GEKKO Exception: #error: Max Equation Length (Number of variables greater than 100k) - gekko

I need to run an optimization for 100k to 500k variables, but it gives me max equation length reached an error. Can anyone help me out to set up this problem? Time is not a constraint as long as it takes 3-4 hours to run, it's fine.
df1 = df_opt.head(100000).copy()
#initialize model
m= GEKKO()
#initialize variable
x = np.array([m.Var(lb=0,ub=100,integer=True) for i in range(len(df1))])
responsiveness = np.array([m.Const(i) for i in df1['responsivness'].values])
affinity_score = np.array([m.Const(i) for i in df1['affinity'].values])
cost = np.array([m.Const(i) for i in df1['cost'].values])
expr = np.array([m.log(i) - k * j \
for i,j,k in zip((1+responsiveness * affinity_score * x),x,cost)])

When creating a question, it is important to have a Minimal Example that is complete. Here is a modification that creates a random DataFrame with n rows.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
n = 10
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'responsivness':np.random.rand(n),\
#initialize model
m= GEKKO(remote=False)
#initialize variable
x = np.array([m.Var(lb=0,ub=100,integer=True) for i in range(len(df1))])
responsiveness = np.array([m.Const(i) for i in df1['responsivness'].values])
affinity_score = np.array([m.Const(i) for i in df1['affinity'].values])
cost = np.array([m.Const(i) for i in df1['cost'].values])
expr = np.array([m.log(i) - k * j \
for i,j,k in zip((1+responsiveness * affinity_score * x),x,cost)])
This solves successfully for n=10 with the random numbers selected.
--------- APM Model Size ------------
Each time step contains
Objects : 0
Constants : 30
Variables : 11
Intermediates: 0
Connections : 0
Equations : 2
Residuals : 2
Number of state variables: 11
Number of total equations: - 1
Number of slack variables: - 1
Degrees of freedom : 9
Steady State Optimization with APOPT Solver
Iter: 1 I: 0 Tm: 0.00 NLPi: 20 Dpth: 0 Lvs: 3 Obj: -1.35E+00 Gap: NaN
--Integer Solution: -1.34E+00 Lowest Leaf: -1.35E+00 Gap: 4.73E-03
Iter: 2 I: 0 Tm: 0.00 NLPi: 2 Dpth: 1 Lvs: 3 Obj: -1.34E+00 Gap: 4.73E-03
Successful solution
Solver : APOPT (v1.0)
Solution time : 1.519999999436550E-002 sec
Objective : -1.34078995171088
Successful solution
The underlying model gk_model0.apm can be accessed by navigating to m.path or by using m.open_folder().
i0 = 0.14255660947333681
i1 = 0.9112789578520111
i2 = 0.10526966142004568
i3 = 0.6255161023214897
i4 = 0.2434604974789274
i5 = 0.812768922376058
i6 = 0.555163868440599
i7 = 0.7286240480266872
i8 = 0.39643651685899695
i9 = 0.4664238475079081
i10 = 0.588654005219946
i11 = 0.7807594551372589
i12 = 0.623910408858981
i13 = 0.19421798736230456
i14 = 0.3061420839190525
i15 = 0.07764492888189267
i16 = 0.7276569154297892
i17 = 0.5630014016669598
i18 = 0.9633171115575193
i19 = 0.23310692223695684
i20 = 0.008089496373502647
i21 = 0.7533529530133879
i22 = 0.4218710975774087
i23 = 0.03329287687223692
i24 = 0.9136665338169284
i25 = 0.7528330460265494
i26 = 0.0810779357870034
i27 = 0.4183140612726107
i28 = 0.4381547602657835
i29 = 0.907339329732971
End Constants
int_v1 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v2 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v3 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v4 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v5 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v6 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v7 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v8 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v9 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v10 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
End Variables
minimize (-((((((((((log((1+((((i0)*(i10)))*(int_v1))))-((i20)*(int_v1)))+(log((1+((((i1)*(i11)))*(int_v2))))-((i21)*(int_v2))))+(log((1+((((i2)*(i12)))*(int_v3))))-((i22)*(int_v3))))+(log((1+((((i3)*(i13)))*(int_v4))))-((i23)*(int_v4))))+(log((1+((((i4)*(i14)))*(int_v5))))-((i24)*(int_v5))))+(log((1+((((i5)*(i15)))*(int_v6))))-((i25)*(int_v6))))+(log((1+((((i6)*(i16)))*(int_v7))))-((i26)*(int_v7))))+(log((1+((((i7)*(i17)))*(int_v8))))-((i27)*(int_v8))))+(log((1+((((i8)*(i18)))*(int_v9))))-((i28)*(int_v9))))+(log((1+((((i9)*(i19)))*(int_v10))))-((i29)*(int_v10)))))
End Equations
End Model
You can avoid a large symbolic expression string by modifying the model as:
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
n = 5000
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'responsiveness':np.random.rand(n),\
#initialize model
m= GEKKO(remote=False)
#initialize variable
x = np.array([m.Var(lb=0,ub=100,integer=True) for i in range(len(df1))])
responsiveness = df1['responsiveness'].values
affinity_score = df1['affinity'].values
cost = df1['cost'].values
[m.Maximize(m.log(i) - k * j) \
for i,j,k in zip((1+responsiveness * affinity_score * x),x,cost)]
This gives an underlying model of the following that does not increase in symbolic expression size with number of variables.
int_v1 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v2 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v3 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v4 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v5 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v6 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v7 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v8 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v9 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
int_v10 = 0, <= 100, >= 0
v11 = 0
End Variables
maximize (log((1+((0.16283879947305288)*(int_v1))))-((0.365323493448101)*(int_v1)))
maximize (log((1+((0.3509872155181691)*(int_v2))))-((0.12162206443479917)*(int_v2)))
maximize (log((1+((0.20134572143617518)*(int_v3))))-((0.47137701674279087)*(int_v3)))
maximize (log((1+((0.287818142242232)*(int_v4))))-((0.12042554857067544)*(int_v4)))
maximize (log((1+((0.48997709502894166)*(int_v5))))-((0.21084485862098745)*(int_v5)))
maximize (log((1+((0.6178277437136291)*(int_v6))))-((0.42602122419609056)*(int_v6)))
maximize (log((1+((0.13033555293152563)*(int_v7))))-((0.8796057438355324)*(int_v7)))
maximize (log((1+((0.5002025885707916)*(int_v8))))-((0.9703263879586648)*(int_v8)))
maximize (log((1+((0.7095523321888202)*(int_v9))))-((0.8498606490337451)*(int_v9)))
maximize (log((1+((0.6174815809937886)*(int_v10))))-((0.9390903075640681)*(int_v10)))
End Equations
int_v1 = sum_1.x[1]
int_v2 = sum_1.x[2]
int_v3 = sum_1.x[3]
int_v4 = sum_1.x[4]
int_v5 = sum_1.x[5]
int_v6 = sum_1.x[6]
int_v7 = sum_1.x[7]
int_v8 = sum_1.x[8]
int_v9 = sum_1.x[9]
int_v10 = sum_1.x[10]
v11 = sum_1.y
End Connections
sum_1 = sum(10)
End Objects
End Model
I fixed a bug in Gekko so you should be able to use m.Equation(m.sum(x)<=30000) on the next release of Gekko instead of converting x to a list. This modification now works for larger models that previously failed. I tested it with n=5000.
