Unable to loop through the JSON internal Array having spaces in values using Bash script JQ [duplicate] - bash

I want to be able to pass a json file to WP CLI, to iteratively create posts.
So I thought I could create a JSON file:
"post_type": "post",
"post_title": "Test",
"post_content": "[leaflet-map][leaflet-marker]",
"post_status": "publish"
"post_type": "post",
"post_title": "Number 2",
"post_content": "[leaflet-map fitbounds][leaflet-circle]",
"post_status": "publish"
and iterate the array with jq:
cat posts.json | jq --raw-output .[]
I want to be able to iterate these to execute a similar function:
wp post create \
--post_type=post \
--post_title='Test Map' \
--post_content='[leaflet-map] [leaflet-marker]' \
Is there a way I can do this with jq, or similar?
The closest I've gotten so far is this:
> for i in $(cat posts.json | jq -c .[]); do echo $i; done
But this seems to take issue with the (valid) spaces in the strings. Output:
Am I way off with this approach, or can it be done?

Use a while to read entire lines, rather than iterating over the words resulting from the command substitution.
while IFS= read -r obj; do
done < <(jq -c '.[]' posts.json)

Maybe this would work for you:
Make a bash executable, maybe call it wpfunction.sh
wp post create \
--post_title="$2" \
--post_content="$3" \
Then run jq on your posts.json and pipe it into xargs
jq -M -c '.[] | [.post_type, .post_title, .post_content, .post_status][]' \
posts.json | xargs -n4 ./wpfunction`
I am experimenting to see how this would handle post_content that contained quotes...

First generate an array of the arguments you wish to pass then convert to a shell compatible form using #sh. Then you could pass to xargs to invoke the command.
$ jq -r '.[] | ["post", "create", (to_entries[] | "--\(.key)=\(.value|tojson)")] | #sh' input.json | xargs wp


Remove substring from a json retrieved in a bash script

I do not have experience working with bash, and I have to update a small script to remove a substring from all the values in a JSON with a common pattern /development/dev/. I get something like this from GetParametersByPath (AWS service):
"Parameters": [
"Name": "/development/dev/var1",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "Saanvi Sarkar",
"Version": 1
"Name": "/development/dev/var2",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "Zhang Wei",
"Version": 1
"Name": "/development/dev/var3",
"Type": "String",
"Value": "Alejandro Rosalez",
"Version": 1
I wanna remove the substring "/development/dev/" for all the Name values.
This is what I have at the moment
// parameter_store_path has the value "/development/dev/"
jq_actions=$(echo -e ".Parameters | .[] | [.Name, .Value] | \042\(.[0])=\(.[2])\042 | sub(\042${parameter_store_path}/\042; \042\042)")
// function that returns the JSON
aws ssm get-parameters-by-path \
--path $parameter_store_path \
--with-decryption \
--region eu-west-2 \
| jq -r "$jq_actions" >> /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/custom_env_var
cp /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/custom_env_var /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env
#Remove temporary working file.
rm -f /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/custom_env_var
#Remove duplicate files upon deployment.
rm -f /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/*.bak
I was reading some docs about bash, and I saw that I can replace part of the string using ${FOO#prefix}, but I don't know how to implement it in this code.
You already seem to know how to perform substitutions in jq. Just do slightly more.
aws ssm get-parameters-by-path \
--path "$parameter_store_path" \
--with-decryption \
--region eu-west-2 |
jq -r '.Parameters | .[] |
"\(.Name | sub("/development/dev/"; ""))=\(.Value)"'
(The subscript [2] didn't make sense here - I'm guessing you meant [1]. However, the subscripting seemed superfluous, anyway; I refactored to simplify it away, and apply the substitution only on the Name. Perhaps also add double quotes around the Value?)
Demo: https://jqplay.org/s/o7Exg4Ns6BU
If you want to pass in the path as a variable, try
jq --arg path "/development/dev/" \
-r '.Parameters | .[] |
"\(.Name | sub($path; ""))=\"\(.Value)\""'
Demo: https://replit.com/#tripleee/aws-jq-demo#main.sh
This also gets rid of the useless use of echo -e.
In this particular case, I simply switched to single quotes instead of double (though notice that they do slightly different things - generally prefer single quotes, unless you need to perform command substitution or variable substitution in your string, or if it needs to contain literal single quotes. Bash also provides $'\047C-style\047 strings' with a backslash interpretation facility similar to the one in echo -e - the example demonstrates how to embed literal single quotes with the octal escape \047).
A parameter expansion only really makes sense when what you have is already a string in a Bash variable.
Here's a refactoring of your script which also avoids the weird cp + rm in favor of a simple mv. I'm guessing you are writing something else to the target file earlier in the script and that's why you append these values from jq.
aws ssm get-parameters-by-path \
--path "$parameter_store_path" \
--with-decryption \
--region eu-west-2 |
jq --arg path "$parameter_store_path" \
-r '.Parameters | .[] |
"\(.Name | sub($path; ""))=\"\(.Value)\""
' >> /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/custom_env_var
mv /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/custom_env_var /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/env
rm -f /opt/elasticbeanstalk/deployment/*.bak

