FindOne brings me the value from the cache memory and not the one from the database in Spring Data - spring-boot

I have a problem with spring data, when executing FindOne when I am updating a product, to compare the value of an attribute with the same one in the database. The FindOne process brings me the same object that I have in memory and not the one from the database, someone knows how I do to bring the one from the database, I know it's because of the hibernate cache, but I can't make it work in repository
public CuentaDetalle findOne(Long id) {
return cuentaDetalleRepository.getOne(id);

It can be done. You should detach the entity.
If everything is well set in your spring-boot project you can easily autowire EntityManager, and then later in your method, you can use entityManager.detach()
private EntityManager entityManager;
public someMethod(CuentaDetalle cuentaDetalleToDetach) {
Then later when using return cuentaDetalleRepository.getOne(id); where id is equal to the, the fresh veriosn from db will be returned.
Although I strongly advise using this approach carefully.
There are some drawbacks to detached objects, for example, you cannot use lazy fetch on collection properties (one-to-many).
Then the detached entity will not be saved at the end of the transaction. To save it you should explicitly use
I will stop here, there is a lot to write on this topic.
But I hope, I did answer your question.


Spring Data problem - derived delete doesn't work

I have a spring boot application (based off spring-boot-starter-data-jpa. I have an absolute minimum of configuration going on, and only a single table and entity.
I'm using CrudRepository<Long, MyEntity> with a couple of findBy methods which all work. And I have a derived deleteBy method - which doesn't work. The signature is simply:
public interface MyEntityRepository<Long, MyEntity> extends CrudRespository<> {
Long deleteBySystemId(String systemId);
// findBy methods left out
The entity is simple, too:
#Entity #Table(name="MyEntityTable")
public class MyEntity {
private Long MyEntityPID;
private String systemId;
private String personIdentifier;
// Getters and setters here, also hashCode & equals.
The reason the deleteBy method isn't working is because it seems to only issue a "select" statement to the database, which selects all the MyEntity rows which has a SystemId with the value I specify. Using my mysql global log I have captured the actual, physical sql and issued it manually on the database, and verified that it returns a large number of rows.
So Spring, or rather Hibernate, is trying to select the rows it has to delete, but it never actually issues a DELETE FROM statement.
According to a note on Baeldung this select statement is normal, in the sense that Hibernate will first select all rows that it intends to delete, then issue delete statements for each of them.
Does anyone know why this derived deleteBy method would not be working? I have #TransactionManagementEnabled on my #Configuration, and the method calling is #Transactional. The mysql log shows that spring sets autocommit=0 so it seems like transactions are properly enabled.
I have worked around this issue by manually annotating the derived delete method this way:
public interface MyEntityRepository<Long, MyEntity> extends CrudRespository<> {
#Query("DELETE FROM MyEntity m where m.systemId=:systemId")
Long deleteBySystemId(#Param("systemId") String systemId);
// findBy methods left out
This works. Including transactions. But this just shouldn't have to be, I shouldn't need to add that Query annotation.
Here is a person who has the exact same problem as I do. However the Spring developers were quick to wash their hands and write it off as a Hibernate problem so no solution or explanation to be found there.
Oh, for reference I'm using Spring Boot 2.2.9.
It's all in the reference documentation. That's the way JPA works. (Me rubbing hands washing.)
The two methods do two different things: Long deleteBySystemId(String systemId); loads the entity by the given constraints and ends up issuing EntityManager.delete(…) which the persistence provider is about to delay until transaction commits. I.e. code following that call is not guaranteed that the changes have already been synced to the database. That in turn is due to JPA allowing its implementations to actually do just that. Unfortunately that's nothing Spring Data can fix on top of that. (More rubbing, more washing, plus a bit of soap.)
The reference documentation justifies that behavior with the need for the EntityManager (again a JPA abstraction, not something Spring Data has anything to do with) to trigger lifecycle events like #PreDelete etc. which users expect to fire.
The second method declaring a modifying query manually is declaring a query to be executed in the database, which means that entity lifecycles do not fire as the entities do not get materialized upfront.
However the Spring developers were quick to wash their hands and write it off as a Hibernate problem so no solution or explanation to be found there.
There's detailed explanation why it works the way it works in the comments to the ticket. There are solutions provided even. Workarounds and suggestions to bring this up with the part of the stack that has control over this behavior. (Shuts faucet, reaches for a towel.)