Number of state variables: 5002
Number of total equations: - 2
Number of slack variables: - 1
Degrees of freedom : 4999
Steady State Optimization with APOPT Solver
Iter: 1 I: 0 Tm: 313.38 NLPi: 14 Dpth: 0 Lvs: 3 Obj: -6.05E+02 Gap: NaN
--Integer Solution: -6.01E+02 Lowest Leaf: -6.05E+02 Gap: 6.60E-03
Iter: 2 I: 0 Tm: 0.06 NLPi: 2 Dpth: 1 Lvs: 3 Obj: -6.01E+02 Gap: 6.60E-03
Successful solution
Solver : APOPT (v1.0)
Solution time : 313.461699999985 sec
Objective : -600.648283994940
Successful solution
The solution time increases to 313.46 sec. There is also more processing time to compile the model. You may want to start with smaller models and check how much it will increase the computational time. I also recommend that you use remote=False to solve locally instead of on the remote server.
Integer optimization problems can take exponentially longer with more variables so you'll want to ensure that you aren't starting a problem that will require 30 years to complete. A good way to check this is solve successively larger problems to get an idea of the scale-up.


Alternatives to matrix inversions in GEKKO model

I'm new to both GEKKO and Python so bear with me. I'm trying to do a control optimization problem of a system of the general form:
Equations of Motion
This requires that I solve the 2nd-order terms as either Intermediates or Equations. However, I'm really struggling with how to express this correctly. I've read elsewhere that Gekko objects do not accept np.linalg.invbut can solve these equations when expressed implicitly. The below code attempts to express the .dt() terms implicitly, but the solver provides the below error message:
Exception: #error: Intermediate Definition
Error: Intermediate variable with no equality (=) expression
The above message (I believe) is referring to the M matrix. It's unclear to me if this is an issue with the formulation of my Intermediates or with the Equations.
Note: in this case, I could workaround this issue by explicitly expressing the 2nd-order terms, but even for such a simple system, those equations are rather large. For higher complexity systems, that won't be practical, so I'd really appreciate a method to solve the equations of motion in matrix form.
Much appreciated.
import math
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
#Defining a model
m = GEKKO()
#Define initial and final conditions and limits
x0 = -1; xdot0 = 0
q10 = 0; q1dot0 = 0
q20 = 0; q2dot0 = 0
xf = 1; xdotf = 0
q1f = 0; q1dotf = 0
q2f = 0; q2dotf = 0
xmin = -1.5; xmax = 1.5
umin = -10; umax = 10
#Defining the time parameter (0, 1)
N = 100
t = np.linspace(0,1,N)
m.time = t
#Final time
TF = m.FV(3,lb=2,ub=25); TF.STATUS = 1
end_loc = len(m.time)-1
mc = m.Param(value=1) #cart mass
m1 = m.Param(value=.01) #link 1 mass
m2 = m.Param(value=.01) #link 2 mass
L1 = m.Param(value=1) #link 1 length
LC1 = m.Param(value=.5) #link 1 CM pos
L2 = m.Param(value=1) #link 1 length
LC2 = m.Param(value=.5) #link 1 CM pos
I1 = m.Param(value=.01) #link 1 MOI
I2 = m.Param(value=.01) #link 2 MOI
g = m.Const(value=9.81) #gravity
pi = math.pi; pi = m.Const(value=pi)
u = m.MV(value=0,lb=umin,ub=umax); u.STATUS = 1
#State Variables
x, xdot, q1, q1dot, q2, q2dot = m.Array(m.Var, 6)
x.value = x0; xdot.value = xdot0
q1.value = q10; q1dot.value = q1dot0
q2.value = q20; q2dot.value = q2dot0
x.LOWER = xmin; x.UPPER = xmax
h1 = m.Intermediate(mc + m1 + m2)
h2 = m.Intermediate(m1*LC1 + m2*L1)
h3 = m.Intermediate(m2*LC2)
h4 = m.Intermediate(m1*LC1**2 + m2*L1**2 + I1)
h5 = m.Intermediate(m2*LC2*L1)
h6 = m.Intermediate(m2*LC2**2 + I2)
h7 = m.Intermediate(m1*LC1*g + m2*L1*g)
h8 = m.Intermediate(m2*LC2*g)
M = m.Intermediate(np.array([[h1, h2*m.cos(q1), h3*m.cos(q2)],
[h2*m.cos(q1), h4, h5*m.cos(q1-q2)],
[h3*m.cos(q2), h5*m.cos(q1-q2), h6]]))
C = m.Intermediate(np.array([[0, -h2*q1dot*m.sin(q1), -h3*q2dot*m.sin(q2)],
[0, 0, h5*q2dot*m.sin(q1-q2)],
[0, -h5*q1dot*m.sin(q1-q2), 0]]))
G = m.Intermediate(np.array([[0], [-h7*m.sin(q1)], [-h8*m.sin(q2)]]))
U = m.Intermediate(np.array([[u], [0], [0]]))
DQ = m.Intermediate(np.array([[xdot], [q1dot], [q2dot]]))
CDQ = m.Intermediate(C*DQ)
#Defining the State Space Model
m.Equation(M*np.array([[xdot.dt()/TF], [q1dot.dt()/TF], [q2dot.dt()/TF]]) == U - CDQ - G)
m.Equation(x.dt()/TF == xdot)
m.Equation(q1.dt()/TF == q1dot)
m.Equation(q2.dt()/TF == q2dot)
#Defining final condition
#Try to minimize final time
m.options.IMODE = 6 #MPC
m.solve() #(disp=False)
m.time = np.multiply(TF, m.time)
print('Final time: ', TF.value[0])
A few things to modify:
Use np.array() without the m.Intermediate() to define arrays.
Use M#b or,b) for the dot product, not M*b.
Use np.array([]) for the 3x1 array definitions instead of np.array([[],[],[]]). The dot product understands the intent.
Use m.fix_final() to fix a final point. You may also consider softening the final constraint with the strategies shown in the Inverted Pendulum problem, especially if the solver isn't able to find a feasible solution.
Use m.GEKKO(remote=False) to solve locally, with no internet connection. Using the public server is also fine, but the local option may be faster and more reliable later when you are solving larger problems.
