Disable Comments using the Youtube API in C# - youtube-data-api

Is there a way through the YouTube api using C# to set comments and Ratings? Specifically set to Disable Comments and Uncheck Show how many viewers like and dislike this video. All of the information about this is a bug in V3 seems to be 3-4 years old or older.
Any help would be appreciated.

The YouTube Data API v3 does not support disabling comments.


adaptivecards nodejs examples for botbuilder

I have a bot built using nodejs v3 sdk and I am trying to adaptivecards to make UI experience richer. Is there a goto place I can start with ? Some example will be good to for starters. [https://adaptivecards.io/][1]
The Samples section on the Adaptive Cards Website is a good place to start to see the art of the possible with cards. If your using JavaScript for your Bot like I did the Microsoft Documentation for adding Rich Card attachments to the Botframework is useful and this Article has some good examples of showing ways to insert data into fields of Adaptive Cards, which we find useful with loading in answers from QnA Maker.
Hope this helps!

Getting verification to use Google APIs via identity.lanchWebAuthFlow() for a Firefox addon

I'm currently having a lot of trouble with the google API support team and was wondering if anyone had figured out their process. I'm developing an extension that uses identity.launchWebAuthFlow() to authenticate with google for google drive access. Since July 2017, google has started requiring "Verification" for oauth. As I don't own my extension's domain {random}.extensions.allizom.org, I have no idea how to pass their verification requirements.
You can read about that process here: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/client-verification
They've rejected me once saying my client id is deleted or invalid or does not need verification - I verified that the client exists, is still servicing requests, and still produces the unverified warning screen detailed in the link above.
When I reached out specifically to webstore support, the response said:
Dear Brandon,
Thank you for contacting Chrome Web Store Developer Support! I understand that you're having an issue regarding developing a web extension for both Chrome and Firefox using Google Drive API. As much as I'd love to assist you, unfortunately, our team cannot offer much support on this matter. My best advice is to ask the community on Stackoverflow, or create a bug report directly to the Chrome Browser/Extension experts using the Chromium Public Issue Tracker. The engineers are actively working on the reported problems on this list, so I'm sure that you'll be able to get the information that you're looking for.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you, I'm happy to assist. :)
Warm Regards,
Chrome Web Store Developer Support
Again the major problem here is that I cannot prove ownership of the identity.getRedirectUri() for my extension as the requirements state. I know other addons use google APIs, but I don't know if this verification process is a way to ban firefox developers from the google api ecosystem.
As a bit of question justification, I can find no documentation anywhere from July 18 2017 or later where developers have run into this, and I think this question will provide significant value to any Firefox addon developers who seek to use any of Google's APIs.

Online Powerpoint Slide Editor

Is there anything like Google Slides, which can be integrated into the app we are building?
If not, then atleast a way to programmatically import the ppt file, and navigate to the editor for editing?
Any suggestions will be appreciated...
There's an official powerpoint online editor now. You could theoretically put an iframe linking to this page. It seems to require a 365 or Microsoft account, though.
I had a similar requirement and have tested both the online offerings of Microsoft Office (SharePoint, One Drive) and Google docs. However, I finally decided on Only Office (https://www.onlyoffice.com/). The reasons for this were:
The Google and Microsoft offerings didn't (AFAIAK) have the fine tuned security I needed for document editing and access via their various API (i.e. I needed to be able to prevent downloads of documents but allow editing)
Google and Microsoft require sign-in from their respective platforms to use these. This was a UX problem for my project.
Depending on the specific requirement Only Office has the Document Server on a GNU APGL v3 licence. You may need to buy a licence but worth a check.
Their repo is here:

What is the best way to implement live video chat in codeigniter wep site?

Actually I tried this using webRTC. But most of the functionalities are not worked in that plugin. How do i do in codeigniter website? Plz help me.
I had a look around and found this http://www.cometchat.com/codeigniter-chat give this ago.
Its good to search more on Google and YouTube. Or ask on http://forum.codeigniter.com/ There main new forum now.
Check compatible versions.

Web Forms 2.0: Editor & Libraries

I would like to build a web application where users can create forms with very few technical knowledge. Since they need "advanced" features like validations, required fields and some more, I am currently evaluating XForms and web forms 2.0 (from HTML 5 spec). Concerning web forms, my research couldn't find any answers for the following questions:
Are there any (JavaScript) libraries out there which make web forms fully available in browsers which have currently no support for them (i.e. Firefox)?
Is there a "web forms editor" which allows creating input and select fields, with setting attributes like the type, required, ...? It has to be something visual, and must create "nice" html.
Any help/ hints would be appreciated!
I thought I'd register to post a message about this, as I've been looking into this as well in the last few weeks.
WebForms2 on Google Code tries to implement most web form features, but it hasn't been updated in a while. http://code.google.com/p/webforms2/
About editors, I don't think there are any. The HTML5 Forms spec hasn't been finalised, and browsers barely support it right now. There doesn't seem to be any consensus about how the inputs will be styled just yet either.
And I can't seem to post more than 1 link per message just yet. So see message above for the other link ;-)
There is some information about HTML5 Forms support on Anne van Kesteren's blog posted 10 days ago. http://annevankesteren.nl/2010/04/html5-forms
