how to pass jsonpayload in the CreateAppleTemplateRegistrationAsync notification hub method - apple-push-notifications

I have created a hub client and I want to pass the custom template in the CreateAppleTemplateRegistrationAsync method. I want to pass the below template payload
{ alert: '$(message)', badge: '#(count)', sound: 'default' }
How to pass the above template as a string in the method.

The template payload has to be a valid json string and abide by Apple's documentation.
This is an example of doing it with literal strings in C#.
var apnsTemplate = #"{
""aps"" : {
""alert"" : {
""title"" : ""$(title)"",
""subtitle"" : ""$(subtitle)"",
""body"" : ""$(message)""
""category"" : ""GAME_INVITATION""
""gameID"" : ""12345678""
This snippet can be adapted for your desired payload and programming language of choice.


Is there a way to get a structure of a Strapi CMS Content Type?

A content-type "Product" having the following fields:
string title
int qty
string description
double price
Is there an API endpoint to retrieve the structure or schema of the "Product" content-type as opposed to getting the values?
For example: On endpoint localhost:1337/products, and response can be like:
field: "title",
type: "string",
other: "col-xs-12, col-5"
field: "qty",
type: "int"
field: "description",
type: "string"
field: "price",
type: "double"
where the structure of the schema or the table is sent instead of the actual values?
If not in Strapi CMS, is this possible on other headless CMS such as Hasura and Sanity?
You need to use Models, from the link:
Link is dead -> New link
Models are a representation of the database's structure. They are split into two separate files. A JavaScript file that contains the model options (e.g: lifecycle hooks), and a JSON file that represents the data structure stored in the database.
This is exactly what you are after.
The way I GET this info is by adding a custom endpoint - check my answers here for how to do this - &
For handlers you can do something like:
async getProductModel(ctx) {
return strapi.models['product'].allAttributes;
I needed the solution for all Content Types so I made a plugin with /modelStructure/* endpoints where you can supply the model name and then pass to a handler:
//more generic wrapper
async getModel(ctx) {
const { model } = ctx.params;
let data = strapi.models[model].allAttributes;
return data;
async getProductModel(ctx) {
ctx.params['model'] = "product"
return this.getModel(ctx)
//define all endpoints you need, like maybe a Page content type
async getPageModel(ctx) {
ctx.params['model'] = "page"
return this.getModel(ctx)
//finally I ended up writing a `allModels` handler
async getAllModels(ctx) {
Object.keys(strapi.models).forEach(key => {
//iterate through all models
//possibly filter some models
//iterate through all fields
Object.keys(strapi.models[key].allAttributes).forEach(fieldKey => {
//build the response - iterate through models and all their fields
//return your desired custom response
Comments & questions welcome
This answer pointed me in the right direction, but strapi.models was undefined for me on strapi 4.4.3.
What worked for me was a controller like so:
async getFields(ctx) {
const model = strapi.db.config.models.find( model => model.collectionName === 'clients' );
return model.attributes;
Where clients is replaced by the plural name of your content-type.

apns-collapse-id option not working in FCM

I'm trying to implement APNS notification where i want to maintain single latest notification for all my incoming notification.
I'm using apns-collapse-id which should be supported by FCM as described here
However when i send multiple notification with single collapse-id the end use is still getting multiple notification
Below is the receiver end payload, which has "gcm.notification.apns-collapse-id" which i'm guessing is being sent by google.
I'm trying to understand if i need to make any changes to make it work.
Original Sender Payload:
"to" : "xyz",
"notification": {
"title" : "title_here",
"body" : "body_here",
"data" : {
"message" : "Message_Here"
"apns-collapse-id" : "STRING_ID_HERE"
"content_available" : true
Receiver side Payload:
aps = {
alert = {
body = "body_Here";
title = "title_here";
"content-available" = 1;
"gcm.message_id" = "0:123456789ae";
"gcm.notification.apns-collapse-id" = STRING_ID_HERE;
"google.c.a.e" = 1;
message = "Message_Here";
I recommend using the latest send function from the firebase-admin lib, usage described here.
It seems to work fine.

How can I set polymer property attribute value and passing attribute value into another polymer component property?