Here is the modified Python Gekko code:
import math
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
#Defining a model
m = GEKKO()
#Define initial and final conditions and limits
x0 = -1; xdot0 = 0
q10 = 0; q1dot0 = 0
q20 = 0; q2dot0 = 0
xf = 1; xdotf = 0
q1f = 0; q1dotf = 0
q2f = 0; q2dotf = 0
xmin = -1.5; xmax = 1.5
umin = -10; umax = 10
#Defining the time parameter (0, 1)
N = 100
t = np.linspace(0,1,N)
m.time = t
#Final time
TF = m.FV(3,lb=2,ub=25); TF.STATUS = 1
mc = m.Param(value=1) #cart mass
m1 = m.Param(value=.01) #link 1 mass
m2 = m.Param(value=.01) #link 2 mass
L1 = m.Param(value=1) #link 1 length
LC1 = m.Param(value=.5) #link 1 CM pos
L2 = m.Param(value=1) #link 1 length
LC2 = m.Param(value=.5) #link 1 CM pos
I1 = m.Param(value=.01) #link 1 MOI
I2 = m.Param(value=.01) #link 2 MOI
g = m.Const(value=9.81) #gravity
pi = math.pi; pi = m.Const(value=pi)
u = m.MV(value=0,lb=umin,ub=umax); u.STATUS = 1
#State Variables
x, xdot, q1, q1dot, q2, q2dot = m.Array(m.Var, 6)
x.value = x0; xdot.value = xdot0
q1.value = q10; q1dot.value = q1dot0
q2.value = q20; q2dot.value = q2dot0
x.LOWER = xmin; x.UPPER = xmax
h1 = m.Intermediate(mc + m1 + m2)
h2 = m.Intermediate(m1*LC1 + m2*L1)
h3 = m.Intermediate(m2*LC2)
h4 = m.Intermediate(m1*LC1**2 + m2*L1**2 + I1)
h5 = m.Intermediate(m2*LC2*L1)
h6 = m.Intermediate(m2*LC2**2 + I2)
h7 = m.Intermediate(m1*LC1*g + m2*L1*g)
h8 = m.Intermediate(m2*LC2*g)
M = np.array([[h1, h2*m.cos(q1), h3*m.cos(q2)],
[h2*m.cos(q1), h4, h5*m.cos(q1-q2)],
[h3*m.cos(q2), h5*m.cos(q1-q2), h6]])
C = np.array([[0, -h2*q1dot*m.sin(q1), -h3*q2dot*m.sin(q2)],
[0, 0, h5*q2dot*m.sin(q1-q2)],
[0, -h5*q1dot*m.sin(q1-q2), 0]])
G = np.array([0, -h7*m.sin(q1), -h8*m.sin(q2)])
U = np.array([u, 0, 0])
DQ = np.array([xdot, q1dot, q2dot])
b = np.array([xdot.dt()/TF, q1dot.dt()/TF, q2dot.dt()/TF])
Mb = M#b
#Defining the State Space Model
m.Equations([(Mb[i] == U[i] - CDQ[i] - G[i]) for i in range(3)])
m.Equation(x.dt()/TF == xdot)
m.Equation(q1.dt()/TF == q1dot)
m.Equation(q2.dt()/TF == q2dot)
#Defining final condition
#Try to minimize final time
m.options.IMODE = 6 #MPC
m.solve() #(disp=False)
m.time = np.multiply(TF, m.time)
print('Final time: ', TF.value[0])
This gives a successful solution with 35 iterations of the IPOPT solver:
EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
The solution was found.
The final value of the objective function is 364.520472987953
Solver : IPOPT (v3.12)
Solution time : 1.57619999999588 sec
Objective : 364.520472987953
Successful solution
Final time: 3.6819305146

GEKKO MPC Solver with real-time measurements

Trying to solve MPC with an objective function and real-time measurements, one measurement getting in at a time. I am a bit at a loss on the followings:
1 - Is it necessary to shorten the prediction horizon to n_steps - step + 1 and reinitialize the MVs and CVs at every time interval when new measurement comes in?
2 - Not sure how to collect the next step predicted actuation inputs/ states values after the model is solved.
Should that the predicted actuation inputs be:
self.mpc_u_state[step] = np.array([n_fans.NEWVAL,
self.mpc_u_state[step] = np.array([n_fans[step],
Cw [step],
3 - How about the newly predicted state? Should that be:
mpc_x_state[step] = np.array([topoil.VALUE[step],
Here is my real-time MPC code. Any help would be much appreciated.
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import csv as csv
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ALPHA = 0.5
DELTA_TOP = 5 # 5 degC
DELTA_HOT = 5 # 5 degC
DELTA_PU = 0.05 # 0.05 p.u
NUM_FANS = 8 # MAX Number of fans
NUM_PUMPS = 3 # MAX number of pumps
FAN_POWERS = [145, 130, 120, 100, 500, 460, 430, 370, 860, 800, 720, 610, 1500, 1350, 1230, 1030]
PUMP_POWERS = [430.0, 1070.0, 2950.0, 6920.0, 8830.0] # [0.43, 1.07, 2.95, 6.92, 8.83]
# set up matplotlib
is_ipython = 'inline' in matplotlib.get_backend()
if is_ipython:
from IPython import display
class MPCooController:
def __init__(self):
self.ref_state = pd.DataFrame([
[0 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.476577', 67.78, 77.94, 0.6],
[1 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.535194', 64.31, 73.03, 0.6],
[2 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.566615', 61.44, 69.90, 0.6],
[3 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.613887', 58.41, 67.16, 0.6],
[4 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.653718', 55.98, 64.62, 0.6],
[5 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.696774', 53.47, 62.41, 0.6],
[6 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.726733', 51.41, 60.38, 0.6],
[7 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.765546', 49.37, 58.57, 0.6],
[8 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.809288', 47.63, 56.93, 0.6],
[9 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.841497', 46.04, 55.50, 0.6],
[10 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.878795', 44.61, 54.22, 0.6],
[11 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.921976', 43.46, 53.14, 0.6],
[12 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.964345', 42.32, 52.75, 0.7],
[13 , '2022-11-11T15:12:17.997516', 42.10, 54.73, 0.7],
[14 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.037895', 41.82, 55.56, 0.8],
[15 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.076159', 42.63, 58.60, 0.8],
[16 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.119739', 43.19, 60.29, 0.9],
[17 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.153816', 44.96, 64.24, 0.9],
[18 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.185398', 46.34, 66.69, 1.0],
[19 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.219051', 49.00, 71.43, 1.0],
[20 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.249319', 51.10, 73.73, 1.0],
[21 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.278797', 53.67, 75.80, 1.0],
[22 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.311761', 55.53, 77.71, 1.0],
[23 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.339181', 57.86, 79.58, 1.0],
[24 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.386485', 59.56, 81.72, 1.05],
