Why it's not possible to run wget with background option in slurm script? - bash

I used this script for downloading files. Without -b, wget download files one by one. With -b, I have the possibility to download files in background but also simultaneously. Unfortunately, the script doesn't work in SLURM. It only works without -b in Slurm.
Script for downloading files
mkdir data
cd data
for i in 11 08 15 26 ;
wget -c -b -q ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR116/0${i}/SRR116802${i}/SRR116802${i}_1.fastq.gz
wget -c -b -q ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR116/0${i}/SRR116802${i}/SRR116802${i}_2.fastq.gz
cd ..
Slurm Script
#SBATCH --job-name=mytestjob # create a short name for your job
#SBATCH --nodes=2 # node count
#SBATCH --ntasks=2 # total number of tasks across all nodes
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2 # cpu-cores per task (>1 if multi-threaded tasks)
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G # memory per cpu-core (4G is default
#SBATCH --time=10:01:00 # total run time limit (HH:MM:SS)
#SBATCH --array=1-2 # job array with index values 1, 2
bash download.sh
On the terminal : sbatch slurmsript.sh ( It dosen't work) no jobid

You can download multiple files at the same time with curl.
In your case, this should work:
# Create an empty bash array of urls.
# Add each url to the array, such that '-O' and the url are separate
# items in the array. This is necessary so that the curl command will
# look like 'curl -O <url1> -O <url2> ...', since the -O command must
# be provided for each url.
for i in 11 08 15 16; do
urls+=( "-O" "ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR116/0${i}/SRR116802${i}/SRR116802${i}_1.fastq.gz" )
urls+=( "-O" "ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR116/0${i}/SRR116802${i}/SRR116802${i}_2.fastq.gz" )
# Simultaneously download from all urls.
curl --silent -C - "${urls[#]}"
To explain each of the curl options:
--silent is the equivalent of wget's -q. Disables curl's progress meter.
-C - is the equivalent of wget's -c. It tells curl to automatically find out where/how to resume a transfer.
-O tells curl to to write the output to a file with the same name as the remote file (this is the behavior of wget). This must be specified for each url.
Alternatively, you might want to consider installing and using aria2.


Running different tasks on individual resource sets within same node

I asked about an issue I had with this using a different approach (Having issues running mpi4py on large HPC system. Receving startup errors and sometimes variable errors), however I'm currently attempting two other approaches. With no success. All examples below still put the same task on each of the six resource sets.
Background: I'm attempting to distribute predictions across resource sets on a node. Each resource set contains 1 gpu and 7 cpus and there are six sets per node. Once a RS task completes, it should move on to the next prediction on in a list (part00.lst through part05.lst; in theory one per RS)
First approach looks something like this (a submission bash script calls this using jsrun -r6 -g1 -a1 -c7 -b packed:7 -d packed -l gpu-cpu):
output=/path/ ##where completed predictions will be collected
for i in {0..5}; do
........ ##the singularity job script to execute using $target and $output variables
The next attempt is using simultaneous jobs steps via UNIX backgrounding (which others have been able to appropriate to do similar things that I wish to do, but for different jobs and tasks). Here I created six separate bash files with each corresponding input file ($target aka part00.lst through part05.lst):
## Various submission flags here
for i in {0..5}; do
jsrun -r 6 -g 1 -a 1 -c 7 -brs -d packed -l gpu-cpu bash batch_run_0${i}.sh &
I also attempted just hardcoding the six separate bash files:
jsrun -r 6 -g 1 -a 1 -c 7 -brs -d packed -l gpu-cpu bash batch_run_00.sh &
jsrun -r 6 -g 1 -a 1 -c 7 -brs -d packed -l gpu-cpu bash batch_run_01.sh &
jsrun -r 6 -g 1 -a 1 -c 7 -brs -d packed -l gpu-cpu bash batch_run_02.sh &
jsrun -r 6 -g 1 -a 1 -c 7 -brs -d packed -l gpu-cpu bash batch_run_03.sh &
jsrun -r 6 -g 1 -a 1 -c 7 -brs -d packed -l gpu-cpu bash batch_run_04.sh &
jsrun -r 6 -g 1 -a 1 -c 7 -brs -d packed -l gpu-cpu bash batch_run_05.sh &
Thanks for any help! I'm still quite new to all of this!
Okay, attempt number two using simultaneous job steps/UNIX process backgrounding was nearly correct!
It now works. An example for one node:
Submission script:
## Various submission flags here
for i in {0..5}; do
jsrun -r 6 -g 1 -a 1 -c 7 -brs -d packed -l gpu-cpu bash batch_run_0${i}.sh &
It was only a matter of incorrect flags (-n 1 -r 1, not -n 1 -r 6).