I have below piece of code which I am using to call http request using iron ajax with polymer so passing the value of body and last-response using polymer we can see here we have requestBody polymer property in this we are returning no of values in requestBody all values are hardcoded like start and end and name under tag.
is: 'test-view',
behaviors: [GlobalsBehaviour],
properties: {
uri: {
type: String,
observer: '_uriChanged'
type: Object,
value: function() {
return {
"start": 11111,
"end": 123333,
"tags": [
"name" : "/asset/India/rotor",
type: Object,
observer: '_formateData'
observers: [
_uriChanged: function(uri) {
this.set('', uri);
Now Below are the queries with respect to above code .
I want to set end attribute value (which is defined in requestBody property value )dynamically based on the uri for that I tried like : this.set('requestBody.end', "1113444"); in _uriChanged, But it didn't work.
I want to pass this end attribute value dynamically in above px-vis-timeseries polymer component's property that is:
in above properties I want to pass end attribute value like :
in chart-extents at the place of "1619712" I want to pass "end" + 2*50000
in event-data at the place of "15697128" I want to pass "end" + 50000
for that also i tried like this chart-extents = '{"x":["dynamic" , {{requestBody.end}}] , ,"y":[0,100]}'
now I have set end attribute value in requestBody computed function that is (_getRequestBody) based on my requirement .Now my problem is I want to get this end attribute value in my another computed functio(n of _chartExtents that is (_getChartExtents) I want pass this end attirbute value (which we will get from request body ) to xDynamic (which is the attribute of chartExtents)
As I wanted to pass uri value in name attribute which is defined in requestBody property for that I am setting like
this.set('', uri); in _urichanged callback which is working fine now my problem is while defining or declaring polymer property named as requestBody i dont want to pass any hardcoded value in name attribute for that i tried "name": "" and "name" : this.uri,and "name" : uri ,but not able to get value.
Note: uri is coming from another polymer component and in some case its coming from global set variable.
How can I declare name attribute value without passing any hardcoded value?
I want to set end attribute value (which is defined in requestBody property value )dynamically ...
Not a satisfactory answer, but it should work as Polymer does dirty checking. Polymer have sometimes trouble updating properties, but not in this case, so try to override dirty checking by nullifying the element first.
_uriChanged: function(uri) {
if (this.requestBody.start) {
var clonedObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.requestBody); = uri;
this.set('requestBody', {});
this.set('requestBody', clonedObj);
Again, this shouldn't be needed. I would most of all make requestBody a computed value instead of setting specific values,
properties: {
type: Object,
computed: '_getRequestBody(uri)'
// Other properties, like uri
// Other javascript methods
_getRequestBody: function(uri) {
var defaultURI = 123333; // I would make this a property or add a default value to 'uri'
uri = (uri) ? uri : defaultURI;
return {
"start": 11111,
"end": uri, // Here's the change
"tags": [
"name" : "/asset/India/rotor",
Note that computed will run no matter if the properties (uri, in this case) are defined or not. Sometimes, the order of the properties are important when using event handlers (observers) so place those last in properties.
i want to pass this end attribute value dynamically...
You shouldn't pass variables like that but instead use something like chart-extents='[[myObject]]'; However, for this specific solution one of the keys depends on another variable (the object requestBody in this case).
// Other javascript methods
_getChartExtents: function(xDynamics) {
return {"x":["dynamic",xDynamics],"y":[0,100]};
The _ before the method name is just a programming habit of mine, so I can see that the methods and properties aren't used by other elements.
as i wanted to pass uri value in name attribute which is defined in requestBody property for that i am setting like this.set('', uri);
Just extend answer 1.
_getRequestBody: function(uri) {
var defaultURI = 123333; // I would make this a property or add a default value to 'uri'
uri = (uri) ? uri : defaultURI;
return {
"start": 11111,
"end": uri,
"tags": [
"name" : uri, // Here's the change

Cannot find attachSchema property on Mongo.Collection with angular2-meteor

Here is my problem :
I want to use the power of simple-schema to be able to check my inserts against the following schema :
let UprocSchema = new SimpleSchema({
"name": { type : String, label: "Nom Uproc" },
"label": { type : String, label: "Libellé Uproc" },
"status": { type : String, label: "Status UPR" }
For some reason I ignore, even if the SimpleSchema seems to be well instanciated, I cannot use the attachSchema property on Mongo.Collection.
Here is my code :
let repo_collection = new Mongo.Collection('repository');
export const Repository = new MongoObservable.Collection<Uproc>('repo_collection');
repo_collection.attachSchema( UprocSchema );
Here is my error messages :
Property 'attachSchema' does not exist on type 'Collection<{}>'.
TypeError: repo_collection.attachSchema is not a function
attachSchema is part of [collection2][1] package.
Documentation states:
Create one or more SimpleSchema instances and then use them to
validate objects. By adding the aldeed:collection2 package to your
app, you can attach them to collections to get automatic validation of
your insert and update operations. API create object with file

I'm trying to use Appcelerator Titanium with service. Since there is no library for Titanium, I'm using the rest API of Parse.
A Class object on Parse can have a field of type "File". How do I post a file (blob object) to that field?
Here is a starter template application for using Parse with Appcelerator
it wraps the parse API in a appcelerator alloy sync adapter
A helper method with allow you to upload the file and associate it with a specific object called a FileHelper. This FileHelper object will provide access to the image
var parseService = require('parseREST');
file = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, "iTunesConnect.png");
var blob =;
parseService.uploadFile("image/jpeg", "iTunesConnect.png", blob).then(function(_results) {
return parseService.createObject('FileHelper', {
"nameKey" :,
"fileData" : {
"name" :,
"__type" : "File"
}).then(function(_results2) {
console.log("FileHelper Object: " + JSON.stringify(_results2));
console.log("ERROR: " + JSON.stringify(_error));
The results should look something like this:
"createdAt": "2015-05-11T15:30:52.004Z",
"objectId": "yLPdeXDinq"