[25 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.421970', 62.10, 85.07, 1.05],
[26 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.451925', 64.14, 87.55, 1.1],
[27 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.502646', 66.91, 91.12, 1.1],
[28 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.529126', 69.22, 93.78, 1.15],
[29 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.557800', 72.11, 97.48, 1.15],
[30 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.591488', 74.60, 100.25, 1.2],
[31 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.620894', 77.50, 103.99, 1.2],
[32 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.652168', 80.04, 105.84, 1.15],
[33 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.692116', 81.82, 106.17, 1.15],
[34 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.739722', 83.28, 106.96, 1.1],
[35 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.786310', 83.99, 106.39, 1.1],
[36 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.839116', 84.62, 106.82, 1.1],
[37 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.872161', 84.91, 107.12, 1.1],
[38 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.908019', 85.34, 107.36, 1.1],
[39 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.938229', 85.30, 107.40, 1.1],
[40 , '2022-11-11T15:12:18.967031', 85.46, 106.54, 1.0],
[41 , '2022-11-11T15:12:19.001552', 84.21, 103.19, 1.0],
[42 , '2022-11-11T15:12:19.035265', 83.19, 101.22, 0.9],
[43 , '2022-11-11T15:12:19.069475', 80.95, 97.04, 0.9],
[44 , '2022-11-11T15:12:19.094408', 79.11, 94.33, 0.8],
[45 , '2022-11-11T15:12:19.123621', 76.21, 89.62, 0.8],
[46 , '2022-11-11T15:12:19.158660', 73.81, 86.42, 0.7],
[47 , '2022-11-11T15:12:19.192915', 70.51, 81.42, 0.7],
[48 , '2022-11-11T15:12:19.231802', 67.78, 77.94, 0.6]], columns=['id', 'sampdate', 'optopoil', 'ophotspot', 'opload'])
self.puload = np.zeros(len(self.ref_state))
self.hot_noise = np.zeros(len(self.ref_state))
self.top_noise = np.zeros(len(self.ref_state))
self.ref_puload = []
self.ref_hotspot = []
self.ref_topoil = []
self.mpc_play_time = []
self.mpc_ref_state = []
self.mpc_x_state = []
self.mpc_u_state = []
# This function simulates observations
def get_observation(self, step, u_state):
# Slee 5 seconds to pretend to actuate something with (u_state) and get the resulting state back
# here the resulting state is simulated with the reference curve affected by a random noise
# time.sleep(5)
optopoil = float(self.ref_state['optopoil'][step]) + self.top_noise[step] # Top oil temperature
ophotspot = float(self.ref_state['ophotspot'][step]) + self.hot_noise[step] # Winding X temperature # Water activity
opuload = float(self.ref_state['opload'][step]) + self.puload[step] # pu load current X Winding
return np.array([optopoil, ophotspot, opuload])
def mpc_free_resources(self):
n_steps = len(self.ref_state)
self.mpc_play_time = list(np.empty(n_steps))
self.mpc_x_state = list(np.empty(n_steps))
self.mpc_u_state = list(np.empty(n_steps))
self.mpc_x_meas = list(np.empty(n_steps))
self.pu_noise = np.random.normal(0, .05, len(self.ref_state))
self.hot_noise = np.random.normal(0, 5, len(self.ref_state))
self.top_noise = np.random.normal(0, 5, len(self.ref_state))
def mpc_real_mpc(self):
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
n_steps = len(self.ref_state )
m.time = np.linspace(0, n_steps -1 , n_steps)
self.mpc_ref_state = self.ref_state
mpc_play_time = list(np.empty(n_steps))
mpc_x_state = list(np.empty(n_steps))
mpc_u_state = list(np.empty(n_steps))
mpc_x_meas = list(np.empty(n_steps))
alpha = m.Const(value = ALPHA)
delta_top = m.Const(value = DELTA_TOP)
delta_hot = m.Const(value = DELTA_HOT)
delta_pu = m.Const(value = DELTA_PU)
C_base = m.Const(value = NUM_FANS * np.max(FAN_POWERS) + NUM_PUMPS * np.max(PUMP_POWERS)) # kW
# Reference parameters
ref_puload = m.Param(np.array(self.ref_state['opload']))
ref_hotspot = m.Param(np.array(self.ref_state['ophotspot']))
ref_topoil = m.Param(np.array(self.ref_state['optopoil']))
# Reference curves lower and higher bounds
tophigh = m.Param(value = ref_topoil.VALUE)
toplow = m.Param(value = ref_topoil.VALUE - delta_top.VALUE)
hothigh = m.Param(value = ref_hotspot.VALUE)
hotlow = m.Param(value = ref_hotspot.VALUE - delta_hot.VALUE)
puhigh = m.Param(value = ref_puload.VALUE)
pulow = m.Param(value = ref_puload.VALUE - delta_pu.VALUE)
# Controlled Variables
puload = m.CV(lb = np.min(pulow.VALUE), ub = np.max(puhigh.VALUE))
hotspot = m.CV(lb = np.min(hotlow.VALUE), ub = np.max(hothigh.VALUE))
topoil = m.CV(lb = np.min(toplow.VALUE), ub = np.max(tophigh.VALUE))
# Manipulated variables
n_fans = m.MV(value = 0, lb = 0, ub = NUM_FANS, integer=True)
n_pumps = m.MV(value = 1, lb = 1, ub = NUM_PUMPS, integer=True)
Cw = m.MV(value = np.min(FAN_POWERS), lb = np.min(FAN_POWERS), ub = np.max(FAN_POWERS))
Cp = m.MV(value = np.min(PUMP_POWERS), lb = np.min(PUMP_POWERS), ub = np.max(PUMP_POWERS))
# CVs Status (both measured and calculated)
puload.FSTATUS = 1
hotspot.FSTATUS = 1
topoil.FSTATUS = 1
puload.STATUS = 1
hotspot.STATUS = 1
topoil.STATUS = 1
# Action status
n_fans.STATUS = 1
n_pumps.STATUS = 1
# Not measured
n_fans.FSTATUS = 0
n_pumps.FSTATUS = 0
# The Objective Function (Fuv) cumulating overtime
power_cost = m.Intermediate((((n_fans * Cw + n_pumps * Cp) - C_base) / C_base)**2)
tracking_cost = m.Intermediate (((ref_puload - puload) / ref_puload)**2
+ ((ref_hotspot - hotspot) / ref_hotspot)**2
+ ((ref_topoil - topoil) / ref_topoil)**2)
Fuv = m.Intermediate(alpha * power_cost + (1 - alpha) * tracking_cost)
# Initial solution
step = 0
u_state = np.array([0, np.min(FAN_POWERS), 1, np.min(PUMP_POWERS)])
x_state = self.get_observation(step, u_state)
topoil.MEAS = x_state[0]
hotspot.MEAS = x_state[1]
puload.MEAS = x_state[2]
m.options.TIME_SHIFT = 1
m.options.CV_TYPE = 2
m.options.IMODE = 6
m.options.SOLVER = 1
m.solve(disp=True, debug=False)
mpc_x_state[0] = np.array([topoil.MODEL, hotspot.MODEL, puload.MODEL])
mpc_u_state[0] = np.array([n_fans.NEWVAL, Cw.NEWVAL, n_pumps.NEWVAL, Cp.NEWVAL])
