How to see what value is being calculated pine Editor - debugging

I have the following script running with the intention of closing a trade after it has been open for a period of 4 days since the trade was taken.
TimeDiff = time - time[1]
MinutesPerBar = TimeDiff / 60000
//calcuates how long one bar is in minutes
BarsSinceSwingLongCondition = barssince(SwingLongCondition)
// Calculates how many bars have passed since open of trade
CurrentSwingTradeDuration = BarsSinceSwingLongCondition * MinutesPerBar
//calculates the duration that the trade has been opened for (minutes*number of bars)
MaximumSwingTradeDuration = 4*1440
// Sets maximum trade duration. Set at 4 Days in minutes
SwingLongCloseLogic3 = CurrentSwingTradeDuration > MaximumSwingTradeDuration
// Closes trade when trade duration exceeds maximum duration set (4days)
The close logic however isn't executing when I run the strategy as i have trades open for longer than the maximum duration.
Is there any way to see what value each element of the formula is calculating so that I can see where the error is (i suspect it could be the time element). Or can anyone see where I am going wrong in the code?

The fastest way to achieve that is using the plotchar function, which would show the values in the data-window on mouse-over on each bar. The user manual contains several other techniques available for debugging.


Code for a function that just returns after an hour -interview question

I saw this question online from an interview:
Suppose you have this code:
void myFunction(){
int time = clcTime();
while (clcTime()-time!=3600);
When clcTime() is a method that returns the seconds that passed since 00:00 of today.
(1). Find what this code snippet does.
(2). Some QA tester said this code fails at specific case. What's that case and how can you solve that issue?
(3). Another QA tester that during the day this code worked fine, but when he got to sleep - something went wrong. What can possibly be the problem and how can you solve it?
My attempt:
For (1), I think this function just suppose to run in a loop for an hour.
For (3), I think the problem is when the time variable get its value when the current hour of the day is in the range [23:00:00,23:59:59]. And that's because on that case, the value of time will be in the range [23*3600,23*3600 + 3599] and clcTime() can't return a matching value in the range [24*3600, 24*3600 + 3599]. So in that case, we know that the condition 'clcTime()-time' will never get a value of 3600 and we will get an infinite loop.
My suggestion for solving it is replacing the while line with those lines:
int measure = clcTime() - time;
int measureModulo = measure % 3600;
while (measure==0 || measureModulo!=0){
measure = clcTime() - time;
measureModulo = measure % 3600;
The only problem I still have is that I can't figure out (2) - I don't find any other problem with this code.
Do you have any idea what else can be problematic with this code?
Also, please feel free to correct me if I was wrong with what I wrote for (1) and (3).
Another problem with this code, and your fix, is that it checks clcTime() for an exactly matching value. If the system is busy and the loop doesn't get to run for more than a second, then it will miss the matching second and continue waiting for at least another hour.
Also there will be problems when the user changes the system clock or system time zone, when daylight savings time comes into or out of effect, when the clock is automatically adjusted for leap seconds, etc.

Azure Application Insights query to display time frequency

want to Display the time along with milliseconds with the time duration like 1200 ms, 1500 ms on the Dashboard , Is there a way to define these time duration to display on chart?
enter image description here
I'm not sure if this would work for you. But what I do when sharing a report from an App Insights or Log Analytics query, is use the render * with(title="") syntax to add a title. This allows me to add context to what it is I am sharing. For you this could be the place you specify the units of the X and Y axis.
See my example below for including titles.
let start = ago(3h);
let end = now();
let timegrain = 1m;
| where
timestamp > start and timestamp < end
| summarize
Avg_Duration_Seconds = avg(duration)/1000
| render timechart with(title="AVG PageView Duration(seconds) - Last 3 Hours, By Minute")
You'd need to change the units in whatever chart that is however you got it on the dashboard.
If you did that query in workbooks, you'd go into chart settings in that step of the workbook and tell it the y-axis is milliseconds, and it would add the appropriate units for you in the labels. If you are using metrics, the metrics should already know the units and show the right labels.
You'll need to clarify your question about exactly how / where you created that chart for anyone to help you any further.

