Sharing variable between nodes in a device tree - linux-kernel

I'm trying to find a way to accesses, from node_1, a variable in node_0 (see code below) in this device-tree:
/ {
amba_pl: amba_pl#0 {
node_0: node#a8000000 {
node_id = <0x0>;
node0State = <0x0>;
node_1: node#a9000000 {
node1State = <node_0's node0State>;
The primary goal is to be able to share a state between kernel modules. I'm aware that I can EXPORT_SYMBOL(variable) in the writing node and then extern *variable in the reading node, but wanted to see if I could accomplish this in the device-tree itself. node_0 would always be the only node to set the nodeState, and node_1 would only read. Is this possible?

You can store a phandle referring to the node containing node0state:
/ {
amba_pl: amba_pl#0 {
node_0: node#a8000000 {
node_id = <0x0>;
node0State = <0x0>;
node_1: node#a9000000 {
stateNode = <&node_0>;
In the driver code, if struct device_node *mynode; refers to the node_1 node, the node0state property of the other node referred to by the stateNode phandle property can be accessed as follows:
int rc = 0;
struct device_node *np;
u32 node0state;
np = of_parse_phandle(mynode, "stateNode", 0);
if (!np) {
// error node not found
rc = -ENXIO;
goto error1;
// Do whatever is needed to read "node0state". Here is an example.
rc = of_property_read_u32(np, "node0state", &node0state);
if (rc) {
// error
of_node_put(np); // decrement reference to the node
goto error2;
// Finished with the node.
of_node_put(np); // decrement reference to the node


How is the 'data' field provided by the device tree (for platform devce case)?

I can't understand how the device tree information is used in a specific driver.
This is a code snippet from linux-5.15.68 drivers/pci/controller/dwc/pcie-designware-plat.c.
static int dw_plat_pcie_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
struct dw_plat_pcie *dw_plat_pcie;
struct dw_pcie *pci;
int ret;
const struct of_device_id *match;
const struct dw_plat_pcie_of_data *data;
enum dw_pcie_device_mode mode;
match = of_match_device(dw_plat_pcie_of_match, dev);
if (!match)
return -EINVAL;
data = (struct dw_plat_pcie_of_data *)match->data;
mode = (enum dw_pcie_device_mode)data->mode;
... (skip)
return 0;
static const struct dw_plat_pcie_of_data dw_plat_pcie_rc_of_data = {
.mode = DW_PCIE_RC_TYPE,
static const struct dw_plat_pcie_of_data dw_plat_pcie_ep_of_data = {
.mode = DW_PCIE_EP_TYPE,
static const struct of_device_id dw_plat_pcie_of_match[] = {
.compatible = "snps,dw-pcie",
.data = &dw_plat_pcie_rc_of_data,
.compatible = "snps,dw-pcie-ep",
.data = &dw_plat_pcie_ep_of_data,
So the kernel parses the device tree (connected to the struct dev) while running this probe function for a platform device. It compares the 'compatible' field of the device tree's node with the match data of this driver (=dw_plat_pcie_of_match) and extracts the of_device_id data from the device node of the device tree. Then, shouldn't the device tree have this 'data' field in the of_device_id information somewhere?
But this is an example device tree node with 'snps,dw-pcie-ep' in the compatible field (from arch/arm/boot/dts/uniphier-pro5.dtsi).
pcie_ep: pcie-ep#66000000 {
compatible = "socionext,uniphier-pro5-pcie-ep",
status = "disabled";
reg-names = "dbi", "dbi2", "link", "addr_space";
reg = <0x66000000 0x1000>, <0x66001000 0x1000>,
<0x66010000 0x10000>, <0x67000000 0x400000>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_pcie>;
clock-names = "gio", "link";
clocks = <&sys_clk 12>, <&sys_clk 24>;
reset-names = "gio", "link";
resets = <&sys_rst 12>, <&sys_rst 24>;
num-ib-windows = <16>;
num-ob-windows = <16>;
num-lanes = <4>;
phy-names = "pcie-phy";
phys = <&pcie_phy>;
It doesn't have any data field with specific 'RC' or 'EP' mode indication. Where is this 'data' field kept in the device tree??
It doesn't have any data field with specific 'RC' or 'EP' mode indication. Where is this 'data' field kept in the device tree??
The DT node doesn't have to supply such a "data" field because the "'RC' or 'EP' mode indication" is already conveyed to the device driver using the compatible property.
In the driver, there is more than one acceptable compatible string (i.e. there is more than one struct of_device_id element). Each compatible string (specified by the .compatible = ...) in the driver is also associated with a data structure (specified by the .data = ...) that specifies attributes (i.e. the mode in question) of the particular device that has to be supported.
static const struct of_device_id dw_plat_pcie_of_match[] = {
.compatible = "snps,dw-pcie",
.data = &dw_plat_pcie_rc_of_data,
.compatible = "snps,dw-pcie-ep",
.data = &dw_plat_pcie_ep_of_data,
Since your DT node uses
compatible = "socionext,uniphier-pro5-pcie-ep",
the second string in that property should be a match for the compatible string in the 2nd element of the dw_plat_pcie_of_match[] array.
So when execution returns from the
match = of_match_device(dw_plat_pcie_of_match, dev);
match should be pointing to the following structure:
.compatible = "snps,dw-pcie-ep",
.data = &dw_plat_pcie_ep_of_data,
Then the assignment
data = (struct dw_plat_pcie_of_data *)match->data;
will refer to
static const struct dw_plat_pcie_of_data dw_plat_pcie_ep_of_data = {
.mode = DW_PCIE_EP_TYPE,
So the assignment
mode = (enum dw_pcie_device_mode)data->mode;
will fetch the value DW_PCIE_EP_TYPE from that structure, and set the mode.
Associating a data structure with the compatible string allows a device driver to covertly support more than a single version of a device. The DT is relieved from having to specify (any and all) the distinguishing aspects of that particular version of the device. The DT node will only have properties that describe configurable or board-specific attributes.

