Issue with Flux - java-8

Cannot convert from Mono to Flux
I'm getting this error while trying below code
public Flux<PortCall> updateByFindById(String gsisKey, PortCall portCall) {
return portCallRepository.findAllByVesselCodeOrderBySequenceNo(portCall.getVesselCode())
Mono.error(new DataNotFoundException(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT, PortCallConstants.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND)))
.collectList().flatMap(list -> {
if (list.size() > 0)
return Mono.just(list)
Please suggest a workaround

Using collectList() and check for an empty list is redundant, because if your repository method doesn't emit any elements, it automatically calls switchIfEmptyoperator.
Just leave it like that:
return portCallRepository.findAllByVesselCodeOrderBySequenceNo(portCall.getVesselCode())
Mono.error(new DataNotFoundException(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT, PortCallConstants.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND)));


Webflux Reactor - Checking if all items in the original Flux were successful

i currently have this Reactor code where im not sure im doing this the idiomatic way.
My requirements are that for a list of accountIds, I make 2 requests which are done one after the other. One to delete the account data, the other is to trigger an event afterwards. The second request is only made if the first one succeeds.
At the end, i would like to know if all of the sets of requests were successful. I have achieved this with the code below.
Flux.fromIterable(List.of("accountId", "someOtherAccountId"))
.flatMap(accountId -> someWebclient.deleteAccountData(accountId)
.doOnSuccess(response ->"Delete account data success"))
.onErrorResume(e -> {"Delete account data failure");
return Mono.empty();
.flatMap(deleteAccountDataResponse -> {
return eventServiceClient.triggerEvent("deleteAccountEvent")
.doOnSuccess(response ->"Delete account event success"))
.onErrorResume(e -> {"Delete account event failure");
return Mono.empty();
.subscribe(items -> {
if (items.intValue() == accountIdsToForget.size()) {"All accountIds deleted and events triggered successfully");
} else {"Not all accoundIds deleted and events triggered successfully");
Is there a better way to achieve this?
As the webclients can return errors for 4xx and 5xx, i am having to swallow that up with onErrorResume in order to prevent the error from bubbling up. Similarly, the only way i have been able to capture if all of the accountIds have been processed is by checking the size of the Flux against the size of the List which it was started with
Disclaimer: it is a little subjective how to provide a better solution. In this answer, I will provide my personal choice of error handling, that, in my opinion, provides best extensibility and readability.
I would model a result/report object (kind like Either in functional paradigm), so that each success or error is sent as a "next signal" downstream.
It requires a little more code/boilerplate, but the benefit is that we end up with a flow of successes and failures produced on the fly. It allows to detect errors early, and ease both error recovery and pipeline extensibility (for example, it is then very easy to switch between fail-fast and error silencing strategies, or to build complex reports from upstream results, etc.).
Let's try to apply this to your example. For simplicity, I will mock deletion and notification service with two methods that return an empty result on success:
static Mono<Void> delete(String account) {
if (account.isBlank()) return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("EMPTY ACCOUNT !"));
else return Mono.empty();
static Mono<Void> notify(String event) {
if (event.isBlank()) return Mono.error(new IllegalArgumentException("UNKNOWN EVENT !"));
return Mono.empty();
I would make this steps:
Create result model:
sealed interface Result { String accountId(); }
sealed interface Error extends Result { Throwable cause(); }
record DeletionError(String accountId, Throwable cause) implements Error {}
record NotifyError(String accountId, Throwable cause) implements Error {}
record Success(String accountId) implements Result {}
Then, we can prepare our pipeline that will wrap our delete and notify operations to make them produce result objects:
static Flux<Result> deleteAndNotify(Flux<String> accounts) {
Function<String, Mono<Result>> safeDelete = account
-> delete(account)
.<Result>thenReturn(new Success(account))
.onErrorResume(err -> Mono.just(new DeletionError(account, err)));
Function<Result, Mono<Result>> safeNotify = deletionResult -> deletionResult instanceof Success
? notify("deleteAccountEvent")
.onErrorResume(err -> Mono.just(new NotifyError(deletionResult.accountId(), err)))
: Mono.just(deletionResult);
return accounts.flatMap(safeDelete)
With the code above, you can already receive errors as they arrive. A simple program:
var results = deleteAndNotify(Flux.just("a1", "a2", " ", "a3"));
DeletionError[accountId= , cause=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: EMPTY ACCOUNT !]
Now, it becomes very simple to adapt your flow of control:
if we want to keep track of errors only, we just have to chain a simple filter: results.filter(it -> it instanceof Error)
To fail-fast, just map error result to a real error: results.flatMap(result -> result instanceof Error err ? Mono.error(err.cause()) : Mono.just(result))
You want to get an idea of the flow throughput ? Just time it: results.timed()
And if you want to count, you can now directly count errors and successes on the fly. It provides a few advantages:
You are not forced to know the number of accounts to delete in advance to verify if any error happened
You can have a live monitoring of the failed/succeeded operations
We can program counting like that:
record Count(long success, long deleteFailed, long notifyFailed) {
Count() { this(0, 0, 0); }
Count newSuccess() { return new Count(success + 1, deleteFailed, notifyFailed); }
Count newDeletionFailure() { return new Count(success, deleteFailed + 1, notifyFailed); }
Count newNotifyFailure() { return new Count(success, deleteFailed, notifyFailed + 1); }
var counting = results.scanWith(Count::new, (count, result) -> switch (result) {
case Success s -> count.newSuccess();
case DeletionError de -> count.newDeletionFailure();
case NotifyError ne -> count.newNotifyFailure();
Subscribing to this counting flow using the same input accounts as above would produce that kind of input:
Count[success=0, deleteFailed=0, notifyFailed=0]
Count[success=1, deleteFailed=0, notifyFailed=0]
Count[success=2, deleteFailed=0, notifyFailed=0]
Count[success=2, deleteFailed=1, notifyFailed=0]
Count[success=3, deleteFailed=1, notifyFailed=0]
If you want only a total count, then either use counting.last() or replace scanWith by reduceWith operator.
I hope this answer is of any help to you to better model pipelines/DAG/flows of operations.

