Passing in a function that calls another func - go

Hello I have 2 funcs that look similar and I would like to create one generic func. My problem is: I am unsure how to pass in another func:
func (b *Business) StreamHandler1(sm streams.Stream, p []*types.People) {
guard := make(chan struct{}, b.maxManifestGoRoutines)
for _, person := range p {
guard <- struct{}{} // would block if guard channel is already filled
go func(n *types.People) {
b.PeopleHandler(sm, n)
func (b *Business) StreamHandler2(sm streams.Stream, pi []*types.PeopleInfo) {
guard := make(chan struct{}, b.maxManifestGoRoutines)
for _, personInfo := range pi {
guard <- struct{}{} // would block if guard channel is already filled
go func(n *types.PeopleInfo) {
b.PeopleInfoHandler(sm, n)
You can see they both look very, very similar so I would like to make one generic func that I can pass in PeopleInfoHandler and PeopleHandler . Any idea how I can do this correctly? It looks like the syntax from Go I should be able to do something like this:
func (b *Business) StreamHandler1(f func(streams.Stream, interface{}), sm streams.Stream, p []*interface{}) {
But that doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas on how I can make this generic?

You can create abstractions for the type you passed with specific interface types defined.
I use the Peopler interface to either get the People or the PeopleInfo, based on the handler that I defined and that I pass to the new StreamHandler. You can pass the *Business as well in the handler if you need any of its field/method.
But as would Sergio say, if the method is only 5 lines long, even if it is mostly the same, it might not be worth it.
For your pattern with the guard struct, you could use a sync.WaitGroup that would fit better.
package main
import (
func (b *Business) StreamHandler(sm streamsStream, p []Peopler, handler func(streamsStream, Peopler)) {
guard := make(chan struct{}, b.maxManifestGoRoutines)
for _, person := range p {
guard <- struct{}{} // would block if guard channel is already filled
go func(p Peopler) {
handler(sm, p)
func peopleInfoHandler(s streamsStream, p Peopler) {
fmt.Println("info:", p.PeopleInfo())
func peopleHandler(s streamsStream, p Peopler) {
fmt.Println("people:", p.People())
func main() {
b := &Business{maxManifestGoRoutines: 2}
s := streamsStream{}
p := []Peopler{
Info: PeopleInfo{Name: "you"},
b.StreamHandler(s, p, peopleInfoHandler)
b.StreamHandler(s, p, peopleHandler)
type streamsStream struct {
type People struct {
Info PeopleInfo
func (tp *People) People() People {
return *tp
type PeopleInfo struct {
Name string
func (tp *People) PeopleInfo() PeopleInfo {
return tp.Info
type Peopler interface {
People() People
PeopleInfo() PeopleInfo
type Business struct {
maxManifestGoRoutines int
play link

If possible, you can use dependency inversion to utilize interfaces instead. An association between a type and a function is pretty much the definition of a method. So use an interface to specify the method definition, and pass Business into that method.
The interface will be necessary to prevent an import cycle along with making the code more permissive.
Normally with dependency inversion, the handlers would be explicitly implementing an interface in the same package as Business, but that is all implicit in Go.
For example:
type Handler interface {
Handle(*Business, streams.Stream)
func (b *Business) StreamHandler1(sm streams.Stream, hs []Handler) {
guard := make(chan struct{}, b.maxManifestGoRoutines)
for _, h := range hs {
guard <- struct{}{} // would block if guard channel is already filled
go func(n Handler) {
n.Handle(b, sm)
Alternatively, if you need a specific functionality from the type, you can have the Business method accept the interface for that behavior. This would be a bit more elegant, but it takes more planning ahead of time across multiple types or a large refactor. For example:
type TypeDoThinger interface {
Type() Schema
DoThing() ImportantValue
func (b *Business) HandleTypeDoThinger(sm streams.Stream, t TypeDoThinger) {
sch := t.Type()
// use schema for something
v := t.DoThing()
// save the important data
func (b *Business) StreamHandler(sm streams.Stream, ts []TypeDoThinger) {
guard := make(chan struct{}, b.maxManifestGoRoutines)
for _, t := range ts {
guard <- struct{}{} // would block if guard channel is already filled
go func(t TypeDoThinger) {
b.HandleTypeDoThinger(sm, t)


cannot use make(IntChannel) (value of type IntChannel) as Consumer value in variable declaration