How to use gpio from device tree in a i2c_driver?

I've written an I2C driver. I want to make the GPIO which it uses configurable from the device tree.
My device tree entry is currently:
&i2c1 {
clock-frequency = <100000>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c1>;
status = "okay";
myi2c: myi2c#43 {
compatible = "fsl,myi2c";
reg = <0x43>;
I'd like to add this line into the myi2c stanza:
myi2c-gpios = <&gpio4 29 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
I can see how to do this, if I was writing a platform driver:
static int gpio_init_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
int i = 0;
printk("GPIO example init\n");
/* "greenled" label is matching the device tree declaration. OUT_LOW is the value at init */
green = devm_gpiod_get(&pdev->dev, "greenled", GPIOD_OUT_LOW);
but in my driver's i2c_probe(), I have no access to a struct platform_device *:
static int myi2c_i2c_probe(struct i2c_client *i2c, const struct i2c_device_id *id)
How can I read the value of myi2c-gpios from the device tree and use it in my i2c driver?
I found this driver to use as an example:
static int sn65dsi84_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id)
struct gpio_desc *enable_gpio;
enable_gpio = devm_gpiod_get_optional(&client->dev, "enable", GPIOD_OUT_HIGH);
if (enable_gpio)
gpiod_set_value_cansleep(enable_gpio, 1);
and its device tree is:
&i2c2 {
clock-frequency = <100000>;
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_i2c2>;
status = "okay";
dsi_lvds_bridge: sn65dsi84#2c {
status = "disabled";
reg = <0x2c>;
compatible = "ti,sn65dsi84";
enable-gpios = <&gpio4 28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
So devm_gpiod_get_optional() seems to be the answer.