Spring-boot with eclipseLink transaction issue

I have implemented EntityListener in eclipseLink. My app is built using spring-boot , spring-data and eclipseLink. I have a requirement of inserting record in 2 table (Audit tables) when data in inserted in 1 table. I have got EntityManager in my Listener and everything seems to works normally. When I debug the code I can see that entities which I am going to save are having "id" generated from the sequence which is maintained at DB level. BUT when the transaction is committed I see only main table data but audit tables data is not getting committed. Here is the sample code :
public class MyTable implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5087505622449571373L;
private Long id;
// Rest of the fields
#GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="MASTER_SEQ")
public Long getId() {
return id;
// Getters/Setters
Listener code :
public class MyTableListener extends DescriptorEventAdapter {
public void postInsert(DescriptorEvent event) {
MyTable msg = (MyTable)((InsertObjectQuery) event.getQuery()).getObject();
EntityManager em = BeanUtil.getBean(EntityManager.class);
MyAudit statusAudit = new MyAudit();
Nothing seems to be wrong with the code. BUT when I see in the set the sql logs to "FINEST" , I can see that insert queries are not being fired for audit tables.
I have been dealing with this problem for more than 2 days and dont understand what exactly is wrong. Please help me.
You are never calling flush on the EntityManager. I suspect something like the following is going on:
You add your domain entities to the EntityManager, possibly through Spring Repositories.
Something triggers a flush, possibly the transaction handling of Spring.
Your domain entities get flushed.
Your event listener gets triggered.
You add audit entities to the EntityManager, but those never get flushed.
The database connection gets a commit. Saving everything but your audit trail.
If this theory ist correct, which you should be able to verify through the logs and debugger, you can probably fix it, by adding a call to flush in your listener.
As you described in the comments this causes further problems, which happen because you are trying to do something which you are not supposed to be doing.
According to this article, the JPA spec does not allow usage of the entitymanager inside callback events.
In general, the lifecycle method of a portable application should not invoke EntityManager or Query operations, access other entity instances, or modify relationships within the same persistence context. A lifecycle callback method may modify the non-relationship state of the entity on which it is invoked.
So looks, like we are stuck here, so you probably should consider a completely different approach like EclipseLink History tables.

Spring native query executed within a transaction taking outdated value

I'm using Spring Boot (1.4.4.REALEASE) with Spring Data in order to manage a MySql Database. I've got the following case:
We update one revision performed in one equipment using the RevisionService.
RevisionService saves the revision and calls the EquipmentService to update the equipment status.
The updateEquipmentStatus does a call to a Db stored procedure in order to evaluate the equipment with its revisions altogether and update the field.
I've tried some options but don't achieve to get the updated status for the equipment. The updateEquipmentStatus method keeps writing the previous status for the equipment (not considering the current revision being stored in the transaction). The code is written this way:
public class RevisionService{
public Long saveRevision(Revision rev){
//save the revision using JPA-Hibernate;
public class EquipmentService{
public Long updateEquipmentStatus(Long idEquipment){
public interface EquipmentRepo extends CrudRepository<Equipment, Long> {
#Procedure(name = "pupdate_equipment_status")
void updateEquipmentStatus(#Param("id_param") Long idEquipment);
As far as I understand, as both methods are annotated with Spring's transactional, the updateEquipmentStatus method should be executed in the scope of the current transaction. I've also tried with different options for the #Transactional annotation from updateEquipmentStatus, such as #Transactional(isolation=Isolation.READ_UNCOMMITTED) (which shouldn't be required, because I'm using the same transaction) and #Transactional(propagation=Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW), but keeps not considering the current status. That's how my stored procedure is saved into the MySql DB:
CREATE DEFINER=`root`#`localhost` PROCEDURE `pupdate_equipment_status`(IN `id_param` INT)
/*Performs the update considering tequipment and trevision*/
/*to calculate the equipment status, no transaction is managed here*/
I also want to clarify that if I execute some modification in the equipment itself (which affects only tequipment), the status is being properly updated. InnoDb is the engine being used for all the tables.
Just changed the repo method to use a nativeQuery instead and the same problem keeps happening, so the Db procedure being involved should be discarded:
#Query(nativeQuery = true, value= "update tequipment set equipment_status = (CASE WHEN (...))")
void updateEquipmentStatus(#Param("id_param") Long idEquipment);
Having done more tests and added a log with TransactionSynchronizationManager.getCurrentTransactionName() in the methods, that's the concrete issue:
Changes done in the equipment service are properly picked by the updating function (When something in tequipment changes, the status in tequipment is calculated properly).
Changes done in the revision service (trevision) result in an outdated value in tequipment (it doesn't matter if Spring does it in a different transaction using REQUIRES_NEW or not). Spring seems to create a new transaction properly when using REQUIRES_NEW in establishEquipmentStatus, because the current transaction name changes, but the native query doesn't have the latest values (because of the transaction before not being commited?). Also tried removing #Transactional from establishEquipmentStatus so the same transaction is used, but the issue keeps happening.
I would like to highlight that the query used to update equipment status has a case expression with multiple subqueries using trevision.
Adding the following code fixes it (programatically flushing the transaction state to the Database):
public class EquipmentService{
private EntityManager entityManager;
public Long updateEquipmentStatus(Long idEquipment){
Still it would be great to find a declarative way to do it..
Changing to read uncommitted is the right idea but you'd also need to flush the entitymanager before your stored procedure is called. See this thread:
How to make the queries in a stored procedure aware of the Spring Transaction?
Personally I'd do it all in Spring unless you are absolutely forced to use a stored procedure.

