Spring Application with Jakarta Bean Validation framework - spring

I Wanted to create normal spring application (not spring boot or spring mvc) which uses Jakarta Bean Validation framework
Tried to use above dependency but unable perform method/constructor argument validation using #NotNull #NotBlank etc.
public TestConstructor(#NotNull #NotBlank final String param1, #NotNull #NotBlank final String param2, #NotNull #NotBlank final String param3) {
public void testMethod(#NotNull #NotBlank final String param1) {
I created the below bean and was only able to validate objects manually
public Validator validator() {
return Validation.byProvider(HibernateValidator.class).configure().buildValidatorFactory().getValidator();
I wanted to perform auto validation of arguments and objects using jakarta bean validation framework (not with javax validation)

I'm faced with this issue too. So i just copied required parts of Spring framework and create my own ValidatorBean with B&W, but actually with only validation.
#Bean(name = "mvcValidator")
public JakartaValidator validatorFactory(AutowireCapableBeanFactory autowireCapableBeanFactory) {
Validator validator = Validation.byDefaultProvider()
.messageInterpolator(new ParameterMessageInterpolator())
.constraintValidatorFactory(new JakartaConstraintValidatorFactory(autowireCapableBeanFactory))
return new JakartaValidator(validator);
public class JakartaConstraintValidatorFactory implements ConstraintValidatorFactory {
private final AutowireCapableBeanFactory autowireCapableBeanFactory;
public JakartaConstraintValidatorFactory(AutowireCapableBeanFactory autowireCapableBeanFactory) {
this.autowireCapableBeanFactory = autowireCapableBeanFactory;
public <T extends ConstraintValidator<?, ?>> T getInstance(Class<T> key) {
return autowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(key);
public void releaseInstance(ConstraintValidator<?, ?> instance) {
public class JakartaValidator implements Validator {
private static final Set<String> internalAnnotationAttributes = new HashSet<>(4);
static {
private final jakarta.validation.Validator validator;
public JakartaValidator(jakarta.validation.Validator validator) {
this.validator = validator;
public void init() {
public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
return true;
public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
processConstraintViolations(validator.validate(target), errors);
protected void processConstraintViolations(Set<ConstraintViolation<Object>> violations, Errors errors) {
for (ConstraintViolation<Object> violation : violations) {
String field = determineField(violation);
FieldError fieldError = errors.getFieldError(field);
if (fieldError == null || !fieldError.isBindingFailure()) {
try {
ConstraintDescriptor<?> cd = violation.getConstraintDescriptor();
String errorCode = determineErrorCode(cd);
Object[] errorArgs = getArgumentsForConstraint(errors.getObjectName(), field, cd);
if (errors instanceof BindingResult) {
// Can do custom FieldError registration with invalid value from ConstraintViolation,
// as necessary for Hibernate Validator compatibility (non-indexed set path in field)
BindingResult bindingResult = (BindingResult) errors;
String nestedField = bindingResult.getNestedPath() + field;
if (nestedField.isEmpty()) {
String[] errorCodes = bindingResult.resolveMessageCodes(errorCode);
ObjectError error = new ViolationObjectError(
errors.getObjectName(), errorCodes, errorArgs, violation, this);
} else {
Object rejectedValue = getRejectedValue(field, violation, bindingResult);
String[] errorCodes = bindingResult.resolveMessageCodes(errorCode, field);
FieldError error = new ViolationFieldError(errors.getObjectName(), nestedField,
rejectedValue, errorCodes, errorArgs, violation, this);
} else {
// got no BindingResult - can only do standard rejectValue call
// with automatic extraction of the current field value
errors.rejectValue(field, errorCode, errorArgs, violation.getMessage());
} catch (NotReadablePropertyException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException("JSR-303 validated property '" + field +
"' does not have a corresponding accessor for Spring data binding - " +
"check your DataBinder's configuration (bean property versus direct field access)", ex);
protected Object getRejectedValue(String field, ConstraintViolation<Object> violation, BindingResult bindingResult) {
Object invalidValue = violation.getInvalidValue();
if (field != null && !field.isEmpty() && !field.contains("[]") &&
(invalidValue == violation.getLeafBean() || field.contains("[") || field.contains("."))) {
// Possibly a bean constraint with property path: retrieve the actual property value.
// However, explicitly avoid this for "address[]" style paths that we can't handle.
invalidValue = bindingResult.getRawFieldValue(field);
return invalidValue;
protected String determineField(ConstraintViolation<Object> violation) {
Path path = violation.getPropertyPath();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (Path.Node node : path) {
if (node.isInIterable()) {
Object index = node.getIndex();
if (index == null) {
index = node.getKey();
if (index != null) {
String name = node.getName();
if (name != null && node.getKind() == ElementKind.PROPERTY && !name.startsWith("<")) {
if (!first) {
first = false;
return sb.toString();
protected String determineErrorCode(ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor) {
return descriptor.getAnnotation().annotationType().getSimpleName();
protected Object[] getArgumentsForConstraint(String objectName, String field, ConstraintDescriptor<?> descriptor) {
List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
arguments.add(getResolvableField(objectName, field));
// Using a TreeMap for alphabetical ordering of attribute names
Map<String, Object> attributesToExpose = new TreeMap<>();
descriptor.getAttributes().forEach((attributeName, attributeValue) -> {
if (!internalAnnotationAttributes.contains(attributeName)) {
if (attributeValue instanceof String) {
attributeValue = new ResolvableAttribute(attributeValue.toString());
attributesToExpose.put(attributeName, attributeValue);
return arguments.toArray();
protected MessageSourceResolvable getResolvableField(String objectName, String field) {
String[] codes = {objectName + Errors.NESTED_PATH_SEPARATOR + field, field};
return new DefaultMessageSourceResolvable(codes, field);
protected boolean requiresMessageFormat(ConstraintViolation<?> violation) {
return containsSpringStylePlaceholder(violation.getMessage());
private static boolean containsSpringStylePlaceholder(#Nullable String message) {
return (message != null && message.contains("{0}"));
private static class ResolvableAttribute implements MessageSourceResolvable, Serializable {
private final String resolvableString;
public ResolvableAttribute(String resolvableString) {
this.resolvableString = resolvableString;
public String[] getCodes() {
return new String[]{this.resolvableString};
public Object[] getArguments() {
return null;
public String getDefaultMessage() {
return this.resolvableString;
public String toString() {
return this.resolvableString;
private static class ViolationObjectError extends ObjectError implements Serializable {
private final transient JakartaValidator adapter;
private final transient ConstraintViolation<?> violation;
public ViolationObjectError(String objectName, String[] codes, Object[] arguments,
ConstraintViolation<?> violation, JakartaValidator adapter) {
super(objectName, codes, arguments, violation.getMessage());
this.adapter = adapter;
this.violation = violation;
public boolean shouldRenderDefaultMessage() {
return (this.adapter != null && this.violation != null ?
this.adapter.requiresMessageFormat(this.violation) :
private static class ViolationFieldError extends FieldError implements Serializable {
private final transient JakartaValidator adapter;
private final transient ConstraintViolation<?> violation;
public ViolationFieldError(String objectName, String field, #Nullable Object rejectedValue, String[] codes,
Object[] arguments, ConstraintViolation<?> violation, JakartaValidator adapter) {
super(objectName, field, rejectedValue, false, codes, arguments, violation.getMessage());
this.adapter = adapter;
this.violation = violation;
public boolean shouldRenderDefaultMessage() {
return (this.adapter != null && this.violation != null ?