Sanitize a string for json [duplicate]

I'm using git, then posting the commit message and other bits as a JSON payload to a server.
Currently I have:
MSG=`git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+'`
which sets MSG to something like:
Calendar can't go back past today
curl -i -X POST \
-H 'Accept: application/text' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d "{'payload': {'message': '$MSG'}}" \
My real JSON has another couple of fields.
This works fine, but of course when I have a commit message such as the one above with an apostrophe in it, the JSON is invalid.
How can I escape the characters required in bash? I'm not familiar with the language, so am not sure where to start. Replacing ' with \' would do the job at minimum I suspect.
jq can do this.
Lightweight, free, and written in C, jq enjoys widespread community support with over 15k stars on GitHub. I personally find it very speedy and useful in my daily workflow.
Convert string to JSON
echo -n '猫に小判' | jq -Rsa .
# "\u732b\u306b\u5c0f\u5224"
To explain,
-R means "raw input"
-s means "include linebreaks" (mnemonic: "slurp")
-a means "ascii output" (optional)
. means "output the root of the JSON document"
Git + Grep Use Case
To fix the code example given by the OP, simply pipe through jq.
MSG=`git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+' | jq -Rsa .`
Using Python:
This solution is not pure bash, but it's non-invasive and handles unicode.
json_escape () {
printf '%s' "$1" | python -c 'import json,sys; print(json.dumps(sys.stdin.read()))'
Note that JSON is part of the standard python libraries and has been for a long time, so this is a pretty minimal python dependency.
Or using PHP:
json_escape () {
printf '%s' "$1" | php -r 'echo json_encode(file_get_contents("php://stdin"));'
Use like so:
$ json_escape "ヤホー"
Instead of worrying about how to properly quote the data, just save it to a file and use the # construct that curl allows with the --data option. To ensure that the output of git is correctly escaped for use as a JSON value, use a tool like jq to generate the JSON, instead of creating it manually.
jq -n --arg msg "$(git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+')" \
'{payload: { message: $msg }}' > git-tmp.txt
curl -i -X POST \
-H 'Accept: application/text' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d #git-tmp.txt \
You can also read directly from standard input using -d #-; I leave that as an exercise for the reader to construct the pipeline that reads from git and produces the correct payload message to upload with curl.
(Hint: it's jq ... | curl ... -d#- 'https://example.com' )
I was also trying to escape characters in Bash, for transfer using JSON, when I came across this. I found that there is actually a larger list of characters that must be escaped – particularly if you are trying to handle free form text.
There are two tips I found useful:
Use the Bash ${string//substring/replacement} syntax described in this thread.
Use the actual control characters for tab, newline, carriage return, etc. In vim you can enter these by typing Ctrl+V followed by the actual control code (Ctrl+I for tab for example).
The resultant Bash replacements I came up with are as follows:
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW//\'/\\\'} # ' (not strictly needed ?)
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW// /\\t} # \t (tab)
/\\\n} # \n (newline)
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW//^M/\\\r} # \r (carriage return)
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW//^L/\\\f} # \f (form feed)
JSON_TOPIC_RAW=${JSON_TOPIC_RAW//^H/\\\b} # \b (backspace)
I have not at this stage worked out how to escape Unicode characters correctly which is also (apparently) required. I will update my answer if I work this out.
OK, found out what to do. Bash supports this natively as expected, though as always, the syntax isn't really very guessable!
Essentially ${string//substring/replacement} returns what you'd image, so you can use
To do this. The next problem is that the first regex doesn't work anymore, but that can be replaced with
git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s'
In the end, I didn't even need to escape them. Instead, I just swapped all the ' in the JSON to \". Well, you learn something every day.
git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+' | jq --slurp --raw-input
The above line works for me. refer to
https://github.com/stedolan/jq for more jq tools
I found something like that :
MSG=`echo $MSG | sed "s/'/\\\\\'/g"`
The simplest way is using jshon, a command line tool to parse, read and create JSON.
jshon -s 'Your data goes here.' 2>/dev/null
[...] with an apostrophe in it, the JSON is invalid.
Not according to https://www.json.org. A single quote is allowed in a JSON string.