We have a below scenario:
package main
type Consumer chan interface {
type IntChannel chan int
type StringChannel chan string
func (c IntChannel) OpenChannel() {
func (c IntChannel) CloseChannel() {
func (c StringChannel) OpenChannel() {
func (c StringChannel) CloseChannel() {
func main() {
var dataChannel Consumer = make(IntChannel)
for data = range dataChannel {
Goal is to range on dataChannel.
var dataChannel Consumer = make(IntChannel) gives error: cannot use make(IntChannel) (value of type IntChannel) as Consumer value in variable declaration
We pick int channel or string channel based on a given config value at runtime.
Read this answer, but not much help.
How to range on a channel type that picks either int data or string data?
First, you declared Consumer as a chan of interface{ /* methods */ }, which most surely isn't what you want — as a matter of fact, the error tells that you can't assign IntChannel to it.
Then, until generics are added to the language, you don't have a way to preserve type safety.
The closest solution to what you want to do might be adding an additional method to the interface that returns something that you can range over.
type Consumer interface {
Range() <-chan interface{}
type IntChannel chan int
func (c IntChannel) OpenChannel() {
func (c IntChannel) CloseChannel() {
func (c IntChannel) Range() <-chan interface{} {
ret := make(chan interface{})
go func() {
defer close(ret)
for v := range c {
ret <- v
return ret
func main() {
c := make(IntChannel)
var dataChannel Consumer = c
go func() {
c <- 12
for data := range dataChannel.Range() {
Go1 Playground:
With generics (Go 1.18, early 2022), instead you can just define a parametrized type with underlying type chan:
package main
import "fmt"
type GenericChan[T] chan T
func main() {
c := make(GenericChan[int])
go func() {
c <- 12
for data := range c {
Go2 Playground:

