Okta - Bulk Import New Users With Default Password Via CVS - okta

Is there a way to bulk import new users into Okta and have all their passwords be default set. Example upload 50 users with first name, last name, email, salesforce id, and a default password of 123QWEasd!
I read this https://help.okta.com/en/prod/Content/Topics/users-groups-profiles/usgp-import-users-csv.htm, but I don't think you can set the password.

You likely want to look into scripting this and just using the Users API endpoint to loop through your list of users and create the user with the default password. ]
You can also check out the Okta Management SDKs to help format the API call if you expect that you will need to do this again, otherwise a simple script or even something like the Postman Runner tool should suffice


How to upload to YouTube without authorization

I need to check the uploaded videos on a YouTube Channel and then upload missing videos via a CRON JOB.
I first thing I tried was the REST API and the server response with the endpoint was moved.
The problem I ran into with the PHP Google API Client is that it requires the user to authorize the token.
I now tried using the Python Code, but it also requires a authorize session. Also when creating the OAuth 2.0 client ID we are suppose to use OTHER. And there is no OTHER.
Python quickstart
Any Ideas? This has been really frustrating as there does not seem to be a lot of examples other than the ones Google provides. I also could not find a rest equivalent. I do not care if the solution is python or Rest or PHP client. I just need a user less CRON job doing the work.
What you need to consider is that there are two types of data public data and private data.
Public data is not owned by any user. Videos on YouTube for example for the most part are publicly available and do not require authorization to access. On the other had private data is data that is owned by a user.
In order to access public data you just need an api key to identify your application, however in order to access private user data you need the permission of the user who owns the account in question.
In order to upload to a users account (yes even your own) you need to be authenticated there for you will need to use Oauth2 yes even if you are using a cron job you still need to be authenticated there is no way around this. There for you will need to create Oauth2 credentials.
What i recommend you do is. Authorize your code once your your local machine store the refresh token and use the refresh token to request a new access token when ever your cron job needs access. I recomend you give that a try and if you have any issues create a new question include your code and a description of the problem you are having.
This is your only option with the YouTube API.

How to authenticate users with an integer such as account number as the username

I have a problem authenticating users in my banking application. I want super users to be created and authenticated using email. However, I want that normal users be registered and assigned account numbers. The normal users would then use the account numbers to login. How do you achieve authentication of these different kinds of users with different username fields in one django project.
I have tried overriding the USERNAME_FIELD to account numbers so that normal users would use that to login. It doesnt help to login normal users. For superusers, it prompts for account number when I run
python manage.py createsuperuser
Kindly assist in understanding how to handle this kind of custom authentication.
Django is ready to support your requirement. AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS support multiple backend as list. For normal user you have to write custom backend and Add that in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.
This link will help you.

Changing status of other users on a free plan Slack

It always updates my user profile instead of the user that I specify in X-Slack-User:
https://slack.com/api/users.profile.set?token=yadayadayada&X-Slack-User=XYZ23456&Content-type=application/json&charset=utf-8&profile={"status_text": "Test #1","status_emoji": ":gb:","status_expiration": "5"}
The user Ids that I tried to specify are valid ones, I'm an admin and I created an app with the required rights, the legacy token did no good as well, this works, but just for my user, X-Slack-User is not working in my case.
I'm on a free plan so passing "user" as a param doesn't work for me, as states the API: "ID of user to change. This argument may only be specified by team admins on paid teams."
Is there maybe another way to update the status of other users on a free plan Slack?
As you already stated the API method users.profile.set can only be used to change the profile of other users if you are an admin and on a paid team. A property X-Slack-User is not part of the API, so it will not work either.
There is a workaround for teams on a free plan tough:
The API method will always work to change the profile for the owner of a token. You could collect tokens from all you users and then use those to change the status for each user. For that each user will have to install your app though OAuth once. This will create individual tokens for each user, which your app needs to store. This is called "configurations".

Yammer REST endpoint to get user by full name

I'm working on a migration Product that migrates data in to yammer. I want to match the user on source to user on target based on full name. How do I retrieve user from Yammer based on Full Name? There is one REST endpoint to get user by email. Is there something similar to this for user Full Name ?
It's not possible to do this with the User API as it only supports getting a user by ID or email. You might want to look at the Autocomplete API, but it might be quicker to use the Data Export API and find the user in the users.csv file. It's hard to provide recommendations when you don't explain what you app does.

Google Admin SDK [Directory - API] check User password

I am using Google Admin SDK Directory API to create users and using Service account I am able to perform CRUD operations on them.
I have a requirement whereby I have to check the credentials of users created using SDK.
When you fetch the users the password is not returned, hence comparison cannot be done.
I'll really appreciate if someone lets me know what would be effective way of approaching the checkCredentials function.
Google does not ever return the value of the password. That would be a monumental security risk.
See their documentation in regards to the user resource used in the directory API. It specifically states that the password field is never returned. It can only be used for setting the password.
If your requirement is too check creds on a newly created user, you should look into trying to login as the user with the password you just sent, using the google auth Apis
At the moment, the only solution I've found is to simulate the user login flow with a fake browser (Apache's httpcomponents-client for Java for example) pointing to Google Account ServiceLogin.
