Using Chrome engine with AbcPDF and wait signal to render the pdf - abcpdf

I've changed recently from ABCPDF 10 to 12 to take advantage of npm and some good features of the chrome engine instead of Gecko's one.
With Gecko, you can initialise a variable to false ( the 'signal' ), and turns it to true when your doc is completely loaded. This works absolutely fine.
However, I cant find a way to do it with chrome engine because documentation says " pdf rendering starts when all resources are loaded ".
Does anyone encountered the same problem and found a way to get the same behavior with chrome than gecko engine ?
Thanks everyone


Iframe crashing while debugger is ON on chrome or anything if i write in console

I am working on a iframe. When i try to put a debugger, generally my page crashes.Please see the image Crashed Screen .
Please note that - my chrome is updated and I have uninstalled and installed multiple times.
Appreciate if anyone would provide any pointers !
chrome has been updated recently. Might be issue from their side. Try different browser. And raise issue to chrome

firefox developer tools compare to firebug / missing preview for ajax response

i know this question might get voted down and be closed but i have to put it out there
im windows user and i got familiar with firefox in the bad old days of IE reign
i love firefox specially after i become a web developer and started to work with wonderful add-ons
but recent changes has made me to move to chrome more and more every day specifically i have to mention death of beloved firebug
i hate the firefox developer console , it feels awkward and clunky and primitive compare to firebug and its not as user friendly as firebug
i have to ask , is it me or anyone else feels the same ? cuz i've searched around and it doesn't seem to bother anyone else !
here is what bothers me the most .... modern web apps rely heavily on ajax calls , for some reason i cant find preview for ajax calls response in the firefox developer tools ... i can see server response as code but not rendered preview of server response
and i say i cant find it becuz i cant imagine possibility of not having preview .... just imagine your using a framework and it returns a stack error with lots of html/css style , its impossible to find the actual error among the heap of codes in developer tools response section
so aside from the rant , basically im hoping someone to say there is a preview and this is how you can activated it !
Unfortunately, the preview for responses got removed in Firefox 55, obviously under the incorrect assumption that it duplicated some other UI.
Luckily it was added back for Firefox 59, now placed within the Response panel.
Here's a screenshot for how this looks like on this page:

Is it possible to use the chrome engine in my windows app?

I am developing an app in windows 10 (UWP) and I am using the D3 engine for some visualizations. As I have found out it's using Microsofts Edge engine to render everything, obviously it doesn't handle D3's animations as well as Chrome does.
Is there a way to attach the chrome engine to my app to render the animations sufficiently enough without any lag ?
I have searched around and found out about 'ChromeEmbedded', can anyone tell me if this is the correct way to go :
I don't think that you can pull this off. ( Is it possible to use Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) inside Windows Store Apps ) And even if you could §10.2.1 and §10.2.2 probably prohibits you from doing this.

IE8 not supporting Google Charts (Pie Chart)

IE8 is not rendering Google Charts (Pie Charts).
It is giving me an error saying :
SCRIPT5: Type mismatch: jsapi, line 20 character 89
I have tried looking on the web for a solution, tried all of them, but to no use.
I am debugging my application using IE Developer tool, with the following setting:
Browser Mode : IE8
Document Mode: IE standards.
Any suggestion would be of great help.
This seems like a problem with the emulator (and google charts) in IE9+, I am right now trying to get a standalone IE8 running in a VM to try it on but I've seen reports here that it works when you are actually using IE8.

Getting embedded google docs viewer to work under IE 7,8

Wanted to throw this question out to see if there's been any solutions as the Google Doc viewer is amazing.
Creating an iframe with an embedded Google Docs viewer does not work in IE 7,8.
Does anyone have a work around?
I have the same problem, but didn't think it was acceptable to have to ask users to add the URL to their trusted sites in IE.
Luckily I came across the following post:
The embedded version of Google Docs Viewer (gview) will not load its images correctly if third party cookies are disabled. This problem is an issue for most IE users as by default it will be disabled. Below I provide a work around to this problem for at least until google adds a p3p. The original discussion of the issue can be found at google docs help forum.
I've tried this out and it works in IE8, IE7 and IE6.
I just tried an iframe targeting in IE7 and it is working.
But I have ChromeFrame installed in IE - maybe that's the reason it is working for me!
I tested displaying PDFs in Google Viewer with IE8 with following settings.
You may see the solution at