USN NFTS change notification event interrupt

I'm trying to find a way to let the system tell me whenever there's a new entry in the USN Change Journal to track modifications made to files and directories on an NTFS volume (Server 2008/2012).
This way I don't have to constantly poll the journal and can just let my thread sleep until I get notified when there's a new change-event.
However, is there even such an interrupt?
The FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL function doesn't specifically mention interrupts (events, notifications), nor have I been able to find another way to achieve this with less intensive poll-and-compare techniques.
I'm not a hard-core programmer so there may be simpler ways to tie these functions to interrupts that I'm not aware of.
Could I perhaps find out where the USN Change Journal is stored and watch that file with another process that can generate and interrupt on change?
The code posted here blocks the executing thread till the new USN record is created in the Journal. When new records arrive, the thread awakens and you can process changes and/or notify listeners via a callback that filesystem has changed (in the example it just prints message to the console). Then the thread blocks again. This example uses one thread per volume (so for each volume, separate NTFSChangesWatcher class instance needed).
It is not specified which tools or language you use, so I will write as I did it. To run this code, create a Visual Studio C++ Win32 Console Application.
Create NTFSChangesWatcher class. Paste this code in NTFSChangesWatcher.h file (replacing auto-generated one):
#pragma once
#include <windows.h>
#include <memory>
class NTFSChangesWatcher
NTFSChangesWatcher(char drive_letter);
~NTFSChangesWatcher() = default;
// Method which runs an infinite loop and waits for new update sequence number in a journal.
// The thread is blocked till the new USN record created in the journal.
void WatchChanges();
HANDLE OpenVolume(char drive_letter);
bool CreateJournal(HANDLE volume);
bool LoadJournal(HANDLE volume, USN_JOURNAL_DATA* journal_data);
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::WaitForNextUsn(PREAD_USN_JOURNAL_DATA read_journal_data) const;
std::unique_ptr<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA> GetWaitForNextUsnQuery(USN start_usn);
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::ReadJournalRecords(PREAD_USN_JOURNAL_DATA journal_query, LPVOID buffer,
DWORD& byte_count) const;
std::unique_ptr<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA> NTFSChangesWatcher::GetReadJournalQuery(USN low_usn);
char drive_letter_;
HANDLE volume_;
std::unique_ptr<USN_JOURNAL_DATA> journal_;
DWORDLONG journal_id_;
USN last_usn_;
// Flags, which indicate which types of changes you want to listen.
static const int FILE_CHANGE_BITMASK;
static const int kBufferSize;
and this code in NTFSChangesWatcher.cpp file:
#include "NTFSChangesWatcher.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int NTFSChangesWatcher::kBufferSize = 1024 * 1024 / 2;
const int NTFSChangesWatcher::FILE_CHANGE_BITMASK =
NTFSChangesWatcher::NTFSChangesWatcher(char drive_letter) :
volume_ = OpenVolume(drive_letter_);
journal_ = make_unique<USN_JOURNAL_DATA>();
bool res = LoadJournal(volume_, journal_.get());
if (!res) {
cout << "Failed to load journal" << endl;
journal_id_ = journal_->UsnJournalID;
last_usn_ = journal_->NextUsn;
HANDLE NTFSChangesWatcher::OpenVolume(char drive_letter) {
wchar_t pattern[10] = L"\\\\?\\a:";
pattern[4] = static_cast<wchar_t>(drive_letter);
HANDLE volume = nullptr;
volume = CreateFile(
pattern, // lpFileName
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // disposition
// It is always set, no matter whether you explicitly specify it or not. This means, that access
// must be aligned with sector size so we can only read a number of bytes that is a multiple of the sector size.
FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, // file attributes
NULL // do not copy file attributes
if (volume == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
// An error occurred!
cout << "Failed to open volume" << endl;
return nullptr;
return volume;
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::CreateJournal(HANDLE volume) {
DWORD byte_count;
CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA create_journal_data;
bool ok = DeviceIoControl(volume, // handle to volume
&create_journal_data, // input buffer
sizeof(create_journal_data), // size of input buffer
NULL, // lpOutBuffer
0, // nOutBufferSize
&byte_count, // number of bytes returned
NULL) != 0; // OVERLAPPED structure
if (!ok) {
// An error occurred!
return ok;
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::LoadJournal(HANDLE volume, USN_JOURNAL_DATA* journal_data) {
DWORD byte_count;
// Try to open journal.
if (!DeviceIoControl(volume, FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL, NULL, 0, journal_data, sizeof(*journal_data), &byte_count,
NULL)) {
// If failed (for example, in case journaling is disabled), create journal and retry.
if (CreateJournal(volume)) {
return LoadJournal(volume, journal_data);
return false;
return true;
void NTFSChangesWatcher::WatchChanges() {
auto u_buffer = make_unique<char[]>(kBufferSize);
auto read_journal_query = GetWaitForNextUsnQuery(last_usn_);
while (true) {
// This function does not return until new USN record created.
cout << "New entry created in the journal!" << endl;
auto journal_query = GetReadJournalQuery(read_journal_query->StartUsn);
DWORD byte_count;
if (!ReadJournalRecords(journal_query.get(), u_buffer.get(), byte_count)) {
// An error occurred.
cout << "Failed to read journal records" << endl;
last_usn_ = *(USN*)u_buffer.get();
read_journal_query->StartUsn = last_usn_;
// If you need here you can:
// Read and parse Journal records from the buffer.
// Notify an NTFSChangeObservers about journal changes.
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::WaitForNextUsn(PREAD_USN_JOURNAL_DATA read_journal_data) const {
DWORD bytes_read;
bool ok = true;
// This function does not return until new USN record created.
ok = DeviceIoControl(volume_, FSCTL_READ_USN_JOURNAL, read_journal_data, sizeof(*read_journal_data),
&read_journal_data->StartUsn, sizeof(read_journal_data->StartUsn), &bytes_read,
nullptr) != 0;
return ok;
unique_ptr<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA> NTFSChangesWatcher::GetWaitForNextUsnQuery(USN start_usn) {
auto query = make_unique<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA>();
query->StartUsn = start_usn;
query->ReasonMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; // All bits.
query->ReturnOnlyOnClose = FALSE; // All entries.
query->Timeout = 0; // No timeout.
query->BytesToWaitFor = 1; // Wait for this.
query->UsnJournalID = journal_id_; // The journal.
query->MinMajorVersion = 2;
query->MaxMajorVersion = 2;
return query;
bool NTFSChangesWatcher::ReadJournalRecords(PREAD_USN_JOURNAL_DATA journal_query, LPVOID buffer,
DWORD& byte_count) const {
return DeviceIoControl(volume_, FSCTL_READ_USN_JOURNAL, journal_query, sizeof(*journal_query), buffer, kBufferSize,
&byte_count, nullptr) != 0;
unique_ptr<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA> NTFSChangesWatcher::GetReadJournalQuery(USN low_usn) {
auto query = make_unique<READ_USN_JOURNAL_DATA>();
query->StartUsn = low_usn;
query->ReasonMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; // All bits.
query->ReturnOnlyOnClose = FALSE;
query->Timeout = 0; // No timeout.
query->BytesToWaitFor = 0;
query->UsnJournalID = journal_id_;
query->MinMajorVersion = 2;
query->MaxMajorVersion = 2;
return query;
Now you can use it (for example in the main function for testing):
#include "NTFSChangesWatcher.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
auto watcher = new NTFSChangesWatcher('z');
return 0;
And console output should be like this on every change in the filesystem:
This code was slightly reworked to remove unrelated details and is a part of the Indexer++ project. So for more details, you can refer to the original code.
You can use Journal, but in this case I'd use easier method via registering a directory notification by calling the FindFirstChangeNotification or ReadDirectoryChangesW functions, see
If you'd prefer to use Journal, this is - I think - the best introductory article with many examples. It is written for W2K, but those concepts are still valid:

Function to add node to a tree

This question is related to a Binary Search tree. Here is the definition of a node that I am using
struct _Node
_Node *Parent;
int Data;
_Node *Left;
_Node *Right;
Now here is the definition of the function to add a node once a root is created
void AddNode(_Node *Incoming, _Node *currentNode)
currentNode = Incoming;
else if(currentNode->Data >= Incoming->Data)
Incoming->Parent = currentNode;
AddNode(Incoming, currentNode->Left);
else if(currentNode->Data < Incoming->Data)
Incoming->Parent = currentNode;
AddNode(Incoming, currentNode->Right);
AddNode function is based on a recursive approach. Main code is
_Node *Root= new _Node;
Root->Data = 50;
Root->Parent = nullptr;
Root->Left = nullptr;
Root->Right = nullptr;
_Node *Node2 = new _Node;
Node2->Data = 25;
Node2->Parent = nullptr;
Node2->Left = nullptr;
Node2->Right = nullptr;
_Node *Node3 = new _Node;
AddNode(Node2, Root);
Once I come out of the add node function I find that Root node doesnot have a Left or Right Child set to Node2. According to me as pointer to a node is passed each time I should have got the node added to the Root correctly. this is not happening. Can you please help me out here to understand what mistake I am making?
AddNode(Incoming, currentNode->Left);
instead of
AddNode(Incoming, Incoming->Left);
Same for Right.

Sharing an object between threads

How would you set the object data that is shared between threads and needs to be updated once after the complete cycle of (say) two threads in busy loop?
CRITICAL_SECTION critical_section_;
int value; //needs to be updated once after the cycle of any number of threads running in busy loop
void ThreadsFunction(int i)
while (true)
/* Lines of Code */
Edit: The value can be an object of any class.
Two suggestions:
Make the object itself thread safe.
Pass the object into the thread as instance data
I'll use C++ as a reference in my example. You can easily transpose this to pure C if you want.
// MyObject is the core data you want to share between threads
struct MyObject
int value;
int othervalue;
// all all the other members you want here
class MyThreadSafeObject
MyObject _myojbect;
bool _fLocked;
_fLocked = false
// add "getter and setter" methods for each member in MyObject
int SetValue(int x)
_myobject.value = x;
int GetValue()
int x;
x = _myobject.value;
return x;
// add "getter and setter" methods for each member in MyObject
int SetOtherValue(int x)
_myobject.othervalue = x;
int GetOtherValue()
int x;
x = _myobject.othervalue;
return x;
// and if you need to access the whole object directly without using a critsec lock on each variable access, add lock/unlock methods
bool Lock(MyObject** ppObject)
*ppObject = &_myobject;
_fLocked = true;
return true;
bool UnLock()
if (_fLocked == false)
return false;
_fLocked = false;
return true;
Then, create your object and thread as follows:
MyThreadSafeObject* pObjectThreadSafe;
MyObject* pObject = NULL;
// now initilaize your object
pObject->value = 0; // initailze value and all the other members of pObject to what you want them to be.
pObject->othervalue = 0;
pObject = NULL;
// Create your threads, passing the pointer to MyThreadSafeObject as your instance data
DWORD dwThreadID = 0;
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, NULL, ThreadRoutine, pObjectThreadSafe, 0, &dwThreadID);
And your thread will operate as follows
DWORD __stdcall ThreadFunction(void* pData)
MyThreadSafeObject* pObjectThreadSafe = (MyThreadSafeObject*)pData;
MyObject* pObject = NULL;
while (true)
/* lines of code */
/* lines of code */
If you want implement thread safe update of an integer you should better use InterlockedIncrement and InterlockedDecrement or InterlockedExchangeAdd functions. See
If you do need use EnterCriticalSection and LeaveCriticalSection you will find an example in, but I recommend you to use EnterCriticalSection inside of __try block and LeaveCriticalSection inside of the __finally part of this blocks.