mpc_x_meas[0] = np.array([topoil.MEAS, hotspot.MEAS, puload.MEAS])
u_state = mpc_u_state[0]
mpc_play_time[0] = 0
# Actuation Input at time step = 0
for step in range(1, n_steps):
x_state = self.get_observation(step, u_state)
topoil.MEAS = x_state[0]
hotspot.MEAS = x_state[1]
puload.MEAS = x_state[2]
topoil.SP = tophigh[step]
hotspot.SP = hothigh[step]
puload.SP = puhigh[step]
m.solve(disp=True, debug=False)
mpc_x_state[step] = np.array([topoil.MODEL, hotspot.MODEL, puload.MODEL])
mpc_x_meas[step] = np.array([topoil.MEAS, hotspot.MEAS, puload.MEAS])
mpc_u_state[step] = np.array([n_fans.NEWVAL, Cw.NEWVAL, n_pumps.NEWVAL, Cp.NEWVAL])
# New actuation inputs
u_state = mpc_u_state[step]
mpc_play_time[step] = step
self.mpc_x_state = mpc_x_state
self.mpc_x_meas = mpc_x_meas
self.mpc_u_state = mpc_u_state
self.mpc_play_time = mpc_play_time
def plot_ctl_mpc(self):
print("\n\n\n\n===== mpc_u_state ========\n", self.mpc_u_state)
print("\n\n===== mpc_x_state ========\n", self.mpc_x_state)
self.mpc_x_state = pd.DataFrame(self.mpc_x_state, columns=['optopoil','ophotspot','opload'])
self.mpc_x_meas = pd.DataFrame(self.mpc_x_meas, columns=['optopoil','ophotspot','opload'])
self.mpc_u_state = pd.DataFrame(self.mpc_u_state, columns=['nfans', 'fpower', 'npumps', 'ppower'])
print("\n\n===== mpc_u_state ========\n", self.mpc_u_state)
print("\n\n===== mpc_x_state ========\n", self.mpc_x_state)
print("\n\n===== mpc_x_meas ========\n", self.mpc_x_meas)
# Results Collection over play time
fig1, ax = plt.subplots()
ref_lns_hot, = ax.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_ref_state['ophotspot'], 'r', label="ref-hot spot")
mpc_lns_hot, = ax.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_x_state['ophotspot'], 'r--', label="mpc-hot spot")
# mpc_hot_meas, = ax.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_x_meas['ophotspot'], 'r+-', label="mpc_hot_meas")
ref_lns_top, = ax.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_ref_state['optopoil'], 'y', label="ref-top oil")
mpc_lns_top, = ax.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_x_state['optopoil'], 'y--', label="mpc-top oil")
# mpc_top_meas, = ax.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_x_meas['optopoil'], 'y+-', label="mpc_top_meas")
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ref_lns_load, = ax2.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_ref_state['opload'], 'k', drawstyle='steps-post', label='ref-pu-load')
mpc_lns_load, = ax2.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_x_state['opload'], 'k--', drawstyle='steps-post', label="mpc-pu-load")
# mpc_load_meas, = ax2.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_x_meas['opload'], 'k+-', drawstyle='steps-post', label="meas-pu-load")
ax.set_xlabel('Time [min]')
ax.set_title('Thermal and loads stimuli distribution')
# ax2.legend(handles=[ref_lns_hot, mpc_lns_hot, rl_lns_hot, ref_lns_top, mpc_lns_top, rl_lns_top, ref_lns_load, mpc_lns_load, rl_lns_load], loc='best')
fig2, ax3 = plt.subplots()
ax3.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_u_state['fpower'] * self.mpc_u_state['nfans'], drawstyle='steps-post', label="Fans Power")
ax3.plot(self.mpc_play_time, self.mpc_u_state['ppower'] * self.mpc_u_state['npumps'], drawstyle='steps-post', label="Pumps Power")
if __name__ == '__main__':
mpco_controller = MPCooController()
Every time the m.solve() command is issued, Gekko manages the time shifting, re-initialization, and solution.
It is not necessary to shorten the time horizon with every cycle. The time horizon remains constant unless it is a batch process that shortens the horizon as the batch proceeds. Here is a graphic that shows how the time horizon remains constant. The two CVs (top plots) have a prediction horizon with a setpoint indicated by the dashed target region.
The predicted value is:
self.mpc_u_state[step] = np.array([n_fans.NEWVAL,
this is equivalent to:
self.mpc_u_state[step] = np.array([n_fans.value[1],
The newly predicted state is:
mpc_x_state[step] = np.array([topoil.MODEL,
or you can take any value from the time horizon such as the initial condition:
mpc_x_state[step] = np.array([topoil.value[0],
The Temperature Control Lab is a good example of real-time MPC that runs with an Arduino Leonardo for DAQ and has a serial interface to Python or Matlab for the plots. The TCLab examples can be run with TCLab() or with TCLabModel() if the TCLab hardware is not available.
Response to Edit
Each m.Var(), m.SV(), and m.CV() needs a corresponding equation with m.Equation() to determine the value. The declaration of an m.Var() creates an additional degree of freedom and m.Equation() reduces the degree of freedom by one. The model has three m.CV() definitions but no corresponding equations for puload, hotspot, and topoil. Equations need to be defined that relate the MVs or other adjustable inputs to these outputs. The optimizer then selects the best MVs or FVs to minimize the objective function that combines power and tracking costs.
A convenient way to check that the degrees of freedom are specified correctly is to set m.options.COLDSTART=1 for the first solve.
m.options.COLDSTART = 1
m.solve(disp=True, debug=True)
m.options.COLDSTART = 0
m.solve(disp=True, debug=False)
If the degrees of freedom are not set properly, there is an error:
Number of state variables: 1104
Number of total equations: - 960
Number of slack variables: - 0
Degrees of freedom : 144
#error: Degrees of Freedom
* Error: DOF must be zero for this mode
Once the degrees of freedom are correct, another suggestion is to avoid hard constraints on the CVs. This can lead to an infeasibility.
puload = m.CV() #lb = np.min(pulow.VALUE), ub = np.max(puhigh.VALUE))
hotspot = m.CV() #lb = np.min(hotlow.VALUE), ub = np.max(hothigh.VALUE))
topoil = m.CV() #lb = np.min(toplow.VALUE), ub = np.max(tophigh.VALUE))
It is better to use CV_TYPE=1 and set SPHI and SPLO values so that violations of these constraints can occur to maintain feasibility.

Why does the code terminate with a "Solution Not Found" error and "EXIT: Converged to a point of local infeasibility. Problem may be infeasible"?