Find the difference between 2 dates and check if smaller than a given value

my issue is that I want to be able to get two time stamps and compare if the second (later taken) one is less than 59 minutes away from the first one.
Following this thread Compare two dates with JavaScript
the date object may do the job.
but first thing i am not happy with is that it takes the time from my system.
is it possible to get the time from some public server or something?
cause there always is a chance that the system clock gets manipulated within the time stamps, so that would be too unreliable.
some outside source would be great.
then i am not too sure how to get the difference between 2 times (using 2 date objects).
many issue that may pop up:
time being something like 3:59 and 6:12
so just comparing minutes would give the wrong idea.
so we consider hours too.
biut there the issue with the modulo 24.
day 3 23:59 and day 4 0:33 wouldnt be viewed proper either.
so including days too.
then the modulo 30 thing, even though that on top changes month for month.
so month and year to be included as well.
so we would need the whole date, everything from current year to second (because second would be nice too, for precision)
and comparing them would require tons of if clauses for year, month, etc.
do the date objects have some predfeined date comparision function that actually keeps all these things in mind (havent even mentioned leap years yet, have I)?
time would be very important cause exactly at the 59 minutes mark (+-max 5 seconds wouldnt matter but getting rmeitely close to 60 is forbidden)
a certain function would have to be used that without fail closes a website.
script opens website at mark 0 min, does some stuff rinse and repeat style and closes page at 59 min mark.
checking the time like every few seconds would be smart.
Any good ideas how to implement such a time comparision that doesnt take too more computer power yet is efficient as in new month starting and stuff doesnt mess it up?
You can compare the two Date times, but when creating a date time there is a parameter of DateTime(value) which you can use.
You can use this API to get the current UTC time which returns a example JSON array like this:
So you can use either the currentFileTime or the currentDateTime return from that API to construct your date object.
const date1 = new Date('2019-11-09T21:12Z') // time when I started writing this answer
const date2 = new Date('2019-11-09T21:16Z') // time when I finished writing this answer
const diff = new Date(date2-date1)
console.log(diff.toTimeString()) // time it took me to write this
Please keep in mind that due to network speeds, the time API will be a little bit off (by a few milliseconds)

Does steady_clock::now return seconds?

I am trying to figure out what the value of t is ? Is it seconds or milliseconds ? The steady_clock reference does not mention the unit used.
auto t = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() / 1000;
auto p = t/1000;
I am thinking now() returns seconds and t is in milliseconds and p is in microseconds. Let me know if I am getting this right ?
It's std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> (the documentation on CppReference is generally better quality).
Guessing your next question — to convert from that to seconds you would use time_since_epoch() (the documentation has an example of extracting a dimension-free number of seconds from it), or alternatively as (now - epoch) / 1_second
Unit of value returned by std::chrono::steady_clock::now() is not defined by standard (it is general value of type std::chrono::time_point).
The resolution of the std::chrono::time_point (it stores a value of type Duration indicating the time interval from the start of the Clock's epoch) is implementation dependent (platforms/compiler), and you shouldn't rely on it.
To get a desired unit, you can easily convert the time_point to a value in seconds, milliseconds, etc. by duration casting:
auto milliseconds = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
(time_since_epoch() returns a duration representing the amount of time between *this and the clock's epoch).

Calculate Percentage From Duration Data in Graphite/Grafana

I have state change duration data between my object state in milliseconds.I am sending this data to graphite. I want to create a single stat panel which show me the percentage of the duration less than 20 seconds. How can I create it? Any idea or any similar scenario example will be useful.
myProjectName.FromStateToState.duration 10000ms
myProjectName.FromStateToState.duration 15000ms
myProjectName.FromStateToState.duration 21000ms
myProjectName.FromStateToState.duration 25000ms
myProjectName.FromStateToState.duration 30000ms
Assume for above scenario I expect my percentage should be %40. Because I have 5 duration data and 2 of them is less than 20 seconds. I am using Graphite as data source and Grafana as visualizing.
Temporary Solution
Because I couldn't get enough attention and any answer, I will add my temprorary solution to here. If I learn exact solution in the future I will post as an answer too.
Basically I created two counter like counterSuccess and counterFail. If state change duration is less than 20 seconds increase counterSuccess otherwise increase counterFail. Then get percentage of the success rate via following basic formula counterSuccess/(counterSuccess + counterFail).
Graphite commands at Grafana Panel:
A : sumSeries(myProjectName.FromStateToState.counterSuccess.count)
B : sumSeries(myProjectName.FromStateToState.counterFail.count)
C : sumSeries(#A, #B)
D : divideSeries(#A,#C)
I defined a single stat at grafana to show it as single percentage;