Spring Data (Hibernate) JPA update of individual fields not visible within transaction

I have an entity "Job" with a boolean flag "suspended":
#XmlRootElement(name = "Job")
#Where(clause = "deleted=0")
public class Job {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private int id;
private boolean suspended;
And a Spring CrudRepository (JPA Hibernate) is used for persistence:
public interface JobRepository extends CrudRepository<Job, Integer>, JobStatusSupport {}
I need to update the "suspended" flag individually, without overwriting updates done to other fields in concurrent threads. So the natural thing to do seemed to be writing a method that only updates the "suspended" field:
public class JobRepositoryImpl implements JobStatusSupport {
private final static String SET_SUSPENDED = "UPDATE Job SET suspended = :suspended, modificationDate = :modificationDate WHERE id = :id";
public int setSuspended(int id, boolean suspended, Instant modificationDate) {
int updateCount = em.createQuery(SET_SUSPENDED)
.setParameter("suspended", suspended)
.setParameter("modificationDate", modificationDate)
.setParameter("id", id)
return updateCount;
Now I have the following scenario in my code (shortened obviously, in reality this is spread out over several methods, but this example does reproduce the problem):
public void resumeJob(int id) {
Job jobA = jobRepository.findOne(Integer.valueOf(id));
// jobA.suspended == true
// let's set "suspended" to "false"
int updateCount = jobRepository.setSuspended(id, false,;
// OK: updateCount is 1
Job jobB = jobRepository.findOne(Integer.valueOf(id));
// jobB.suspended == true ??? that was just set to "false, wasn't it?
Probably I am missing some basics about JPA/Hibernate. But still, this is extremely counterintuitive: Why is jobB.suspended still "true" although the update is successful and the data is read again "from the DB"? Why is the update of the individual field not visible within the transaction?
(As one would expect, after the transaction is complete, Job.suspended is "false" in the database and for subsequent reads.)
How would one go about this properly? How should I write code that updates individual fields so that JPA becomes aware of what was done? Do I have to look into "merge" for something as simple as this?
Being able to write our own SQL statements is crucial for our project. I am trying Spring Data JPA mainly to avoid the tedious work of writing tons of CRUD operations. But if I am already encountering such problems with this simple scenario, I am wondering whether we would not be better of using JdbcTemplate.
Man, was I clueless! I worked in projects where JPA was used before. But I never had to deal with it in detail (and I wonder if anybody else did).
The entire effort of writing an "update method" is futile! I have reduced this to the following:
public void resumeJob(int id) {
Job job = jobRepository.findOne(Integer.valueOf(id));
job.setName("And Now for Something Completely Different.");
That's all! This updates the DB and the cache and God knows what. The #Transactional annotation alone is sufficient for persisting the changes. If the annotation is removed, the DB remains unchanged. So ORM is basically working against a cache (through "attached objects") that everybody sees. Then one hopes that people put #Transactional in the right places (not on private methods, for example...) and that the ORM machinery knows what it is doing (for example, not making cache updates visible outside of an open transaction).
Honestly, this seems a bit too magic for my taste. But now that I know what it is all about, I will give it a try. Writing gazillions of CRUD methods isn't very appealing, either.
Please comment if I got this wrong or if you have links with best practices. (I am starting to wonder if it wouldn't be best to immediately detach every object I get from the DB, defeating the entire purpose of ORM :-)
UPDATE: EntityManager#clear() Is Enough for a Quick Fix
This is definitely not the clever way to use ORM, but for the moment I can simply call clear() in the few update methods I have written. This invalidates the entire cache and the next read somewhere else in the transaction receives the updated data. Of course, the right way to do it, would be to simply modify the attached entity, i.e. "job.setSuspended(false);".
Calling flush() is not needed, probably it only becomes of interest when you want to minimize the risk of losing data in case of a system crash. I suppose that Hibernate does not immediately write completed transactions to disk?
It's counter-intuitive, but if you think about it, it's quite normal.
You load an entity with ID 3. Hibernate stores it in its session cache
You execute an update query. This query is almost a black box to Hibernate. It can't know which rows are affected by the changes, and you're not doing these changes by modifying the entities, but by modifying rows in the database directly. So the rows are modified, but the entity with ID 3 is left, untouched, in the session cache
You load the entity again, in the same session. So Hibernate just returns the instance that is already in the cache, and thus doesn't contain the changes.
If you want an updated entity, you have two solutions:
modify the database by modifying the entity, or
clear the cache after the update query has been made.