I cannot seem to figure out why IPOPT cannot find a solution to this. Initially, I thought the problem was totally infeasible but when I reduce the value of col_total to any number below 161000 or comment out the last constraint equation that contains col_total, it solves and EXITs with an Optimal Solution Found and a final objective value function of -161775.256826753. I have solved the same Maximization problem using Artificial Bee Colony and Particle Swamp Optimization techniques, and they solve and return optimal objective value function at least 225000 and 226000 respectively. Could it be that another solver is required? I have also tried APOPT, BPOPT, and IPOPT and have tinkered around with the tolerance values, but no combination none seems to work just yet. The code is posted below. Any guidance will be hugely appreciated.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
distances = np.array([[[0, 0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]],\
alpha = 0.5 / np.log(30/0.075)
diam = 31
free = 7
rho = 1.2253
area = np.pi * (diam / 2)**2
min_v = 5.5
axi_max = 0.32485226746
col_total = 176542.96546512868
rat = 14
nn = 5
u_hub_lowerbound = 5.777777777777778
c_pow = 0.59230249
p_max = 0.5 * rho * area * c_pow * free**3
# Initialize Model
m = GEKKO(remote=True)
#initialize variables, Set lower and upper bounds
x = [m.Var(value = 0.03902278, lb = 0, ub = axi_max) \
for i in range(nn)]
# i = 0
b = 1
c = 0
v_s = list()
for i in range(nn-1): # Loop runs for nn-1 times
# print(i)
# print(i,b,c)
squared_defs = list()
while i < b:
d = distances[b][c][0]
r = distances[b][c][1]
ss = (2 * (alpha * d) / diam)
tt = r / ((diam/2) + (alpha * d))
squared_defs.append((2 * x[i] / (1 + ss**2)) * np.exp(-(tt**2)) ** 2)
m.Equation((free * (1 - (sum(squared_defs))**0.5)) - rat <= 0)
m.Equation((free * (1 - (sum(squared_defs))**0.5)) - u_hub_lowerbound >= 0)
v_s.append(free * (1 - (sum(squared_defs))**0.5))
# Inserts free as the first item on the v_s list to
# increase len(v_s) to nn, so that 'v_s' and 'x'
# are of same length
v_s.insert(0, free)
gamma = list()
for i in range(len(x)):
bet = (4*x[i]*((1-x[i])**2) * rho * area) / 2
gam = bet * v_s[i]**3
m.Equation(x[i] - axi_max <= 0)
m.Equation((((4*x[i]*((1-x[i])**2) * rho * area) / 2) \
* v_s[i]**3) - p_max <= 0)
m.Equation((((4*x[i]*((1-x[i])**2) * rho * area) / 2) * \
v_s[i]**3) > 0)
m.Equation(col_total - sum(gamma) <= 0)
y = sum(gamma)
m.Maximize(y) # Maximize
#Set global options
m.options.IMODE = 3 #steady state optimization
#Solve simulation
m.options.SOLVER = 3
m.solver_options = ['linear_solver ma27','mu_strategy adaptive','max_iter 2500', 'tol 1.0e-5' ]
Built the equations without .value in the expressions. The x[i].value is only needed at the end to view the solution after the solution is complete or to initialize the value of x[i]. The expression m.Maximize(y) is more readable than m.Obj(-y) although they are equivalent.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
distances = np.array([[[0, 0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]],\
alpha = 0.5 / np.log(30/0.075)
diam = 31
free = 7
rho = 1.2253
area = np.pi * (diam / 2)**2
min_v = 5.5
axi_max = 0.069262150781
col_total = 20000
p_max = 4000
rat = 14
nn = 5
# Initialize Model
m = GEKKO(remote=True)
#initialize variables, Set lower and upper bounds
x = [m.Var(value = 0.03902278, lb = 0, ub = axi_max) \
for i in range(nn)]
i = 0
b = 1
c = 0
v_s = list()
for turbs in range(nn-1): # Loop runs for nn-1 times
squared_defs = list()
while i < b:
d = distances[b][c][0]
r = distances[b][c][1]
ss = (2 * (alpha * d) / diam)
tt = r / ((diam/2) + (alpha * d))
squared_defs.append((2 * x[i] / (1 + ss**2)) \
* m.exp(-(tt**2)) ** 2)
m.Equation((free * (1 - (sum(squared_defs))**0.5)) - rat <= 0)
m.Equation(min_v - (free * (1 - (sum(squared_defs))**0.5)) <= 0 )
v_s.append(free * (1 - (sum(squared_defs))**0.5))
# Inserts free as the first item on the v_s list to
# increase len(v_s) to nn, so that 'v_s' and 'x'
# are of same length
v_s.insert(0, free)
beta = list()
gamma = list()
for i in range(len(x)):
bet = (4*x[i]*((1-x[i])**2) * rho * area) / 2
gam = bet * v_s[i]**3
m.Equation((((4*x[i]*((1-x[i])**2) * rho * area) / 2) \
* v_s[i]**3) - p_max <= 0)
m.Equation((((4*x[i]*((1-x[i])**2) * rho * area) / 2) \
* v_s[i]**3) > 0)
m.Equation(col_total - sum(gamma) <= 0)
y = sum(gamma)
m.Maximize(y) # Maximize
#Set global options
m.options.IMODE = 3 #steady state optimization
#Solve simulation
m.options.SOLVER = 3
This gives a successful solution with maximized objective 20,000:
Number of Iterations....: 12
(scaled) (unscaled)
Objective...............: -4.7394814741924645e+00 -1.9999999999929641e+04
Dual infeasibility......: 4.4698510326511536e-07 1.8862194343304290e-03
Constraint violation....: 3.8275766582203308e-11 1.2941979026166479e-07
Complementarity.........: 2.1543608536533588e-09 9.0911246952931704e-06
Overall NLP error.......: 4.6245685940749926e-10 1.8862194343304290e-03
Number of objective function evaluations = 80
Number of objective gradient evaluations = 13
Number of equality constraint evaluations = 80
Number of inequality constraint evaluations = 0
Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 13
Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0
Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations = 12
Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations) = 0.010
Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations = 0.011
EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.
The solution was found.
The final value of the objective function is -19999.9999999296
Solver : IPOPT (v3.12)
Solution time : 3.210000000399305E-002 sec
Objective : -19999.9999999296
Successful solution

How to set up GEKKO for parameter estimation from multiple independent sets of data?

I am learning how to use GEKKO for kinetic parameter estimation based on laboratory batch reactor data, which essentially consists of the concentration profiles of three species A, C, and P. For the purposes of my question, I am using a model that I previously featured in a question related to parameter estimation from a single data set.
My ultimate goal is to be able to use multiple experimental runs for parameter estimation, leveraging data that may be collected at different temperatures, species concentrations, etc. Due to the independent nature of individual batch reactor experiments, each data set features samples collected at different time points. These different time points (and in the future, different temperatures for instance) are difficult for me to implement into a GEKKO model, as I previosly used the experimental data collection time points as the m.time parameter for the GEKKO model. (See end of post for code) I have solved problems like this in the past with gPROMS and Athena Visual Studio.
To illustrate my problem, I generated an artificial data set of 'experimental' data from my original model by introducing noise to the species concentration profiles, and shifting the experimental time points slightly. I then combined all data sets of the same experimental species into new arrays featuring multiple columns. My thought process here was that GEKKO would carry out the parameter estimation by using the experimental data of each corresponding column of the arrays, so that times_comb[:,0] would be related to A_comb[:,0] while times_comb[:,1] would be related to A_comb[:,1].
When I attempt to run the GEKKO model, the system does obtain a solution for the parameter estimation, but it is unclear to me if the problem solution is reasonable, as I notice that the GEKKO Variables A, B, C, and P are 34 element vectors, which is double the elements in each of the experimental data sets. I presume GEKKO is somehow combining both columns of the time and Parameter vectors during model setup that leads to those 34 element variables? I am also concerned that during this combination of the columns of each input parameter, that the relationship between a certain time point and the collected species information is lost.