this.adapter.requiresMessageFormat(this.violation) :


#Embedded Audit was working with spring boot 1.4 but now not working after upgrade to spring boot 2.1.x

public interface EAuditable {
public static interface Update{
public EUpdateInfo getUpdateInfo();
public void setUpdateInfo(EUpdateInfo updateInfo);
public static interface Create{
public ECreateInfo getCreateInfo();
public void setCreateInfo(ECreateInfo createInfo);
public static interface UpdateDate{
public ZonedDateTime getLastUpdatedOn();
public void setLastUpdatedOn(ZonedDateTime date);
public static interface UpdateUser{
public String getLastUpdatedBy();
public void setLastUpdatedBy(String user);
public static interface CreateDate{
public ZonedDateTime getCreatedOn();
public void setCreatedOn(ZonedDateTime date);
public static interface CreateUser{
public String getCreatedBy();
public void setCreatedBy(String user);
#Table(name = "TRACKABLE_ITEM")
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
public class ETrackableItem extends AbstractIdTenantPersistable implements EAuditable.Create, EAuditable.Update {
private ECreateInfo createInfo;
private EUpdateInfo updateInfo;
//JPA: For Eclipse Link, use #AdditionaliCritera instead of #Filter and #FilterDef
#FilterDef(name="multiTenant", parameters=#ParamDef( name="tenant_id", type="string" ) )
#Filter(name="multiTenant", condition=":tenant_id = TENANT_ID")
public abstract class AbstractIdTenantPersistable extends AbstractIdPersistable {
#Column(name = "TENANT_ID", length = 12)
protected String tenantId;
public String getTenantId() {
return tenantId;
public void setTenantId(String tenantId) {
this.tenantId = tenantId;
protected AbstractIdTenantPersistable(){}
protected AbstractIdTenantPersistable(UUID id) {
protected AbstractIdTenantPersistable(UUID id, String tenantId) {
this.tenantId = tenantId;
#EntityListeners(value = { PersistableEntityListener.class })
#TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonUserType.class)
public abstract class AbstractPersistable {
public enum ConstraintType{UniqueName, Unique, Others};
* Returns the constraint name to its type mapping.
* #param name
* #return
public ConstraintType getConstraintType(String name){
return ConstraintType.Others;
public class PersistableEntityListener {
public void prePersist(AbstractPersistable e) {
if (e instanceof EAuditable.Create){
EAuditable.Create create = (EAuditable.Create) e;
create.setCreateInfo(new ECreateInfo(ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("UTC")), getUserName()));
if (e instanceof EAuditable.CreateDate){
EAuditable.CreateDate createDate = (EAuditable.CreateDate) e;
if (e instanceof EAuditable.CreateUser){
EAuditable.CreateUser createUser = (EAuditable.CreateUser) e;
if (e instanceof AbstractIdTenantPersistable){
public void preUpdate(AbstractPersistable e) {
if (e instanceof EAuditable.Update){
EAuditable.Update update = (EAuditable.Update) e;
update.setUpdateInfo(new EUpdateInfo(ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneId.of("UTC")), getUserName()));
if (e instanceof EAuditable.UpdateDate){
EAuditable.UpdateDate updateDate = (EAuditable.UpdateDate) e;
if (e instanceof EAuditable.UpdateUser){
EAuditable.UpdateUser updateUser = (EAuditable.UpdateUser) e;
private String getUserName() {
if (isUserSet()){
return ContextHolder.get().getAuthenticatedContext().getUserName();
return "-";
private String getTenantId() {
if (isTenantSet()){
return ContextHolder.get().getAuthenticatedContext().getTenantId();
return "-";
private boolean isUserSet(){
return ContextHolder.get() != null &&
ContextHolder.get().getAuthenticatedContext() != null &&
ContextHolder.get().getAuthenticatedContext().getUserName() != null;
private boolean isTenantSet(){
return ContextHolder.get() != null &&
ContextHolder.get().getAuthenticatedContext() != null &&
ContextHolder.get().getAuthenticatedContext().getTenantId() != null;
private boolean isContextSet(){
return isUserSet() && isTenantSet();
private void checkContext(){
isContextSet(),`enter code here`
DomainException.class, "DOMAIN.CONTEXT_NOT_SET");
Below the code which was working fine for auto populate the audit info with the spring-data-jpa used with spring boot 1.4.x but it is not working when we upgraded to spring boot 2.1.x
Can any one please help if we have different way of handing for the same.
I need to follow this kind of #Embedded way of doing as here we are doing it by composition except inheritance.
Thanks in advance.

#RefreshScope annotated Bean registered through BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor not getting refreshed on Cloud Config changes

I've a BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor class that registers beans dynamically. Sometimes, the beans being registered have the Spring Cloud annotation #RefreshScope.
However, when the cloud configuration Environment is changed, such beans are not being refreshed. Upon debugging, the appropriate application events are triggered, however, the dynamic beans don't get reinstantiated. Need some help around this. Below is my code:
public class TestDynaProps {
private String prop;
private String value;
public String getProp() {
return prop;
public void setProp(String prop) {
this.prop = prop;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("TestDynaProps [prop=").append(prop).append(", value=").append(value).append("]");
return builder.toString();
public class TestDynaPropConsumer {
private TestDynaProps props;
public void setProps(TestDynaProps props) {
this.props = props;
public void init() {
System.out.println("Init props : " + props);
public String getVal() {
return props.getValue();
public class PropertyBasedDynamicBeanDefinitionRegistrar implements BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor, EnvironmentAware {
private ConfigurableEnvironment environment;
private final Class<?> propertyConfigurationClass;
private final String propertyBeanNamePrefix;
private final String propertyKeysPropertyName;
private Class<?> propertyConsumerBean;
private String consumerBeanNamePrefix;
private List<String> dynaBeans;
public PropertyBasedDynamicBeanDefinitionRegistrar(Class<?> propertyConfigurationClass,
String propertyBeanNamePrefix, String propertyKeysPropertyName) {
this.propertyConfigurationClass = propertyConfigurationClass;
this.propertyBeanNamePrefix = propertyBeanNamePrefix;
this.propertyKeysPropertyName = propertyKeysPropertyName;
dynaBeans = new ArrayList<>();
public void setPropertyConsumerBean(Class<?> propertyConsumerBean, String consumerBeanNamePrefix) {
this.propertyConsumerBean = propertyConsumerBean;
this.consumerBeanNamePrefix = consumerBeanNamePrefix;
public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
this.environment = (ConfigurableEnvironment) environment;
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory arg0) throws BeansException {
public void postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry(BeanDefinitionRegistry beanDefRegistry) throws BeansException {
if (environment == null) {
throw new BeanCreationException("Environment must be set to initialize dyna bean");
String[] keys = getPropertyKeys();
Map<String, String> propertyKeyBeanNameMapping = new HashMap<>();
for (String k : keys) {
String trimmedKey = k.trim();
String propBeanName = getPropertyBeanName(trimmedKey);
registerPropertyBean(beanDefRegistry, trimmedKey, propBeanName);
propertyKeyBeanNameMapping.put(trimmedKey, propBeanName);
if (propertyConsumerBean != null) {
String beanPropertyFieldName = getConsumerBeanPropertyVariable();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> prop : propertyKeyBeanNameMapping.entrySet()) {
registerConsumerBean(beanDefRegistry, prop.getKey(), prop.getValue(), beanPropertyFieldName);
private void registerConsumerBean(BeanDefinitionRegistry beanDefRegistry, String trimmedKey, String propBeanName, String beanPropertyFieldName) {
String consumerBeanName = getConsumerBeanName(trimmedKey);
