Elasticsearch delete documents from index - elasticsearch

I have an Elasticsearch cluster on Kubernetes, I also have a curator that deletes indices older than 7 days.
I want to change the curator to work according to a certain condition:
If document key1=value1 delete these documents delete after 10 days, otherwise delete after 7 days.
Is there any way to do it?

Curator is limited to index deletion as a whole and not at the document level.
What Curator does under the hood is call DELETE index-name and there is not way to configure it to call the delete by query API which is what you're asking for.


ElasticSearch deletes documents in an index automatically

I have configured an ELK Cluster with 5 nodes, one being master and the other slaves.
I index logs in the cluster once a day using logstash. I use a CronJOB (script) to copy
the log files to the configured logstash directory. I have also manually set a .sincedb path for logstash.
However, a tricky thing happens. Almost every 3 days, index seems to be loosing documents and deleting everything prior to certain dates. I haven't configured any ILM policy, nor there is any script performing delete by query or delete full index. Even when calling _cat/indices formatted to show the creation date of te index, I see that it has been created almost 2 weeks ago. However, the documents that should've been for 2 weeks aren't there anymore, and even today it only had documents from 3 days ago.
Does anyone know why could this behaviour be happening or what can trigger it ?

How to delete document in kibana by days or data

I am using AWS Elastic search. Right now my kibana has 0 free space. I want to delete documents that are older than 30days.
Is there any setting for that or query which can clear documents which is older than 30 days.
You could simple use the delete by query to delete the documents which are older than 30 days :)

How to check the index is used for searching or indexing

I've a lot of elasticsearch clusters which hold the historical indices(more than 10 years old), some of these indices are created newly with latest settings and fields, but old ones are not deleted.
Now I need to delete the old indices which are not receiving any search and index requests.
I've already gone to elasticsearch curator but it would not work with older version of ES.
Is there is any API which can just gives the last time of index and search request in ES, that would serve my purpose very well.
EDIT:- I've also check https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-stats.html but this also doesn't give the last time when indexing or search request came. all it gave is the number of these requests from last restart.

How to properly delete AWS ElasticSearch index to free disk space

I am using AWS ElasticSearch, and publishing data to it from AWS Kinesis Firehose delivery stream.
In Kinesis Firehose settings I specified rotation period for ES index as 1 month. Every month Firehose will create new index for me appending month timestamp. As I understand, old index will be still presented, It wouldn’t be deleted.
Questions I have:
With new index being created each month with different name, do I need to recreate my Kibana dashboards each month?
Do I need to manually delete old index every month to clean disk space?
In order to clean disk space, is it enough just to run CURL command to delete the old index?
With new index being created each month with different name, do I need to recreate my Kibana dashboards each month?
No, you will need to create an index pattern on kibana, something like kinesis-*, then you will create your visualizations and dashboards using this index pattern.
Do I need to manually delete old index every month to clean disk space?
It depends of which version of Elasticsearch you are using, the last versions have a Index Lifecycle Management built-in in the Kibana UI, if your version does not have it you will need to do it manually or use curator, an elasticsearch python application to deal with theses tasks.
In order to clean disk space, is it enough just to run CURL command to delete the old index?
Yes, if you delete an index it will free the space used by that index.

Index existing documents on startup

I'm new to elasticsearch and this is a question I've been trying to find an answer to. Basically I have around a thousand documents that I would like elasticsearch to index for me. Do I have to write a bash/python script that would just use CURL to put/post all these documents in my elasticsearch server or can I configure my server so that it would automatically index documents in a specific folder/location on disk when I start it up for the first time?
I far as I know Elasticsearch does not have any option for pulling document to index itself. As you mentioned you need to create a script and push your documents to ES yourself.
