the salt, iterations and password in one string that I'd like to use. What I am not sure of is how to configure the shiro.ini... do I need to provide two custom classes, one for my own username/password for initial login, then another for my token authentication? Or can I utilize the built-in shiro usernamePassword, and will it's rememberMe feature be good enough in jquery $.ajax() calls? Perhaps I can use the Shiro implementation but also need to attach the shiro rememberMe cookie to all my $.ajax() calls?
Just a little confused really on the best approach to provide good username/password initial login and subsequent calls without needing to resent username/password... and to support session invalidation and logout functionality.
Another thought is to not use Shiro, instead use my own servlet filter to check for the initial login, if authenticated, return the response header (or cookie) myself with my own encrypted token that I keep in HttpSession or in a database back end for the duration of the session, and make sure in my jquery ajax that after each response to look for the token, and resend it in the subsequent requests.

REST authentication and exposing the API key

I've been reading up on REST and there are a lot of questions on SO about it, as well as on a lot of other sites and blogs. Though I've never seen this specific question asked...for some reason, I can't wrap my mind around this concept...
If I'm building a RESTful API, and I want to secure it, one of the methods I've seen is to use a security token. When I've used other APIs, there's been a token and a shared secret...makes sense. What I don't understand is, requests to a rest service operation are being made through javascript (XHR/Ajax), what is to prevent someone from sniffing that out with something simple like FireBug (or "view source" in the browser) and copying the API key, and then impersonating that person using the key and secret?
We're exposing an API that partners can only use on domains that they have registered with us. Its content is partly public (but preferably only to be shown on the domains we know), but is mostly private to our users. So:
To determine what is shown, our user must be logged in with us, but this is handled separately.
To determine where the data is shown, a public API key is used to limit access to domains we know, and above all to ensure the private user data is not vulnerable to CSRF.
This API key is indeed visible to anyone, we do not authenticate our partner in any other way, and we don't need REFERER. Still, it is secure:
When our get-csrf-token.js?apiKey=abc123 is requested:
Look up the key abc123 in the database and get a list of valid domains for that key.
Look for the CSRF validation cookie. If it does not exist, generate a secure random value and put it in a HTTP-only session cookie. If the cookie did exist, get the existing random value.
Create a CSRF token from the API key and the random value from the cookie, and sign it. (Rather than keeping a list of tokens on the server, we're signing the values. Both values will be readable in the signed token, that's fine.)
Set the response to not be cached, add the cookie, and return a script like:
var apiConfig = apiConfig || {};
if(document.domain === ''
|| document.domain === '') {
apiConfig.csrfToken = 'API key, random value, signature';
// Invoke a callback if the partner wants us to
if(typeof apiConfig.fnInit !== 'undefined') {
} else {
alert('This site is not authorised for this API key.');
The above does not prevent a server side script from faking a request, but only ensures that the domain matches if requested by a browser.
The same origin policy for JavaScript ensures that a browser cannot use XHR (Ajax) to load and then inspect the JavaScript source. Instead, a regular browser can only load it using <script src=""> (or a dynamic equivalent), and will then run the code. Of course, your server should not support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing nor JSONP for the generated JavaScript.
A browser script can change the value of document.domain before loading the above script. But the same origin policy only allows for shortening the domain by removing prefixes, like rewriting to just, or to, or in some browsers even to
If the JavaScript file is fetched using some server side script then the server will also get the cookie. However, a third party server cannot make a user’s browser associate that cookie to our domain. Hence, a CSRF token and validation cookie that have been fetched using a server side script, can only be used by subsequent server side calls, not in a browser. However, such server side calls will never include the user cookie, and hence can only fetch public data. This is the same data a server side script could scrape from the partner's website directly.
When a user logs in, set some user cookie in whatever way you like. (The user might already have logged in before the JavaScript was requested.)
All subsequent API requests to the server (including GET and JSONP requests) must include the CSRF token, the CSRF validation cookie, and (if logged on) the user cookie. The server can now determine if the request is to be trusted:
The presence of a valid CSRF token ensures the JavaScript was loaded from the expected domain, if loaded by a browser.
The presence of the CSRF token without the validation cookie indicates forgery.