How could I improve the use of multiple data sets that GEKKO can simultaneously use for parameter estimation, with the consideration that the time points of each data set may be different? I looked on the GEKKO documentation examples as well as the APMonitor website, but I could not find examples featuring multiple data sets that I could use for guidance, as I am fairly new to the GEKKO package.
Thank you for your time reading my question and for any help/ideas you may have.
Code below:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gekko import GEKKO
#Experimental data
times = np.array([0.0, 0.071875, 0.143750, 0.215625, 0.287500, 0.359375, 0.431250,
0.503125, 0.575000, 0.646875, 0.718750, 0.790625, 0.862500,
0.934375, 1.006250, 1.078125, 1.150000])
A_obs = np.array([1.0, 0.552208, 0.300598, 0.196879, 0.101175, 0.065684, 0.045096,
0.028880, 0.018433, 0.011509, 0.006215, 0.004278, 0.002698,
0.001944, 0.001116, 0.000732, 0.000426])
C_obs = np.array([0.0, 0.187768, 0.262406, 0.350412, 0.325110, 0.367181, 0.348264,
0.325085, 0.355673, 0.361805, 0.363117, 0.327266, 0.330211,
0.385798, 0.358132, 0.380497, 0.383051])
P_obs = np.array([0.0, 0.117684, 0.175074, 0.236679, 0.234442, 0.270303, 0.272637,
0.274075, 0.278981, 0.297151, 0.297797, 0.298722, 0.326645,
0.303198, 0.277822, 0.284194, 0.301471])
#Generate second set of 'experimental data'
times_new = times + np.random.uniform(0.0,0.01)
P_obs_noisy = P_obs+np.random.normal(0,0.05,P_obs.shape)
A_obs_noisy = A_obs+np.random.normal(0,0.05,A_obs.shape)
C_obs_noisy = A_obs+np.random.normal(0,0.05,C_obs.shape)
#Combine two data sets into multi-column arrays
times_comb = np.array([times, times_new]).T
P_comb = np.array([P_obs, P_obs_noisy]).T
A_comb = np.array([A_obs, A_obs_noisy]).T
C_comb = np.array([C_obs, C_obs_noisy]).T
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
t = m.time = times_comb #using two column time array
Am = m.Param(value=A_comb) #Using the two column data as observed parameter
Cm = m.Param(value=C_comb)
Pm = m.Param(value=P_comb)
A = m.Var(1, lb = 0)
B = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
C = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
P = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
k = m.Array(m.FV,6,value=1,lb=0)
for ki in k:
ki.STATUS = 1
k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6 = k
r1 = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
r2 = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
r3 = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
r4 = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
r5 = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
r6 = m.Var(0, lb = 0)
m.Equation(r1 == k1 * A)
m.Equation(r2 == k2 * A * B)
m.Equation(r3 == k3 * C * B)
m.Equation(r4 == k4 * A)
m.Equation(r5 == k5 * A)
m.Equation(r6 == k6 * A * B)
#mass balance diff eqs, function calls rxn function
m.Equation(A.dt() == - r1 - r2 - r4 - r5 - r6)
m.Equation(B.dt() == r1 - r2 - r3 - r6)
m.Equation(C.dt() == r2 - r3 + r4)
m.Equation(P.dt() == r3 + r5 + r6)
m.options.IMODE = 5
m.options.SOLVER = 3 #IPOPT optimizer
m.options.NODES = 6
k_opt = []
for ki in k:
plt.plot(times_new, A_obs_noisy,'b*')
plt.plot(times_new, C_obs_noisy,'g*')
plt.plot(times_new, P_obs_noisy,'r*')
To have multiple data sets with different times and data points, you can join the data sets as a pandas dataframe. Here is a simple example:
# data set 1
t_data1 = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.00]
x_data1 = [2.0, 1.6, 1.2, 0.7, 0.3, 0.15]
# data set 2
t_data2 = [0.0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.45, 0.85, 0.95]
x_data2 = [3.6, 2.25, 1.75, 1.00, 0.35, 0.20]
The merged data has NaN where the data is missing:
x1 x2
0.00 2.0 3.60
0.10 1.6 NaN
0.15 NaN 2.25
0.20 1.2 NaN
0.25 NaN 1.75
Take note of where the data is missing with a 1=measured and 0=not measured.
# indicate which points are measured
z1 = (data['x1']==data['x1']).astype(int) # 0 if NaN
z2 = (data['x2']==data['x2']).astype(int) # 1 if number
The final step is to set up Gekko variables, equations, and objective to accommodate the data sets.
xm = m.Array(m.Param,2)
zm = m.Array(m.Param,2)
for i in range(2):
m.Equation(x[i].dt()== -k * x[i]) # differential equations
m.Minimize(zm[i]*(x[i]-xm[i])**2) # objectives
You can also calculate the initial condition with m.free_initial(x[i]). This gives an optimal solution for one parameter value (k) over the 2 data sets. This approach can be expanded to multiple variables or multiple data sets with different times.
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# data set 1
t_data1 = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.00]
x_data1 = [2.0, 1.6, 1.2, 0.7, 0.3, 0.15]
# data set 2
t_data2 = [0.0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.45, 0.85, 0.95]
x_data2 = [3.6, 2.25, 1.75, 1.00, 0.35, 0.20]
# combine with dataframe join
data1 = pd.DataFrame({'Time':t_data1,'x1':x_data1})
data2 = pd.DataFrame({'Time':t_data2,'x2':x_data2})
data1.set_index('Time', inplace=True)
data2.set_index('Time', inplace=True)
data = data1.join(data2,how='outer')
# indicate which points are measured
z1 = (data['x1']==data['x1']).astype(int) # 0 if NaN
z2 = (data['x2']==data['x2']).astype(int) # 1 if number
# replace NaN with any number (0)
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
# measurements
xm = m.Array(m.Param,2)
xm[0].value = data['x1'].values
xm[1].value = data['x2'].values
# index for objective (0=not measured, 1=measured)
zm = m.Array(m.Param,2)
m.time = data.index
x = m.Array(m.Var,2) # fit to measurement
x[0].value=x_data1[0]; x[1].value=x_data2[0]
k = m.FV(); k.STATUS = 1 # adjustable parameter
for i in range(2):
m.free_initial(x[i]) # calculate initial condition
m.Equation(x[i].dt()== -k * x[i]) # differential equations
m.Minimize(zm[i]*(x[i]-xm[i])**2) # objectives
m.options.IMODE = 5 # dynamic estimation
m.options.NODES = 2 # collocation nodes
m.solve(disp=True) # solve
k = k.value[0]
print('k = '+str(k))
# plot solution
plt.plot(m.time,x[0].value,'b.--',label='Predicted 1')
plt.plot(m.time,x[1].value,'r.--',label='Predicted 2')
plt.plot(t_data1,x_data1,'bx',label='Measured 1')
plt.plot(t_data2,x_data2,'rx',label='Measured 2')
plt.legend(); plt.xlabel('Time'); plt.ylabel('Value')
Including my updated code (not fully cleaned up to minimize number of variables) incorporating the selected answer to my question for reference. The model does a regression of 3 measured species in two separate 'datasets.'
