Go Reflect Array - go

The structure is like:
type Auth_msg struct {
Msg_class [2]byte
Msg_content_pty [2]byte
I am fresh to use Reflect in Go and I encounter this:
panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Bytes on array Value
This occurs when I run val.Field(i).Bytes(), however the when I try to print it: fmt.PrintLn(val.Field(i)), it prints out the right arrays.
I just wonder, how I can retrieve the Msg_class in an array or a slice?

In Go, there is a distinction between an array and a slice. Value.Bytes() explicitly works only for a byte slice (link to docs).
note : I don't know why it doesn't handle byte arrays ; it probably was written that way, and it makes the implementation of reflect.Bytes() simpler. Anyway : slices are definitely the common use case in Go, and it is easy to convert an array to a slice :
You can create a slice pointing to the array using [:] :
v := reflect.ValueOf(msg.Msg_class)
fmt.Println("kind :", v.Kind()) // prints 'array'
// fmt.Printf("bytes : % x\n", v.Bytes()) // panics
v = reflect.ValueOf(msg.Msg_class[:])
fmt.Println("kind :", v.Kind()) // prints 'slice'
fmt.Printf("bytes : % x\n", v.Bytes()) // works
To turn an array into a slice using reflect, you can call .Slice() on a reflect.Value.
One constraint, mentioned in the doc, is that the array value must be addressable.
I haven't got all the details sorted out, but one way to make sure the reflect Value is addressable is to call reflect.ValueOf() on a pointer, and then call .Elem() on that pointer value :
var arr [2]byte
arr[0] = 'g'
arr[1] = 'o'
// take ValueOf a *pointer* to your array, and let reflect dereference it :
v := reflect.ValueOf(&arr).Elem()
// this sets the "canAddr" flag on this value
fmt.Println("arr value - CanAddr() :", v.CanAddr()) // prints 'true'
slice := v.Slice(0, v.Len())
fmt.Printf("arr bytes : % x\n", slice.Bytes()) // prints '67 6f'
// for a field inside a struct : take a pointer to the struct
var msg Auth_msg
msg.Msg_class[0] = 'a'
msg.Msg_class[1] = 'z'
v = reflect.ValueOf(&msg).Elem()
fmt.Println("msg value - CanAddr() :", v.CanAddr()) // prints 'true'
// now reflect accepts to call ".Slice()" on one of its fields :
field := v.FieldByName("Msg_class")
slice = field.Slice(0, field.Len())
fmt.Printf("msg.Msg_class bytes : % x\n", slice.Bytes()) // prints '61 7a'


Duplicate slice of pointers to structs with slightly different values

Given two nested types
type Inner struct {
InnerVal int
type Outer struct {
InnerStruct *Inner
OuterVal int
I need to duplicate a slice of pointers to Outer
originalSlice := []*Outer{<plenty_of_items>}
with itself, but having updated field values in the duplicates, including the Outer.InnerStruct.InnerVal.
To do so I create a new slice of the same type and length as originalSlice, append pointers to newly created structs with altered values to it, and finally append these items to the originalSlice
duplicateSlice := make([]*Outer, len(originalSlice))
for _, originalItem := range originalSlice {
duplicateSlice = append(duplicateSlice, &Outer{
InnerStruct: &Inner{
InnerVal: originalItem.InnerStruct.InnerVal + 1
OuterVal: originalItem.OuterVal + 1,
originalSlice = append(originalSlice, duplicateSlice...)
While this is verbose enough to follow the pointers around, or so I thought, when passed to a function right after as nowDoubledSlice, and accessed via loop
someOtherSlice := make([]*types.Inner, len(nowDoubledSlice))
for i, doubledItem := range nowDoubledSlice {
someOtherSlice[i] = doubledItem.InnerStruct
I get a
runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
Why is that? And is there a more elegant or idiomatic way to duplicate a slice of pointers to structs, while altering the duplicates' fields?
It's nothing to do with your pointer creation, it's your slice allocation. This line:
duplicateSlice := make([]*Outer, len(originalSlice))
Creates a new slice of length len(originalSlice), filled with zero-value elements. What you likely want instead is:
duplicateSlice := make([]*Outer, 0, len(originalSlice))
to create a slice of length 0 but capacity of len(originalSlice). This works fine, as you can see here.
Alternatively, you could keep make([]*Outer, len(originalSlice)) and use indexing instead of append in your loop:
for i, originalItem := range originalSlice {
duplicateSlice[i] =&Outer{
InnerStruct: &Inner{
InnerVal: originalItem.InnerStruct.InnerVal + 1,
OuterVal: originalItem.OuterVal + 1,
Which works just as well, as you can see here.

Why is this zero length and zero capacity slice not nil?

I'm going through a Go tutorial and I reached the lesson about nil slices where it says:
A nil slice has a length and capacity of 0 and has no underlying array.
In order to show this they present this code which works
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var s []int
fmt.Println(s, len(s), cap(s))
if s == nil {
However, I tried to experiment and I replaced var s []int with s := []int{}. The console still prints [] 0 0 as in the first case but no longer the nil! string. So why is the first one nil and the other one not?
For s := []int{}:
Because it is initialized to a new type (e.g. struct) with an underlying array, a length, and a capacity
A slice, once initialized, is always associated with an underlying array that holds its elements.
For var s []int see Slice types:
The value of an uninitialized slice is nil.
The zero value:
When storage is allocated for a variable, either through a declaration or a call of new, or when a new value is created, either through a composite literal or a call of make, and no explicit initialization is provided, the variable or value is given a default value. Each element of such a variable or value is set to the zero value for its type: false for booleans, 0 for numeric types, "" for strings, and nil for pointers, functions, interfaces, slices, channels, and maps. This initialization is done recursively, so for instance each element of an array of structs will have its fields zeroed if no value is specified.
These two simple declarations are equivalent:
var i int
var i int = 0
type T struct { i int; f float64; next *T }
t := new(T)
the following holds:
t.i == 0
t.f == 0.0
t.next == nil
The same would also be true after
var t T
I hope this helps.