Dependency injection in Go

I'm looking for an appropriate way to inject dependencies.
Say I have this code where the FancyWrite and FancyRead functions have a dependency on the WriteToFile and ReadFromFile functions. Since these have side effects I'd like to be able to inject them so I can replace them in tests.
package main
func main() {
func FancyWrite() {
func FancyRead() {
func WriteToFile(content []byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func ReadFromFile(file string) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte{}, nil
One thing I tried is just put them as parameters into the functions:
package main
func main() {
func FancyWrite(writeToFile func(content []byte) (bool, error)) {
func FancyRead(readFromFile func(file string) ([]byte, error)) {
func WriteToFile(content []byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func ReadFromFile(file string) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte{}, nil
So, this actually works great, but I could see this becoming harder to maintain for more dependencies. I also tried a factory pattern like the following so that the main function doesn't have to concern itself with building the FancyWrite function. But, the syntax is getting a little hard to read and with even more functions would be hard to maintain.
func FancyWriteFactory(writeToFile func(content []byte) (bool, error)) func() {
return func() {
So next I tried housing the functions as methods in a struct:
package main
func main() {
dfu := DefaultFileUtil{}
ffm := FancyFileModule{
FileUtil: &dfu,
type FileUtil interface {
WriteToFile(content []byte) (bool, error)
ReadFromFile(file string) ([]byte, error)
type FancyFileModule struct {
func (fm *FancyFileModule) FancyWrite() {
func (fm *FancyFileModule) FancyRead() {
type DefaultFileUtil struct{}
func (fu *DefaultFileUtil) WriteToFile(content []byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
func (fu *DefaultFileUtil) ReadFromFile(file string) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte{}, nil
Now, this actually works well and is cleaner. However, I'm worried I am just shoehorning my functions as methods now and something just felt odd about that. I guess I can reason about it because structs are good when you have some state, and I guess I can count the dependencies as state?
Those are the things I tried. So my question is, what is the proper way to do dependency injection in this case when the only reason to put functions as methods is to make them be a collection of dependencies elsewhere?
The simple answer is that you cannot cleanly use dependency injection with functions, only with methods. Technically, you could make the functions global vars instead (ex. var WriteToFile = func(content []byte) (bool, error) { [...] }), but this is rather brittle code.
The more proper solution, from an idiomatic perspective, is to make any behavior you want to replace, inject, or wrap into a method that is then wrapped in an interface.
For example:
type (
FancyReadWriter interface {
fancyReadWriter struct {
w Writer
r Reader
Writer interface {
Write([]byte) (bool, error)
Reader interface {
Read() ([]byte, error)
fileWriter struct {
path string
// or f *os.File
fileReader struct {
path string
// or f *os.File
func (w fileWriter) Write([]byte) (bool, error) {
// Write to the file
return true, nil
func (r fileReader) Read() ([]byte, error) {
// Read from the file
return nil, nil
func (f fancyReadWriter) FancyWrite() {
// I like to be explicit when I'm ignoring return values,
// hence the underscores.
_, _ = f.w.Write([]byte("some content..."))
func (f fancyReadWriter) FancyRead() {
_, _ = f.r.Read()
func NewFancyReadWriter(w Writer, r Reader) FancyReadWriter {
// NOTE: Returning a pointer to the struct type, but it is actually
// returned as an interface instead, abstracting the underlying
// implementation.
return &fancyReadWriter{
w: w,
r: r,
func NewFileReader(path string) Reader {
// Same here, returning a pointer to the struct as the interface
return &fileReader {
path: path
func NewFileWriter(path string) Writer {
// Same here, returning a pointer to the struct as the interface
return &fileWriter {
path: path
func Main() {
w := NewFileWriter("/var/some/path")
r := NewFileReader("/var/some/other/path")
f := NewFancyReadWriter(w, r)
And then in the test file (or wherever you want to do the dependency injection):
type MockReader struct {}
func (m MockReader) Read() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("test error 1")
type MockWriter struct {}
func (m MockWriter) Write([]byte) (bool, error) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("test error 2")
func TestFancyReadWriter(t *testing.T) {
var w MockWriter
var r MockReader
f := NewFancyReadWriter(w, r)
// Now the methods on f will call the mock methods instead
You could then go a step further and make the mock or injection framework functional and thus flexible. This is my preferred style for mocks for tests, actually, as it lets me define the behavior of the mocked dependency within the test using that behavior. Example:
type MockReader struct {
Readfunc func() ([]byte, error)
ReadCalled int
func (m *MockReader) Read() (ret1 []byte, ret2 error) {
if m.Readfunc != nil {
// Be *very* careful that you don't just call m.Read() here.
// That would result in an infinite recursion.
ret1, ret2 = m.Readfunc()
// if Readfunc == nil, this just returns the zero values
type MockWriter struct {
Writefunc func([]byte) (bool, error)
WriteCalled int
func (m MockWriter) Write(arg1 []byte) (ret1 bool, ret2 error) {
if m.Writefunc != nil {
ret1, ret2 = m.Writefunc(arg1)
// Same here, zero values if the func is nil
func TestFancyReadWriter(t *testing.T) {
var w MockWriter
var r MockReader
// Note that these definitions are optional. If you don't provide a
// definition, the mock will just return the zero values for the
// return types, so you only need to define these functions if you want
// custom behavior, like different returns or test assertions.
w.Writefunc = func(d []byte) (bool, error) {
// Whatever tests you want, like assertions on the input or w/e
// Then whatever returns you want to test how the caller handles it.
return false, nil
r.Readfunc = func() ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
// Since the mocks now define the methods as *pointer* receiver methods,
// so the mock can keep track of the number of calls, we have to pass in
// the address of the mocks rather than the mocks as struct values.
f := NewFancyReadWriter(&w, &r)
// Now the methods on f will call the mock methods instead
// Now you have a simple way to assert that the calls happened:
if w.WriteCalled < 1 {
t.Fail("Missing expected call to Writer.Write().")
if r.ReadCalled < 1 {
t.Fail("Missing expected call to Reader.Read().")
Since all of the types involved here (the Reader, Writer, and the FancyReadWriter) are all handed around as interfaces rather than concrete types, it also becomes trivial to wrap them with middleware or similar (ex. logging, metrics/tracing, timeout aborts, etc).
This is hands down the most power strength of Go's interface system. Start thinking of types as bags of behavior, attach your behavior to types that can hold them, and pass all behavior types around as interfaces rather than concrete structs (data structs that are just used to organize specific bits of data are perfectly fine without interfaces, else you have to define Getters and Setters for everything and it's a real chore without much benefit). This lets you isolate, wrap, or entirely replace any particular bit of behavior you want at any time.

