How to make rotation animation in threejs editor and publish it? - three.js

I have already made a rotation animation in threejs editor using this script:
function update( event ) {
this.rotation.y += 0.01;
But when I publish, and upload the app.json file in my prestashop1.7.6 website, there is no rotation. I want the rotation to occur. Can anyone tell me how to do it?


Three.js keep object static relative to outside container div - EDIT now with jsfiddle

So I have the basic setup of a three.js-canvas rendered inside of a html-div. Inside the 3d-world I want to position an object in such a way that it appears to be glued on to this outside div (should never move in any way). Currently I have this solution:
render {
object.position.x = camera.position.x;
object.position.y = camera.position.y;
object.position.z = camera.position.z - 200;
This works for panning the camera (i have rotation disabled since i don't need it). However, once I zoom in or out it obviously doesn't work any more, since zooming doesn't change the camera's position values. My approach was to incorporate the camera.zoom factor into the above function, but i couldn't get it to work properly. Is there an easy transformation function or something i can use?
Edit: I created a jsfiddle, hopefully this helps figuring out the solution. As long as you pan the camera with right mouse the yellow plane doesn't move at all (wanted behaviour). When you zoom in or out it starts to move (unwanted behaviour):

Unity short Black Screen after loading first scene

one image with the IEnumerator Start() code as described below.
Canvas UI with a few buttons and a some gameobjects in the scene as background. Camera has a tonemapping and depth of field script.
Stats: Batches 96, tris 20.4k, 41.5k
Main scene of the game.
Bug, happend on android device and on pc in the editor:
1.Splash scene loads the menu scene using:
IEnumerator Start()
AsyncOperation async = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync("Menu");
while (!async.isDone)
yield return null;
2.The canvas UI of the Menu scene appears with a black background, the gameobjects in the scene are not visible, for a few seconds.
3.The canvas UI + the scene is visible.
Same bug happens when the Menu scene is loaded from the Main scene.
Unity version = 2017.3.0f3
Using vuforia in the main scene.
I disabled all the objects and camera effects in the Menu scene except for a plane and the canvas, the canvas still appears a few seconds before the plane.
To describe the bug better, the camera seems to active a second after the canvas UI is shown.
I created a new camera in the menu scene and the problem still persists.
I found my fix by adding an AR camera to the scene and disabling the the VuforiaBehavior component which was making the black screen when the scene was loading.
In my case, I just had checked Split Application Binary in Publishing settings to be able to upload my game to Play Store. (Play Store does not accept apk files to be bigger than 100mb, so you split your big apk into a smaller apk & a obb file)
However, if you do that, you need to put both your .apk and .obb files to specific folders in your phone, when you are manually testing the game.
.obb needs to be in a specifically named folder, with a specific name, as explained here:
Shortly, name should be in the format:
Where [FIRST_PART_OF_VERSION_NUMBER] is the highest digit of the version number you can find in the Player Settings. For instance, if your version is 1.0.0, [FIRST_PART_OF_VERSION_NUMBER] is 1.
And [PACKAGE_NAME] is the package name specified in the same screen, right above the version number.
The game will expect to find that OBB file in a location like:
Where [PACKAGE_NAME] is the same value described above, and INSTALL_LOCATION refers to whether the game is installed in the internal memory or the external SD-Card (this depends on your own settings).

Camera rotation lost when i use orbitcontrols three.js

I am developing a web application that uses 3d buildings as models. I want to create a button that places the camera so that the model is in a suitable position, however when I rotate the camera manually the mouse control resets it again.
Sample here:Link
If I enable //controls.update() the rotation doesn't work. With //controls.update() disabled the camera rotate fine but when I use the mouse, the camera is reset.
¿What can I do? Thanks!
You shouldn't directly change the rotation of the camera, instead you should change the position+target.
When you call controls.update() the rotation of the camera will be calculated based on the position of the camera (the location of the camera) and the target of the controls (the location of focus).
For example you can do:,0,1);
camera.position.set(-0.041, 1.9, -1.21);

Orbit Controls zoom issue

I am trying to get infinite zoom functionality,
While looking at the following three.js example:
While getting closer to the target vector, the zoom factor reduced and reduced until it barely worked, for an end user it looks like it is stuck. panning won't really work, and in order to zoom out user needs to use the mouse wheel for like ages.
Is there a way to get infinite zoom functionality?
as mentioned it is zooming infinitely ( but it's zooming infinitely to the target at the center of the scene so it will never pass the target and thus never zoom beyond the center of the scene ), there's a couple changes you can make to the controls object in order to render the desired effect ( if I'm understanding you correctly ).
one small change you can make is change the target location from the center of the scene to the other end of the scene, given the the camera's far perameter is set to 1000 we can try setting the target's z position to -1000 in your init() function like so: = new THREE.Vector3(0,0,-1000);
here's a working fiddle:
in that example you'll zoom past the scene and slow down when you get to -1000. Another approach might be to change the dollyIn and dollyOut methods so that rather than getting infinitely closer to the target what it does is change the camera's z index, this way when you zoom past the target the camera will still rotate around the center, you can do something like this
controls.dollyOut = function(){
this.object.position.z -= 100;
controls.dollyIn = function(){
this.object.position.z += 100;
here's a working fiddle for that example:

how to play two animations in the same time in unity 3D

I'm trying to rotate the Earth around the Sun in Unity 3D..
my question: How to rotates the earth around itself and in the same time it rotates around the sun. I can't do more than one animation for one object in Unity3D?
please,help me.. :)
I will do something like this :
public float speed = 1;
void Update() {
// Slowly rotate the object around its X axis at 1 degree/second.
transform.Rotate(speed * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);
// ... at the same time as spinning it relative to the Sun
transform.RotateAroud(sun.transform, Vector3.up, speed * Time.deltaTime)
There are several options in Unity3D to do this like blending, layering, adding and fading. Have a look at Unity - Character Animation and Unity - Animation Scripting
You can play two animations at the same time by creating multiple layers directly inside the unity animator system.Here a useful step by step guide:
