Java 8 Streams : Add validation to avoid duplicate keys - java-8

The following code throws Exception when it tries to add a duplicate id. How can I modify the code to avoid duplicates?
return Optional.ofNullable(list)
.isPresent() ? (
.collect(Collectors.toMap(ViewObject::getId, viewObject -> viewObject))) : new HashMap<>();

There is an overload of toMap which allows to specify mergeFunction:
viewObject -> viewObject,
(a, b) -> a // Resolve the duplicates here
Additionally, Optional.ofNullable(list).isPresent() seems to be unnecessary. You can completely skip it by initializing the list if it is null. Optionals should be used in the method signature and not inside the method body.


Spring Reactor Set of Sets Combine to a Set

I'm trying to figure out how to get a Mono<Set<Customer>> from Flux<Order> .
Given that Order contains Set<Customer>
I've been trying to read all over and here is the closest i can get but it still wont compile. Can someone offer a hand please. In following example, orderService.getAll(orderCriteria) returns Flux<Order>
final Mono<Set<Customer>> customerSetMono = orderService
.map(order -> order.getCustomers())
.collect(Collectors.toSet()) //Mono<Set<Set<Customer>>
customerSet ->
.flatMap(customers ->
You're facing a list inside a list scenario but in a reactive context. So, all you need to do is use a proper variant of flatMap. Here's how your code should look like
orderService.getAll(orderCriteria) // Flux<Order>
.flatMapIterable(Order::getCustomers) // Flux<Customer>
.collect(Collectors.toSet()); // Mono<Set<Customer>>

List of lists and Java 8

I have a list of class R with list of other class P
List<R> rList = getRListFromDb();
I would like to get the all the P objects in another list
List<P> result = new ArrayList<>();
I tried these, but giving me Class cast exception, saying class P cannot be converted to class R. By the way I have seen issue given below, but tried and could not figure it out.
How can I turn a List of Lists into a List in Java 8?
2. rList.forEach(r -> result.addAll(r.getP()));
I would like to what is incorrect here and also would like to know different ways of getting this done in Java 8.;
would work if you didn't use flatMap (since addAll requires a Collection, but flatMap transforms your Stream<List<P>> to a Stream<P>.
This would work:;
With flatMap it should be:;
That said, the correct way is to use collect:
List<P> result =
List<P> result =
.flatMap(r -> r.getP().stream())

Stream and Filter operations on a Map

I have an EdmPortfolio type that has id (int), name (String) and tags which is a map as its members.
EdmPortfolio say has an id 1, and name as Portfolio1 and Map could have the following values,
analyst, John
region, US
I have a List, At the end i want to have a Map which has all the map values combined from all portfolios. Another EdmPortfolio might have the id as 2, name as Portfolio2 and Map with values analyst, Smith
region , UK
I want to have a combined Map with Values
region 'US','UK'
analyst 'John','Smith'
analyst and region are the keys to the map.
It has both the maps combined. I have the following code but i am a little lost
List<Map<Tag,String>> portfolioTagsList = new ArrayList<>();
for (EdmPortfolio edmPortfolio : edmPortfolioList) {
Map<Tag,String> portfolioTags = edmPortfolio.getPortfolioTags().entrySet()
.filter(e -> (e.getValue() != ""|| e.getValue() !=null))
Map<Tag,String> finalTags =
.flatMap(m -> m.entrySet().stream())
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Map.Entry::getKey, Collectors.joining(",",Map.Entry::getValue)));
I am getting nonstatic method cannot be referenced from static context. How do i achieve this?
Thanks for your time
I'd do something like:
Map<Tag,String> finalTags =
.flatMap(edmPortfolio -> edmPortfolio.getPortfolioTags().entrySet().stream())
.filter(e -> (e.getValue() != "" || e.getValue() !=null)) // this seems weird, but just keeping
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e.getKey(),
Collectors.mapping(ev -> ev.getValue(),
BTW: Any reason to break that in two streams?
Unfortunately, “nonstatic method cannot be referenced from static context” is the error that javac often ends up when type inference fails, especially in the context of method references or lambda expressions. The actual cause could be a wrong generic type parameter, a forgotten import statement, the use of a lambda expression or method reference at an inappropriate place, or even a misplaced or forgotten brace somewhere.
In your case, it’s Collectors.joining(",",Map.Entry::getValue) as that collector has no parameter of a function type that could accept a method reference.
You should use Collectors.mapping(Map.Entry::getValue, Collectors.joining(",")) instead.
Besides that, follow BrunoJCM’s suggestion to use a single stream operation and pay attention to the filter condition. e.getValue() != "" || e.getValue() !=null makes no sense as a reference can never be both, a reference to "" and the null reference, hence, this condition is always fulfilled. You most likely wanted to express that the string must not be null and not an empty string. In this regard, you should not compare strings by reference but use equals. For testing for an empty string, there is the alternative to use isEmpty() instead of equals(""). So the condition should be e.getValue()!=null && !e.getValue().isEmpty(). Mind the order, as we can invoke isEmpty() only after having verified that it is not null.

