Octopus Deploy - Use index to select object from an aray - octopus-deploy

I've created a variable Named ProcessingScript with the following value
#{each SiteKey in BatchProcessing.SiteKeys}
The idea is I iterate through my array SiteKeys which look like this SiteKeys ['customer1-a' customer1-b']
and my FtpUsers which look like this ['usera', 'userb']
However when i preview the variable it prints
It completely ignoring the index

I don't think you can reference list variables by index.
You can try these variables:
BatchProcessing.SiteKeys = "customer1-a,customer1-b"
BatchProcessing.FtpUser[customer-a] = "usera"
BatchProcessing.FtpUser[customer-b] = "userb"
And this template:
#{each SiteKey in BatchProcessing.SiteKeys}
I think you can also get rid of the SiteKeys variable if you only use it for looping.
BatchProcessing[customer-a].FtpUser = "usera"
BatchProcessing[customer-b].FtpUser = "userb"
#{each site in BatchProcessing}


Remove part of file path in Ruby

I am are receiving an array as a variable
Is an example
["/a/b/01_Sources/02_Transferred/06_CPAS/Redbull/from_MediaHouse/Transcripts/MI201711200143.xlsx", "/a/b/01_Sources/02_Transferred/06_CPAS/Redbull/from_MediaHouse/Transcripts/MI201703030110.pdf"]
The following statement creates this list:
<%= var(file_list_array).map{|file| "<li>#{File.basename(file)}</li>"}.join("\n")%>
The following statement creates this list
<%= var(file_list_array).map{|file| "<li>#{file}</li>"}.join("\n")%>
But what I would really like:
What do I need to change to get that ?
Assuming you have your array of file paths in an array you could do.
file_paths.map{|path| path.gsub(/.*(\/Redbull\/.*)/, $1) }
This will replace each item with whatever is below the "Redbull" directory
Alternatively if you didn't want to preprocess that list you could just put it in your display code, but that will make it less clear as to what you need to send the displaying logic.
<%= var(file_list_array).map{|file| "<li>#{file.gsub(/.*(\/Redbull\/.*)/, $1)}</li>"}.join("\n")%>
Try this
assuming you want to split from "06_CPAS" . You can pass it as a variable too like this
split_str = "06_CPAS"
index = 0

Using slice! on a variable is modifying the node attribute that populated the variable

In OpsWorks Stacks, I have set a layer attribute using the custom JSON field:
"layer_apps" : [
The app_ portion of the attribute is necessary for the workflow. At times, I need to temporarily remove the app_ portion within a cookbook. To do this, I use slice!:
node['layer_apps'].each do |app_name|
install_certs_app_name = app_name
install_certs_app_name.slice!('app_') # 'app_manager' => 'manager'
# snip
However, once this is done, even though app_name isn't being directly modified, each node['layer_apps'] attribute gets sliced, which carries on to subsequent cookbooks and causes failures. The behaviour I expected was that slice! would modify app_name, and not the current node['layer_apps'] attribute. Thinking that app_name was a link to the attribute rather than being it's own variable, I tried assigning its value to a separate variable (install_certs_app_name and similar in other cookbooks), but the behaviour persisted.
Is this expected behaviour in Ruby/Chef? Is there a better way to be excluding the app_ prefix from the attribute?
app_name is being directly modified. That's the reason for the bang ! after the method... so that you're aware that the method mutates the object.
and app_name and install_certs_app_name are referencing the same object.
Note that slice and slice! both return "app_" but the bang object mutates the caller by removing the sliced text.
If you did
result = install_certs_app_name.slice!('app_')
puts result
==> app_
puts install_certs_app_name
--> manager
Try (instead)
install_certs_app_name = app_name.dup
So you have two separate objects.
install_certs_app_name = app_name.sub('app_', '')
In case you'd want a variable sliced, what you'll is the non-destructive version:
str.slice and not str.slice!
These are often referred to as Bang-methods, and replace the variable in place.
Below is an example with the .downcase method. This is the same principle for .slice.
However, since .slice returns the part that's been cut out, you could just remove the app_-part .sub like
"app_manager".sub("app_",'') #=> "manager"
When you assigning app_name to install_certs_app_name you still referencing to the same object. In order to create new object you can do:
install_certs_app_name = app_name.dup
New object with the same value is created. And slicing install_certs_app_name does not affect app_name this way.

Go capturing template variables and names

I am experimenting with Go's templates.
I am curious: is it possible to do the following: {{$myVariable := randomStringFunc | saveFunc}}
$myVariable - randomly chosen variable name
randomStringFunc - function that generates random strings
TRICKY: saveFunc - a function that saves the variable name and its value
I have looked into capture-or-assign-golang-template-output-to-variable but I am not sure how and if it can help me achieve my goal.
In the end I would like to have a mapping between the variable name that is defined in the template and the value that is assigned to it:
var variableMapping map[string]string
After template execution the content of variableMapping should be something like:

Print smarty var in link file param

One simple thing:
I want to combine the {s name="*"} and {link file="*"} blocks.
src="{link file='{s name='sFooterPaymentsIcon'}{/s}'}"
The problems should be the
How can I do that?
You can try assign a new variable and pass that on file parameter, like:
{assign var="my_file" value="{s name='sFooterPaymentsIcon'}{/s}"}
and then
src="{link file="$my_file"}"
You can do it this way:
//Assign snippet value to variable $snippetLink, in case variable is empty - assign LinkInCaseSnippetEmpty
{assign var='snippetLink' value='LinkInCaseSnippetEmpty'|snippet:'TheNameOfSnippet':"Namespace/If/Need"}
//assign source from variable $snippetLink
src="{link file=$my_file}"
In one line:
src="{link file='LinkInCaseSnippetEmpty'|snippet:'TheNameOfSnippet':'Namespace/If/Need'}"
{s} is for for text-snippets and should not be used for configuration-variables. If you need to make an include configurable, you should create a plugin for that.
The plugin should have a frontend-subscriber and make the file-include configurable via backend configuration-form. In the subscriber you can pass the configuration-value for the file-include to the frontend-view.

Access elements by index in an FTL Template

Need to access 1st and 2nd element of a list in the template.
My Java code:
myMap.put("key", Arrays.asList("val1", "val2");
My FTL Template:
<#list myMap?keys as key>
${myMap[key][0]}, ${myMap[key][1]}
<-- the line above fails with undefined expression on myMap[key][0]. I checked and myMap[key] is a SimpleSequence. Also, tried ${myMap[key]?first} and that failed with the same error. Any ideas?
[0] and [1] are fine for this, but it looks like that either the sequence has 0 elements, or those elements are null. What does ${myMap[key]?size} print? BTW, you can write ${myMap[key][0]!'some default'} if you want to get a value even if the item is non-existant or null.
Your problem is that you put the List into your 'myMap' object with the key: "key" then try and access it with they key: "keys".
This is why you were getting an undefined expression, to correct it:
<#list myMap?key as k>
${myMap[k][0]}, ${myMap[k][1]}
or of course you could change your java code to
myMap.put("keys", Arrays.asList("val1", "val2");
and use the ftl code as is.
