Spring Controller get Variables from a different Website - spring

I was wondering what would be the best way to achieve the question that I have posted? So for instance if I pressed a button it would go to the controller which would go to this address https://www.premierleague.com/results and then in this address it would get the home team name and away team name. Would this be possible via Spring. Which I can then save into the database.
Is there any tutorials, that people know off that could answer this question?
Cheers Jeff

You want to perform a http-query against another REST-Service within your application, which of course can be done.
I suggests you to look into this tutorial by Spring: Spring - Consuming Rest
This one should get you started on how to use the built in http-client of Spring.
Edit: The url you posted of course serves a complete website, its not a REST-Endpoint. If the premiere league offers an API, you should use that. If not you can of course request the whole webpage and scrape it for the information you need.


Document create software using AngularJs?

I am currently developing a web application using Laravel and AngularJs. One of the requirement in document module is, that they want to create, update documents like Google Docs or Zoho Docs.
I googled but couldn't find a solution.
How can I implement it? It seems like that it is a big task.
It is a really big deal. There is an example flow how an implementation could work like:
keep track every change (for example keydowns) on client side
create a patch message
send the patch to a backend server
notify all of the other users that the content has been modified and send the patch to apply
apply the patch on the client
repeat each and every time something is changing
Of course the backend has to accept messages from all of the clients and distribute it to all of the other ones which has the same document open. Google Docs is working in a similar way you can check it in the developer tools of Chrome for example or check operational transformation.
Use the API of one of the mentioned services instead of building an own module. https://www.zoho.eu/docs/zoho-docs-api.html
For goole docs you could use the following with angular js:

Conversation scope from Springfuse

Has anyone tried using the Conversation scope implementation from Springfuse? JSF2 Conversation Does it work well? Any use cases where it doesn't or issues encountered?
The link to browse their projects on Github is broken, but if you use their main page to generate a Primefaces, Spring and JPA project, the Conversation code is in there.
yes. We have been Springfuse conversation for little over an year now. It is very lighweight and doesnt need Spring web flow. It may take a while to get used to it as you dont have many samples examples except the auto generated code and a blog (http://www.springfuse.com/2013/03/05/jsf2-conversation.html). But it is worth having a try.

having chrome extensions pulling data from ruby db

I would like to build a chrome extension (CE) that pulls data from a ruby db for a specific user. So, in a basic example, if an user submits their favorite color as 'red' and sport as 'tennis' into the db from the core website, when they click the CE, 'red' and 'tennis' will show up no matter where they are on the internet.
Any guidance on how to build something like this? Seems quite simple but am not sure how the CE files fit in with the ruby folder framework.
Also, is it possible to write to a ruby database from a popped out CE? i.e. - submitting 'red' and 'tennis' from the CE to the ruby database to go along with the previous example. Any guidance?
This is a very general question so it sounds like you will need to learn a lot. Which can be a good thing :)
Here are the general steps you need:
Look into building an API for your ruby application. This will allow you to get data from your database. For example, you can
make an app where you go to http://yoursite.com/api/favorites and that will return a list of all favorites as JSON. Then in your Chrome Extension you can parse the JSON and display the results to the user. You will probably want to do this using an ajax call (see jquery.ajax for an easy way to use ajax).
Assuming you want user accounts, your user will need to be logged in. Then you can use your user's cookies to verify that they are logged in and show them custom info. i.e. going to http://yoursite.com/api/favorites will just show the favorites for that user, not for everyone.
Finally, submitting things to the database...you can have another route where users can send stuff. For example, if you go to http://yoursite.com/api/favorites/add?color=red then it will add the color red to that user's favorites. You will need to write all the logic for adding stuff to the database...again, it might help you to go through a rails tutorial and then look at building an API.
Related to #3, look into RESTful APIs. A good convention is that if you issue a GET request, you're asking for data, but if you issue a POST request, you are adding data (in your case, creating a new favorite).
Finally, for terminology: it's not a "ruby" database, it's just a database. You can access a database using almost any language, and it sounds like you are accessing it using ruby right now :)
If you only need to store data for one machine browsing anywhere online, chrome has a storage api that would work great.
If you do need a ruby server, I would recommend looking at sinatra.

GWT, with multiple clients

I am designing a web application using GWT currently, which is also the first time i am using GWT. I just have a general question about how (or can) GWT handles communications between multilpe clients.
My application needs user to login and has personalized pages for different users, GWT is well able to do all of these. The only problem is user needs to know what other users are doing, a simple example is like Google Talk, when one user is "typing", the other side will be noticed. So i am just wondering if GWT can do this?
As i said this is my first time using GWT, so, if GWT is well able to provide the these user interacting functions, i will go with GWT, otherwise i can make changes when it is not too late.
Looking at the example you gave, if user A starts typing, there's no problem sending the "started typing" event to the server. The server would than have to look up who user A is talking with (say, user B), and get the information to B's browser. This is, of course, the trickier part, but there is more than one way to perform the task, as described for instance here.
In summary, if you're OK with passing the requests through the server, I don't see a problem with using GWT as the underlying technology.
What you need is server push/ajax push/comet/many other names. I've summarized the options you have for GWT in a different answer.
For a quick start, check out NGiNX_HTTP_Push_Module - IMHO it's the easiest one to customize to your needs and they provide a nice chat example that should get you started. However, if you also use jQuery or Mootools in your application (for example, for UI effects), you might want to also consider Ajax Push Engine/APE-Project (but remember that jQuery/Mootools might require some tweaking to work with GWT). Those two are my favorites :)

How can a value be passed directly from a windows application into a field in an open web page?

I have a problem that I feel is best implimented in a stand alone windows application, but needs to pass data to a web page that is already open.
Is it possible to pass the data directly to the web page?
If so, what is the best way to go about it?
(Its my first question, so go easy on me!)
This is not going to be an easy problem to solve, but I think it's possible by hosting the web-page in a browser embedded in a .NET application. This Code-Project article might help
Also this article talks a bit about accessing the DOM through a C# application.
Have you got any requirements on language? And can you add a bit more detail about exactly what you're trying to achieve?
EDIT 1: Watij is a web-application testing framework for Java. You can use it to fill in text-boxes, click buttons etc. I think it might fit your needs and, if it doesn't, it's open-source, so you might be able to hack it to work. There is a whole family of Wati* products - Watin for .NET, Watir for Ruby, etc.
Getting access to external web pages are not permitted due to security credentials.
But you can open and write to a web page via winInet APIs.
Please go through the article
