Installing CUDA Windows 10 - windows

I am trying to install the CUDA toolkit in order to be able to use Thundersvm in my personal computer.
However I keep getting the following message in the GUI installer:
"You already have a newer version of the NVIDIA Frameview SDK installed"
I read in the CUDA forums that this most probably results from having installed Geforce Experience (which I have installed). So I tried removing it from the Programs and Features windows panel. However I still got the error, so my guess is that the "Nvidia Corporation" folder was not removed.
In the same question, they also suggested performing a custom install. However I could not find any information on how to do a custom install of the CUDA toolkit. I would really appreciate if someone could explain how to do this custom install or safely remove the previous drivers. I thought of using DDU but I read that sometimes it may actually lead to trouble.

I had the same problem while I was trying to get TensorFlow to use my NVIDIA GTX1070 GPU for calculations. Here's what allowed me to perform the CUDA Toolkit installation on my Windows 10 machine.
As the error message in the installer says - you already have a newer Frameview SDK installed. It was the case for me.
Go to Settings/Uninstall or modify programs.
Remove the NVIDIA Frameview program. It should be there with GeForce Experience, PhysX, etc.
Uninstalling only this NVIDIA program didn't cause any driver problems for my machine and I was able to progress through the CUDA Toolkit installation.

I just met the same problem and fixed it now.
This problem occurred because you chose the default installation configuration, which might contain many installed parts. In my situation, I have installed NVIDIA Nsight Compute, which is the culprit during the first few installs.
Unchecking the redundant parts should be helpful.


How to really (re)install OpenCL in Windows 10 for Nvidia

After upgrading from AMD card to Nvidia 3060ti, opencl stopped working.
Investigating the issue, I have found that vendor's specific opencl library has to be registred in in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos by driver's installation, but that never happened.
Any advice on how to make it work? I have tried reinstalling drivers, cleaning drivers, reinstalling CUDA SDK, probably anything except reinstalling Windows....
Alternatively, maybe if I knew what is supposed to be in the registry, I could fill these values manually... (but I do not..)

modelsim10.4SE install problem on windows10

when i install modelsim10.4SE in my windows10 completed. but when run modelsim there comes an error.could sameone help me ?enter image description here
The first Modelsim 10.4 version was released back in 2014 and had no Windows 10 support, perhaps more importantly it also didn't support Windows 8.1 yet, so I think you simply stumbled upon a Windows compatibility issue.
Try to run Modelsim (vsim/vcom/vlib/etc) in Windows7/8 compatibility mode, try the 32bits version or if you have the license install a later version of Modelsim SE.
Good luck,
This thread is a bit old, but I've encountered the same issue and I think that I've found a way to solve it.
In my case another program was blocking the install (Skype/lync). After closing it the installation wizard kicked in as it was supposed to do.
To find the program that was causing the issue I used the new option added to the task manager called "Analize wait chain" and eventually got to lync.

How to include CMake compatible with Cygwin on CLion on Windows?

I'm trying to configure CLion with Cygwin, but I'm having trouble with CMake. The program says that the bundled version doesn't work in that environment and that the CMake from Cygwin is outdated (needs a newer version). However, I tried installing an independant CMake but then the program says it isn't compatible with Cygwin. How do I fix this?
I'm teaching a C++ programming class this semester. All of my students were able to successfully install/configure CLion without too much trouble. Most of them are on Windows boxes, Win7 and Win10.
In my instructions, I referred them to this video, which was the best I could find:
Some of the students were missing the debugger the first time they tried this. In the cygwin installer, the number of check boxes is enormous and many of the names are remarkably similar. When we went back through and re-ran the installer, in each case we were able to find a place where they had checked the wrong box.
So my recommendation would be re-run your cygwin installation after watching the video once through. Then go back to the frame in the video where he shows all his checked install options and very carefully compare your checked boxes against the presenter's.
Good luck!

Intel xdk 2366 not installing on windows 10

Can anyone tell me what to do. I'm trying to install XDK 2366 on windows 10. When i click the xdk_web_master_2366.exe file it says Installing Intel XDK then after 5-10 seconds it just disappears and the installation stops. No error message. I've tried to turn off the firewall and disable windows defender but still facing the same problem. If anyone can assist i would greatly appreciate it.. Thanx
See the instructions on this Intel XDK forum post for doing a complete uninstall, in case you have a partial install that is getting in the way. Do everything up to the "finally" step. Those instructions were written for people that wanted to stay with a previous version of the XDK.
Do not install that older version that is posted in that thread, it will be obsolete very soon.

Windows 8.1 installation fail 0xC1900101 - 0x40017

I want to make a Windows store application using the monogame libraries, but for this purpose, I need to install Windows 8.1. The installation fails and gives me the error
0xC1900101 - 0x40017
This error is quite large and alot of people have had or still have it. I made alot of research on it and it seems that this problem is caused by driver incompatibility. I tried the installation about 15 times now, every time updating some drivers, installing updates, etc.
On the installation, it stops at 84% on "Applying PC parameters" step.
So I believe that the problem is that one of my drivers in incompatible and I need to remove it so here are my specs/peripherals:
ASUS G75VW qs71 laptop (16GB RAM, i7 ivy bridge) (I don't think it is the problem, since my friend has the same and it worked for him)
- Logitech G930 Gaming Headset
- Razer Orochi Mouse (Not the 2013, but the 2012)
If some of these drivers are incompatible, please tell me how to remove them.
Thank you.
P.S. I'm not sure if this question is relevant for this site, but it is somewhat programming related and I need it to do programmation.