AbstractBeanDefinition consumerDefinition = preparePropertyConsumerBeanDefinition(propBeanName, beanPropertyFieldName);
beanDefRegistry.registerBeanDefinition(consumerBeanName, consumerDefinition);
private void registerPropertyBean(BeanDefinitionRegistry beanDefRegistry, String trimmedKey, String propBeanName) {
AbstractBeanDefinition propertyBeanDefinition = preparePropertyBeanDefinition(trimmedKey);
beanDefRegistry.registerBeanDefinition(propBeanName, propertyBeanDefinition);
private String getConsumerBeanPropertyVariable() throws IllegalArgumentException {
Field[] beanFields = propertyConsumerBean.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field bField : beanFields) {
if (bField.getType().equals(propertyConfigurationClass)) {
return bField.getName();
throw new BeanCreationException(String.format("Could not find property of type %s in bean class %s",
propertyConfigurationClass.getName(), propertyConsumerBean.getName()));
private AbstractBeanDefinition preparePropertyBeanDefinition(String trimmedKey) {
BeanDefinitionBuilder bdb = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition(PropertiesConfigurationFactory.class);
bdb.addPropertyValue("propertySources", environment.getPropertySources());
bdb.addPropertyValue("conversionService", environment.getConversionService());
bdb.addPropertyValue("targetName", trimmedKey);
return bdb.getBeanDefinition();
private AbstractBeanDefinition preparePropertyConsumerBeanDefinition(String propBeanName, String beanPropertyFieldName) {
BeanDefinitionBuilder bdb = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition(propertyConsumerBean);
bdb.addPropertyReference(beanPropertyFieldName, propBeanName);
return bdb.getBeanDefinition();
private String getPropertyBeanName(String trimmedKey) {
return propertyBeanNamePrefix + trimmedKey.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + trimmedKey.substring(1);
private String getConsumerBeanName(String trimmedKey) {
return consumerBeanNamePrefix + trimmedKey.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + trimmedKey.substring(1);
private String[] getPropertyKeys() {
String keysProp = environment.getProperty(propertyKeysPropertyName);
return keysProp.split(",");
The Config class:
public class DynaPropsConfig {
public PropertyBasedDynamicBeanDefinitionRegistrar dynaRegistrar() {
PropertyBasedDynamicBeanDefinitionRegistrar registrar = new PropertyBasedDynamicBeanDefinitionRegistrar(TestDynaProps.class, "testDynaProp", "dyna.props");
registrar.setPropertyConsumerBean(TestDynaPropConsumer.class, "testDynaPropsConsumer");
return registrar;
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
private static Class<Application> applicationClass = Application.class;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication sa = new SpringApplication(applicationClass);
And, my bootstrap.properties:
Here are some guesses:
1) Perhaps the #RefreshScope metadata is not being passed to your metadata for the bean definition. Call setScope()?
2) The RefreshScope is actually implemented by https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-commons/blob/master/spring-cloud-context/src/main/java/org/springframework/cloud/context/scope/refresh/RefreshScope.java, which itself implements BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor. Perhaps the ordering of these two post processors is issue.
Just guesses.
We finally resolved this by appending the #RefreshScope annotation on the proposed dynamic bean classes using ByteBuddy and then, adding them to Spring Context using Bean Definition Post Processor.
The Post Processor is added to spring.factories so that it loads before any other dynamic bean dependent beans.

How to display a link on a particular rel as an array even if there is only one link

for (Person person : company.getPersons()) {
I want to return an array of links by "persons" rel. It's all ok if I have multiple persons, but if I have only a single person it returns a single element and my client code that expects array fails.
not possible in spring hateoas 18. We overloaded the built in serializer to account for this. It was very nasty.
Technically a client should interpret rel : {} as rel : [{}] to be HAL compliant..but they rarely do..
you have to remove and override the built in HATEOAS one, we did it like this, but this effectively removes all other converters:
public class WebMVCConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
private static final String DELEGATING_REL_PROVIDER_BEAN_NAME = "_relProvider";
private static final String LINK_DISCOVERER_REGISTRY_BEAN_NAME = "_linkDiscovererRegistry";
private static final String HAL_OBJECT_MAPPER_BEAN_NAME = "_halObjectMapper";
public WebMVCConfig(){
private ListableBeanFactory beanFactory;
public void configureMessageConverters(List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> converters) {
//Need to override some behaviour in the HAL Serializer...so let's do that
CurieProvider curieProvider = getCurieProvider(beanFactory);
RelProvider relProvider = beanFactory.getBean(DELEGATING_REL_PROVIDER_BEAN_NAME, RelProvider.class);
ObjectMapper halObjectMapper = beanFactory.getBean(HAL_OBJECT_MAPPER_BEAN_NAME, ObjectMapper.class);
halObjectMapper.registerModule(new MultiLinkAwareJackson2HalModule());
halObjectMapper.setHandlerInstantiator(new MultiLinkAwareJackson2HalModule.MultiLinkAwareHalHandlerInstantiator(relProvider, curieProvider));
MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter halConverter = new TypeConstrainedMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter(ResourceSupport.class);
private static CurieProvider getCurieProvider(BeanFactory factory) {
try {
return factory.getBean(CurieProvider.class);
} catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) {
return null;
overriding the serializer is really ugly business..maybe we should have just built a new one from scratch
* Copyright 2012-2014 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.Annotated;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.MapSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import org.springframework.hateoas.hal.*;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.hateoas.Link;
import org.springframework.hateoas.Links;
import org.springframework.hateoas.RelProvider;
import org.springframework.hateoas.ResourceSupport;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerationException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.BeanProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationConfig;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
* Jackson 2 module implementation to render {#link org.springframework.hateoas.Link} and {#link org.springframework.hateoas.ResourceSupport} instances in HAL compatible JSON.
* Extends this class to make it possible for a relationship to be serialized as an array even if there is only 1 link
* This is done is in OptionalListJackson2Serializer::serialize method.
* Relationships to force as arrays are defined in relsToForceAsAnArray
public class MultiLinkAwareJackson2HalModule extends Jackson2HalModule {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 7806951456457932384L;
private static final ImmutableSet<String> relsToForceAsAnArray = ImmutableSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(
private static abstract class MultiLinkAwareResourceSupportMixin extends ResourceSupport {
#XmlElement(name = "link")
//here's the only diff from org.springframework.hateoas.hal.ResourceSupportMixin
//we use a different HalLinkListSerializer
#JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_EMPTY, using = MultiLinkAwareHalLinkListSerializer.class)
#JsonDeserialize(using = MultiLinkAwareJackson2HalModule.HalLinkListDeserializer.class)
public abstract List<Link> getLinks();
public MultiLinkAwareJackson2HalModule() {
//NOTE: super calls setMixInAnnotation(Link.class, LinkMixin.class);
//you must not override this as this is how Spring-HATEOAS determines if a
//Hal converter has been registered for not.
