Performance with pagination - performance

Given the following query:
MATCH (t:Tenant)-[:lives_in]->(:Apartment)-[:is_in]->(:City {name: 'City1'})
So: "Give me the first 10 tenants that live in City1"
With the sample data below, the database will get hit for every single apartment in City1 and for every tenant that lives in each of these apartments.
If I remove the ORDER BY this doesn't happen.
I am trying to implement pagination so I need the ORDER BY. How to improve the performance on this?
Sample data
UNWIND range(1, 5) as CityIndex
CREATE (c:City { id: CityIndex, name: 'City' + CityIndex})
WITH c, CityIndex
UNWIND range(1, 5000) as ApartmentIndex
CREATE (a:Apartment { id: CityIndex * 1000 + ApartmentIndex, name: 'Apartment'+CityIndex+'_'+ApartmentIndex})
CREATE (a)-[:is_in]->(c)
WITH c, a, CityIndex, ApartmentIndex
UNWIND range(1, 3) as TenantIndex
CREATE (t:Tenant { id: (CityIndex * 1000 + ApartmentIndex) * 10 + TenantIndex, name: 'Tenant'+CityIndex+'_'+ApartmentIndex+'_'+TenantIndex})
CREATE (t)-[:lives_in]->(a)

Without the ORDER BY, cypher can lazily evaluate the tenants and stop at 10 rather than matching every tenant in City1. However, because you need to order the tenants, the only way it can do that is to fetch them all and then sort.
If the only labels that can live in apartments is Tenants then you could possibly save a Filter step by removing the Tenant in your query like MATCH (t)-[:lives_in]->(:Apartment)....
You might want to check the profile of your query as well and see if it uses the index backed order by
What sort of numbers are you expecting back from this query? What's the worst case number of tenants in a given city?
I was hoping a USING JOIN on t would use the index to improve the plan but it does not.
The query performs slightly better if you add a redundant relation from the tenant to the city:
MATCH (t:Tenant)-[:CITY]->(:City {name: 'City1'})
and similarly by embedding the city name onto the tenant- no major gains. I tested for 150,000 tenants in City1, perhaps the gains are more visible as you approach millions, but not sure.


Using COLLECT and COLLECT AGGREGATE to search large dataset in ArangoDB

I want to improve performance on some custom queries, the objective is to update group with most users daily.
It's a large dataset composed of 3 main collections:
Users (document)
Groups (document)
Connections (edges)
Users can participate in many groups (1:N).
Groups can have many participants (N:1), witch are users or other groups. Ex: Fighter1 is in RaidParty1 and RaidParty1 is in Guild1.
COLLECT party= user.partyID WITH COUNT INTO num_users
SORT num_users DESC
RETURN {"Party": party,
"Num. Users" : num_users}
This takes 4 ms in the sample dataset, over a second on complete dataset, and is very memmory intensive.
I understand I could use something like
FOR user IN userSample
COLLECT party= user.partyID WITH COUNT INTO num_users
COLLECT AGGREGATE max_num_users= MAX(num_users)
RETURN {"Top Guild": max_num_users}
But this isn't unsing the aggregate optimization, as forming the num_users every time is the time consuming part. Is there a way to collect and aggregate at the same time?
BONUS: Any ideia how to make it a top 10 list?
You could replace WITH COUNT INTO with an AGGREGATE clause:
FOR user IN userSample
COLLECT party = user.partyID AGGREGATE num_users = LENGTH(1)
SORT num_users DESC
"Party": party,
"Num. Users": num_users
However, both variants lead to the exact same execution plan (at least in the latest version of ArangoDB).
If I understand correctly, then you want to count the number of users per party and then find the maximum among these counts. This isn't possible with a single COLLECT operation:
an aggregate expression must not refer to variables introduced by the COLLECT itself
Grouping and aggregation with COLLECT in AQL | ArangoDB Documentation
For a top 10 list, this should work:
FOR user IN userSample
COLLECT party = user.partyID WITH COUNT INTO num_users
SORT num_users DESC
"Party": party,
"Num. Users": num_users