build video from images with a bash for loop using ffmpeg

I am trying to take ~50K images and turn them into a movie using ffmpeg. I am running this on a HPC setup, hence the slurm commands. My attempt does not work since I am running into a hard limit due to the shear volume of images. I cannot just list a start number since the pipeline will reject some images so I do not have a proper sequence.
I know a loop could circumvent both issues but I am not sure how to use that with ffmpeg so that it builds one long movie.
The cat command has worked for shorter movies but i just have too many images now.
#BATCH -p general
#SBATCH -t 03-00:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=8g
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH --mail-user=<snip>
singularity exec /$img_dir/foo_container cat /$img_dir/processed_images/$folder/*.jpeg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -i pipe:.jpeg -vf "crop=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" /$img_dir/processed_images/$folder/$folder.mp4

Check if a remote file exists in bash

I am downloading files with this script:
parallel --progress -j16 -a ./temp/img-url.txt 'wget -nc -q -P ./images/ {}; wget -nc -q -P ./images/ {.}_{001..005}.jpg'
Would it be possible to not download files, just check them on the remote side and if exists create a dummy file instead of downloading?
Something like:
if wget --spider $url 2>/dev/null; then
#touch img.file
should work, but I don't know how to combine this code with GNU Parallel.
Based on Ole's answer I wrote this piece of code:
do_url() {
wget -q -nc --method HEAD "$url" && touch ./images/${url##*/}
#get filename from $url
wget -q -nc --method HEAD ${url%.jpg}_{001..005}.jpg && touch ./images/${url2%.jpg}_{001..005}.jpg
export -f do_url
parallel --progress -a urls.txt do_url {}
It works, but it fails for some files. I can not find consistency why it works for some files, why it fails for others. Maybe it has something with the last filename. Second wget tries to access the currect url, but the touch command after that simply does not create the desidered file. First wget always (correctly) downloads the main image without the _001.jpg, _002.jpg.
Example urls.txt:
http://host.com/092401.jpg (works correctly, _001.jpg.._005.jpg are downloaded)
http://host.com/HT11019.jpg (not works, only the main image is downloaded)
It is pretty hard to understand what it is you really want to accomplish. Let me try to rephrase your question.
I have urls.txt containing:
On example.com these URLs exist:
On example.org these URLs exist:
Given urls.txt I want to generate the combinations with _001.jpg .. _005.jpg in addition to the original URL. E.g.:
Then I want to test if these URLs exist without downloading the file. As there are many URLs I want to do this in parallel.
If the URL exists I want an empty file created.
(Version 1): I want the empty file created in a the similar directory structure in the dir images. This is needed because some of the images have the same name, but in different dirs.
So the files created should be:
(Version 2): I want the empty file created in the dir images. This can be done because all the images have unique names.
So the files created should be:
(Version 3): I want the empty file created in the dir images called the name from urls.txt. This can be done because only one of _001.jpg .. _005.jpg exists.
do_url() {
# Version 1:
# If you want to keep the folder structure from the server (similar to wget -m):
wget -q --method HEAD "$url" && mkdir -p images/"$2" && touch images/"$url"
# Version 2:
# If all the images have unique names and you want all images in a single dir
wget -q --method HEAD "$url" && touch images/"$3"
# Version 3:
# If all the images have unique names when _###.jpg is removed and you want all images in a single dir
wget -q --method HEAD "$url" && touch images/"$4"
export -f do_url
parallel do_url {1.}{2} {1//} {1/.}{2} {1/} :::: urls.txt ::: .jpg _{001..005}.jpg
GNU Parallel takes a few ms per job. When your jobs are this short, the overhead will affect the timing. If none of your CPU cores are running at 100% you can run more jobs in parallel:
parallel -j0 do_url {1.}{2} {1//} {1/.}{2} {1/} :::: urls.txt ::: .jpg _{001..005}.jpg
You can also "unroll" the loop. This will save 5 overheads per URL:
do_url() {