//If it determines a Hal converter has not been registered, it will register it's own
//that will override this one
//Use customized ResourceSupportMixin to use our LinkListSerializer
setMixInAnnotation(ResourceSupport.class, MultiLinkAwareResourceSupportMixin.class);
public static class MultiLinkAwareHalLinkListSerializer extends Jackson2HalModule.HalLinkListSerializer {
private final BeanProperty property;
private final CurieProvider curieProvider;
private final Set<String> relsAsMultilink;
public MultiLinkAwareHalLinkListSerializer(BeanProperty property, CurieProvider curieProvider, Set<String> relsAsMultilink) {
super(property, curieProvider);
this.property = property;
this.curieProvider = curieProvider;
this.relsAsMultilink = relsAsMultilink;
public void serialize(List<Link> value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
JsonGenerationException {
// sort links according to their relation
Map<String, List<Object>> sortedLinks = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Object>>();
List<Link> links = new ArrayList<Link>();
boolean prefixingRequired = curieProvider != null;
boolean curiedLinkPresent = false;
for (Link link : value) {
String rel = prefixingRequired ? curieProvider.getNamespacedRelFrom(link) : link.getRel();
if (!link.getRel().equals(rel)) {
curiedLinkPresent = true;
if (sortedLinks.get(rel) == null) {
sortedLinks.put(rel, new ArrayList<Object>());
if (prefixingRequired && curiedLinkPresent) {
ArrayList<Object> curies = new ArrayList<Object>();
curies.add(curieProvider.getCurieInformation(new Links(links)));
sortedLinks.put("curies", curies);
TypeFactory typeFactory = provider.getConfig().getTypeFactory();
JavaType keyType = typeFactory.uncheckedSimpleType(String.class);
JavaType valueType = typeFactory.constructCollectionType(ArrayList.class, Object.class);
JavaType mapType = typeFactory.constructMapType(HashMap.class, keyType, valueType);
//CHANGE HERE: only thing we are changing ins the List Serializer
//shame there's not a better way to override this very specific behaviour
//without copy pasta the whole class
MapSerializer serializer = MapSerializer.construct(new String[] {}, mapType, true, null,
provider.findKeySerializer(keyType, null), new MultiLinkAwareOptionalListJackson2Serializer(property, relsAsMultilink), null);
serializer.serialize(sortedLinks, jgen, provider);
public MultiLinkAwareHalLinkListSerializer withForcedRels(String[] relationships) {
ImmutableSet<String> relsToForce = ImmutableSet.<String>builder().addAll(this.relsAsMultilink).add(relationships).build();
return new MultiLinkAwareHalLinkListSerializer(this.property, this.curieProvider, relsToForce);
public JsonSerializer<?> createContextual(SerializerProvider provider, BeanProperty property)
throws JsonMappingException {
return new MultiLinkAwareHalLinkListSerializer(property, curieProvider, this.relsAsMultilink);
public static class MultiLinkAwareOptionalListJackson2Serializer extends Jackson2HalModule.OptionalListJackson2Serializer {
private final BeanProperty property;
private final Map<Class<?>, JsonSerializer<Object>> serializers;
private final Set<String> relsAsMultilink;
public MultiLinkAwareOptionalListJackson2Serializer(BeanProperty property, Set<String> relsAsMultilink) {
this.property = property;
this.serializers = new HashMap<Class<?>, JsonSerializer<Object>>();
this.relsAsMultilink = relsAsMultilink;
public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException,
JsonGenerationException {
List<?> list = (List<?>) value;
if (list.isEmpty()) {
if(list.get(0) instanceof Link) {
Link link = (Link) list.get(0);
String rel = link.getRel();
if (list.size() > 1 || relsAsMultilink.contains(rel)) {
serializeContents(list.iterator(), jgen, provider);
} else {
serializeContents(list.iterator(), jgen, provider);
private void serializeContents(Iterator<?> value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider)
throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
while (value.hasNext()) {
Object elem = value.next();
if (elem == null) {
} else {
getOrLookupSerializerFor(elem.getClass(), provider).serialize(elem, jgen, provider);
private JsonSerializer<Object> getOrLookupSerializerFor(Class<?> type, SerializerProvider provider)
throws JsonMappingException {
JsonSerializer<Object> serializer = serializers.get(type);
if (serializer == null) {
serializer = provider.findValueSerializer(type, property);
serializers.put(type, serializer);
return serializer;
public JsonSerializer<?> createContextual(SerializerProvider provider, BeanProperty property)
throws JsonMappingException {
return new MultiLinkAwareOptionalListJackson2Serializer(property, relsAsMultilink);
public static class MultiLinkAwareHalHandlerInstantiator extends Jackson2HalModule.HalHandlerInstantiator {
private final MultiLinkAwareHalLinkListSerializer linkListSerializer;
public MultiLinkAwareHalHandlerInstantiator(RelProvider resolver, CurieProvider curieProvider) {
super(resolver, curieProvider, true);
this.linkListSerializer = new MultiLinkAwareHalLinkListSerializer(null, curieProvider, relsToForceAsAnArray);
public JsonSerializer<?> serializerInstance(SerializationConfig config, Annotated annotated, Class<?> serClass) {
if (annotated.hasAnnotation(ForceMultiLink.class)) {
return this.linkListSerializer.withForcedRels(annotated.getAnnotation(ForceMultiLink.class).value());
} else {
return this.linkListSerializer;
} else {
return super.serializerInstance(config, annotated, serClass);
that ForceMultiLink stuff was an additional thing we ended up needing where on some resource classes a rel needed to be multi and on others it did not...so it looks like this:
public #interface ForceMultiLink {
String[] value();
you use it to annotate the getLinks() method in your resource class
I have a workaround for this issue that is along similar lines to Chris' answer. The main difference is that I did not extend Jackson2HalModule, but created a new handler-instantiator and set it as the handler-instantiator for a new instance of Jackson2HalModule that I create myself. I hope Spring HATEOAS will eventually support this functionality natively; I have a pull request that attempts to do this. Here's how I implemented my workaround:
Step 1: Create the mixin class:
public abstract class HalLinkListMixin {
#JsonProperty("_links") #JsonSerialize(using = HalLinkListSerializer.class)
public abstract List<Link> getLinks();
This mixin class will associate the HalLinkListSerializer (shown later) serializer with the links property.