How can I test that a JPA save actually saves data?

I am using JPA with Spring and saving an entity in a test. In the process of writing a test to validate that an entity's relationship with another entity is correctly set up, I have come across a problem that I come across frequently. I have a test method (set to rollback) that:
Creates entity
Saves entity
Retrieves entity
Validates entity
The problem is that when I look at the Hibernate logs, I only see a single insert to the database where I'd expect to see an insert and then a select.
I know this is because Hibernate's trying to save me some time and knows that it's got the entity with the ID I'm trying to retrieve but that bypasses an important step: I want to make sure that the entity actually made it to the database and looks like what I thought it should. What's the best way to deal with this so I can test that the entity is actually in the database?
Note: I assume this involves somehow detaching the entity or telling Hibernate to clear its cache but I'm not sure how to do that when all I have access to is a JpaRepository object.
Some code:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
#ContextConfiguration(classes = JpaConfig.class, // JpaConfig just loads our config stuff
loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class)
#TransactionConfiguration(defaultRollback = true)
public class UserRepositoryTest {
public void testRoles() {
User user = new User("name", "");
// eventually more here to test entity-to-entity relationship
User savedUser =;
savedUser = userRepository.findOne(savedUser.getId());
// more validation here
You basically want to test Hibernate's functionality instead of your own code. My first suggestion: don't do it! It is already tested and validated many times.
If you really want to test it, there are a couple of options:
Execute a query (rather than a get. The query will get executed (you should see it in the log) and the result interpreted. The object you get back would still be the same object you saved, since that is in the session.
You can evict the object from the session and then get it again. If you use SessionFactory.getCurrentSession(), you'll get the same season that the repository is using. With that you can evict the object.
You have two strategies:
issue a native SQL query therefor bypassing any JPA cache.
ensure the persistence context is cleared before reloading.
For (1) you can change your tests to extend the following Spring class which, in addition to automatically beginning/rolling back a transaction at the start/end of each test, will give you access to a Spring JdbcTemplate you can use to issue the native SQL.
For (2) you can clear the persistence context by doing the following (where the EntityManagerFactory is injected into your test:
See the following base test class which I normally use and demonstrates the above and also allows for populating the database with known data before each test (via DBUnit).
(In fact in the above I am actually creating a new JdbcTemplate by injecting a datasource. Can't remember why...)
