Can you apply a limit on promQL query? - limit

For example:
Avg by (server) (HttpStatusCodes{category = 'Api.ResponseStatus'}) limit 10
Is this valid in promQl? I can not find anything about it in the documentation. Thanks

The provided query is valid MetricsQL query for VictoriaMetrics, but unfortunately it doesn't work in the original PromQL.
Prometheus provides topk
and bottomk operators, which can be used for limiting the number of returned time series. Unfortunately, these operators limit the number of returned time series on a per-point basis (considering points on the graph). This means that the total number of returned time series may exceed the requested limit. MetricsQL solve this issue with a family of topk_* and bottomk_* functions. See MetricsQL docs for details.


Elasticsearch Track total hits alternative with approximation

Based on this article - link there are some serious performance implications with having track_total_hits property set to true.
We currently use it to get the number of documents matching after users search. Then user can use pagination to scroll through the results. The number of documents for such a search usually ranges from 10k - 5M.
Example of a user work flow:
User performs a search which matches 150.000 documents
We show him the first 200 results which he can scroll through but we also show him the total number of documents found in the search.
Since we always show the number of document searches and often those numbers can be quite high we need some kind of a way to get that count. I'm not sure but if we almost always perform paginated searches I would assume a lot of the things would be in memory ? Maybe then this actually effects us less then how it's shown in the provided article?
Some kind of an approximation and not an exact count would be ok for us if it would improve performance.
Is there such an option in Elasticsearch where we can get approximated count on search requests ?
There is no option to get an approximate count, but you may want to consider assigning track_total_hits a lower bound instead of true , which is a good compromise from a performance standpoint (
That way, you can show users that there are at least k results - but there could be more.
Also, try using search_after (if you are not using it already) for pagination.

SpringBoot - observability on *_max *_count *_sum metrics

Small question regarding Spring Boot, some of the useful default metrics, and how to properly use them in Grafana please.
Currently with a Spring Boot 2.5.1+ (question applicable to 2.x.x.) with Actuator + Micrometer + Prometheus dependencies, there are lots of very handy default metrics that come out of the box.
I am seeing many many of them with pattern _max _count _sum.
Example, just to take a few:
Unfortunately, I am not sure what to do with them, how to correctly use them, and feel like my ignorance makes me miss on some great application insights.
Searching on the web, I am seeing some using like this, to compute what seems to be an average with Grafana:
irate(http_server_requests_seconds::sum{exception="None", uri!~".*actuator.*"}[5m]) / irate(http_server_requests_seconds::count{exception="None", uri!~".*actuator.*"}[5m])
But Not sure if it is the correct way to use those.
May I ask what sort of queries are possible, usually used when dealing with metrics of type _max _count _sum please?
Thank you
UPD 2022/11: Recently I've had a chance to work with these metrics myself and I made a dashboard with everything I say in this answer and more. It's available on Github or I hope this will be a good example of how you can use these metrics.
Original answer:
count and sum are generally used to calculate an average. count accumulates the number of times sum was increased, while sum holds the total value of something. Let's take http_server_requests_seconds for example:
http_server_requests_seconds_sum 10
http_server_requests_seconds_count 5
With the example above one can say that there were 5 HTTP requests and their combined duration was 10 seconds. If you divide sum by count you'll get the average request duration of 2 seconds.
Having these you can create at least two useful panels: average request duration (=average latency) and request rate.
Request rate
Using rate() or irate() function you can get how many there were requests per second:
rate() works in the following way:
Prometheus takes samples from the given interval ([5m] in this example) and calculates difference between current timepoint (not necessarily now) and [5m] ago.
The obtained value is then divided by the amount of seconds in the interval.
Short interval will make the graph look like a saw (every fluctuation will be noticeable); long interval will make the line more smooth and slow in displaying changes.
Average Request Duration
You can proceed with
http_server_requests_seconds_sum / http_server_requests_seconds_count
but it is highly likely that you will only see a straight line on the graph. This is because values of those metrics grow too big with time and a really drastic change must occur for this query to show any difference. Because of this nature, it will be better to calculate average on interval samples of the data. Using increase() function you can get an approximate value of how the metric changed during the interval. Thus:
increase(http_server_requests_seconds_sum[5m]) / increase(http_server_requests_seconds_count[5m])
The value is approximate because under the hood increase() is rate() multiplied by [inverval]. The error is insignificant for fast-moving counters (such as the request rate), just be ready that there can be an increase of 2.5 requests.
Aggregation and filtering
If you already ran one of the queries above, you have noticed that there is not one line, but many. This is due to labels; each unique set of labels that the metric has is considered a separate time series. This can be fixed by using an aggregation function (like sum()). For example, you can aggregate request rate by instance:
sum by(instance) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_count[5m]))
This will show you a line for each unique instance label. Now if you want to see only some and not all instances, you can do that with a filter. For example, to calculate a value just for nodeA instance:
sum by(instance) (rate(http_server_requests_seconds_count{instance="nodeA"}[5m]))
Read more about selectors here. With labels you can create any number of useful panels. Perhaps you'd like to calculate the percentage of exceptions, or their rate of occurrence, or perhaps a request rate by status code, you name it.
Note on max
From what I found on the web, max shows the maximum recorded value during some interval set in settings (default is 2 minutes if to trust the source). This is somewhat uncommon metric and whether it is useful is up to you. Since it is a Gauge (unlike sum and count it can go both up and down) you don't need extra functions (such as rate()) to see dynamics. Thus
... will show you the maximum request duration. You can augment this with aggregation functions (avg(), sum(), etc) and label filters to make it more useful.

