I just started using GitHub today. Why this is happening?
I used http request
First you need to connect your GitHub account to Xcode and then select a project to clone... If something goes wrong, you need to reinstall Xcode.
After updating the XCode to version 11.4 (11E146), I stopped seeing repository branches in the bot settings. But I see these repository branches in Source Controll Navigator. Does anyone know how I can fix it?
This issue was resolved in Xcode 12.
OLD answer & workaround for Xcode 11.4 - 11.x:
Unfortunately it's a known issue in the Xcode 11.4 release. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode_release_notes/xcode_11_4_release_notes
Find this Stack Overflow answer to change the branch manually via the Xcode Server API: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42573925/1372065
Looks like this is fixed in XCode12, In case you still need to use XcodeServer on Xcode 11.4 - 11.5 then follow the below steps
In the final step, add a pre-integration script and add the below git commands
git pull
git checkout `your-branch-under-test`
git branch
I'm using Xcode server for CI and want to do git pull instead of always clone. Can you do that?
i tried the "clean" option in the bot settings; but, it still seem to clone the entire repo every time.
I struggled with it for quite some time too.
This may help : http://matt.vlasach.com/xcode-bots-hosted-git-repositories-and-automated-testflight-builds/
I can not get a project in Xcode to use my credentials when I add a remote, so I can pull the project from GitHub and get updates. Any time I try to add a remote, using e.g., https://github.com/Example/ExampleProject.git Xcode changes it to to my buddy's GitHub user name. The result looks like this https://MyBuddy#github.com/Example/ExampleProject.git
Then if I try
https://Myusername#github.com/Example/ExampleProject.git it still changes it to https://MyBuddy#github.com/Example/ExampleProject.git
When I try to create a new remote, it says that GitHub cannot be reached or does not exist so I cannot add GitHub as a server.
Perhaps I am doing this wrong.
How can I specify for Xcode to pull from GitHub, using my credentials? Everytime I try to pull now it says no remotes.
I´m new to mac osx system and in windows i have set a repository from bitbucket in github app successfuly. Now in Mac OSX i can´t drag the url from the BitBucket page (and i pull the commits locally to bb). Is there a way to do this?? Sorry for my bad english!
Thanks for the future responses!
You can clone the repository locally and add it like they explain here.
Alternatively, you can clone it directly from GitHub for Mac like in here.
I'm working on a bit of documentation code for an API project.
Someone else already has an existing github account where some people have already submitted a few projects. I will call it {http://github.com/monkeyhouse/}
I've created a project in Xcode (iPhone app), and have that stored under my normal Xcode git, which is backed up everything is fine.
What is the right bit of git foo that I need to put Xcode Project into
I've tried creating a symbolic link to the project on my machine and that didn't work.
Following is a common way to do what you're wanting to do on Github:
Fork http://github.com/monkeyhouse/ under your own Github account.
Clone your forked version of the repo to your development machine.
Make the modifications you want directly to your cloned repo (e.g., don't use a symlink), adding examples/iPhoneClient to the local repo, and commit the changes.
Push your changes to your public Github fork of http://github.com/monkeyhouse/.
Submit a pull request with http://github.com/monkeyhouse/ to have them bring in the changes you pushed to your forked version if they're happy with them.