how do i detect if a peice of text was included in a input() line? **PYTHON** - windows-7

i am so stuck please help me,
say if i did
dad = input(is your dad round or a square? )
and put put in "my dad is round"
what i want it to do detect if it includes
i tried
if dad includes "round"
but that does not exist
note, i do know if i do
if dad == "in my dad is round":
but i want to see if it includes it not it it is it if that makes sense.

Right idea, wrong syntax:
if "round" in dad:

You just use:
dad = input("is your dad round or a square?")
if "round" in dad:
# Do Something


Why is my Ruby code not executing as I expect it to?

I'm learning Ruby through the book Learn to Program by Chris Pine. In the book, there's an exercise which says:
Write a Deaf Grandma program. Whatever you say to grandma (whatever you type in), she should respond with HUH?! SPEAK UP, SONNY!, unless you shout it (type in all capitals). If you shout, she can hear you (or at least she thinks so) and yells back, NO, NOT SINCE 1938! To make your program really believable, have grandma shout a different year each time; maybe any year at random between 1930 and 1950. (This part is optional, and would be much easier if you read the section on Ruby's random number generator at the end of the methods chapter.) You can't stop talking to grandma until you shout BYE.
Hint: Don't forget about chomp! 'BYE'with an Enter is not the same as 'BYE' without one!
Hint 2: Try to think about what parts of your program should happen over and over again. All of those should be in your while loop.
I have written my code and it doesn't work as expected. Basically, when I input information, it follows the order in which the code was written. For example if I input "HELLO" it'll reply "HUH?! SPEAK UP, SONNY! but really it should be writing back "NO, NOT SINCE 1938!".
When I input 'BYE' nothing will come up unless I follow the order in which the code was written in (I hope that makes sense).
I have tried a lot of things, like not using the break (for the loop). I have tried to write it as one long piece of code without any ifs or else's.
Here is the code I have written:
puts 'Go speak to Grandma, she\'s in the kitchen!'
speaking = gets.chomp
if speaking == speaking.downcase
while speaking == 'BYE'
else speaking == speaking.upcase
puts 'NO, NOT SINCE 1983!'
I expect when I write HELLO to get the appropriate answer of 'NO, NOT SINCE 1983!'. Also, I expect the conversation to keep going because I have used gets.chomp on all pieces of the code. Sp why is the code stopping?
Problem in the code is that if ... else condition not wrapped within loop, so it would no be executed repeatedly.
Hint 2: Try to think about what parts of your program should happen
over and over again. All of those should be in your while loop
To make loop works you need wrap all repeatable lines within loop.
In your case loop should break only when input will be BYE
puts 'Go speak to Grandma, she\'s in the kitchen!'
speaking = gets.chomp
until speaking == 'BYE'
if speaking == speaking.upcase
puts 'NO, NOT SINCE 1983!'
# Get input before next loop
speaking = gets.chomp
You don't need to check for downcase explicitly, only you care about is "does input contains only upper case characters"

Case statement don't work

I'm learning Ruby from "Programming Ruby, The Pragmatic Programmers(2nd, 2005)" and I'm stuck in the Case statement chapter.
So i copy-paste some code in my version from book:
def kind
puts "Type year and I'll tell you genre: "
ask = gets.chomp
kind = case ask
when 1850..1889 then "Blues"
when 1890..1909 then "Ragtime"
when 1910..1929 then "New Orleans Jazz"
when 1930..1939 then "Swing"
when 1940..1950 then "Bebop"
else "Jazz"
puts "You typed year #{ask}. Genre of music in that period is
Hence, whatever year I'm put, output is "Jazz"...What am I working incorrectly?
gets.chomp returns a string, and you are comparing that with integers.
You can inspect ask after you assigned it:
ask = gets.chomp
p ask
When you run the script and enter a number (e.g. 1940), you should see "1940" printed in the terminal. The quotes around the number show you that the variable holds a string, not a number. (FYI don't use puts here, since it won't show the quotes.)
As mudasobwa wrote in his comment, the way to fix this is to cast the input to a number before you compare it:
ask = gets.chomp.to_i
If you add p ask again, you should now see that only the number is printed to the terminal, without any " surrounding it. This shows you that the variable holds an integer.

