how to test websocket in Spring framework? - spring

I have a spring framework project with websocket and I want to test the websocket. but I don't know exactly how to make the test. show one simple test for an websocket please. thank you.


How to check if a Client is connected to my spring boot backed server or disconnected?

I am new to Spring boot. I am currently working on a Poker app (android) and decided to use Spring Boot as Backend. Using HTTP requests and responses to handle client, I am facing difficulty when it comes to client's connectivity. cause I need to know if a player is connected to game table or not. Can I use WebSockets to resolve this or I need to use TCP support?
Any advice is be appreciated and please help me here providing some useful resources.

Web API Notification using Spring Boot

I am looking at creating Notification in Google Chrome, using Spring Boot. The notification is nowadays common on all sites.
The Spring Boot Admin module does create the same notification if the client application monitored goes down or comes up.
Can some help me with the same, very less support on the internet for the same? Even if the concept is clarified I can share a sample code for Spring boot and make it public via git. Else if a working sample help will also be appreciated.
We have JS way of creating the same, using new Notification('Title',) and window.webkitNotifications.createNotification.
I have solved it using 2 parts.
Server-Sent-Events (sse) emitters with Spring boot and Notification Web APIs
Adding the sample code here
Hope it helps someone looking for a similar solution.

Consuming CometD messages with spring webflux

We have a system which publishes messages via cometD.
I wrote a simple java program to establish a connection to the server
then use the bearer token returned from the login to and consume messages
But I want to move this to a Webflux project, but unsure where to start, I can see there is out of box JMS-webflux wrapper, can I use this or is it best to build something similar ?
I'm very new to cometD and have only used simple webflux components,
I can also just use Spring boot, but ideally just like a JmsReceiver or similar

Implement Jax ws in vertx with spring

I am trying to implement a soap service using jaxws with spring boot and vert.x. I couldn't find any way of doing it directly. Need to wrap ws in vertx. Have anyone faced it and could any one help me guiding to reference. Can we use service discovery in vert.x for the same?
I don't think that vert.x is a relevant solution to expose SOAP webservices, it's more appropriate to write Restfull or event based microservices (with the native event bus or a messages broker like Apache Kafka).
If you want to consume a SOAP webservice, I assume that you can use a CXF or Axis client like any java application.
Otherwise I didn't understand the relationship with springboot.

Spring Cloud Contract testing without Spring Framework (Boot)

I would like to know if it is possible to use Spring Cloud Contracts with other frameworks not only Spring Boot? An example of another framework I'd like to test Spring Cloud Contract is KumuluzEE.
Are you asking about the consumer side or the producer side?
On the consumer side you can use the JUnit rule ( .
On the producer side you can use the EXPLICIT mode (e.g.
That way the generated tests will assume that you're sending a request to a real running application. So in the base class (or before even running these tests) you'd have to start your app and then point to the URL (like here
