Spring Boot 2 + JdbcTemplate - is there a way to provide SQL query for each database supported? - spring

I'm working on a Spring Boot 2.4.2 based project and using "spring-boot-starter-jdbc" and "com.oracle.database.jdbc" for Oracle Jdbc driver.
As I use JdbcTemplate to interact with DB, everything seems clean and easy. But I may need to support multiple database types in future - Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, etc.
Did quite a bit of Googling but did not find any option for this..
Like mentioned above, I am using Spring-Jdbc (not Spring Data JDBC or Spring Data JPA) - how do I provide the SQL queries specific to each database supported in the code or configuration?
Please, let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

I'm not familiar with Spring JDBC, but you could user Spring dependency injection mechanism to create a profile for each database.
First an interface:
public interface DbQueries {
String createQueryForSelectingUsers();
Then implement the interface for each supported database:
public class MySqlDbQueries implements DbQueries {
public String createQueryForSelectingUsers() {
return "SELECT * FROM USER";
2nd example:
public class OracleDbQueries implements DbQueries {
public String createQueryForSelectingUsers() {
return "SELECT * FROM USER";
Afterwards use it where you need it:
public class MyRepository {
private DbQueries dbQueries;
// DbQueries implementation will be injected based on your current profile
public MyRepository(DbQueries dbQueries) {
this.dbQueries = dbQueries;
public void printAllUsers() {
String query = dbQueries.createQueryForSelectingUsers();
// stuff to execute query
Remember to start your app with a profile with e.q. --spring.profiles.active=mysql or adding active profile information into application.properties:


Im geting the error Parameter 0 of constructor required a single bean, but 2 were found but one of the beans "found" has been deleted by me

Im trying to set up a h2 database using jpa/jdbc, after creating an implemntation for a query interface using jpa as opposed to jdbc i am now getting the error:
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.nsa.charitystarter.service.CharityQueries required a single bean, but 2 were found:
- charityRepoJDBC: defined in file [C:\Users\V La Roche\Desktop\assessment-1-starter\out\production\classes\com\nsa\charitystarter\data\CharityRepoJDBC.class]
- charityRepoJPA: defined in null
Im unsure as to what has gone wrong and am not really sure where to go from here, i havent been able to find many people with a similar issue to me online.
My implementation using jdbc
public class CharityRepoJDBC implements CharityRepository {
private JdbcTemplate jdbc;
private RowMapper<Charity> charityMapper;
public CharityRepoJDBC(JdbcTemplate aTemplate) {
jdbc = aTemplate;
charityMapper = (rs, i) -> new Charity(
public List<Charity> findCharityBySearch(String searchTerm) {
String likeSearch = "%" + searchTerm + "%";
return jdbc.query(
"select id, acronym, name, purpose, logo_file_name, registration_id " +
"from charity " +
"where concat(name, acronym, purpose, registration_id) like ?",
new Object[]{likeSearch},
public Optional<Charity> findById(Long id) {
return Optional.of(
"select id, acronym, name, purpose, logo_file_name, registration_id from charity where id=?",
new Object[]{id},
Charity finder implementation:
public class CharityQueries implements CharityFinder {
private CharityRepository charityRepository;
public CharityQueries(CharityRepository repo) {
charityRepository = repo;
public Optional<Charity> findCharityByIndex(Integer index) {
return charityRepository.findById(index.longValue());
public List<Charity> findCharityBySearch(String searchTerm) {
return charityRepository.findCharityBySearch(searchTerm);
CharityFinder interface
public interface CharityFinder {
public Optional<Charity> findCharityByIndex(Integer index);
public List<Charity> findCharityBySearch(String searchTerm);
error log :
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.nsa.charitystarter.service.CharityQueries required a single bean, but 2 were found:
- charityRepoJDBC: defined in file [C:\Users\V La Roche\Desktop\assessment-1-starter\out\production\classes\com\nsa\charitystarter\data\CharityRepoJDBC.class]
- charityRepoJPA: defined in null
Consider marking one of the beans as #Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using #Qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed
Process finished with exit code 0
You have following definition currently,
public class CharityRepoJDBC implements CharityRepository {
And you are injecting CharityRepository in your service layer CharityQueries
public class CharityQueries implements CharityFinder {
private CharityRepository charityRepository;
Hence when you deploy your application the container is confused which bean you are trying to autowire into the service.
By default spring autowires by type and hence by that there are 2 beans which are qualified to be injected by spring container.
CharityRepository itself and other
So you need to either explicitly tell container which bean you are trying to autowire in this case.
So you can try adding qualifiers as below to solve the issue.
public class CharityQueries implements CharityFinder {
private CharityRepository charityRepository;
and at the same time modify your CharityRepoJDBC to be,
#Repository(value = "CharityRepoJDBC")
public class CharityRepoJDBC implements CharityRepository {
You seem to have the Spring Data JDBC starter on the classpath and the Spring Data JPA starter.
Spring Data JDBC has a bug which causes it to produce implementation for repository interfaces even if it shouldn't, thus you end up with one implementation from JPA and another one from JDBC.
If you really want to use Spring Data JDBC and Spring Data JPA you can limit the #EnableJdbcRepositories and #EnableJpaRepositories annotations using the include and exclude filters.
But from your code and the tags you used I suspect you might be not at all interested in Spring Data Jdbc but only in Spring Jdbc.
If this is the case look for a dependency spring-boot-starter-data-jdbc and change it to spring-boot-starter-jdbc.
In case all this Spring (Data) JDBC/JPA confuse you this question and its answers might help: Spring Data JDBC / Spring Data JPA vs Hibernate
I solved it putting #Primary annotation in the repository interface.
In your case it would be the following:
public interface CharityFinder {
public Optional<Charity> findCharityByIndex(Integer index);
public List<Charity> findCharityBySearch(String searchTerm);

