Spring Reactive Stack with Spring for Apache Kafka - spring-boot

In a few words:
I'm trying to decide between using the default Spring for Apache Kafka stack, KafkaTemplate or the pair, ReactiveKafkaProducerTemplate and ReactiveKafkaConsumerTemplate for my Reactor based application.
Some more context:
In the company I work we're developing a high-disponibility application aiming to publish a set of requests directly to a Kafka Broker. Since this is an API centric application expecting to receive a few millions of requests per week, we decided to go with a stack based on the Project Reactor with Spring WebFlux and Kotlin.
After doing some digging I've discovered that the Spring for Apache Kafka has a simple wrapper designed around the Reactor Kafka implementation, but this wrapper lacks a lot of the functionalities present in the default KafkaTemplate mentioned before, things like: A Metrics Binder out of the box (for prometheus integration), associated factories, extensive documentation, Auto configuration, etc.
I'm trying to understand what I'm really giving up when using the default implementation in favor of the Reactive one. Am I giving up back pressure functionality? Am I sacrificing the Reactive Stack present in my application? Will this be a toll in the future? Does anyone has some experience in working with a Reactive Stack alongside a non-reactive solution?
I have, also, a few concerns regarding the DLT flow facilitated in the default implementation, things like the SeekToCurrentErrorHandler strategy


Spring Cloud Stream with Project Reactor Stability

I want to use Spring Cloud Stream for consuming and processing Apache Kafka queues and writing them to MongoDB. I saw that there is an option of using the library so that functions will be Reactive, or Imperative. In most Spring projects the imperative way is the default, but as for my understanding, in spring cloud stream the reactive paradigm is the default.
I wonder what is considered the most “stable” api e.g. what is recommended to use for enterprise?
Reactive API is stable and yes we provide support for it. In other words you can write functions using reactive API (e.g., Function<Flux, Flux>).
However, i want to be very clear that support for API does not mean support for the full stack of reactive capabilities since those actually depend on source and targets which are not reactive.
That said, with Kafka you can rely on native reactive support provided by Kafka itself and Spring Cloud Stream using Kafka Streams binder - https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka/docs/3.1.5/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka.html#_kafka_streams_binder

spring boot rabbit consumer vs rest API prioritization

We are trying to figure out how Srping Boot behvaes in a service which BOTH
a) pulls events from a rabbit queue
b) provides UI with REST API's
The problem is that we would like Spring Boot configured in a way prioritizes REST API's over Rabbit queue. I googled for things like Spring Boot Rest controller buffer etc. but haven't found anything viable.
Spring Boot should have some kind of method that, after processing an event (REST API call or Rabbit pull), checks if there is anything in REST buffer (if such a thing even exists), and only if that is empty, pulls another event from a queue.
We are not even sure if Spring Boot prioritizes Rabbit over REST, but after some UAT it seems it does.
Switching to push pattern with Rabbit seems like an option, but we would like something else.
Also another option was to create replica services: same business logic in two services, one just consuming rabbit, and another offering REST APIs for UI, but this of course adds to DevOps complexity
The two mechanisms are completely independent; the framework provides no coordination between them.

Why to use SpringKafka Template in place existing Kafka Producer Consumer api?

What benefits does spring Kafka template provide?
I have tried the existing Producer/Consumer API by Kafka. That is very simple to use, then why use Kafka template.
Kafka Template internally uses Kafka producer so you can directly use Kafka APIs. The benefit of using Kafka template is it provides different methods for sending message to Kafka topic, kind of added benefits you can see the API comparison between KafkaProducer and KafkaTemplate here:
You can see KafkaTemplate provide many additional ways of sending data to Kafka topics because of various send methods while some calls are the same as Kafka API and are simply forwarded from KafkaTemplate to KafkaProducer.
It's up to the developer what to use. If you feel like working with KafkaTemplate is easy as you don't have to create ProducerRecord a simple send method will do all the work for you.
At a high level, the benefit is that you can externalize your properties objects more easily and you can just focus on the record processing logic
Plus Spring is integrated with lots of other components.
Note: Other options still exist like Reactor Kafka, Alpakka, Apache Camel, Smallrye reactive messaging, Vert.x... But they all wrap the same Kafka API.
So, I'd say you're (marginally) trading efficiency for convinience