Spring webflux with multiple sequential API call and convert to flux object without subscribe and block

I am working on spring reactive and need to call multiple calls sequentially to other REST API using webclient. The issue is I am able to call multiple calls to other Rest API but response am not able to read without subscribe or block. I can't use subscribe or block due to non reactive programming. Is there any way, i can merge while reading the response and send it as flux.
Below is the piece of code where I am stuck.
private Flux<SeasonsDto> getSeasonsInfo(List<HuntsSeasonsMapping> l2, String seasonsUrl) {
for (HuntsSeasonsMapping s : l2)
List<SeasonsJsonDto> list = huntsSeasonsProcessor.appendSeaosonToJson(s.getSeasonsRef());
for (SeasonsJsonDto sjdto:list)
Mono<SeasonsDto> mono =new SeasonsAdapter("http://localhost:8087/").callToSeasonsAPI(sjdto.getSeasonsRef());
//Not able to read stream without subscribe an return as Flux object
public Mono<SeasonsDto> callToSeasonsAPI(Long long1) {
LOGGER.debug("Seasons API call");
return this.webClient.get().uri("hunts/seasonsInfo/"
Please help to resolve this.
You need to combine the reactive streams using operators such as map, flatMap and concatMap.
private Flux<SeasonsDto> getSeasonsInfo(List<HuntsSeasonsMapping> l2, String seasonsUrl) {
List<Mono<SeasonsDto>> monos = new ArrayList<>();
for (HuntsSeasonsMapping s : l2) {
List<SeasonsJsonDto> list = huntsSeasonsProcessor.appendSeaosonToJson(s.getSeasonsRef());
for (SeasonsJsonDto sjdto:list) {
Mono<SeasonsDto> mono =new SeasonsAdapter("http://localhost:8087/").callToSeasonsAPI(sjdto.getSeasonsRef());
//Not able to read stream without subscribe an return as Flux object
return Flux.fromIterable(monos).concatMap(mono -> mono);
This can further be improved using the steam API, which I suggest you look into, but I didn't want to change too much of your existing code.
I have figured how to do this. I have completely rewrite the code and change in reactive. It means all the for loop has been removed. Below is the code for the same and may be help for others.
public Flux<SeasonsDto> getAllSeasonDetails(String uuid) {
return hunterRepository.findByUuidAndIsPrimaryAndDeleted(uuid, true, false).next().flatMapMany(h1 -> {
return huntsMappingRepository.findByHunterIdAndDeleted(h1.getId(), false).flatMap(k -> {
return huntsMappingRepository.findByHuntReferrenceIdAndDeleted(k.getHuntReferrenceId(), false)
.flatMap(l2 -> {
return huntsSeasonsProcessor.appendSeaosonToJsonFlux(l2.getSeasonsDtl()).flatMap(fs -> {
return seasonsAdapter.callSeasonsAPI(fs.getSeasonsRef(), h1.getId(), uuid).map(k->{
return k;