Sample ruby program keeps running with errors, can't figure them out [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
Alright, I have tried my best to get this code to just run without spitting out errors, but to no avail. Hopefully you can help me out.
require 'launchy'
#def linebreak(breakline)
def program()
puts "Welcome to test program v1. Would you like to continue? ENTER y for Yes or n for no"
user_input_1 = gets.chomp
if user_input_1 == "y"
puts "How would you like to proceed CRASH | TEXTMAKER | UNDECIDED // CASE SENSITIVE"
user_input_2 = gets.chomp
if user_input_2 == "CRASH"
while true"")
elsif user_input_2 = "TEXTMAKER"
while true out_file.puts("test program v1")
puts "You have not entered a method."
elsif user_input_1 == "n"
puts "That is not a valid command. Please run the script again."
Alright there's a few problems, but don't worry everything can be
Let's start with what you did well
Good job using your booleans in most cases, most beginners don't seem
to grasp that == means equal, and = means something completely
Good job with the puts and using it properly, there are other
methods which I will cover later, that will look much better in your
Now let's cover what can be fixed
As I stated above in most cases you used your Boolean correctly
however you seem to have missed one. elsif user_input_2 = "TEXTMAKER" you need a == to show that it is equal.
Your while loop doesn't seem to make any sense because you don't ever really set anything as true. In Ruby it is highly
recommended to never use a while loop, of course there are times
that you have to, but only after you've tried everything else.
elsif; else; elsif never use an elsif after an else. elsif is to provide an exception, in your case there's more then
one option so use the elsifs before the else, you'd be better using a case statement here.
Not to sound like an ass, but your indentation is horrible. You'd find a lot more problems with good indentation, in Ruby that's two
spaces, here's the style guide:
Never have your users options be case sensitive, if somebody else is going to use your program, just assume they are the dumbest people in the world and make it super easy for them. user_input_2.gets.chomp.upcase this will set it so that no matter how they enter their text, it will always be upper case.
You're missing an end this will become clear once you've used proper indentation
Alright let's rewrite this thing:
require 'launchy'
def program #<= you don't need the parentheses
print "Welcome to the test program version 1, to continue type 'c' to exit type 'e': "
user_input = gets.chomp.upcase
if user_input == "C"
elsif user_input == "E"
puts "Exiting.."
#if you really want to use abort
#you won't need to use exit if you use abort
puts "Invalid input, try again"
program #<= this is a loop known as recursion, don't use it to much
def program_choices
print "Pick an option, the choices include CRASH | TEXTMAKER | UNDECIDED: "
user_input = gets.chomp.upcase
case user_input #<= this is how you start a case statement
when "CRASH""")
puts "You really need to make up your mind.." #<= have some fun with it, that's the point of programming.
puts "Invalid input, try again"
def write_test_data
x = "Test file version 1"
if File.exist?("path/to/test/file.txt")"path/to/test/file.txt", "a"){ |s| s.write(x) }
new_test_file ="path/to/test/file.txt")
And bam! Your program is up and running! If you have any questions about anything don't hesitate to ask, programming can be very tricky, and it can be very hard. Keep it up and you'll get there!
I see plenty of problems.
This isn't valid:
while true"")
Neither is this:
while true out_file.puts("test program v1")
I can't tell you how to fix this, though, since it's not at all clear what you're trying to do.
An if block may only have one else, and it must come after all elsifs.
elsif user_input_2 = "TEXTMAKER"
You're assigning a new value to user_input_2. I'm guessing you meant to use the equality operator, which is ==.
Your def block doesn't have an end. This became obvious after I edited your code to use proper indentation. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble by using sensible indentation and whitespace.

Representing a sentence in FOL

How to represent the following sentence in FOL ( First Order Logic ) "There is an animal which only eats meat" Is the following represantaion true ?
Ǝx Eats(x, meat) where x is animal
No, it's not entirely correct. As pointed out in the comments by Gabe, your expression does not exclude the possibility of x eating other things as well. You'll need to add a conjunct that excludes all foodstuffs that aren't meat. How you do this depends a bit on which kind of logic you're using.
Could he just say:
-Eats(x, y) ^ y != meat
implying meat is the only thing the animal doesn't not eat?
Pretty pessimistic view, but it gets the job done, haha.
One minor correction would make it corrrect. It would look a little silly though.
Make Eats into OnlyEats.
I think that a simple way to represent the sentence is:
Ǝx∀y (Animal(x) ∧ Eats(x,y)) --> Meat(y)

How can ruby do this task (Case-insensitive string search & replace in Ruby)?

I have some problem with replace string in Ruby.
My Original string : What the human does is not like what animal does.
I want to replace to: ==What== the human does is not like ==what== animal does.
I face the problem of case sensitive when using gsub. (eg. What , what) I want to keep original text.
any solution?
If I understood you correctly this is what you want to do:
puts "What the human does is not like what animal does.".gsub(/(what)/i, '==\1==')
which will output
==What== the human does is not like ==what== animal does.
another version without brackets () in regex,
puts "What the human does is not like what animal does.".gsub(/what/i,'==\0==')
==What== the human does is not like ==what== animal does.
The important thing to take account of in all 3 answers so far, is the use of the "i" modifier on the regular expression. This is the shorthand way to specify the use of the Regexp::IGNORECASE option.
A useful Ruby Regexp tutorial is here and the class is documented here
Use the block form of gsub.
"What the human does is not like what animal does.".gsub(/(what)/i) { |s| "==#{s}==" }
=> "==What== the human does is not like ==what== animal does."