Add a cache to a go function as if it were a static member

Say I have an expensive function
func veryExpensiveFunction(int) int
and this function gets called a lot for the same number.
Is there a good way to allow this function to store previous results to use if the function gets called again that is perhaps even reusable for veryExpensiveFunction2?
Obviously, it would be possible to add an argument
func veryExpensiveFunctionCached(p int, cache map[int]int) int {
if val, ok := cache[p]; ok {
return val
result := veryExpensiveFunction(p)
cache[p] = result
return result
But now I have to create the cache somewhere, where I don't care about it. I would rather have it as a "static function member" if this were possible.
What is a good way to simulate a static member cache in go?
You can use closures; and let the closure manage the cache.
func InitExpensiveFuncWithCache() func(p int) int {
var cache = make(map[int]int)
return func(p int) int {
if ret, ok := cache[p]; ok {
fmt.Println("from cache")
return ret
// expensive computation
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
r := p * 2
cache[p] = r
return r
func main() {
ExpensiveFuncWithCache := InitExpensiveFuncWithCache()
from cache
veryExpensiveFunctionCached := InitExpensiveFuncWithCache()
and use the wrapped function with your code.
You can try it here.
If you want it to be reusable, change the signature to InitExpensiveFuncWithCache(func(int) int) so it accept a function as a parameter. Wrap it in the closure, replacing the expensive computation part with it.
You need to be careful about synchronization if this cache will be used in http handlers. In Go standard lib, each http request is processed in a dedicated goroutine and at this moment we are at the domain of concurrency and race conditions. I would suggest a RWMutex to ensure data consistency.
As for the cache injection, you may inject it at a function where you create the http handler.
Here it is a prototype
type Cache struct {
store map[int]int
mux sync.RWMutex
func NewCache() *Cache {
return &Cache{make(map[int]int), sync.RWMutex{}}
func (c *Cache) Set(id, value int) {
c.mux.Lock()[id] = id
func (c *Cache) Get(id int) (int, error) {
v, ok :=[id]
if !ok {
return -1, errors.New("a value with given key not found")
return v, nil
func handleComplexOperation(c *Cache) http.HandlerFunc {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request){
The Go standard library uses the following style for providing "static" functions (e.g. flag.CommandLine) but which leverage underlying state:
// "static" function is just a wrapper
func Lookup(p int) int { return expCache.Lookup(p) }
var expCache = NewCache()
func newCache() *CacheExpensive { return &CacheExpensive{cache: make(map[int]int)} }
type CacheExpensive struct {
l sync.RWMutex // lock for concurrent access
cache map[int]int
func (c *CacheExpensive) Lookup(p int) int { /*...*/ }
this design pattern not only allows for simple one-time use, but also allows for segregated usage:
var (
userX = NewCache()
userY = NewCache()

