How can I sort the date in the X axis properly on a Bar Chart in Kibana? - elasticsearch

I'm trying to order the date ascendantly in the X axis of the chart. And I've set it up that way here:
However, this happens:
Is there a way to work around this? 25 January should be the last bar. I've tried changing data formats to see if it would order properly but with no success.

You haven't specified how you are generating this graph, but it looks like you've done a Terms aggregation on the date field. The order by you are showing is then for the terms count. If you look right above that, it probably says order by: Metric count. What you want it to say is Order by: term.
In any event, in general, you don't want to aggregate by date like that. Instead choose a Date Histogram aggregation. That will allow the time filter/aggregation bucket size to be changed.


DAX ignore row context in measure. Calculate for a defined set of dates and show the value for all dates in visual

I am trying to create a measure which calculates the average daily revenue per customer, but only using days in a 6 months period prior to a specific date (where some type of conversion happens).
This specific date can be different for each customer.
The intention is to use the measure as a baseline for indexing daily average in the days/months/years after said conversion date.
If I put my current version of the measure in a card it works just fine (circled in green). But I will eventually have to visualize this over time as well. Thus I need the value to stay the same regardless of the row/date context in a table or timeline (circled in orange).
I suspect I need to use one of the ALL/ALLSELECTED/ALLEXCEPT filter modifiers but I can't really get anything to work.
The measure looks like this for now:
Average daily rev before conversion = CALCULATE (
[HI & Acc Rev]
FILTER('poc vFact_SalesLine','poc vFact_SalesLine'[OrderDate_ID] IN DATESINPERIOD('Date'[Date],FIRSTNONBLANK('poc vDim_Customer'[DSE first conversion date],1),-6,MONTH)))
I've tried adding REMOVEFILTERS('Date'[Date]) just before the filtering of order dates, but that doesn't work. Gives me the exact same values as shown below.
All help is very welcome? Is my approach all wrong?

Chart - Date Order - Google Data Studio

I'm doind a chart of warehouse income and outcome but X-Axis is not ordering the date correctly
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Try setting the Sort parameter to you date dimension and use Ascending option for it.
Should look like this:
Here you can find detailed docs for all the chart types used in GDS.

Kibana 5.5 visualization data aggregation percentage

I'm using Kibana 5.5 and would like to create a visualization that shows percentage of successful transactions made to my server.
In order to do that I have a field in the document named "httpCode" and I would like to get the percentage of "httpCode: 200" out of the total transactions made.
I managed to put this in visulalization that does separate lines, but I would like to get percentage over time and not count.
Create a new bar or area chart and choose count as aggregation, set your field for Date Histogram. Next in buckets tab add Split Series and choose Filters as Sub Aggregation. Your first filter should look like that:
Filter 1
Use http.keyword instead if is available.
Filter 2
NOT httpCode:200
Go to Metrics & Axes tab, expand LeftAxis-1 and change mode to percentage:
On my exmaple it should look like that:

Daily unique count, weekly unique count in the same Timelion chart

I want to visualize the unique count for a field aggregated daily and weekly per day in the same sheet. But timelion aggregation affects the entire sheet instead of just a single chart.
The expression I am using to get the daily unique count is
.es(metric='cardinality:userId').bars().title('Unique users over time')
If I change the bucket range on the right to 1d, I get the correct chart. How do I create the weekly aggregation?
There is a possibility to specify the interval used for timelion expressions by specifying interval as 1d or respectively 1w in the es() function. For details, please see the docs here.
In your case this should work with the following expression:
.es(metric='cardinality:userId',interval=1w).bars().title('Unique users per week')
Be aware of the comment inside the docs, stating that this should not be used in favor of working with the interval picker. But probably this is a use case where it is okay to do it like this...

How can I get a Telerik Reporting graph to sort the x-axis by a date and format that date?

I have a Telerik report with a graph. The graph's x-axis is a series of dates. Our client would like those dates in order from oldest to most recent. They also want the dates formatted to not include the time portion of the date. I've tried for the past day to get this to work and can't figure it out. Can someone explain how to do this?
I started out with a graph based on this query:
SELECT AnalysisNumber
, convert(varchar, DateSampled, 01) as DateSampled
, ViscosityAt100C
FROM tblSample
ORDER BY a.DateSampled ASC
The results look correct with the dates in order from oldest to most recent:
but a graph is produced where the dates were not in order:
I can't begin to include all the setting for the graph, but here is what I think is the relevant part. Let me know if there's something else I can show you.
Notice the sorting is by DateSampled which is now, of course, text not a date.
If I remove that sorting (to try to preserve the original sorting from the SQL query), the graph no longer works:
So I tried to use a date instead of text. The query is now this:
SELECT AnalysisNumber
, DateSampled
, ViscosityAt100C
FROM tblSample
ORDER BY a.DateSampled ASC
...the output looks the same:
and the graph looks like this:
The dates are sorted the way I want, but all the dates have a time element that I don't want because it's irrelevant and it takes up too much space.
I tried changing the type in SQL:
Cast(DateSampled as Date) as DateSampled
but it still showed the time in the graph.
I tried formatting it using the properties for the x-axis:
but it did not change the formats of the date. In fact, changing to any of the formats in that property did not change anything.
Lastly I tried to include both a string and date in my query:
SELECT AnalysisNumber
, convert(date, DateSampled) as DateSampledText
, DateSampled
, ViscosityAt100C
FROM tblSample
ORDER BY a.DateSampled ASC
and using the DateSampledText to group by and the DateSampled to sort by:
it just ruins my graph again:
I tried adding the text version to sorting and other variations, but never got the graph back to where it was showing data.
Sorting and formatting a graph doesn't sounds like it should be difficult. This was supposed to be one of the final changes before going into production and I've already spent so much time on this. Can someone tell me how to make this work? Thank you!
I believe you need to change the scale of your graph. I think by default it is Category Scale, but when using dates, you would need to change it to DateTime scale.
In your graph properties, where you set the Format of the X-Axis, there should be a property called Scale. Try setting it to DateTime.
The reason you can't format the dates is because the graph is treating them as strings.
You need to change the x axis to be of type DateTime Scale instead of Category Scale. Category scale is the default and is more appropriate for when you are graphing the number of Apples, Oranges, and Pears, for example.
In the standalone report designer the setting is under Presentation Category > Coordinate Systems > cartesiancoordinatesystem1 > X Axis > Scale
In addition to changing the scale type, because the scale expression is now not just a string, you also need to set the X value on your line series.
This setting is under Presentation Category > Series > lineseries1 > X
For some unknown reason the setting should not be "=Fields.DateSampledText", but "DateSampledText". The documentation is irritating bare of details like this.