The presence of both the CSRF token and the CSRF validation cookie does not ensure anything: this could either be a forged server side request, or a valid request from a browser. (It could not be a request from a browser made from an unsupported domain.)
The presence of the user cookie ensures the user is logged on, but does not ensure the user is a member of the given partner, nor that the user is viewing the correct website.
The presence of the user cookie without the CSRF validation cookie indicates forgery.
The presence of the user cookie ensures the current request is made through a browser. (Assuming a user would not enter their credentials on an unknown website, and assuming we don’t care about users using their own credentials to make some server side request.) If we also have the CSRF validation cookie, then that CSRF validation cookie was also received using a browser. Next, if we also have a CSRF token with a valid signature, and the random number in the CSRF validation cookie matches the one in that CSRF token, then the JavaScript for that token was also received during that very same earlier request during which the CSRF cookie was set, hence also using a browser. This then also implies the above JavaScript code was executed before the token was set, and that at that time the domain was valid for the given API key.
So: the server can now safely use the API key from the signed token.
If at any point the server does not trust the request, then a 403 Forbidden is returned. The widget can respond to that by showing a warning to the user.
It's not required to sign the CSRF validation cookie, as we're comparing it to the signed CSRF token. Not signing the cookie makes each HTTP request shorter, and the server validation a bit faster.
The generated CSRF token is valid indefinitely, but only in combination with the validation cookie, so effectively until the browser is closed.
We could limit the lifetime of the token's signature. We could delete the CSRF validation cookie when the user logs out, to meet the OWASP recommendation. And to not share the per-user random number between multiple partners, one could add the API key to the cookie name. But even then one cannot easily refresh the CSRF validation cookie when a new token is requested, as users might be browsing the same site in multiple windows, sharing a single cookie (which, when refreshing, would be updated in all windows, after which the JavaScript token in the other windows would no longer match that single cookie).
For those who use OAuth, see also OAuth and Client-Side Widgets, from which I got the JavaScript idea. For server side use of the API, in which we cannot rely on the JavaScript code to limit the domain, we're using secret keys instead of the public API keys.
api secret is not passed explicitly, secret is used to generate a sign of current request, at the server side, the server generate the sign following the same process, if the two sign matches, then the request is authenticated successfully -- so only the sign is passed through the request, not the secret.
This question has an accepted answer but just to clarify, shared secret authentication works like this:
Client has public key, this can be shared with anyone, doesn't
matter, so you can embed it in javascript. This is used to identify the user on the server.
Server has secret key and this secret MUST be protected. Therefore,
shared key authentication requires that you can protect your secret
key. So a public javascript client that connects directly to another
service is not possible because you need a server middleman to
protect the secret.
Server signs request using some algorithm that includes the secret
key (the secret key is sort of like a salt) and preferably a timestamp then sends the request to the service. The timestamp is to prevent "replay" attacks. A signature of a request is only valid for around n seconds. You can check that on the server by getting the timestamp header that should contain the value of the timestamp that was included in the signature. If that timestamp is expired, the request fails.
The service gets the request which contains not only the signature
but also all the fields that were signed in plain text.
The service then signs the request in the same way using the shared
secret key and compares the signatures.
I will try to answer the the question in it's original context. So question is "Is the secret (API) key safe to be placed with in JavaScript.
In my opinion it is very unsafe as it defeats the purpose of authentication between the systems. Since the key will be exposed to the user, user may retrieve information he/she is not authorized to. Because in a typical rest communication authentication is only based on the API Key.
A solution in my opinion is that the JavaScript call essentially pass the request to an internal server component who is responsible from making a rest call. The internal server component let's say a Servlet will read the API key from a secured source such as permission based file system, insert into the HTTP header and make the external rest call.
I hope this helps.
I supose you mean session key not API key. That problem is inherited from the http protocol and known as Session hijacking. The normal "workaround" is, as on any web site, to change to https.
To run the REST service secure you must enable https, and probably client authentification. But after all, this is beyond the REST idea. REST never talks about security.
What you want to do on the server side is generate an expiring session id that is sent back to the client on login or signup.
The client can then use that session id as a shared secret to sign subsequent requests.
The session id is only passed once and this MUST be over SSL.
See example here
Use a nonce and timestamp when signing the request to prevent session hijacking.