Neo4j query taking long time

I am currently working on a social media site which exactly the same in terms of users' timeline, like user can follow, create, share the posts, block, unblock, etc. So for that, we have created 2 types of labels "User" and "Post" and have several relations like follow, block, private, etc.
currently, we have approximately 41000 nodes and 650000 relationships.
Hardware conf:
8 gb ram
2 core
1 Master and 2 Slave
and using the following query to get the users' timeline
MATCH (n:User {user_id:'12129bca-9b90-44c9-aae8-d80e61f9c342',is_active:'1'}),(p:Post{is_deleted:'0'}),(po:User{user_id:p.owner_id})
WHERE (p.post_type = '1' OR p.post_type = '4') WITH n,p,po
WHERE po.is_active='1' AND (n)-[:CREATED{own_status:'1'}]->(p) OR
OR (n)-[:FOLLOWS{follow_status:'1'}]->(:Keyword{is_deleted:'0'})-[:KEYWORD]->(p)
WITH n,p,po
WHERE fr.follow_status='1' WITH p,n,po,fr
WHERE NOT ((n)-[:FOLLOWS{is_blocked:true}]->(po) OR (n)-[:FOLLOWS{is_mute:true}]->(po)) WITH p,n,po,fr
WHERE NOT (n)<-[:FOLLOWS{is_blocked:true}]-(po) WITH p,n,po,fr
WHERE (fr is not null and toInteger(po.is_private) <= 1 AND po.user_id <> n.user_id)
OR (toInteger(po.is_private) <= 1 AND po.user_id = n.user_id)
OR (toInteger(po.is_private) = 0 AND po.user_id <> n.user_id) WITH p,n,po
RETURN p,po,SIZE(()-[:LIKED]->(p)) as likecount,
SIZE((n)-[:LIKED]->(p)) as likestatus,count(*) as postcount
ORDER BY p.created_at DESC
This query takes more than 10 sec. which is too high
Here is Profile of the above query
Here is the index list
Can anybody suggest where am I doing wrong?
If you're trying to get a user's timeline, I would think you'd start with the specific user, then connect to other nodes via the relationships you're interested in. The current query isn't taking advantage of pattern matching or the connected nature of a graph database.
The first match statement of the query as it's currently written finds a specific user, then all Post nodes that have the property is_deleted:'0' and then all User nodes that are connected to any of the Post nodes. Searching this way is giving you more database hits (54,984) in the first middle Expand(All) than there are nodes in the database (41,000).
Where you should get the most lift in optimizing this query is to focus your search on the single user then expand out from there using the relationships:
MATCH (n:User {user_id:'12129bca-9b90-44c9-aae8-d80e61f9c342',is_active:'1'})-[r]-(p:Post{is_deleted:'0'})
This will match the user and all qualifying posts connected to the user via a relationship. Note, if a user isn't connected to any qualifying posts, there won't be any matches even if that user does exist in the database.
If you only want to include certain relationship types, you can specify that in this first MATCH statement like this:
MATCH (n:User {user_id:'12129bca-9b90-44c9-aae8-d80e61f9c342',is_active:'1'})-[r:CREATED|FOLLOWS|KEYWORD]-(p:Post{is_deleted:'0'})
Or you can put it in the WHERE clause like this:
MATCH (n:User {user_id:'12129bca-9b90-44c9-aae8-d80e61f9c342',is_active:'1'})-[r]-(p:Post{is_deleted:'0'})
I didn't follow all your conditional statements (and I think you might be able to remove some of them once you convert it to pattern matching), but once you have your initial pattern you can add in whatever conditional statements you need. Example:
WHERE (p.post_type = '1' OR p.post_type = '4')
AND (r.own_status = '1' OR r.follow_status = '1')
AND NOT r.is_blocked = true
For more on pattern matching, check out section 2.9 of the Neo4j Cypher Manual.