Count number of point for a librato metric

I'm trying to build a composite metric to know how many point are sent on a period for a specific metric.
The closer stackoverflow response to this is about counting the number of source, and I failed to change it to do what I want (How can i count the total number of sources my metric has with Librato?)
The metric in question is a timing on a function execution, that receive around 20k values on peak hour
At first, I sum-ed the series with a count aggregation, and the pattern I had then was close to what I expected, but regarding our logs, it always differ
The composite I made was like that
sum(s("timing", "%", {function:"count"}))
Any ideas ?
Well, the librato support told me the composite do what I want
The differences with the logs were due to errors during metrics sending

News Search API V5 paging results with offset and count

From the documentation here:
It says:
The estimated number of news articles that are relevant to the query. Use this number along with the count and offset query parameters to page the results.
However, there are some serious issues.
1.The returned number of results is ALWAYS less than the requested number in the "count" variable. For example, setting a count=100 results in only 75 results.
2.What's more, even skipping the difference and sending another query to the API with an offset (in this example, offset=100), the API returns a new totalEstimatedMatches!! (first query was 70k results, second time was 138)
What is going on here? How do we fully get the totalEstimatedMatches returned from the first query? Or is that a bogus inflated number?
We did some investigation on this issue. Basically, search engine index does not support an accurate estimation of total match, the same behavior could be observed on the 217M results in the screen shot provided in the image tab above which is not very accurate either.
And, news has backend mechanism that any query output should be less than 100. So the total estimated matches number is not used properly in this example. Normally we do not allow user to download too many results of each query in news. The number of documents you could get from certain query actually capped at a certain number, in most of the case it is around 100.

Early return of results in elasticsearch

Is is possible to get elasticsearch to terminate its search early and just return the first N matches it finds?
I have a large data set and have noticed that when I issue a query that hits all the records, it takes much longer to return the top 10 results than if the query hits only a small number of results. I don't really need the full result count, and I don't care whether the 10 results returned are the "best" matches.
In addition to setting the size as in Richa's answer, you might also want to check the two following request parameters, namely:
timeout: allows you to specify a maximum execution time (in milliseconds). ES will respond as soon as that timeout is reached and return the results it got so far.
terminate_after: the maximum number of docs to get in each shard
You can use size
GET /index/type/_search?size=5