Using streams/collect to transform a Map

I am trying to convert a Map to another Map where the new key is simply the original key toString(). With the streams API I do this as follows:
(Map.Entry entry) -> entry.getKey().toString(),
(Map.Entry entry) -> entry.getValue()
The problem is that this doesn't preserve the internal Map type. I don't mind returning a TreeMap if the original map happens to be a HashMap, but the other way around is a problematic as sorting of the elements is removed. I've been fooling around with variations of the above code to get this done, but I don't seem to get very far. Right now, I have written it without streams, as follows:
TreeMap<String, Integer> stringMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (OriginalType t: originalMap.keySet()) {
stringMap.put(t.toString(), originalMap.get(t));
Can anyone put me in the right direction to do this with streams?
There is an overload of Collectors.toMap which will allow you to specify which type of map you want returned.
(Map.Entry entry) -> entry.getKey().toString(),
(Map.Entry entry) -> entry.getValue(),
(val1, val2) -> { throw new RuntimeException("Not expecting duplicate keys"); },
() -> new TreeMap<>()
(A note about the third argument: it is intended as a function which will merge two values together that have the same key. When I don't expect these things to happen, I prefer to throw an exception.)

Java8 streams map - check if all map operations succeeded?

I am trying to map one list to another using streams.
Some elements of the original list fail to map. That is, the mapping function may not be able to find an appropriate new value.
I want to know if any of the mappings has failed. Ideally I would also like to stop the processing once a failure happened.
What I am currently doing is:
The mapping function returns null if there's no mapped value
I filter() to remove nulls from the stream
I collect(), and then
I compare the size of the result to the size of the original list.
For example:
List<String> func(List<String> old, Map<String, String> oldToNew)
List<String> holger =
if (holger.size() < old.size()) {
// ... appropriate error handling code ...
else {
return holger;
This is not very elegant. Also, everything is processed even when the whole thing should fail.
Suggestions for a better way of doing it?
Or maybe I should ditch streams altogether and use good old loops?
There is no best solution because that heavily depends on the use case. E.g. if lookup failures are expected to be unlikely or the error handling implies throwing an exception anyway, just throwing an exception at the first failed lookup within the mapping function might indeed be a good choice. Then, no follow-up code has to care about error conditions.
Another way of handling it might be:
List<String> func(List<String> old, Map<String, String> oldToNew) {
List<String> failed=map.get(false);
throw new IllegalStateException(failed.size()+" lookups failed");
return map.get(true);
This can still be considered being optimized for the successful case as it collects a mostly meaningless list containing null values for the failures. But it has the point of being able to tell the number of failures (unlike using a throwing map function).
If a detailed error analysis has a high priority, you may use a solution like this:
List<String> func(List<String> old, Map<String, String> oldToNew) {
.map(s -> new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(s, oldToNew.get(s)))
.collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(e -> e.getValue()!=null,
Collectors.mapping(e -> Optional.ofNullable(e.getValue()).orElse(e.getKey()),
List<String> failed=map.get(false);
throw new IllegalStateException("The following key(s) failed: "+failed);
return map.get(true);
It collects two meaningful lists, containing the failed keys for failed lookups and a list of successfully mapped values. Note that both lists could be returned.
You could change your filter to Objects::requireNonNull and catch a NullPointerException outside the stream