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from gekko import GEKKO
#Experimental data
times = np.array([0.0, 0.071875, 0.143750, 0.215625, 0.287500, 0.359375, 0.431250,
0.503125, 0.575000, 0.646875, 0.718750, 0.790625, 0.862500,
0.934375, 1.006250, 1.078125, 1.150000])
A_obs = np.array([1.0, 0.552208, 0.300598, 0.196879, 0.101175, 0.065684, 0.045096,
0.028880, 0.018433, 0.011509, 0.006215, 0.004278, 0.002698,
0.001944, 0.001116, 0.000732, 0.000426])
C_obs = np.array([0.0, 0.187768, 0.262406, 0.350412, 0.325110, 0.367181, 0.348264,
0.325085, 0.355673, 0.361805, 0.363117, 0.327266, 0.330211,
0.385798, 0.358132, 0.380497, 0.383051])
P_obs = np.array([0.0, 0.117684, 0.175074, 0.236679, 0.234442, 0.270303, 0.272637,
0.274075, 0.278981, 0.297151, 0.297797, 0.298722, 0.326645,
0.303198, 0.277822, 0.284194, 0.301471])
#Generate second set of 'experimental data'
times_new = times + np.random.uniform(0.0,0.01)
P_obs_noisy = (P_obs+ np.random.normal(0,0.05,P_obs.shape))
A_obs_noisy = (A_obs+np.random.normal(0,0.05,A_obs.shape))
C_obs_noisy = (C_obs+np.random.normal(0,0.05,C_obs.shape))
#Combine two data sets into multi-column arrays using pandas DataFrames
#Set dataframe index to be combined time discretization of both data sets
exp1 = pd.DataFrame({'Time':times,'A':A_obs,'C':C_obs,'P':P_obs})
exp2 = pd.DataFrame({'Time':times_new,'A':A_obs_noisy,'C':C_obs_noisy,'P':P_obs_noisy})
exps = exp1.join(exp2, how ='outer',lsuffix = '_1',rsuffix = '_2')
#Combine both data sets into a single data frame
meas_data = pd.DataFrame().reindex_like(exps)
#define measurement locations for each data set, with NaN written for time points
#not common in both data sets
for cols in exps:
meas_data[cols] = (exps[cols]==exps[cols]).astype(int)
exps.fillna(0,inplace = True) #replace NaN with 0
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
t = m.time = exps.index #set GEKKO time domain to use experimental time points
#Generate two-column GEKKO arrays to store observed values of each species, A, C and P
Am = m.Array(m.Param,2)
Cm = m.Array(m.Param,2)
Pm = m.Array(m.Param,2)
Am[0].value = exps['A_1'].values
Am[1].value = exps['A_2'].values
Cm[0].value = exps['C_1'].values
Cm[1].value = exps['C_2'].values
Pm[0].value = exps['P_1'].values
Pm[1].value = exps['P_2'].values
#Define GEKKO variables that determine if time point contatins data to be used in regression
#If time point contains species data, meas_ variable = 1, else = 0
meas_A = m.Array(m.Param,2)
meas_C = m.Array(m.Param,2)
meas_P = m.Array(m.Param,2)
meas_A[0].value = meas_data['A_1'].values
meas_A[1].value = meas_data['A_2'].values
meas_C[0].value = meas_data['C_1'].values
meas_C[1].value = meas_data['C_2'].values
meas_P[0].value = meas_data['P_1'].values
meas_P[1].value = meas_data['P_2'].values
#Define Variables for differential equations A, B, C, P, with initial conditions set by experimental observation at first time point
A = m.Array(m.Var,2, lb = 0)
B = m.Array(m.Var,2, lb = 0)
C = m.Array(m.Var,2, lb = 0)
P = m.Array(m.Var,2, lb = 0)
A[0].value = exps['A_1'][0] ; A[1].value = exps['A_2'][0]
B[0].value = 0 ; B[1].value = 0
C[0].value = exps['C_1'][0] ; C[1].value = exps['C_2'][0]
P[0].value = exps['P_1'][0] ; P[1].value = exps['P_2'][0]
#Define kinetic coefficients, k1-k6 as regression FV's
k = m.Array(m.FV,6,value=1,lb=0,ub = 20)
for ki in k:
ki.STATUS = 1
k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6 = k
#If doing paramrter estimation, enable free_initial condition, else not include them in model to reduce DOFs (for simulation, for example)
if k1.STATUS == 1:
for i in range(2):
#Define reaction rate variables
r1 = m.Array(m.Var,2, value = 1, lb = 0)
r2 = m.Array(m.Var,2, value = 1, lb = 0)
r3 = m.Array(m.Var,2, value = 1, lb = 0)
r4 = m.Array(m.Var,2, value = 1, lb = 0)
r5 = m.Array(m.Var,2, value = 1, lb = 0)
r6 = m.Array(m.Var,2, value = 1, lb = 0)
#Model Equations
for i in range(2):
#Rate equations
m.Equation(r1[i] == k1 * A[i])
m.Equation(r2[i] == k2 * A[i] * B[i])
m.Equation(r3[i] == k3 * C[i] * B[i])
m.Equation(r4[i] == k4 * A[i])
m.Equation(r5[i] == k5 * A[i])
m.Equation(r6[i] == k6 * A[i] * B[i])
#Differential species balances
m.Equation(A[i].dt() == - r1[i] - r2[i] - r4[i] - r5[i] - r6[i])
m.Equation(B[i].dt() == r1[i] - r2[i] - r3[i] - r6[i])
m.Equation(C[i].dt() == r2[i] - r3[i] + r4[i])
m.Equation(P[i].dt() == r3[i] + r5[i] + r6[i])
#Minimization objective functions
#Solver options
m.options.IMODE = 5
m.options.SOLVER = 3 #APOPT optimizer
m.options.NODES = 6
k_opt = []
for ki in k:
plt.plot(times_new, A_obs_noisy,'b*')
plt.plot(times_new, C_obs_noisy,'g*')
plt.plot(times_new, P_obs_noisy,'r*')

Julia JuMP Infeasible problem - How to get insight into which constraints render the problem infeasible?

using JuMP, Cbc
model = Model(with_optimizer(Cbc.Optimizer, seconds= (20 * 60), ratioGap = 0.10));
#variable(model, x[1:5], Bin);
#constraint(model, c1[i in 1:4], x[i] == 0 )
#constraint(model, c2[i in 4:5], x[i] == 1 )
#objective(model, Min, sum(x[i] for i in 1:5))
# Problem is infeasible - 0.00 seconds
How could I get the information that constraints c1[4] and c2[4] render the problem infeasible?
c1[4] : x[4] = 0.0
c2[4] : x[4] = 1.0
