Error installing and using npm in laravel 8.12 - laravel

how are you? I tell you a bit about my problem, I want to install laravel breeze and when I'm using the command npm install && npm run dev I get this error, I also have node v12.5.0 installed on my pc, I would appreciate your help.
Image to error here

You should have Node v12.14 at least. Update your node.


Laravel 9 [webpack-cli] TypeError: compiler.plugin is not a function

I downloaded a laravel 9 template and I am trying to run and use it but every time I try npm run dev I get the error [webpack-cli] TypeError: compiler.plugin is not a function.
I've solved the issue by reinstalling browser-sync-webpack-plugin which, according to the error, is the plugin that causes the error. Here are the following commands that solved my problem:
npm uninstall browser-sync-webpack-plugin
npm install browser-sync-webpack-plugin
It upgraded this plugin's package.JSON's line from "^2.0.1" to "^2.3.0".
I think I should update all my NPM plugins (see NPm commands npm outdated and npm update).
Usually it means that one of the plugins needs to be updated

npm installation error in laravel project

Hello i am using npm in my laravel project. i installed npm and when i command npm -v, i receive 5.0.0 . but when i try to npm run watch or npm run dev i get following error :
enter image description here
Please help me to resolve this problem. i searched too many in sites but didnt find a way to solve this...
Try updating node:
Windows OS
Get the stable installer in Node.js website
Linux OS
npm install n -g
n stable

Trying to run 'npm install --save-dev paraviewweb' on my machine, and I keep running into an error at canvas#1.6.11 install

There seems to be an issue with my windows build tools ( I already re-installed and updated it ) and I installed the gyp packages too. However Im currently stuck getting this error after trying to run the above command. What is the issue and how can I fix it?
npm config set msvs_version 2015 --global
npm install -g node-sass
running these commands in the directory solves this issue.
credit to this person.

Phonegap installation error (npm)

I have been searching for a solution for two days now to setup Phonegap on my Windows 8.1
system without any success.
Whenever I try to install Phonegap through npm I get an error that I think has to do
with Cordova(-lib).
To install Phonegap I had to install Node.js (v0.10.28) on my system. After this I opened up Windows Powershell and issued the following command like instructed on the Phonegap website:
npm install -g phonegap
Output: (This is the only part of the error)
error notarget No compatible version found: cordova-lib#'lorinbeer/cordova-lib.git#configparser_module'
error notarget Valid install targets:
error notarget ["0.21.2","0.21.3"]
error notarget
error notarget This is most likely not a problem with npm itself.
error notarget In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting
error notarget a package version that doesn't exist.
I also tried installing just Cordova through the npm and then install Phonegap, but that
didn't solve anything either.
Running the Powershell with administrator rights also didn't help and tried solutions of other people who also had problems setting up Phonegap, but nothing works.
I really hope that someone could help me out here.
Thanks in advance.
Download the older version. I think there was a problem in the new one
npm install -g phonegap#3.4
I tried this and worked for me.
I had the same issue yesterday. If you check npm-debug.log, you'll notice that there is a permission issue ("Permission denied") when npm tries to access the cordova-lib git repository url. Actually, cordova-lib is a dependency for phonegap. So, it can't install it and I think that's why you get that error.
So, I tried this: install cordova-lib first then Phonegap. Yet, it still won't work; npm does not seem to check if cordova-lib is installed before trying to do it.
At this point, what I could do is to change the repository from which it retrieves cordova-lib. Here is the NPM install syntax:
npm install <tarball file>
npm install <tarball url>
npm install <folder>
npm install <pkg>
npm install <pkg>#<tag>
npm install <pkg>#<version>
npm install <pkg>#<version range>
This means I can install from a tar.gz file. Great! So, I just went to this page to check the phonegap repository and performed these steps:
Download the zip of phonegap-cli repo (
Unzip it
Open the package.json file and find the cordova-lib entry in dependencies (line 32)
Change the value to 0.21.3 which is the last version.
Recreate an archive of the folder to the tar.gz format
Open your CLI and run this command:
npm install -g path/to/archive/phonegap-cli-master.tar.gz
It should work now.
Hope that help!
I had a similar problem today too on Mac, even after Lorenzo said it should be all fine. Just running this:
sudo npm install -g phonegap
... produced loads of errors like this:
error: file ./objects/pack/pack-48c0ff4147fb7e8922546c4a857b98a1cb48e01f.pack is far too short to be a packfile
I combined Lorenzo and arpan shah's solutions:
sudo npm install -g phonegap#3.4
sudo npm cache clean
sudo npm update -g phone gap
... and it seemed to magically work.
We published with a dependency on a branch of cordova-lib. This fork appears unavailable when lots of requests are coming through (I think). One way or another, it's unreliable.
Changing the dependency to 0.21.3 will cause commands to fail, but will allow the install.
update the 'cordova-lib' dependency to the npm published version '0.21.3'
**note, this will allow the install, but other phonegap commands will fail
wait for about 20 minutes, then npm update -g phonegap
testing an update to resolve this issue
further updates momentarily
We've pushed version 3.5.0-0.20.3 which should resolve this issue
$ npm update -g phonegap
if that doesn't work, try
$ npm cache clean
and reinstall phonegap
I tryed above comamnds npm cache clear and reinstall phoegap. It downloaded all libs but not command line scripts (phonegap command had still 3.4 as version). I found that better was to give command: npm install -g cordova (v 3.5)!

how can I install v.6.x of by NPM now?

I got lots of problem to work on v.7.x,but now I have to move my
project to a new,I have to install again.
but,when I used "npm install" I got the last version.My
project using v.6.x,now I really cant install v.7.x,so,how can I
install v.6.x by NPM?
i think you can do it by
You can see listing by
npm ls
sudo npm install