Step 2: Create a container class that holds the rels whose link representations should always be an array of link objects:
public class HalMultipleLinkRels {
private final Set<String> rels;
public HalMultipleLinkRels(String... rels) {
this.rels = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(rels));
public Set<String> getRels() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(rels);
Step 3: Create our new serializer that will override Spring HATEOAS's link-list serializer:
public class HalLinkListSerializer extends ContainerSerializer<List<Link>> implements ContextualSerializer {
private final BeanProperty property;
private CurieProvider curieProvider;
private HalMultipleLinkRels halMultipleLinkRels;
public HalLinkListSerializer() {
this(null, null, new HalMultipleLinkRels());
public HalLinkListSerializer(CurieProvider curieProvider, HalMultipleLinkRels halMultipleLinkRels) {
this(null, curieProvider, halMultipleLinkRels);
public HalLinkListSerializer(BeanProperty property, CurieProvider curieProvider, HalMultipleLinkRels halMultipleLinkRels) {
super(List.class, false);
this.property = property;
this.curieProvider = curieProvider;
this.halMultipleLinkRels = halMultipleLinkRels;
public void serialize(List<Link> value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
// sort links according to their relation
Map<String, List<Object>> sortedLinks = new LinkedHashMap<>();
List<Link> links = new ArrayList<>();
boolean prefixingRequired = curieProvider != null;
boolean curiedLinkPresent = false;
for (Link link : value) {
String rel = prefixingRequired ? curieProvider.getNamespacedRelFrom(link) : link.getRel();
if (!link.getRel().equals(rel)) {
curiedLinkPresent = true;
if (sortedLinks.get(rel) == null) {
sortedLinks.put(rel, new ArrayList<>());
if (prefixingRequired && curiedLinkPresent) {
ArrayList<Object> curies = new ArrayList<>();
curies.add(curieProvider.getCurieInformation(new Links(links)));
sortedLinks.put("curies", curies);
TypeFactory typeFactory = provider.getConfig().getTypeFactory();
JavaType keyType = typeFactory.uncheckedSimpleType(String.class);
JavaType valueType = typeFactory.constructCollectionType(ArrayList.class, Object.class);
JavaType mapType = typeFactory.constructMapType(HashMap.class, keyType, valueType);
MapSerializer serializer = MapSerializer.construct(new String[]{}, mapType, true, null,
provider.findKeySerializer(keyType, null), new ListJackson2Serializer(property, halMultipleLinkRels), null);
serializer.serialize(sortedLinks, jgen, provider);
public JavaType getContentType() {
return null;
public JsonSerializer<?> getContentSerializer() {
return null;
public boolean hasSingleElement(List<Link> value) {
return value.size() == 1;
protected ContainerSerializer<?> _withValueTypeSerializer(TypeSerializer vts) {
return null;
public JsonSerializer<?> createContextual(SerializerProvider prov, BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException {
return new HalLinkListSerializer(property, curieProvider, halMultipleLinkRels);
private static class ListJackson2Serializer extends ContainerSerializer<Object> implements ContextualSerializer {
private final BeanProperty property;
private final Map<Class<?>, JsonSerializer<Object>> serializers = new HashMap<>();
private final HalMultipleLinkRels halMultipleLinkRels;
public ListJackson2Serializer() {
this(null, null);
public ListJackson2Serializer(BeanProperty property, HalMultipleLinkRels halMultipleLinkRels) {
super(List.class, false);
this.property = property;
this.halMultipleLinkRels = halMultipleLinkRels;
public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
List<?> list = (List<?>) value;
if (list.isEmpty()) {
if (list.size() == 1) {
Object element = list.get(0);
if (element instanceof Link) {
Link link = (Link) element;
if (halMultipleLinkRels.getRels().contains(link.getRel())) {
serializeContents(list.iterator(), jgen, provider);
serializeContents(list.iterator(), jgen, provider);
serializeContents(list.iterator(), jgen, provider);
public JavaType getContentType() {
return null;
public JsonSerializer<?> getContentSerializer() {
return null;
public boolean hasSingleElement(Object value) {
return false;
protected ContainerSerializer<?> _withValueTypeSerializer(TypeSerializer vts) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented");
public JsonSerializer<?> createContextual(SerializerProvider prov, BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException {
return new ListJackson2Serializer(property, halMultipleLinkRels);
private void serializeContents(Iterator<?> value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException {
while (value.hasNext()) {
Object elem = value.next();
if (elem == null) {
} else {
getOrLookupSerializerFor(elem.getClass(), provider).serialize(elem, jgen, provider);
private JsonSerializer<Object> getOrLookupSerializerFor(Class<?> type, SerializerProvider provider) throws JsonMappingException {
JsonSerializer<Object> serializer = serializers.get(type);
if (serializer == null) {
serializer = provider.findValueSerializer(type, property);
serializers.put(type, serializer);
return serializer;
This class unfortunately duplicates logic, but it's not too bad. The key difference is that instead of using OptionalListJackson2Serializer, I'm using ListJackson2Serializer, which will force a rel's link representation as an array, if that rel exists in the container of rel overrides (HalMultipleLinkRels):
Step 4: Create a custom handler-instantiator:
public class HalHandlerInstantiator extends HandlerInstantiator {
private final Jackson2HalModule.HalHandlerInstantiator halHandlerInstantiator;
private final Map<Class<?>, JsonSerializer<?>> serializerMap = new HashMap<>();
public HalHandlerInstantiator(RelProvider relProvider, CurieProvider curieProvider, HalMultipleLinkRels halMultipleLinkRels) {
this(relProvider, curieProvider, halMultipleLinkRels, true);
public HalHandlerInstantiator(RelProvider relProvider, CurieProvider curieProvider, HalMultipleLinkRels halMultipleLinkRels, boolean enforceEmbeddedCollections) {
halHandlerInstantiator = new Jackson2HalModule.HalHandlerInstantiator(relProvider, curieProvider, enforceEmbeddedCollections);
serializerMap.put(HalLinkListSerializer.class, new HalLinkListSerializer(curieProvider, halMultipleLinkRels));
public JsonDeserializer<?> deserializerInstance(DeserializationConfig config, Annotated annotated, Class<?> deserClass) {
return halHandlerInstantiator.deserializerInstance(config, annotated, deserClass);
public KeyDeserializer keyDeserializerInstance(DeserializationConfig config, Annotated annotated, Class<?> keyDeserClass) {
return halHandlerInstantiator.keyDeserializerInstance(config, annotated, keyDeserClass);
public JsonSerializer<?> serializerInstance(SerializationConfig config, Annotated annotated, Class<?> serClass) {
if(serializerMap.containsKey(serClass)) {
return serializerMap.get(serClass);
} else {
return halHandlerInstantiator.serializerInstance(config, annotated, serClass);
public TypeResolverBuilder<?> typeResolverBuilderInstance(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated annotated, Class<?> builderClass) {
return halHandlerInstantiator.typeResolverBuilderInstance(config, annotated, builderClass);
public TypeIdResolver typeIdResolverInstance(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated annotated, Class<?> resolverClass) {
return halHandlerInstantiator.typeIdResolverInstance(config, annotated, resolverClass);
This instantiator will control the lifecycle for our custom serializer. It maintains an internal instance of Jackson2HalModule.HalHandlerInstantiator, and delegates to that instance for all other serializers.
Step 5: Put it all together:
public class ApplicationConfiguration {
private static final String HAL_OBJECT_MAPPER_BEAN_NAME = "_halObjectMapper";
private static final String DELEGATING_REL_PROVIDER_BEAN_NAME = "_relProvider";
private BeanFactory beanFactory;
private static CurieProvider getCurieProvider(BeanFactory factory) {
try {
return factory.getBean(CurieProvider.class);
} catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException e) {
return null;
public ObjectMapper objectMapper() {
CurieProvider curieProvider = getCurieProvider(beanFactory);
RelProvider relProvider = beanFactory.getBean(DELEGATING_REL_PROVIDER_BEAN_NAME, RelProvider.class);
ObjectMapper halObjectMapper = beanFactory.getBean(HAL_OBJECT_MAPPER_BEAN_NAME, ObjectMapper.class);
//Create a new instance of Jackson2HalModule
SimpleModule module = new Jackson2HalModule();
//Provide the mix-in class so that we can override the serializer for links with our custom serializer
module.setMixInAnnotation(ResourceSupport.class, HalLinkListMixin.class);
//Register the module in the object mapper
//Set the handler instantiator on the mapper to our custom handler-instantiator
halObjectMapper.setHandlerInstantiator(new HalHandlerInstantiator(relProvider, curieProvider, halMultipleLinkRels()));
return halObjectMapper;
Don't forget the "self" resource link required by HAL.
In that case, that's no so common to have only one link.

How to perform Spring validation in MultiActionController?

How to perform Spring validation in MultiActionController?