Making a struct thread safe using go channels

Suppose I have the following struct:
package manager
type Manager struct {
strings []string
func (m *Manager) AddString(s string) {
m.strings = append(m.strings, s)
func (m *Manager) RemoveString(s string) {
for i, str := range m.strings {
if str == s {
m.strings = append(m.strings[:i], m.strings[i+1:]...)
This pattern is not thread safe, so the following test fails due to some race condition (array index out of bounds):
func TestManagerConcurrently(t *testing.T) {
m := &manager.Manager{}
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for i:=0; i<100; i++ {
go func () {
} ()
I'm new to Go, and from googling around I suppose I should use channels (?). So one way to make this concurrent would be like this:
type ManagerA struct {
addStringChan chan string
removeStringChan chan string
func NewManagerA() *ManagerA {
ma := &ManagerA{
addStringChan: make(chan string),
removeStringChan: make(chan string),
go func () {
for {
select {
case msg := <-ma.addStringChan:
case msg := <-ma.removeStringChan:
return ma
func (m* ManagerA) AddStringA(s string) {
m.addStringChan <- s
func (m* ManagerA) RemoveStringA(s string) {
m.removeStringChan <- s
I would like to expose an API similar to the non-concurrent example, hence AddStringA, RemoveStringA.
This seems to work as expected concurrently (although I guess the inner goroutine should also exit at some point). My problem with this is that there is a lot of extra boilerplate:
need to define & initialize channels
define inner goroutine loop with select
map functions to channel calls
It seems a bit much to me. Is there a way to simplify this (refactor / syntax / library)?
I think the best way to implement this would be to use a Mutex instead? But is it still possible to simplify this sort of boilerplate?
Using a mutex would be perfectly idiomatic like this:
type Manager struct {
mu sync.Mutex
strings []string
func (m *Manager) AddString(s string) {
m.strings = append(m.strings, s)
func (m *Manager) RemoveString(s string) {
for i, str := range m.strings {
if str == s {
m.strings = append(m.strings[:i], m.strings[i+1:]...)
You could do this with channels, but as you noted it is a lot of extra work for not much gain. Just use a mutex is my advice!
If you simply need to make the access to the struct thread-safe, use mutex:
type Manager struct {
data []string
func (m *Manager) AddString(s string) {
m.strings = append(m.strings, s)

async reply in registry pattern

I'm learning go, and I would like to explore some patterns.
I would like to build a Registry component which maintains a map of some stuff, and I want to provide a serialized access to it:
Currently I ended up with something like this:
type JobRegistry struct {
submission chan JobRegistrySubmitRequest
listing chan JobRegistryListRequest
type JobRegistrySubmitRequest struct {
request JobSubmissionRequest
response chan Job
type JobRegistryListRequest struct {
response chan []Job
func NewJobRegistry() (this *JobRegistry) {
this = &JobRegistry{make(chan JobRegistrySubmitRequest, 10), make(chan JobRegistryListRequest, 10)}
go func() {
jobMap := make(map[string] Job)
for {
select {
case sub := <- this.submission:
job := MakeJob(sub.request) // ....
jobMap[job.Id] = job
sub.response <- job.Id
case list := <- this.listing:
res := make([]Job, 0, 100)
for _, v := range jobMap {
res = append(res, v)
list.response <- res
/// case somechannel....
Basically, I encapsulate each operation inside a struct, which carries
the parameters and a response channel.
Then I created helper methods for end users:
func (this *JobRegistry) List() ([]Job, os.Error) {
res := make(chan []Job, 1)
req := JobRegistryListRequest{res}
this.listing <- req
return <-res, nil // todo: handle errors like timeouts
I decided to use a channel for each type of request in order to be type safe.
The problem I see with this approach are:
A lot of boilerplate code and a lot of places to modify when some param/return type changes
Have to do weird things like create yet another wrapper struct in order to return errors from within the handler goroutine. (If I understood correctly there are no tuples, and no way to send multiple values in a channel, like multi-valued returns)
So, I'm wondering whether all this makes sense, or rather just get back to good old locks.
I'm sure that somebody will find some clever way out using channels.
I'm not entirely sure I understand you, but I'll try answering never the less.
You want a generic service that executes jobs sent to it. You also might want the jobs to be serializable.
What we need is an interface that would define a generic job.
type Job interface {
func ReadJob(r io.Reader) {...}
type JobManager struct {
jobs map[int] Job
jobs_c chan Job
func NewJobManager (mgr *JobManager) {
mgr := &JobManager{make(map[int]Job),make(chan Job,JOB_QUEUE_SIZE)}
for {
j,ok := <- jobs_c
if !ok {break}
go j.Run()
type IntJob struct{...}
func (job *IntJob) GetOutChan() chan int {...}
func (job *IntJob) Run() {...}
func (job *IntJob) Serialize(o io.Writer) {...}
Much less code, and roughly as useful.
About signaling errors with an axillary stream, you can always use a helper function.
type IntChanWithErr struct {
c chan int
errc chan os.Error
func (ch *IntChanWithErr) Next() (v int,err os.Error) {
select {
case v := <- ch.c // not handling closed channel
case err := <- ch.errc
