Get a notification when a timer is created by Google Home - google-home

Is there any way to get a notification in my application when I set a timer (such as "5 minutes") by voice with Google Home?
I wish I could display the countdown time using an ESP microcontroller and a segmented display. Displaying countdown is easy, but I don't know if it is possible to programmatically know when a timer has started.

If you are building a Smart Home Action, you can use the Timer trait, which will enable you to query by voice how much time is left, as long as you set the commandOnlyTimer attribue to false (this allows querying and reporting the device state).
Your execute response can then also include the status of SUCCESS or any ERROR codes that may occur when setting the timer.


Windows interactive notifications

So I want to know how a quickreply toast can be sent to the right person and when you click on it, it goes to the specific person.
Example 1:
Person A texts me, I pull down on the interactive notification and type my response and it gets processed by the background process. How does the applications know that my response goes to Person A. is there an attribute in the XML of the toast that can be a variable, like the phone number?
Example 2:
Person A posts a picture on my facebook, I click on the notification and it takes me to the page on facebook. Again is there an XML variable with a URL of it or something?
You can download this Microsoft Windows UWP sample, where you can see what code they use to manage notifications.
I think that you need Toast notifications:
Toast notifications are small pop ups that appear on the screen for few seconds. They convey messages and can be customized to even play different sounds. New to Windows 10 are actionable toasts where a user has a choice to interact with the notifications by use of a button, for example.

UI Local Notification - Background Reschedule

I'm learning to develop application for ios with swift, and I'm one doubts, already googled and i not found.
I'm creating a to-do list app, and was wondering if there is a way to reschedule a notification when it appears to the user
For example the user registers a task every two hours, then the notification appears to the user and reagendo the new notification
Can anyone help me?
Thank you
You can't do it in background if your app is suspended. But UILocalNotification supports recurrent notifications.
All you have to do is to declare the recurring interval: notif.repeatInterval = NSDayCalendarUnit;
You can find more details here.
Note that you can't set custom intervals. You must use the default ones provided by Apple.

How to work with background application?

I have created an app that triggers video at particular time similar to alarm, but the problem I am facing is that when I am out of application & have set the timings the video doesn't show up(i.e. similar to alarm I should get notification out side my app). Please help me out with the same. Would be very grateful for any helpful suggestion.
When an application is not running, you cannot predict what time its background process will execute, so there is no way that you can set an alarm with any degree of precision smaller than perhaps an hour. The only way to have timing close to accurate would be with a push notification from a server. Even then, the notification you receive will not be able to open and play video on its own. You could create a push/toast notification that originates at a server, sends the user a toast, the user taps it, and that opens the app to play the video. You can't do it without user intervention.
See this link for an overview, including the constraints on background agents:
You cannot open an app and play a video from a background agent. You can show a toast notification that would allow the user to open the app. You can use a Scheduled Agent or PeriodicTask.You can then use the ShellToast to show a toast notification so the user can open the app. Once the app is open you can start the video.

Windows Phone 7 - How to calculate call duration or termination

I'm new to windows phone 7 development...
Can anyone please tell me how to calculate call duration? or how to get notification of incoming call? using silverlight or c#
is there any API's available..
There is no way to get calls information or notifications of incoming calls on the current Windows Phone 7 SDK.
There is no way to access call information.
However if your app is running and a call comes in the Obscured event will be triggered. You can then use a combination of the Unobscured, NavigatedTo, Loaded & Activated events to determine when the app has the focus again.
This won't give you the length of the call but rather then time between an event that may be a call (including incoming SMS, alarms, etc.) and the user returning fully to your app. This may be a good enough approximation, but it will depend on your needs.

Problem while Making a Call and SMS in same Process on Windows Phone 7

I am developing a application for Windows Phone 7 in which on a button click I need to first send some text messages and then make a call. But as both process are user dependent so I am not getting how should I make it such a way that unless user first finishes the sending messages my app should not initiate call. Because unless I do so it will give thread abort exception.
With the current SDK there is no way to know if the SMS was actually sent. It could also have been changed by the user before being sent!
Lots of people have asked for this functionality (or similar but for other tasks). Let's hope it comes in a future update.
I believe you can't do it in parallel, because WP7 isn't really multitask.
Do you really need to do it in parallel?
Search for the events deactivated and activated. They are in App.cs.
After you make a call, and back to the program, the activated event will detect it, so you can add code there to send SMS.
Done in reverse way. First make a call and then when user comes back after tombstoning send an Email...but flag manipulation need to be saved in isolated storage.