How to get a Flux from a Mono flatmap?

I have the following code:
public Flux<Foo> getFoos(String xyz) {
return getBar(xyz).flatMap(b -> Flux.empty()));
But it results in a compilation error because getBars() returns a Mono<Bar> instead of a Flux<Bar>. How can I return a Flux from a flatMap() of a Mono value? Thanks.
Found the solution. I just had to use flatMapMany() instead of flatMap()

Multiple requests using WebClient Spring WebFlux

I am trying to make requests using WebClient in parallel, but I have no clue how to go about that,
because no matter what I do, the code is not waiting for requests to finish. If I execute just one request though (Commented fragment), everything works fine. Can someone help me with that?
#RequestMapping(method = [RequestMethod.POST], path = ["/upload/{batchId}"])
fun uploadFile(#RequestPart("file") file: Mono<FilePart>,
#PathVariable("batchId") batchId:String,
#RequestHeader("FILE-SIZE") fileSize:Int): Mono<ServiceResponse> {
val webClient = WebClient.create(commandEndpoint)
// return webClient.put().uri(seriesPath).retrieve().bodyToMono( { ServiceResponse(it,0) }
.flatMap {
it.transactionId = batchId
when (it) {
is SeriesMetadata -> webClient.put().uri(seriesPath,
.onStatus({ it == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST },{
Mono.error(RuntimeException("blah")) }).toMono()
else -> Mono.error(NotImplementedError(""))
.map {ServiceResponse(batchId, it.size*2) }
So it seems, that collectList() filters out empty mono that are returned in case the body of the response is empty. The solution is basically, either to use Mono.defaultIfEmpty() method, or change retrieve() to exchange() which always returns something. At least that's what helped me.

Retry Logic in case of failure - Spring Reactor

How do i unit test RetryWhen,
public Mono<List<Transaction>> get(String id) {
return class
.retryWhen(throwableFlux -> throwableFlux)
.zipWith(Flux.range(min, max + 1), (error, retry) -> new RetryException(error, retry))
.flatMap(retryException -> {
if(retryException.getRetries() == max + 1) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(retryException.getThrowable());
} else if (isClientException(retryException.getThrowable())){
return Flux.empty();
return Mono.delay(Duration.ofMinutes( new Double(multiplier * retryException.getRetries()).longValue()));
How do i use StepVerifier to test this method?
Another way to implement retry logic,
throwableFlux.takeWhile(throwable -> !isClientException(throwable))
.flatMap(e -> {
if(count.get() >= max + 1) {
throw Exceptions.propagate(e);
}"Retrying in..");
return Mono.delay(Duration.ofMinutes(new Double(multiplier * count.getAndAdd(1)).longValue()));
Do you mean testing the RetryHelper applied through retryWhen?
You can certainly use StepVerifier to test such a retryWhen containing sequence, yes. You can also check the number of (re)subscriptions by using an AtomicLong coupled to a doOnSubscribe just before the retryWhen (it will help assert the number of subscriptions made to the source being retried).
Note that we just added such a builder utility for retryWhenand repeatWhen, but in the reactor-extra project (currently in 3.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT)
This is how i was able to test this code.
We could have used thenAwait(Duration.ofDays(1)) above, but
expectNoEvent has the benefit of guaranteeing that nothing happened
earlier that it should have.