How to design querying multiple tags on analytics database

I would like to store user purchase custom tags on each transaction, example if user bought shoes then tags are "SPORTS", "NIKE", SHOES, COLOUR_BLACK, SIZE_12,..
These tags are that seller interested in querying back to understand the sales.
My idea is when ever new tag comes in create new code(something like hashcode but sequential) for that tag, and code starts from "a-z" 26 letters then "aa, ab, ac...zz" goes on. Now keep all the tags given for in one transaction in the one column called tag (varchar) by separating with "|".
Let us assume mapping is (at application level)
"SPORTS" = a
"TENNIS" = b
"NIKE" = z //Brands company
"ADIDAS" = aa
SHOES = ay
SIZE_12 = cq
So storing the above purchase transaction, tag will be like tag="|a|z|ay|bc|cq|" And now allowing seller to search number of SHOES sold by adding WHERE condition tag LIKE %|ay|%. Now the problem is i cannot use index (sort key in redshift db) for "LIKE starts with %". So how to solve this issue, since i might have 100 millions of records? dont want full table scan..
any solution to fix this?
I have not followed bridge table concept (cross-reference table) since I want to perform group by on the results after searching the specified tags. My solution will give only one row when two tags matched in a single transaction, but bridge table will give me two rows? then my sum() will be doubled.
I got suggestion like below
EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM transaction_tag WHERE tag_id = 'zz' and trans_id
= tr.trans_id) in the WHERE clause once for each tag (note: assumes tr is an alias to the transaction table in the surrounding query)
I have not followed this; since i have to perform AND and OR condition on the tags, example ("SPORTS" AND "ADIDAS") ---- "SHOE" AND ("NIKE" OR "ADIDAS")
I have not followed bitfield, since dont know redshift has this support also I assuming if my system will be going to have minimum of 3500 tags, and allocating one bit for each; which results in 437 bytes for each transaction, though there will be only max of 5 tags can be given for a transaction. Any optimisation here?
I have thought of adding min (SMALL_INT) and max value (SMALL_INT) along with tags column, and apply index on that.
so something like this
"SPORTS" = a = 1
"TENNIS" = b = 2
"CRICKET" = c = 3
"NIKE" = z = 26
"ADIDAS" = aa = 27
So my column values are
`tag="|a|z|ay|bc|cq|"` //sorted?
`maxTag=95` //for cq
And query for searching shoe(ay=51) is
maxTag <= 51 AND tag LIKE %|ay|%
And query for searching shoe(ay=51) AND SIZE_12 (cq=95) is
minTag >= 51 AND maxTag <= 95 AND tag LIKE %|ay|%|cq|%
Will this give any benefit? Kindly suggest any alternatives.
You can implement auto-tagging while the files get loaded to S3. Tagging at the DB level is too-late in the process. Tedious and involves lot of hard-coding
While loading to S3 tag it using the AWS s3API
example below
aws s3api put-object-tagging --bucket --key --tagging "TagSet=[{Key=Addidas,Value=AY}]"
capture tags dynamically by sending and as a parameter
2.load the tags to dynamodb as a metadata store
3.load data to Redshift using S3 COPY command
You can store tags column as varchar bit mask, i.e. a strictly defined bit sequence of 1s or 0s, so that if a purchase is marked by a tag there will be 1 and if not there will be 0, etc. For every row, you will have a sequence of 0s and 1s that has the same length as the number of tags you have. This sequence is sortable, however you would still need lookup into the middle but you will know at which specific position to look so you don't need like, just substring. For further optimization, you can convert this bit mask to integer values (it will be unique for each sequence) and make matching based on that but AFAIK Redshift doesn't support that yet out of box, you will have to define the rules yourself.
UPD: Looks like the best option here is to keep tags in a separate table and create an ETL process that unwraps tags into tabular structure of order_id, tag_id, distributed by order_id and sorted by tag_id. Optionally, you can create a view that joins the this one with the order table. Then lookups for orders with a particular tag and further aggregations of orders should be efficient. There is no silver bullet for optimizing this in a flat table, at least I don't know of such that would not bring a lot of unnecessary complexity versus "relational" solution.

Neo4j cypher query performance issue with movie recommendation query

I'm currently working on a movie recommendation query that should return the movies with the most "recommendation impact" using the following cypher query:
match (m:Movie)
with m, size((m)<-[:LIKED]-(:User)-[:LIKED]->(:Movie)) as score
order by score desc
limit 10
return m.title, score
After reading the graphdb (neo4j) e-book my assumption was that this whould be an easy query for neo4j but the execution time took 32737 ms which is not what I was expecting. Does any one have experience with these kind of queries and has any suggestions to improve performance? Or should this query perform well and do I need to do some neo4j / java configuration tuning?
The profile of the query:
The result:
Maybe this is something you can pre-calculate.
Your score is related to the number of movies liked by each user. Why not calculate and store the number of movies liked by each user (assuming a user can only like a movie once, not multiple times)?
Note that this only makes sense if you only care about the number of movies liked by each user, and are okay with adding those up, even if they represent multiple likes of the same movie across many users.
MATCH (u:User)
SET u.likedCount = SIZE((u)-[:LIKED]->(:Movie))
You will need to update this every time the user likes (or unlikes) another movie.
When this is pre-populated for all users, your scoring query now becomes:
MATCH (m:Movie)
MATCH (m)<-[:LIKED]-(u:User)
WITH m, SUM(u.likedCount) as score
ORDER BY score desc
RETURN m.title, score
This of course includes the likes from each user of the movie in question. If you really need to account for this, you'll need to adjust your with to:
WITH m, SUM(u.likedCount) - count(u) as score
If you only want to count distinct movies liked by users in your scoring, then you can't pre-calculate and have to use something like stdob--'s answer.
Try this query:
MATCH (M:Movie)<-[:LIKED]-(:User)-[:LIKED]->(R:Movie)
size( collect(distinct R) ) as score
RETURN M.title as title,
As an option:
MATCH (M:Movie)<-[:LIKED]-(:User)-[:LIKED]->(R:Movie)
RETURN M.title as title,
count(R) as score