In Spring data solr 3.0.6 release , choose solr core dynamically

I am using spring data solr 3.0.6, and standalone solr server 7.0.0 and I have multiple solr cores in my solr server, and I want to choose one of them dynamically , Here is the configuration I Have
#EnableSolrRepositories(basePackages = "com.solr.repository")
public class SolrConfiguration
public SolrOperations solrTemplate(SolrClient solr) {
return new SolrTemplate(solr);
#Bean(name = "solrClient")
public SolrClient createSolrClient()
HttpSolrClient.Builder builder = new HttpSolrClient.Builder().withBaseSolrUrl(solrInstanceUrl);
return builder.build();
public interface SolrRepository extends SolrCrudRepository<SolrDocument, Integer>
#Query("name:*?0* OR content:*?0*")
public HighlightPage<SolrDocument> findByQueryAnnotation(String searchTerm, Pageable pageable);
SolrDocument (domain class for Solr repository)
public class SolrDocument
ServicePojo (service class)
public class ServicePojo
SolrRepository solrRepository;
public void findData(int id)
Now I want to use methods of repository interface like findById() etc, but as I mentioned above, I have different cores, and I want to point a specific core to perform searching, before calling method solrRepository.findById() I need to mention which core it should point. So where we can tell to solr server , which Core to be used ?
If I use annotation #SolrDocument(collectionName="core1"), then it works fine and it points to "core1", but I want this to be dynamic. Please help
You cannot do this using Repository (SolrRepository). But you can do this using SolrTemplate.
Here is the link to the 3.0.6 SolrTemplate API. If you look at some of the methods like query or getById, it takes an argument collectionName. You can pass coreName here.