# Version 2:
# If all the images have unique names and you want all images in a single dir
wget -q --method HEAD "$url".jpg && touch images/"$url".jpg
wget -q --method HEAD "$url"_001.jpg && touch images/"$url"_001.jpg
wget -q --method HEAD "$url"_002.jpg && touch images/"$url"_002.jpg
wget -q --method HEAD "$url"_003.jpg && touch images/"$url"_003.jpg
wget -q --method HEAD "$url"_004.jpg && touch images/"$url"_004.jpg
wget -q --method HEAD "$url"_005.jpg && touch images/"$url"_005.jpg
export -f do_url
parallel -j0 do_url {.} :::: urls.txt
Finally you can run more than 250 jobs: https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel/man.html#EXAMPLE:-Running-more-than-250-jobs-workaround
You may use curl instead to check if the URLs you are parsing are there without downloading any file as such:
if curl --head --fail --silent "$url" >/dev/null; then
touch .images/"${url##*/}"
--fail will make the exit status nonzero on a failed request.
--head will avoid downloading the file contents
--silent will avoid status or errors from being emitted by the check itself.
To solve the "looping" issue, you can do:
urls=( "${url%.jpg}"_{001..005}.jpg )
for url in "${urls[#]}"; do
if curl --head --silent --fail "$url" > /dev/null; then
touch .images/${url##*/}
From what I can see, your question isn't really about how to use wget to test for the existence of a file, but rather on how to perform correct looping in a shell script.
Here is a simple solution for that:
urls=( "${url%.jpg}"_{001..005}.jpg )
for url in "${urls[#]}"; do
if wget -q --method=HEAD "$url"; then
touch .images/${url##*/}
What this does is that it invokes Wget with the --method=HEAD option. With the HEAD request, the server will simply report back whether the file exists or not, without returning any data.
Of course, with a large data set this is pretty inefficient. You're creating a new connection to the server for every file you're trying. Instead, as suggested in the other answer, you could use GNU Wget2. With wget2, you can test all of these in parallel, and use the new --stats-server option to find a list of all the files and the specific return code that the server provided. For example:
$ wget2 --spider --progress=none -q --stats-site example.com/{,1,2,3}
Site Statistics:
Status No. of docs
404 3
http://example.com/3 0 bytes (identity) : 0 bytes (decompressed), 238ms (transfer) : 238ms (response)
http://example.com/1 0 bytes (gzip) : 0 bytes (decompressed), 241ms (transfer) : 241ms (response)
http://example.com/2 0 bytes (identity) : 0 bytes (decompressed), 238ms (transfer) : 238ms (response)
200 1
http://example.com/ 0 bytes (identity) : 0 bytes (decompressed), 231ms (transfer) : 231ms (response)
You can even get this data printed as a CSV or JSON for easier parsing
Just loop over the names?
for uname in ${url%.jpg}_{001..005}.jpg
if wget --spider $uname 2>/dev/null; then
touch ./images/${uname##*/}
You could send a command via ssh to see if the remote file exists and cat it if it does:
ssh your_host 'test -e "somefile" && cat "somefile"' > somefile
Could also try scp which supports glob expressions and recursion.

why the job has been submitted using qsub is unknown?

In regard to create a PBS script file to run long-term jobs on a server with 256 GB of RAM and two CPUs, each with 12 cores and 24 threads, yielding 48 computing unit. I tried to do it, but I think there is something wrong.
I created a PBS script named run_trinity and submitted it to server using qsub command (qsub run_trinity.sh) within the same directory that contain my desired program (trinity) and data, and it returned something like 47.chpc. But when I tried to check the status of job using qstat command, it says: unknown job id 47.chpc. I'm a biology student and really new in this field, could you please help me to figure out what happened? here is my PBS script:
#PBS -N run_trinity
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=6
#PBS -l walltime=100:00:00
#PBS -l mem=200gb
#PBS -j oe
#Set stack size to unlimited
ulimit -s unlimited
cd /home/mary/software/trinityrnaseq_r20140717
perl /home/mary/software/trinityrnaseq_r20140717/Trinity.pl --seqType fq --JM 200G --normalize_reads --left reads8_1.fq.gz --right reads8_2.fq.gz --SS_lib_type FR --CPU 6 --full_cleanup --output /home/mary/software/trinityrnaseq_r20140717
Looking forward to hearing your perfect solutions.

