Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\ResetsUserPasswords] is not instantiable - laravel

I am implementing the forgot password / password reset logic with Laravel 8 and Fortify for an SPA application.
When the /reset-password is called and if the data are all correct (email, password, password_confirmation, token), I get a server side error:
Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\ResetsUserPasswords] is not instantiable.
The route is defined as follows in api.php:
Route::post('/reset-password', [NewPasswordController::class, 'store']);
Thanks for your help

I had the same issue in my API and I was able to resolve it.
Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\ResetsUserPasswords] is not instantiable.
Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\ResetsUserPasswords is an interface, and Fortify (by default) has implemented the ResetsUserPassword Action which implements the interface.
All you need to get it working is to ensure this class App\Providers\FortifyServiceProvider::class is registered within the providers array of your application's config/app.php configuration file.
// ...

You need to register views, thats why this error is throwing. I was able to fix the issue by doing this.
Please check this thread: target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\RegisterViewResponse] is not instantiable
Fortify::registerView(function () {
return view('auth.register');


Route [x] not defined when using auth middleware

I am making a website with laravel but i am getting an error while using middleware auth. it says Route[x] not defined.
i am using laravel 5.8 please some one help me
The route you have written that has no named route so you need to specify name for that route like this
Route::get('x', function() {
for more information you can check here

Laravel6 - Email verification customization on multi-login platform

I am new to laravel. I am trying to implement email verification on my laravel6 project.
On my project, there're three user types named 'user' 'vendor' and 'admin'. I have prepared separate directories for each user type in 'Controllers' and each of them has their own Auth files (e.g. Directory 'App/Http/Controllers/Vendor/Auth' has its own VerificationController.php, etc). So far, I've successfully implemented registration and login/logout function for each type with separate table in my DB.
A issue popped up when I tried to implement email verification. When I tried to access to a page where email verification is required, 'Auth\VerificationController#show' method seemed to be called regardless of the user type.
I went over laravel source code and learned that within the process, router calls Illuminate/Routing/Router->emailVerification() method. And the emailVerification() method routes to 'Auth\VerificationController#show' regardless of the user type.
What I wanted to do is to route depending on user type (e.g. if 'vendor' tries to login, I want to call 'Vendor\Auth\VerificationController#show').
I don't come up with any idea how to do for that. Can anyone please give me any advice?
Illuminate\Routing\Router class
public function emailVerification()
$this->get('email/verify', 'Auth\VerificationController#show')->name('verification.notice');
$this->get('email/verify/{id}/{hash}', 'Auth\VerificationController#verify')->name('verification.verify');
$this->post('email/resend', 'Auth\VerificationController#resend')->name('verification.resend');
Thank you in advance.

No notifications are returned

I am trying to get user's unread notifications though my controller.
This works:
public function notifications(){
return \App\User::find(auth()->user()->id)->unreadNotifications()->limit(5)->get();
This doesn't, it returns an empty collection:
public function notifications(){
return auth()->user()->unreadNotifications()->limit(5)->get();
Could you tell me what I am missing? Thanks in advance.
Using Laravel 5.8 with Backpack 3.5.
The default auth guard of Laravel is overwitten to use Backpack auth in backpack routes, using the UseBackpackAuthGuardInsteadOfDefaultAuthGuard middleware of the permissions manager package. In the rest of the controller auth() and backpack_auth works normally.
Try this:
public function notifications()
return Auth::user()->unreadNotifications()->limit(5)->get();
As said in the docs:
You may access the authenticated user via the Auth facade:
Alternatively, once a user is authenticated, you may access the authenticated user via an Illuminate\Http\Request instance. Remember, type-hinted classes will automatically be injected into your controller methods:
Auth and auth() likely don't work here because you're using the Backpack For Laravel authentication which uses a different guard than the default one Laravel uses.
This would probably work for you:
If that works, here's why:
If you take a look at project/vendor/backpack/base/src/helpers.php you'll see that backpack_user() is an alias for backpack_auth()->user() and backpack_auth does a:
return \Auth::guard(backpack_guard_name());
That's the important bit because it grabs the guard defined config/backpack/base.php (which is backpack by default) and uses that instead of Laravel's default guard of web.

Laravel Passport Password Reset API route

I'm all set up with Passport in 5.5 and have the auto generated Auth\ForgotPasswordController and Auth\ResetPasswordController controllers.
However whereas /oauth/token was provided magically for me, there don't appear to be such routes for password reset when using the API.
What should my API routes look like?
Currently I've experimented with
Route::group(['prefix' => 'password'], function () {
Route::post('/email', 'Auth\ForgotPasswordController#sendResetLinkEmail');
Route::post('/reset', 'Auth\ResetPasswordController#reset');
but I found these in the vendor files when looking at the traits and aren't sure if this is the correct way.
The /password/email route also fails with "message": "Route [password.reset] not defined."
since you don't see any route other then 2 custom, therefore i am assumin you havn't run artisan auth command. First run that. it will add lot of routes in ur project.
Then set api driver to passport.

Laravel 5 - Is there a way to use built-in authentication but disable registration?

I am building an administrative back-end and thus need to hide public user registration. It appears that if you want to use the built-in Illuminate authentication you need to add
use AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers to your controller definition. This trait is defined here.
It appears as if it is impossible to disable registration if you want to use the built-in auth handlers... can someone show me wrong?
I'm using Laravel 5.2+ and I found that if you remove the Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesAndRegistersUsers and use just Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers does the trick too.
Though /register is still accessible and will throw a fatal error.
This page talks about overriding the auth controller. Its worth a read, at a basic level it seems you can add the following lines to app\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController.php :
public function getRegister() {
return redirect('/');
public function postRegister() {
return redirect('/');
So if a user accesses the registration url it will redirect them away to a place of your choosing.
You can have your own form of registration. The only thing Laravel does is make it easy to authenticate on a users table because they create the model, build the db schema for users and provide helper methods to authenticate on that model/table.
You don't have to have a view hitting the registration page... But if you want to use the built in auth you still need to use (or set) a Model and a driver for database connections.
You can just remove that view and/or controller method from the route that links to the registration view and create your own (or seed the database manually).
But, no, you cannot forgo using Eloquent, and the User model and expect to use built in auth. Built in authentication requires that you specify settings in /config/auth.php. You may specific a different model (other than User) and you may specify a different table, but you cannot forgo the configuration completely.
Laravel is very customizable though, so you can achieve what you are looking to do... plus why not use Eloquent, it's nice.
Based on #shoo's answer, working with Laravel 5.2
Add the following lines to app\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController.php :
public function showRegistrationForm() {
return redirect('/');
public function register() {
return redirect('/');
