application/json not supported when passing multipart files and json together - spring

I have a REST controller method which will take multipart files and JSON object to save as a product with images.
Here is my controller method.
#PostMapping(value = "/{username}/saveProduct", consumes = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_VALUE})
public void saveProduct(#PathVariable("username") String username,
#RequestPart("multipartFiles") List<MultipartFile> multipartFiles,
#RequestPart("product") Product product)
Users user = userService.findUserByUsername(username);
List<Images> listOfImages = productService.getBLOBfromFile(multipartFiles, product);
For some reason I am getting this error:
"timestamp": "2021-01-18T20:05:32.409+00:00",
"status": 415,
"error": "Unsupported Media Type",
"trace": "org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException: Content type 'application/json' not supported\r\n\tat org.
From postman I am sending
I tried using #RequestParam and #ModelAttribute as well. Did not work for me.
Also, this method was working when I was writing MVC app.


How to use #PostMapping and Postman to send post request and JSON Object as a request parameter

**I am trying to make a POST controller in springboot having request parameter as JSON object and hiting the controller from the postman .The problem I am facing is that I want to pass a JSONObject in the parameter itself from the postman. I am sending JSON from POSTMAN in body, basically pasted JSON object in the raw body **
public class PostController {
public JSONObject status (#RequestBody JSONObject jsonObject){
return jsonObject;
I am hitting from the postman with POST request at the url : localhost:8080/status ,,
I am not getting the appropriate response. Main problem is that the JSON object is not getting passed to the request . PLease explain.
Intellij terminal response :
AT line 19
and POSTMAN response is :
"empty": true,
"mapType": "java.util.HashMap"
enter image description here

Spring post method "Required request body is missing"

public ResponseEntity<User> loginUser(#RequestBody Map<String, String> userData) throws Exception {
return ResponseEntity.ok(userService.login(userData));
I have this method for the login in the UserController. The problem is when i try to make the post request for the login i get this error:
"timestamp": "2018-10-24T16:47:04.691+0000",
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": "Required request body is missing: public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<org.scd.model.User> org.scd.controller.UserController.loginUser(java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.String>) throws java.lang.Exception",
"path": "/users/login"
You have to pass that as JSON in your body, if it's a POST request.
I had a similar issue, was getting this error in my Spring Boot service
HttpMessageNotReadableException: Required request body is missing:...
My issue was that, when I was making requests from Postman, the "Content-Length" header was unchecked, so service was not considering the request body.
This is happening because you are not passing a body to you server.
As can I see in your screenshot you are passing email and password as a ResquestParam.
To handle this values, you can do the following:
public ResponseEntity<User> loginUser(#RequestParam("email") String email, #RequestParam("password") String password) {
//your imp
In order to accept an empty body you can use the required param in the RequestBody annotation:
#RequestBody(required = false)
But this will not solve your problem. Receiving as RequestParam will.
If you want to use RequestBody you should pass the email and password in the body.
You need to send data in Body as JSON
{ "email":"", "password":"tuffCookie"}
If it's still not working, try adding additional information UTF-8 in Headers.
key : Content-Type
value : application/json; charset=utf-8
For my case, I must adding UTF-8 in Headers.
In my case it was poorly defined JSON that I sent to my REST service.
Attribute that was suppose to be an object, was in my case just string:
Changed from:
"client" = "",
"client" = { ... },
In my case String did not add additional information about value in different format.

How to solve error message "status": 415, "error": "Unsupported Media Type"," for DELETE request in Spring?

I created a Spring Boot application based on Service Components using this tutorial.
My delette request is constructed in the following way:
#RequestMapping(value = "/api/greetings/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<Greeting> deleteGreeting(#PathVariable("id") Long id, #RequestBody Greeting greeting) {
return new ResponseEntity<Greeting>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
All the other requests work finally, but if I make the DELETE request in Postman I get the following error:
"timestamp": 1519060345434,
"status": 415,
"error": "Unsupported Media Type",
"exception": "org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException",
"message": "Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' not supported",
"path": "/api/greetings/2"
I have checked the following issues, nothing helped (which is no wonder, none of them is issuing the DELETE request:
415 Unsupported MediaType
415 Unsupported MediaType for POST request in spring application
415 Unsupported Media Type in RESTful webservice
Your controller is expecting application/json as content-type but as the error message displays
"message": "Content type 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' not supported",
you should change the header in postman to content-type application/json

SpringBoot simple multipart file upload with Advanced rest client (Chrome)

I want to upload a image to the file system. So I am using Multi-part file upload with spring boot. And also I am using Advance Rest Client(Chrome) tool to POST Multi part file. But I am facing an error even I do not specify any content type org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadException: the request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found.
Here my rest controller code,
public class StringController {
#RequestMapping(value="/upload", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public #ResponseBody String singleSave(#RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file){
String fileName = null;
if (!file.isEmpty()) {
try {
fileName = file.getOriginalFilename();
byte[] bytes = file.getBytes();
BufferedOutputStream buffStream =
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("F:/" + fileName)));
return "You have successfully uploaded " + fileName;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "You failed to upload " + fileName + ": " + e.getMessage();
} else {
return "Unable to upload. File is empty.";
Screenshot (Advance rest client tool)
"timestamp": 1490678908517,
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"exception": "org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartException",
"message": "Could not parse multipart servlet request; nested exception is org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.FileUploadException: the request was rejected because no multipart boundary was found",
"path": "/upload"
The problem is in your request from advance rest client. It is working fine in the postman.The image is getting uploaded. Try with postman you will get it.
You lost in you client request headers value boundary.
Construct in PostMan header "Content-Type" like this:
Content-Type : multipart/form-data;boundary="12312313132132"

WebAPI OData v4 custom action without parameters can't be routed with error "No routing convention was found..."

I have very simple OData controller that successfully process standard actions (at least GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods are working). I have followed this tutorial and added simple bound action. The method has parameters argument, but actually it does not required the parameters:
public IHttpActionResult Close([FromODataUri] int key, ODataActionParameters parameters) {
return Ok();
I have defined this action in OData EDM configuration as following:
I am trying to call action from Postman:
POST /odata/tickets(2)/Default.Close HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:50477
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: eef4c1f6-8c7f-f5eb-c22d-4397f3bda170
But receives the error message:
"error": {
"code": "",
"message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:50477/odata/tickets(2)/default.close'.",
"innererror": {
"message": "No routing convention was found to select an action for the OData path with template '~/entityset/key/unresolved'.",
"type": "",
"stacktrace": ""
I have read the whole internet and all related articles on SO but can't fix this issue. Please help me because I have no any fresh idea how to fight this.
My controller:
public class TicketsController : ODataController
public IHttpActionResult Close([FromODataUri] int key, ODataActionParameters parameters)
return Ok();
My request:
string requestUri = "http://localhost/odata/tickets(2)/Default.Close";
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, requestUri);
request.Content = new StringContent("",
HttpResponseMessage response = _client.SendAsync(request).Result;
Or remove the ODataActionParameters parameters in the close method and call with:
string requestUri = "http://localhost/odata/tickets(2)/Default.Close";
HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, requestUri);
HttpResponseMessage response = _client.SendAsync(request).Result;
My EdmModel is use your model.