SunGridEngine, Condor, Torque as Resource Managers for PVM

Anyone have any idea which Resource manager is good for PVM? Or should I not have used PVM and instead relied on MPI (or any version of it, such as MPICH-2 [are there any other ones that are better?]). Main reason for using PVM was because the person before me who started this project assumed the use of PVM. However, now that this project is mine (he hasn't done any significant work that relies on PVM) this can be easily changed, preferably to something that is easy to install because installing and setting up PVM was a big hassle.
I'm leaning towards SunGridEngine seeing as how I have dedicated hardware, and after reading up on another post of which ones are better for dedicated hardware, SGE seems to be the winner. However I'm unsure of its performance using PVM. Wondering if anyone have had any experience with PVM and SGE?
If people use SGE, what do you use to communicate from computer to computer (or virtual machine to virtual machine)
Oh and I will be running Perl applications/lines if this matters.
Any suggestions or ideas?
Thanks in advance to all comments,
I run PVM on Linux systems using Torque, SGE and LSF without any problems. Are you asking "Is it possible to use SGE, Torque, etc. to run PVM applications?"?
If so, check out my example Linux c-shell job scripts below. Note the scripts are nearly identical, except for the header of each script, which conforms to the appropriate format for each resource manager.
SGE job script:
#$ -N LTR-001
#$ -o LTR-001.output
#$ -e LTR-001.error
#$ -pe comp 24
#$ -l h_rt=04:00:00
#$ -A cmit2
#$ -cwd
#$ -V
# Setup envirnoment
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /lfs0/projects/cmit2/opt-intel/overture-noX/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
setenv PVM_ROOT /lfs0/projects/cmit2/opt-intel/pvm3
setenv PVM_BIN ${PVM_ROOT}/bin
setenv PVM_RSH /usr/bin/ssh
setenv MY_HOSTS pvm_hostfile
rm -f ~/.pvmprofile
env | grep PVM_ > ~/.pvmprofile
# Create file containing _unique_ host names. Note that there are two possible sources of available hosts
sort -k 1,1 -u ${MACHINE_FILE} >! ${MY_HOSTS}
# Start PVM & add nodes
printf "%s\n%s\n" conf quit|${PVM_ROOT}/lib/pvm ${MY_HOSTS}
sleep 2
# Run apps requiring PVM.
# Exit PVM daemon
echo "reset" | $PVM_ROOT/lib/pvm
echo "halt" | $PVM_ROOT/lib/pvm
Torque job script:
#PBS -N LTR-001
#PBS -o LTR-001.output
#PBS -e LTR-001.error
#PBS -l nodes=3:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
#PBS -q compute
#PBS -d .
# Setup envirnoment
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /users/ps14/opt-intel/overture/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
setenv PVM_ROOT /users/ps14/opt-intel/pvm3
setenv PVM_BIN ${PVM_ROOT}/bin
setenv PVM_RSH ${PVM_ROOT}/ssh
setenv MY_HOSTS pvm_hostfile
rm -f ~/.pvmprofile
env | grep PVM_ > ~/.pvmprofile
# Create file containing _unique_ host names. Note that there are two possible sources of available hosts
sort -k 1,1 -u ${PBS_NODEFILE} >! ${MY_HOSTS}
# Start PVM & add nodes
printf "%s\n%s\n" conf quit|${PVM_ROOT}/lib/pvm ${MY_HOSTS}
sleep 2
# Run apps requiring PVM.
# Exit PVM daemon
echo "reset" | $PVM_ROOT/lib/pvm
echo "halt" | $PVM_ROOT/lib/pvm