Development compromises in using Spring Cloud Stream

The case for event-driven microservices such as Spring Cloud Stream is their asynchronous nature, which I do agree it makes them more scalable
But I have an issue regarding how to code it in a way where I don't lose certain key features that I have access to using synchronous services
In a servlet-based MS, I make full use of servlet context variables and servlet-based Spring autowiring functions
For e.g., I leverage heavily on HTTP headers to carry metadata between microservices without having to impact the payload. But in Spring Cloud Stream using Kafka, Kafka doesn't support message headers of any kind! I lose that immediately if I use SCS. Putting them into the payload causes all sort of changes in my model classes if I define the attributes clearly. Yes, I can use a simple Hashmap to simulate the HTTP header object but it really seems like reinventing the wheel to me.
On the auto-wiring side: I maintain an audit log record per request, which I implement by declaring a request-scoped Hashmap bean and autowiring it into any methods in the Servlet's call stack that needs to append data to the audit log. Basically it's just a global variable to hold some data within a single request. But in SCS, again, I lose that cos bean scopes that leverage on servlets are not available.
So far, there seems to be a lot of trade-offs that I have to make just to make Spring Cloud Stream work for me.
I thought about an alternative approach where I use SCS just to create an entry point but the Source method would just get the event, use a Processor to construct a HTTP request and send the request along to a HTTP endpoint. But, why go through all that trouble then?
Hoping that some more experienced devs would be able to shed some light on how they leverage on SCS.
#feicipet Thanks for the detailed question. let me try to address some of your concerns in the order you have listed them:
I am not sure why you are referring to it as servlet-based instead of Spring-based? Those are features provided by Spring, but read on. . .
Spring Cloud Stream doesn't use Kafka, the end user does while Spring Cloud Stream provides Kafka binder allowing Spring Cloud Stream to integrate with Kafka. Further more, while Kafka indeed did not support headers prior to version 0.11, Spring Cloud Stream always supported and will continue support headers even with Kafka pre-0.11, embedding them in the Message and then extracting them in the consumer side into the proper Message headers completely transparent to the end user. In other words one would assume that Kafka did support headers by simply using Spring Cloud Stream. With Kafka 0.11+ headers are supported natively and we have adjusted to that with the same level of transparency.
So, you don't need to put anything in the payload. Just create an appropriate Message<payload, headers> and SCSt will take care of the rest regardless of the broker (Kafka, Rabbit, Foo etc.).
Yes you do simply due to the fact that as you eluded earlier SCSt promotes an asynchronous and stateless architecture. However, I do not agree that what you are trying to accomplish is un-accomplishable. Rather it is accomplishable the way you are describing, but there are other way to maintain context and I would be more then glad to discuss it as a separate topic.
I would not call them trade-offs, rather difference in the architecture, that has its benefits, but it is a not one-size-fits-all architecture and therefore its viability should be discussed within the context of a concrete use case.
+1. You don't have to separate it as Source and Processor. You can simply create a custom Source app with exposed REST endpoint and custom processing logic. However we are currently working on enhancements i the framework to ensure that you could do the same with the existing starter apps.
Obviously we have touched on many points here and some of them would probably need to be debated further, but I hope this clears up some of your concerns.

Jax-rs and amqp zipkin integration

I've been roaming the depths of the internet but I find myself unsatisfied by the examples I've found so far. Can someone point me or, show me, a good starting point to integrate zipkin tracing with jaxrs clients and amqp clients?
My scenario is quite simple and I'd expect this task to be trivial tbh. We have a micro services based architecture and it's time we start tracing our requests and have global perspective of our inter service dependencies and what the requests actually look like (we do have metrics but I want more!) . The communication is done via jax-rs auto generated clients and we use rabbit template for messaging.
I've seen brave integrations with jaxrs but they are a bit simplistic. My zipkin server is a spring boot mini app using stream-rabbit, so zipkin data is sent using rabbitmq.
Thanks in advance.
After some discussion with Marcin Grzejszczak and Adrien Cole (zipkin and sleuth creators/active developers) I ended up creating a Jersey filter that acts as bridge between sleuth and brave. Regarding AMQP integration, added a new #StreamListener with a conditional for zipkin format spans (using headers). Sending messages to the sleuth exchange with zipkin format will then be valid and consumed by the listener. For javascript (zipkin-js), I ended up creating a new AMQP Logger that sends zipkin spans to a determined exchange. If someone ends up reading this and needs more detail, you're welcome to reach out to me.