Let's write the following one
public class Person {
private String name;
private Integer age;
public Integer getAge() {
return age;
public void setAge(Integer age) {
this.age = age;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
And your MultiActionController
import static org.springframework.validation.ValidationUtils.*;
public class PersonController extends MultiActionController {
public PersonController() {
setMethodNameResolver(new InternalPathMethodNameResolver());
setValidators(new Validator[] {new Validator() {
public boolean supports(Class clazz) {
return clazz.isAssignableFrom(Person.class);
public void validate(Object command, Errors errors) {
rejectIfEmpty(errors, "age", "", "Age is required");
rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "name", "", "Name is required");
public ModelAndView add(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Person person) throws Exception {
// do something (save our Person object, for instance)
return new ModelAndView();
MultiActionController defines a property called validators where you should provide any Validator used by your MultiActionController. Here you can see a piece of code which is responsible for validating your Command object inside MultiActionController
ServletRequestDataBinder binder = ...
if (this.validators != null)
for (int i = 0; i < this.validators.length; i++) {
if (this.validators[i].supports(command.getClass())) {
ValidationUtils.invokeValidator(this.validators[i], command, binder.getBindingResult());
* Notice closeNoCatch method
closeNoCatch method says
Treats errors as fatal
So if your Validator returns any Error, closeNoCatch will throw a ServletRequestBindingException. But, you can catch it inside your MultiActionController method, as follows
public ModelAndView hanldeBindException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletRequestBindingException bindingException) {
// do what you want right here
BindException bindException = (BindException) bindingException.getRootCause();
return new ModelAndView("personValidatorView").addAllObjects(bindException.getModel());
In order to test, let's do the following one
public void failureValidation() throws Exception {
MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest();
* Empty values
request.addParameter("name", "");
request.addParameter("age", "");
PersonController personController = new PersonController();
ModelAndView mav = personController.handleRequest(request, new MockHttpServletResponse());
BindingResult bindingResult = (BindingResult) mav.getModel().get(BindingResult.MODEL_KEY_PREFIX + "command");
* Our Validator rejected 2 Error
assertTrue(bindingResult.getErrorCount() == 2);
for (Object object : bindingResult.getAllErrors()) {
if(object instanceof FieldError) {
FieldError fieldError = (FieldError) object;

Cross field validation with Hibernate Validator (JSR 303)

Is there an implementation of (or third-party implementation for) cross field validation in Hibernate Validator 4.x? If not, what is the cleanest way to implement a cross field validator?
As an example, how can you use the API to validate two bean properties are equal (such as validating a password field matches the password verify field).
In annotations, I'd expect something like:
public class MyBean {
#Size(min=6, max=50)
private String pass;
private String passVerify;
Each field constraint should be handled by a distinct validator annotation, or in other words it's not suggested practice to have one field's validation annotation checking against other fields; cross-field validation should be done at the class level. Additionally, the JSR-303 Section 2.2 preferred way to express multiple validations of the same type is via a list of annotations. This allows the error message to be specified per match.
For example, validating a common form:
#FieldMatch(first = "password", second = "confirmPassword", message = "The password fields must match"),
#FieldMatch(first = "email", second = "confirmEmail", message = "The email fields must match")
public class UserRegistrationForm {
#Size(min=8, max=25)
private String password;
#Size(min=8, max=25)
private String confirmPassword;
private String email;
private String confirmEmail;
The Annotation:
package constraints;
import constraints.impl.FieldMatchValidator;
import javax.validation.Constraint;
import javax.validation.Payload;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* Validation annotation to validate that 2 fields have the same value.
* An array of fields and their matching confirmation fields can be supplied.
* Example, compare 1 pair of fields:
* #FieldMatch(first = "password", second = "confirmPassword", message = "The password fields must match")
* Example, compare more than 1 pair of fields:
* #FieldMatch.List({
* #FieldMatch(first = "password", second = "confirmPassword", message = "The password fields must match"),
* #FieldMatch(first = "email", second = "confirmEmail", message = "The email fields must match")})
#Constraint(validatedBy = FieldMatchValidator.class)
public #interface FieldMatch
String message() default "{constraints.fieldmatch}";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
* #return The first field
String first();
* #return The second field
String second();
* Defines several <code>#FieldMatch</code> annotations on the same element
* #see FieldMatch
#interface List
FieldMatch[] value();
The Validator:
package constraints.impl;
import constraints.FieldMatch;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
public class FieldMatchValidator implements ConstraintValidator<FieldMatch, Object>
private String firstFieldName;
private String secondFieldName;
public void initialize(final FieldMatch constraintAnnotation)
firstFieldName = constraintAnnotation.first();
secondFieldName = constraintAnnotation.second();
public boolean isValid(final Object value, final ConstraintValidatorContext context)
final Object firstObj = BeanUtils.getProperty(value, firstFieldName);
final Object secondObj = BeanUtils.getProperty(value, secondFieldName);
return firstObj == null && secondObj == null || firstObj != null && firstObj.equals(secondObj);
catch (final Exception ignore)
// ignore
return true;
I suggest you another possible solution. Perhaps less elegant, but easier!
public class MyBean {
#Size(min=6, max=50)
private String pass;
private String passVerify;
private LocalDate passExpiry;
private LocalDate dateOfJoining;
#AssertTrue(message = "Fields `pass` and `passVerify` should be equal")
// Any method name is ok als long it begins with `is`
private boolean isValidPass() {
//return pass == null && passVerify == null || pass.equals(passVerify);
// Since Java 7:
return Objects.equals(pass, passVerify);
#AssertTrue(message = "Field `passExpiry` should be later than `dateOfJoining`")
// Other rules can also be validated in other methods
private boolean isPassExpiryAfterDateOfJoining() {
return dateOfJoining.isBefore(passExpiry);
The isValid() and isPassExpiryAfterDateOfJoining() methods are invoked automatically by the validator. The property paths reported in the ConstraintViolations will be extracted from the method names: valid and passExpiryAfterDateOfJoining.
I'm surprised this isn't available out of the box. Anyway, here is a possible solution.
I've created a class level validator, not the field level as described in the original question.
Here is the annotation code:
package com.moa.podium.util.constraints;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import javax.validation.Constraint;
import javax.validation.Payload;
#Constraint(validatedBy = MatchesValidator.class)
public #interface Matches {
String message() default "{com.moa.podium.util.constraints.matches}";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
String field();
String verifyField();
And the validator itself:
package com.moa.podium.util.constraints;
import org.mvel2.MVEL;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
public class MatchesValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Matches, Object> {
private String field;
private String verifyField;
public void initialize(Matches constraintAnnotation) {
this.field = constraintAnnotation.field();
this.verifyField = constraintAnnotation.verifyField();
public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
Object fieldObj = MVEL.getProperty(field, value);
Object verifyFieldObj = MVEL.getProperty(verifyField, value);
boolean neitherSet = (fieldObj == null) && (verifyFieldObj == null);
if (neitherSet) {
return true;
boolean matches = (fieldObj != null) && fieldObj.equals(verifyFieldObj);
if (!matches) {
return matches;
Note that I've used MVEL to inspect the properties of the object being validated. This could be replaced with the standard reflection APIs or if it is a specific class you are validating, the accessor methods themselves.
The #Matches annotation can then be used used on a bean as follows:
#Matches(field="pass", verifyField="passRepeat")
public class AccountCreateForm {
#Size(min=6, max=50)
private String pass;
private String passRepeat;
As a disclaimer, I wrote this in the last 5 minutes, so I probably haven't ironed out all the bugs yet. I'll update the answer if anything goes wrong.
With Hibernate Validator 4.1.0.Final I recommend using #ScriptAssert. Exceprt from its JavaDoc:
Script expressions can be written in any scripting or expression
language, for which a JSR 223 ("Scripting for the JavaTM Platform")
compatible engine can be found on the classpath.
Note: the evaluation is being performed by a scripting "engine" running in the Java VM, therefore on Java "server side", not on "client side" as stated in some comments.
