Environment variables not defined in SSH AuthorizedKeysCommand (Docker) - bash

I'm trying to make the private key SSH connection with LDAP.
AuthorizedKeysCommand /etc/ldap_ssh_authorized_keys.sh
AuthorizedKeysCommandUser nobody
Script to get public keys from LDAP server
USERSLIST=$( ldapsearch -x -D "${LDAP_USER}" -w "${LDAP_PASSWORD}" -H $LDAP_URI -b "${LDAP_BASEDN}" -s sub '(objectClass=posixAccount)' -u 'uid' \
grep '^uid:' | sed -n '/^ /{H;d};/uid:/x;$g;s/\n *//g;s/uid: //gp' \
while IFS= read -r line; do
exists=$(ldapsearch -x -D "${LDAP_USER}" -w "${LDAP_PASSWORD}" -H $LDAP_URI -b "${LDAP_BASEDN}" \
-s sub "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=sysadmin)(memberUid=${line}))" | grep "^# numEntries:")
if [[ ! -z $exists ]]
ldapsearch -x -D "${LDAP_USER}" -w "${LDAP_PASSWORD}" -H $LDAP_URI -b "${LDAP_BASEDN}" \
-s sub "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=${line}))" \
-u 'sshPublicKey' \
| sed -n '/^ /{H;d};/sshPublicKey:/x;$g;s/\n *//g;s/sshPublicKey: //gp'
echo -e "";
done <<< "$USERSLIST"
When I'm running script with /bin/bash it's working well and return my public keys.
All environment variables defined normally.
The script also running normally when trying to make an SSH connection. But environment variables not available.
I'm trying also with AuthorizedKeysCommandUser as root. But nothing changed.

I solved this problem by getting the environment variables from /proc/1/environ.


How to get a command variable inside another command variable?

Example here:
gitrepo=$(jq -r '.gitrepo' 0.json)
releasetag=$(curl --silent ""https://api.github.com/repos/\"$gitrepo\""/releases/latest" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')
echo "$releasetag"
Used \" to escape characters.
"type": "github-releases",
"gitrepo": "ipfs/go-ipfs"
How to put $gitrepo to work inside $releasetag?
Thanks in advance!
Bash variables expand inside quoted " strings.
gitrepo="$(jq -r '.gitrepo' 0.json)"
curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/$gitrepo/releases/latest" \
| grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/'
echo "$releasetag"
Btw, as you are using jq to extract .gitrepo from 0.json, you could also use it in the exact same way to extract .tag_name from curl's output (instead of using grep and sed) like so:
gitrepo="$(jq -r '.gitrepo' 0.json)"
curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/$gitrepo/releases/latest" \
| jq -r '.tag_name'
echo "$releasetag"
And to simplify it even further (depending on your use case), just write:
curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/$(jq -r '.gitrepo' 0.json)/releases/latest" \
| jq -r '.tag_name'

How to use bash variables in Jenkins multi-line shell script

I have unsuccessfully tried to use bash variables in Jenkins pipeline.
My first attempt
sh """#!/bin/bash
for file in *.map; do
filename=`basename $file .map`
echo "##### uploading ${$filename}"
curl -X POST ${SERVER_URL}/assets/v1/sourcemaps \
-F service_name="${SERVICE_NAME}" \
-F service_version="${revision}" \
-F bundle_filepath="${main_url}${filename}" \
-F sourcemap="#${filename}.map" &
Resulted in exception: MissingPropertyException: No such property: file
The second attempt, after seeing this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/35047530/9590251
sh """#!/bin/bash
for file in *.map; do
filename=`basename \$file .map`
echo "##### uploading \$filename"
curl -X POST ${SERVER_URL}/assets/v1/sourcemaps \
-F service_name="${SERVICE_NAME}" \
-F service_version="${revision}" \
-F bundle_filepath="${main_url}\$filename" \
-F sourcemap="#\$filename.map" &
Simply omitted bash variables. So $filename was empty.
How do I need to property encode bash variables in this scenario?
Try this:
sh """#!/bin/bash
set -x
for file in *.map; do
filename="\$(basename "\$file" .map)"
echo "Uploading \$filename"
curl -X POST "${SERVER_URL}/assets/v1/sourcemaps" \
-F service_name="${SERVICE_NAME}" \
-F service_version="${revision}" \
-F bundle_filepath="${main_url}\$filename" \
-F sourcemap="#\${filename}.map" &