Adding anonymous struct element to slice

let's say I have a slice of anonymous structs
data := []struct{a string, b string}{}
Now, I would like to append a new item to this slice.
data = append(data, ???)
How do I do that? Any ideas?
Since you're using an anonymous struct, you have to again use an anonymous struct, with identical declaration, in the append statement:
data = append(data, struct{a string, b string}{a: "foo", b: "bar"})
Much easier would be to use a named type:
type myStruct struct {
a string
b string
data := []myStruct{}
data = append(data, myStruct{a: "foo", b: "bar"})
Actually, I found a way to add elements to array without repeated type declaration.
But it is dirty.
slice := []struct {
v, p string
}{{}} // here we init first element to copy it later
el := slice[0]
el2 := el // here we copy this element
el2.p = "1" // and fill it with data
el2.v = "2"
// repeat - copy el as match as you want
slice = append(slice[1:], el2 /* el3, el4 ...*/) // skip first, fake, element and add actual
Slice of pointers to struct is more conventional. At that case coping will slightly differ
slice := []*struct { ... }{{}}
el := slice[0]
el2 := *el
All this is far from any good practices. Use carefully.

Go: append directly to slice found in a map

I wanted to create a map of slices where values are appended to the corresponding slice. However, when trying to append directly to the slice returned by accessing it (see comment below), it would not be stored, so I had to go with the long form access (line below the comment).
Why is it so? I expected the access to the map to return some sort of pointer, so in my mind mappedAminoAcid == aminoAcidsToCodons[aminoAcid]; clearly, I'm wrong.
aminoAcidsToCodons := map[rune][]string{}
for codon, aminoAcid := range utils.CodonsToAminoAcid {
mappedAminoAcid, ok := aminoAcidsToCodons[aminoAcid]
if ok {
// NOT WORKING: mappedAminoAcid = append(mappedAminoAcid, codon)
aminoAcidsToCodons[aminoAcid] = append(mappedAminoAcid, codon)
} else {
aminoAcidsToCodons[aminoAcid] = []string{codon}
append returns a new slice if the underlying array has to grow to accomodate the new element. So yes, you have to put the new slice back into the map. This is no different from how strings work, for instance:
var x map[string]string
x["a"] = "foo"
y := x["a"]
y = "bar"
// x["a"] is still "foo"
Since a nil slice is a perfectly fine first argument for append, you can simplify your code to:
aminoAcidsToCodons := map[rune][]string{}
for codon, aminoAcid := range utils.CodonsToAminoAcid {
aminoAcidsToCodons[aminoAcid] = append(aminoAcidsToCodons[aminoAcid], codon)

How can I "cast" a pointer type in Go to match the type of the pointed-to value?

I have a slice that contains different variable types. Some strings, integers, etc. Is there any way for me to "cast" a pointer to one of these values from *interface{} to *string or *int32 where appropriate.
Here is a toy program that demonstrates the issue: http://play.golang.org/p/J3zgrYyXPq
// Store a string in the slice
valSlice := make([]interface{}, 1)
var strVal string = "test"
valSlice[0] = strVal
// Create a pointer to that string
ptrToStr := &valSlice[0]
// Outputs "string vs *interface {}"
fmt.Printf("%T vs %T\n", valSlice[0], ptrToStr)
// Attempt 1 (doesn't compile):
// ----------------------------
// How can I cast the pointer type to (*string), referencing the same
// memory location as strVal?
// This doesn't compile:
//var castPtr *string = &valSlice[0].(string)
// Attempt 2 (after assertion, doesn't point to the same memory location):
var sureType string = valSlice[0].(string)
var castPtr *string = &sureType
*castPtr = "UPDATED"
fmt.Println(valSlice[0]) // Outputs "test", not "UPDATED"
If I need to justify my desire to do this, here's the explanation. The database/sql package looks at the pointer type when scanning values. My code has already prepared a slice holding zero-valued variables of the correct types to match the resultset.
Because Scan requires pointers, I iterate over my slice and build a new slice of pointers to the variables in my original slice. I then pass this slice of pointers into the Scan. But because the act of creating a pointer as above results in an *interface{} pointer instead of one that matches the variable type, the Scan does not know the underlying datatype to convert the raw []byte value to.
1 You must know , when a var is assigned to a interface , what happend ?
str := "hello world"
var tmp interface{} = str
the complier will create a tempotary object , which has the same value with str ,and tmp is associated with it. So after that , all you do to tmp is not associated with str. But go doesn't allow you to change the tempotary object。 So you can't have the dereference of the tempotary object in interface and you can't change it, that's why the errors exist. If you want more information about the implements of interface, read http://research.swtch.com/interfaces
2 If you want change the original object, pass the pointer to a interface
valSlice := make([]interface{}, 1)
var strVal string = "test"
valSlice[0] = &strVal //pass a pointer to a interafce
var castPtr *string = valSlice[0].(*string) // get the pointer
*castPtr = "UPDATED"//change the string strVal
fmt.Println(strVal) // Outputs "UPDATE"