#ScriptAssert(lang = "javascript", script = "_this.passVerify.equals(_this.pass)")
public class MyBean {
#Size(min=6, max=50)
private String pass;
private String passVerify;
or with shorter alias and null-safe:
#ScriptAssert(lang = "javascript", alias = "_",
script = "_.passVerify != null && _.passVerify.equals(_.pass)")
public class MyBean {
#Size(min=6, max=50)
private String pass;
private String passVerify;
or with Java 7+ null-safe Objects.equals():
#ScriptAssert(lang = "javascript", script = "Objects.equals(_this.passVerify, _this.pass)")
public class MyBean {
#Size(min=6, max=50)
private String pass;
private String passVerify;
Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with a custom class level validator #Matches solution.
Cross fields validations can be done by creating custom constraints.
Example:- Compare password and confirmPassword fields of User instance.
public #interface CompareStrings {
String[] propertyNames();
StringComparisonMode matchMode() default EQUAL;
boolean allowNull() default false;
String message() default "";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
public enum StringComparisonMode {
public class CompareStringsValidator implements ConstraintValidator<CompareStrings, Object> {
private String[] propertyNames;
private StringComparisonMode comparisonMode;
private boolean allowNull;
public void initialize(CompareStrings constraintAnnotation) {
this.propertyNames = constraintAnnotation.propertyNames();
this.comparisonMode = constraintAnnotation.matchMode();
this.allowNull = constraintAnnotation.allowNull();
public boolean isValid(Object target, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
boolean isValid = true;
List<String> propertyValues = new ArrayList<String> (propertyNames.length);
for(int i=0; i<propertyNames.length; i++) {
String propertyValue = ConstraintValidatorHelper.getPropertyValue(String.class, propertyNames[i], target);
if(propertyValue == null) {
if(!allowNull) {
isValid = false;
} else {
if(isValid) {
isValid = ConstraintValidatorHelper.isValid(propertyValues, comparisonMode);
if (!isValid) {
* if custom message was provided, don't touch it, otherwise build the
* default message
String message = context.getDefaultConstraintMessageTemplate();
message = (message.isEmpty()) ? ConstraintValidatorHelper.resolveMessage(propertyNames, comparisonMode) : message;
ConstraintViolationBuilder violationBuilder = context.buildConstraintViolationWithTemplate(message);
for (String propertyName : propertyNames) {
NodeBuilderDefinedContext nbdc = violationBuilder.addNode(propertyName);
return isValid;
public abstract class ConstraintValidatorHelper {
public static <T> T getPropertyValue(Class<T> requiredType, String propertyName, Object instance) {
if(requiredType == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument. requiredType must NOT be null!");
if(propertyName == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument. PropertyName must NOT be null!");
if(instance == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument. Object instance must NOT be null!");
T returnValue = null;
try {
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = new PropertyDescriptor(propertyName, instance.getClass());
Method readMethod = descriptor.getReadMethod();
if(readMethod == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Property '" + propertyName + "' of " + instance.getClass().getName() + " is NOT readable!");
if(requiredType.isAssignableFrom(readMethod.getReturnType())) {
try {
Object propertyValue = readMethod.invoke(instance);
returnValue = requiredType.cast(propertyValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
e.printStackTrace(); // unable to invoke readMethod
} catch (IntrospectionException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property '" + propertyName + "' is NOT defined in " + instance.getClass().getName() + "!", e);
return returnValue;
public static boolean isValid(Collection<String> propertyValues, StringComparisonMode comparisonMode) {
boolean ignoreCase = false;
switch (comparisonMode) {
ignoreCase = true;
List<String> values = new ArrayList<String> (propertyValues.size());
for(String propertyValue : propertyValues) {
if(ignoreCase) {
} else {
switch (comparisonMode) {
case EQUAL:
Set<String> uniqueValues = new HashSet<String> (values);
return uniqueValues.size() == 1 ? true : false;
Set<String> allValues = new HashSet<String> (values);
return allValues.size() == values.size() ? true : false;
return true;
public static String resolveMessage(String[] propertyNames, StringComparisonMode comparisonMode) {
StringBuffer buffer = concatPropertyNames(propertyNames);
buffer.append(" must");
switch(comparisonMode) {
case EQUAL:
buffer.append(" be equal");
buffer.append(" not be equal");
return buffer.toString();
private static StringBuffer concatPropertyNames(String[] propertyNames) {
//TODO improve concating algorithm
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for(String propertyName : propertyNames) {
char firstChar = Character.toUpperCase(propertyName.charAt(0));
buffer.append(", ");
buffer.delete(buffer.length()-2, buffer.length());
return buffer;
#CompareStrings(propertyNames={"password", "confirmPassword"})
public class User {
private String password;
private String confirmPassword;
public String getPassword() { return password; }
public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; }
public String getConfirmPassword() { return confirmPassword; }
public void setConfirmPassword(String confirmPassword) { this.confirmPassword = confirmPassword; }
public void test() {
User user = new User();
Set<ConstraintViolation<User>> violations = beanValidator.validate(user);
for(ConstraintViolation<User> violation : violations) {
logger.debug("Message:- " + violation.getMessage());
Assert.assertEquals(violations.size(), 1);
Output Message:- [Password, ConfirmPassword] must be equal.
By using the CompareStrings validation constraint, we can also compare more than two properties and we can mix any of four string comparison methods.
#CompareStrings(propertyNames={"color1", "color2", "color3"}, matchMode=StringComparisonMode.NOT_EQUAL, message="Please choose three different colors.")
public class ColorChoice {
private String color1;
private String color2;
private String color3;
ColorChoice colorChoice = new ColorChoice();
Set<ConstraintViolation<ColorChoice>> colorChoiceviolations = beanValidator.validate(colorChoice);
for(ConstraintViolation<ColorChoice> violation : colorChoiceviolations) {
logger.debug("Message:- " + violation.getMessage());
Output Message:- Please choose three different colors.
Similarly, we can have CompareNumbers, CompareDates, etc cross-fields validation constraints.
P.S. I have not tested this code under production environment (though I tested it under dev environment), so consider this code as Milestone Release. If you find a bug, please write a nice comment. :)
If you’re using the Spring Framework then you can use the Spring Expression Language (SpEL) for that. I’ve wrote a small library that provides JSR-303 validator based on SpEL – it makes cross-field validations a breeze! Take a look at https://github.com/jirutka/validator-spring.
This will validate length and equality of the password fields.
#SpELAssert(value = "pass.equals(passVerify)",
message = "{validator.passwords_not_same}")
public class MyBean {
#Size(min = 6, max = 50)
private String pass;
private String passVerify;
You can also easily modify this to validate the password fields only when not both empty.
#SpELAssert(value = "pass.equals(passVerify)",
applyIf = "pass || passVerify",
message = "{validator.passwords_not_same}")
public class MyBean {
#Size(min = 6, max = 50)
private String pass;
private String passVerify;
I have tried Alberthoven's example (hibernate-validator 4.0.2.GA) and i get an ValidationException: „Annotated methods must follow the JavaBeans naming convention. match() does not.“ too. After I renamed the method from „match“ to "isValid" it works.
public class Password {
private String password;
private String retypedPassword;
public Password(String password, String retypedPassword) {
this.password = password;
this.retypedPassword = retypedPassword;
#AssertTrue(message="password should match retyped password")
private boolean isValid(){
if (password == null) {
return retypedPassword == null;
} else {
return password.equals(retypedPassword);
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public String getRetypedPassword() {
return retypedPassword;
I like the idea from Jakub Jirutka to use Spring Expression Language. If you don't want to add another library/dependency (assuming that you already use Spring), here is a simplified implementation of his idea.