How to substitute variables correctly within a function

I'm having difficulty getting the correct variable substitution to work within this function, especially the use of echo "$(...) string.
outputOFF ()
_dt=$(date +'%m-%d-%y')
exp="SELECT * FROM metrics.account_use where account='foo' and profile='bar' order by date desc;";
echo "$(grep real < <({ time mysql -u admin -p${_pw} -h ${host} -N -e "$exp"} 2>&1)):localhost:${_dt}"
#echo "$(grep real < <(\{ time mysql -u admin -p${_pw} -h ${host} -N -e "$exp"\} 2>&1)):localhost:${_dt}"
From the command line, it will work:
echo "$(grep real < <({ time mysql -u admin -p123456foobar -h mydevreporting.com -N -e "SELECT * FROM metrics.account_use where account='foo' and profile='bar' order by date desc;"; } 2>&1)):localhost:$(date +'%m-%d-%y')"
As I'm seeing error messages:
./tst.sh: command substitution: line 40: syntax error near unexpected token `)'
./tst.sh: command substitution: line 40: `{ time mysql -u admin -p${_pw} -h ${host} -N -e "$exp"} 2>&1)'
As you can see the echo "$(...) is inside this function outputOFF().
I've also tried escaping the braces \{, \}, which allows the variables to substitute, but somehow that command isn't working as it should.
echo "$(grep real < <(\{ time mysql -u admin -p${_pw} -h ${host} -N -e "$exp"\} 2>&1)):localhost:${_dt}"
So, i'm stuck.
You are missing a ; in the {...} group expression, after "$exp" (see this documentation for why). Here is the corrected version:
echo "$(grep real < <({ time mysql -u admin -p${_pw} -h ${host} -N -e "$exp"; } 2>&1)):localhost:${_dt}"
Less braces makes it more readable, at least for me.
result=$( { time mysql -u admin -p${_pw} -h ${host} -N -e "$exp"; } 2>&1 | grep real );
echo "${result}:localhost:${_dt}"
time is reporting on stderr. Thus the {} are neceessary to capture the output.
Or discarding the result, and only capture the result of time.
result=$( { time mysql -u admin -p${_pw} -h ${host} -N -e "$exp" >/dev/null; } 2>&1 )
echo ${result}":localhost:${_dt}"
The unquoted ${result} is printed without the newlines. Thus you can keep all information from time with the additional timestamp.

Curl echo Server response Bash

I'm trying to create a bash script that check url from list status code and echo server name from header. I'm actually new.
while read LINE; do
curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$LINE"
echo " $LINE" &
curl -I /dev/null --silent --head | grep -Fi Server "$SERVER"
echo " $SERVER"
done < dominios-https
I get the following output
301 http://example.com
grep: : No such file or directory
1) while read LINE can not use last line if text file not ended with new line.
2) You don't set "$SERVER" anywhere, and grep say it
3) Not all servers return "Server:" in headers
try it:
scriptDir=$( dirname -- "$0" )
for siteUrl in $( < "$scriptDir/myUrl.txt" )
if [[ -z "$siteUrl" ]]; then break; fi # break line if him empty
httpCode=$( curl -I -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "$siteUrl" )
echo "HTTP_CODE = $httpCode"
headServer=$( curl -I --silent --head "$siteUrl" | grep "Server" | awk '{print $2}' )
echo "Server header = $headServer"

CURL Sendmail via bash

Hi i've a problem whit this code:
# up here there's more code
echo "Password changed" $(date) > lez.txt
curl -n --ssl-reqd --mail-from "me#lupetto.sh" --mail-rcpt "my mail" -T lez.txt --url smtps://smtp.gmail.com:465 --user "example#gmail.com:password"
If I run the script I get only a empty mail, but if I do this manually I get my mail.
It looks like it's having problems to find the file contents. What about using a here-string to avoid writing a file at all? Change your code to:
curl -n --ssl-reqd --mail-from "me#lupetto.sh" --mail-rcpt "my mail" -T - --url smtps://smtp.gmail.com:465 --user "example#gmail.com:password" <<<"Password changed $(date)"
Notice the echo statement removal, the here-string at the end of the line and the -T - to get the file from stdin.
cURL expects that the file to be sent has a empty line on the 1st row
the script below will do that for you
# sh emailfile.sh examplefile.log
echo "" > temp | cat "$1" >> temp && mv temp "$1"
curl --url "smtps://smtp.mail.yahoo.com:465" \
--mail-from "youremail#yahoo.com" \
--mail-rcpt "dest#domain.com" \
--user "youremail#yahoo.com:EmailAccountPassword" \
-T - --silent < "$file"