Linq Query Where Contains

I'm attempting to make a linq where contains query quicker.
The data set contains 256,999 clients. The Ids is just a simple list of GUID'S and this would could only contain 3 records.
The below query can take up to a min to return the 3 records. This is because the logic will go through the 256,999 record to see if any of the 256,999 records are within the List of 3 records.
returnItems = context.ExecuteQuery<DataClass.SelectClientsGridView>(sql).Where(x => ids.Contains(x.ClientId)).ToList();
I would like to and get the query to check if the three records are within the pot of 256,999. So in a way this should be much quicker.
I don't want to do a loop as the 3 records could be far more (thousands). The more loops the more hits to the db.
I don't want to grap all the db records (256,999) and then do the query as it would take nearly the same amount of time.
If I grap just the Ids for all the 256,999 from the DB it would take a second. This is where the Ids come from. (A filtered, small and simple list)
Any Ideas?
You've said "I don't want to grab all the db records (256,999) and then do the query as it would take nearly the same amount of time," but also "If I grab just the Ids for all the 256,999 from the DB it would take a second." So does this really take "just as long"?
returnItems = context.ExecuteQuery<DataClass.SelectClientsGridView>(sql).Select(x => x.ClientId).ToList().Where(x => ids.Contains(x)).ToList();
Unfortunately, even if this is fast, it's not an answer, as you'll still need effectively the original query to actually extract the full records for the Ids matched :-(
So, adding an index is likely your best option.
The reason the Id query is quicker is due to one field being returned and its only a single table query.
The main query contains sub queries (below). So I get the Ids from a quick and easy query, then use the Ids to get the more details information.
SELECT Clients.Id as ClientId, Clients.ClientRef as ClientRef, Clients.Title + ' ' + Clients.Forename + ' ' + Clients.Surname as FullName,
[Address1] ,[Address2],[Address3],[Town],[County],[Postcode],
Clients.Consent AS Consent,
CONVERT(nvarchar(10), Clients.Dob, 103) as FormatedDOB,
CASE WHEN Clients.IsMale = 1 THEN 'Male' WHEN Clients.IsMale = 0 THEN 'Female' END As Gender,
Convert(nvarchar(10), Max(Assessments.TestDate),103) as LastVisit, ";
CASE WHEN Max(Convert(integer,Assessments.Submitted)) = 1 Then 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS Submitted,
CASE WHEN Max(Convert(integer,Assessments.GPSubmit)) = 1 Then 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS GPSubmit,
CASE WHEN Max(Convert(integer,Assessments.QualForPay)) = 1 Then 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS QualForPay,
Clients.UserIds AS LinkedUsers
FROM Clients
Left JOIN Assessments ON Clients.Id = Assessments.ClientId
Left JOIN Layouts ON Layouts.Id = Assessments.LayoutId
GROUP BY Clients.Id, Clients.ClientRef, Clients.Title, Clients.Forename, Clients.Surname, [Address1] ,[Address2],[Address3],[Town],[County],[Postcode],Clients.Consent, Clients.Dob, Clients.IsMale,Clients.UserIds";//,Layouts.LayoutName, Layouts.SubmissionProcess
ORDER BY ClientRef
I was hoping there was an easier way to do the Contain element. As the pool of Ids would be smaller than the main pool.
A way I've speeded it up for now is. I've done a Stinrg.Join to the list of Ids and added them as a WHERE within the main SQL. This has reduced the time down to a seconds or so now.
