How to make Esp32-Cam blink when face is recognized - esp32

I've found several tutorials on how to set up a video-streaming server, how to get information, for example the temperature and humidity, via telegram or how to save a face so it gets recognized with Esp32-Cam. But I've found nowhere on the whole internet an example for my problem. I want the Esp32-Cam to light an LED when it recognizes a face. That should be possible, shouldn't it? There are a lot of pins which can be used as output. Does someone have a idea how to do that? When I have the light I want it to rotate a stepper motor too. I'de very grateful for your help :)
kind regards
the andorian guard


Hardware Accelaration shows black Screenshots

What happens internally when Hardware Accelaration is on then all the screenshots taken during that time come out to be totally black.
I dont have any clue about that and have done some research but could not find anything.
I am trying to create an app 'X' in windows which will produce black screen as output when someone tries to take a screenshot while 'X' is on.
There are some apps which provide this functionality(like ScreenWings) but i could not figure out its working.
Is there any way hardware accelaration is related to this, if yes then how and if not then what can I use.
please help!!!
EDIT-- I want to do something so that screenshot comes out to be black..

How to detect if the image taken is selfie using image processing

I am doing a project,where I need to determine if the image is self taken or not? I am confused whether to use machine learning approach or image processing ? Machine learning approach may not give me very effective results.I am looking for image processing method.Can anyone help me out here..?? I can detect the faces in the image but that is not enough.
Machine learning will work way better in my opinion. With few exemples you should get a correct result. But it won't be perfect.
If you want something more occurate you will need other detailed. For exemple if it is a smartphone application you know if the front camera was used. Maybe another great source of data is the accelerometer because selfies are not taken the same way of regular picture.
If you have faces in the picture and another relevant indicator you probably can state that the picture is a selfie.

Any Windows based colorimeters with a public API

I have access to a colour changing lightbulb system (Philips Hue). Because the light does not use RGB LEDs internally, it's hard to predict the colour you will get out of the light when you use the API. I'd like to measure the colour of the light in an attempt to improve the way they are driven by some software I am writing and to get an idea of the colour space they cover. Why nothing will be truely accurate, I wondered if a colorimeter used to colour calibrate a monitor would be useful. However, I can't tell if any of the commercially available systems actually provide an API to read values directly from the device.
Does anyone know of a colorimeter with a public API?
Note that there are also some functions that can convert RGB to values you can use for your Philips Hue lamps.
See for example:
If you need it in another language you could port the function or check out one of the other api's:
Here are a couple of ideas that should get you started; all of them are open source:
1) and educational colorimeter kit here
2) iorodeo
3) an article about colorimeter ideas
4) alternative consideration: using a camera
I hope some of this is helpful. CHEERS!

How to locate position/coordinates of faces in photo through code?

I know about and its cool API. But it only identifies the people in the photo. I really dont need that. I want to able to detect the position (as in x,y,width and height) of face(s) in a given 2d photo. If anyone know of an ongoing project, of available projects, please help me out with some links, tips and or advice. Deeply appreciate that. Thanks
Use OpenCV Face detector. It gives x,y,width,height

Qt: transparent QRubberBand?

I'm trying to draw a QRubberBand on a QGLWidget. For some reason the area of the rubber band is drawn as opaque and I don't see what's behind it. This kinda beats the purpose of the rubber band as a way to select stuff inside it.
I've seen in docs for QStyleOptionRubberBand that there's an 'opaque' member but I have no idea how to access this in the default style or how to change it.
Anybody ever done this?
Are you in Vista/Win7 with Areo on? If so, does it work when you turn it off?
How about Message #6?
"In the meantime I looked it up in the QT source code, and I noticed that the following will solve my problem: myQRubberBand->setWindowFlags(Qt::ToolTip);"
It would be great having any source code ?
But here are how I would attempt to fix the problem :
Subclass QRubberBand
Redefine PaintEvent method
call iniStyleOption to activate style options of your choice
Hope it helps !