The constraint:
public #interface ExpressionAssert {
String message() default "expression must evaluate to true";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
String value();
The validator:
public class ExpressionAssertValidator implements ConstraintValidator<ExpressionAssert, Object> {
private Expression exp;
public void initialize(ExpressionAssert annotation) {
ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
exp = parser.parseExpression(annotation.value());
public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
return exp.getValue(value, Boolean.class);
Apply like this:
#ExpressionAssert(value="pass == passVerify", message="passwords must be same")
public class MyBean {
#Size(min=6, max=50)
private String pass;
private String passVerify;
I made a small adaptation in Nicko's solution so that it is not necessary to use the Apache Commons BeanUtils library and replace it with the solution already available in spring, for those using it as I can be simpler:
import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapper;
import org.springframework.beans.PropertyAccessorFactory;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
public class FieldMatchValidator implements ConstraintValidator<FieldMatch, Object> {
private String firstFieldName;
private String secondFieldName;
public void initialize(final FieldMatch constraintAnnotation) {
firstFieldName = constraintAnnotation.first();
secondFieldName = constraintAnnotation.second();
public boolean isValid(final Object object, final ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
BeanWrapper beanWrapper = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(object);
final Object firstObj = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(firstFieldName);
final Object secondObj = beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(secondFieldName);
boolean isValid = firstObj == null && secondObj == null || firstObj != null && firstObj.equals(secondObj);
if (!isValid) {
return isValid;
I don't have the reputation for commenting on the first answer but wanted to add that I have added unit tests for the winning answer and have the following observations:
If you get the first or field names wrong then you get a validation error as though the values don't match. Don't get tripped up by spelling mistakes e.g.
#FieldMatch(first="invalidFieldName1", second="validFieldName2")
The validator will accept equivalent data types i.e. these will all pass with FieldMatch:
private String stringField = "1";
private Integer integerField = new Integer(1)
private int intField = 1;
If the fields are of an object type which does not implement equals, the validation will fail.
Very nice solution bradhouse. Is there any way to apply the #Matches annotation to more than one field?
Here's the solution I came up with to answer this question, I modified the Constraint to accept an array instead of a single value:
#Matches(fields={"password", "email"}, verifyFields={"confirmPassword", "confirmEmail"})
public class UserRegistrationForm {
#Size(min=8, max=25)
private String password;
#Size(min=8, max=25)
private String confirmPassword;
private String email;
private String confirmEmail;
The code for the annotation:
package springapp.util.constraints;
import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import javax.validation.Constraint;
import javax.validation.Payload;
#Constraint(validatedBy = MatchesValidator.class)
public #interface Matches {
String message() default "{springapp.util.constraints.matches}";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
String[] fields();
String[] verifyFields();
And the implementation:
package springapp.util.constraints;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator;
import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
public class MatchesValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Matches, Object> {
private String[] fields;
private String[] verifyFields;
public void initialize(Matches constraintAnnotation) {
fields = constraintAnnotation.fields();
verifyFields = constraintAnnotation.verifyFields();
public boolean isValid(Object value, ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
boolean matches = true;
for (int i=0; i<fields.length; i++) {
Object fieldObj, verifyFieldObj;
try {
fieldObj = BeanUtils.getProperty(value, fields[i]);
verifyFieldObj = BeanUtils.getProperty(value, verifyFields[i]);
} catch (Exception e) {
boolean neitherSet = (fieldObj == null) && (verifyFieldObj == null);
if (neitherSet) {
boolean tempMatches = (fieldObj != null) && fieldObj.equals(verifyFieldObj);
if (!tempMatches) {
addConstraintViolation(context, fields[i]+ " fields do not match", verifyFields[i]);
matches = matches?tempMatches:matches;
return matches;
private void addConstraintViolation(ConstraintValidatorContext context, String message, String field) {
You need to call it explicitly. In the example above, bradhouse has given you all the steps to write a custom constraint.
Add this code in your caller class.
ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory();
validator = factory.getValidator();
Set<ConstraintViolation<yourObjectClass>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(yourObject);
in the above case it would be
Set<ConstraintViolation<AccountCreateForm>> constraintViolations = validator.validate(objAccountCreateForm);
Why not try Oval: http://oval.sourceforge.net/
I looks like it supports OGNL so maybe you could do it by a more natural
#Assert(expr = "_value ==_this.pass").
You guys are awesome. Really amazing ideas. I like Alberthoven's and McGin's most, so I decided to combine both ideas. And develop some generic solution to cater all cases. Here is my proposed solution.
#Constraint(validatedBy = NotFalseValidator.class)
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD,ElementType.TYPE})
public #interface NotFalse {
String message() default "NotFalse";
String[] messages();
String[] properties();
String[] verifiers();
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
public class NotFalseValidator implements ConstraintValidator<NotFalse, Object> {
private String[] properties;
private String[] messages;
private String[] verifiers;
public void initialize(NotFalse flag) {
properties = flag.properties();
messages = flag.messages();
verifiers = flag.verifiers();
public boolean isValid(Object bean, ConstraintValidatorContext cxt) {
if(bean == null) {
return true;
boolean valid = true;
BeanWrapper beanWrapper = PropertyAccessorFactory.forBeanPropertyAccess(bean);
for(int i = 0; i< properties.length; i++) {
Boolean verified = (Boolean) beanWrapper.getPropertyValue(verifiers[i]);
valid &= isValidProperty(verified,messages[i],properties[i],cxt);
return valid;
boolean isValidProperty(Boolean flag,String message, String property, ConstraintValidatorContext cxt) {
if(flag == null || flag) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
messages = {"End Date Before Start Date" , "Start Date Before End Date" } ,
properties={"endDateTime" , "startDateTime"},
verifiers = {"validDateRange" , "validDateRange"})
public class SyncSessionDTO implements ControllableNode {
#NotEmpty #NotPastDate
private Date startDateTime;
private Date endDateTime;
public Date getStartDateTime() {
return startDateTime;
public void setStartDateTime(Date startDateTime) {
this.startDateTime = startDateTime;
public Date getEndDateTime() {
return endDateTime;
public void setEndDateTime(Date endDateTime) {
this.endDateTime = endDateTime;
public Boolean getValidDateRange(){
if(startDateTime != null && endDateTime != null) {
return startDateTime.getTime() <= endDateTime.getTime();
return null;
Solution realated with question:
How to access a field which is described in annotation property
public #interface Match {
String field();
String message() default "";
#Constraint(validatedBy = MatchValidator.class)
public #interface EnableMatchConstraint {
String message() default "Fields must match!";
Class<?>[] groups() default {};
Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
public class MatchValidator implements ConstraintValidator<EnableMatchConstraint, Object> {
public void initialize(final EnableMatchConstraint constraint) {}
public boolean isValid(final Object o, final ConstraintValidatorContext context) {
boolean result = true;
try {
String mainField, secondField, message;
Object firstObj, secondObj;
final Class<?> clazz = o.getClass();
final Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Match.class)) {
mainField = field.getName();
secondField = field.getAnnotation(Match.class).field();
message = field.getAnnotation(Match.class).message();
if (message == null || "".equals(message))
message = "Fields " + mainField + " and " + secondField + " must match!";
firstObj = BeanUtils.getProperty(o, mainField);
secondObj = BeanUtils.getProperty(o, secondField);
result = firstObj == null && secondObj == null || firstObj != null && firstObj.equals(secondObj);
if (!result) {
} catch (final Exception e) {
// ignore
return result;
And how to use it...? Like this:
public class User {
private String password;
#Match(field = "password")
private String passwordConfirmation;