Table name configured with external properties file

I build a Spring-Boot application that accesses a Database and extracts data from it. Everything is working fine, but I want to configure the table names from an external .properties file.
#Table(name = "${fleet.table.name}")
public class Fleet {
I tried to find something but I didn't.
You can access external properties with the #Value("...") annotation.
So my question is: Is there any way I can configure the table names? Or can I change/intercept the query that is sent by hibernate?
Ok, hibernate 5 works with the PhysicalNamingStrategy. So I created my own PhysicalNamingStrategy.
public class TableNameConfig{
private String fleetTableName;
private String visitsTableName;
private String routeTableName;
public PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl physicalNamingStrategyStandard(){
return new PhysicalNamingImpl();
class PhysicalNamingImpl extends PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl {
public Identifier toPhysicalTableName(Identifier name, JdbcEnvironment context) {
switch (name.getText()) {
case "Fleet":
return new Identifier(fleetTableName, name.isQuoted());
case "Visits":
return new Identifier(visitsTableName, name.isQuoted());
case "Result":
return new Identifier(routeTableName, name.isQuoted());
return super.toPhysicalTableName(name, context);
Also, this Stackoverflow article over NamingStrategy gave me the idea.
Table names are really coming from hibernate itself via its strategy interfaces. Boot configures this as SpringNamingStrategy and there were some changes in Boot 2.x how things can be customised. Worth to read gh-1525 where these changes were made. Configure Hibernate Naming Strategy has some more info.
There were some ideas to add some custom properties to configure SpringNamingStrategy but we went with allowing easier customisation of a whole strategy beans as that allows users to to whatever they need to do.
AFAIK, there's no direct way to do config like you asked but I'd assume that if you create your own strategy you can then auto-wire you own properties to there. As in those customised strategy interfaces you will see the entity name, you could reserve a keyspace in boot's configuration properties to this and match entity names.
Your configuration properties would take mytables and within that naming would be a Map. Then in your custom strategy it would simply be by checking from mapping table if you defined a custom name.
Spring boot solution:
Create below class
public class CustomPhysicalNamingStrategy extends SpringPhysicalNamingStrategy{
private String tableName;
public Identifier toPhysicalTableName(final Identifier identifier, final JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnv) {
return Identifier.toIdentifier(tableName);
Add below property to application.properties:

Spring Data Key Value Implementation for Oracle KV

I would like to use Oracle NoSQL database together with Spring data. The aim is to access the data over spring data repositories and even use spring data rest on top of it.
So I think the spring-data-keyvalue project would help me, to implement an adapter for Oracle NoSQL KV.
I tried to understand the documentation of spring-data-keyvalue (http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/keyvalue/docs/current/reference/html/#key-value.core-concepts), but didn't get the idea.
An example/tutorial about how to implement an adapter from scratch would be very helpful.
What I have is this configuration class where I provide a custom KeyValueAdapter. Now if I use CrudRepository methods it uses my custom adapter.
public class KeyValueConfig {
public KeyValueOperations keyValueTemplate() {
return new KeyValueTemplate(new OracleKeyValueAdapter());
The OracleKeyValueAdapter is an implementation of KeyValueAdapter. I got this from the spring-data-keyvalue-redis project (https://github.com/christophstrobl/spring-data-keyvalue-redis/blob/master/src/main/java/org/springframework/data/keyvalue/redis/RedisKeyValueAdapter.java)
public class OracleKeyValueAdapter extends AbstractKeyValueAdapter {
private KVStore store;
public OracleKeyValueAdapter() {
String storeName = "kvstore";
String hostName = "localhost";
String hostPort = "5000";
store = KVStoreFactory.getStore
(new KVStoreConfig(storeName, hostName + ":" + hostPort));
//Custom implementations:
public Object put(Serializable serializable, Object o, Serializable
serializable1) {
return null;
public boolean contains(Serializable serializable, Serializable
serializable1) {
return false;
Now I'm trying to implement this OracleKeyValueAdapter, but i don't know if that does even make sense.
Can you help me?
You might want to start with how spring-data-keyvalue is implemented over Redis, the link here should be a good starting point - http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/data-keyvalue/docs/1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT/reference/redis.html
Let me know how that goes, I am interested in what you are trying to accomplish.
The following configuration should work (tested on v2.4.3)
public class Configuration {
public KeyValueOperations mapKeyValueTemplate() {
return new KeyValueTemplate(keyValueAdapter());
public KeyValueAdapter keyValueAdapter() {
return new YourKeyValueAdapter();
The name (mapKeyValueTemplate) of the KeyValueOperations bean is important here but it can also be changed as followed:
#EnableMapRepositories(keyValueTemplateRef = "foo")
public class Configuration {
public KeyValueOperations foo() {
return new KeyValueTemplate(keyValueAdapter());
public KeyValueAdapter keyValueAdapter() {
return new YourKeyValueAdapter();
I saw sources of Spring KeyValue Repository:
I recomend to understand, how Spring Repository work inside.
If you want to realise own repository (CustomKeyValueRepository), you must create at least 6 classes:
EnableCustomKeyValueRepositories - annotation to enable repository type in your project.
CustomKeyValueRepositoriesRegistrar - registrator for this annotaion.
CustomKeyValueRepository - repository
CustomKeyValueRepositoryConfigurationExtension - implementation of Spring ConfigurationExtension.
CustomKeyValueAdapter - implementation of custom adapter for your data store.
CustomKeyValueConfiguration - configuration of beans Adapter and Template.
I code Infinispan KeyValue Repository by this way:
I also write article about this:
In Chrome you can translate it to your language.
The simplest way you can try implement only CustomKeyValueAdapter and Configuration. In Configuration you must redefine Spring KeyValueAdapter bean and KeyValueTemplate (it is very important that the name of the bean is with a lowercase letter, that's the only way it worked for me):
public class CustomKeyValueConfiguration extends CachingConfigurerSupport {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public CustomKeyValueAdapter getKeyValueAdapter() {
return new CustomKeyValueAdapter();
public KeyValueTemplate getKeyValueTemplate() {
return new KeyValueTemplate(getKeyValueAdapter());

Why is this method in a Spring Data repository considered a query method?

We have implemented an application that should be able to use either JPA, Couchbase or MongoDB. (for now, may increase in the future). We successfully implemented JPA and Couchbase by separating repositories for each e.g. JPA will come from org.company.repository.jpa while couchbase will come from org.company.repository.cb. All repository interfaces extends a common repository found in org.company.repository. We are now targeting MongoDB by creating a new package org.company.repository.mongo. However we are encountering this error:
No property updateLastUsedDate found for type TokenHistory!
Here are our codes:
public class TokenHistory extends BaseEntity {
private String subject;
private Date lastUpdate;
// Getters and setters here...
Under org.company.repository.TokenHistoryRepository.java
public interface TokenHistoryRepository<ID extends Serializable> extends TokenHistoryRepositoryCustom, BaseEntityRepository<TokenHistory, ID> {
// No problem here. Handled by Spring Data
TokenHistory findBySubject(#Param("subject") String subject);
// The custom method
interface TokenHistoryRepositoryCustom {
void updateLastUsedDate(#Param("subject") String subject);
Under org.company.repository.mongo.TokenHistoryMongoRepository.java
#RepositoryRestResource(path = "/token-history")
public interface TokenHistoryMongoRepository extends TokenHistoryRepository<String> {
TokenHistory findBySubject(#Param("subject") String subject);
class TokenHistoryMongoRepositoryCustomImpl {
public void updateLastUsedDate(String subject) {
//TODO implement this
And for Mongo Configuration
#EnableMongoRepositories(basePackages = {
}, repositoryImplementationPostfix = "CustomImpl",
repositoryBaseClass = BaseEntityRepositoryMongoImpl.class
public class MongoConfig {
Setup is the same for both JPA and Couchbase but we didn't encountered that error. It was able to use the inner class with "CustomImpl" prefix, which should be the case base on the documentations.
Is there a problem in my setup or configuration for MongoDB?
Your TokenHistoryMongoRepositoryCustomImpl doesn't actually implement the TokenHistoryRepositoryCustom interface, which means that there's no way for us to find out that updateLastUsedDate(…) in the class found is considered to be an implementation of the interface method. Hence, it's considered a query method and then triggers the query derivation.
I highly doubt that this works for the other stores as claimed as the code inspecting query methods is shared in DefaultRepositoryInformation.