How can I escape the characters required in bash?
You can use xidel to properly prepare the JSON you want to POST.
As https://example.com can't be tested, I'll be using https://api.github.com/markdown (see this answer) as an example.
Let's assume 'çömmít' "mêssågè" as the exotic output of git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s'.
Create the (serialized) JSON object with the value of the "text"-attribute properly escaped:
$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -se 'serialize({"text":$raw},{"method":"json","encoding":"us-ascii"})'
{"text":"'\u00E7\u00F6mm\u00EDt' \"m\u00EAss\u00E5g\u00E8\""}
Curl (variable)
$ eval "$(
git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -se 'msg:=serialize({"text":$raw},{"method":"json","encoding":"us-ascii"})' --output-format=bash
$ echo $msg
{"text":"'\u00E7\u00F6mm\u00EDt' \"m\u00EAss\u00E5g\u00E8\""}
$ curl -d "$msg" https://api.github.com/markdown
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
Curl (pipe)
$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -se 'serialize({"text":$raw},{"method":"json","encoding":"us-ascii"})' | \
curl -d#- https://api.github.com/markdown
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
Actually, there's no need for curl if you're already using xidel.
Xidel (pipe)
$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -s \
-d '{serialize({"text":read()},{"method":"json","encoding":"us-ascii"})}' \
"https://api.github.com/markdown" \
-e '$raw'
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
Xidel (pipe, in-query)
$ git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%s' | \
xidel -se '
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
Xidel (all in-query)
$ xidel -se '
{"text":system("git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'\''%s'\''")},
<p>'çömmít' "mêssågè"</p>
This is an escaping solution using Perl that escapes backslash (\), double-quote (") and control characters U+0000 to U+001F:
$ echo -ne "Hello, 🌵\n\tBye" | \
perl -pe 's/(\\(\\\\)*)/$1$1/g; s/(?!\\)(["\x00-\x1f])/sprintf("\\u%04x",ord($1))/eg;'
Hello, 🌵\u000a\u0009Bye
I struggled with the same problem. I was trying to add a variable on the payload of cURL in bash and it kept returning as invalid_JSON. After trying a LOT of escaping tricks, I reached a simple method that fixed my issue. The answer was all in the single and double quotes:
curl --location --request POST 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/test-slack-hook' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"text":'"$data"'}'
Maybe it comes in handy for someone!
I had the same idea to send a message with commit message after commit.
First i tryed similar was as autor here.
But later found a better and simpler solution.
Just created php file which is sending message and call it with wget.
in hooks/post-receive :
wget -qO - "http://localhost/git.php"
in git.php:
$git_log = exec("git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+'");
And then create JSON and call CURL in PHP style
Integrating a JSON-aware tool in your environment is sometimes a no-go, so here's a POSIX solution that should work on every UNIX/Linux:
json_stringify() {
[ "$#" -ge 1 ] || return 1
LANG=C awk '
for ( i = 1; i <= 127; i++ )
repl[ sprintf( "%c", i) ] = sprintf( "\\u%04x", i )
for ( i = 1; i < ARGC; i++ ) {
s = ARGV[i]
printf("%s", "\"")
while ( match( s, /[\001-\037\177"\\]/ ) ) {
printf("%s%s", \
substr(s,1,RSTART-1), \
repl[ substr(s,RSTART,RLENGTH) ] \
s = substr(s,RSTART+RLENGTH)
print s "\""
' "$#"
Or using the widely available perl:
json_stringify() {
[ "$#" -ge 1 ] || return 1
LANG=C perl -le '
for (#ARGV) {
print "\"$_\""
' -- "$#"
Then you can do:
json_stringify '"foo\bar"' 'hello
Doesn't handle NUL bytes.
Doesn't validate the input for UNICODE, it only escapes the mandatory ASCII characters specified in the RFC 8259.
Replying to OP's question:
MSG=$(git log -n 1 --format=oneline | grep -o ' .\+')
curl -i -X POST \
-H 'Accept: application/text' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
-d '{"payload": {"message": '"$(json_stringify "$MSG")"'}}' \

csvkit in2csv - how to convert a single json object to two-column csv

Looking for a one liner with csvkit.
From a plain json object
"whatever": 2342,
"otherwise": 119,
"and": 1,
"so": 2,
"on": 3
Want this csv
I basically want this command to work, but it doesn't.
echo $the_json | in2csv -f json
> When converting a JSON document with a top-level dictionary element, a key must be specified.
Seems like something csvkit can do, and I just haven't found the right options.
short answer
variant A: in2csv (csvkit) + csvtool
wrap your json in brackets
use in2csv's -I option to avoid unexpected behavior
use a command to transpose the two-row CSV, e.g. csvtool
echo "[$the_json]" | in2csv -I -f json | csvtool transpose -
variant B: use jq instead
This is a solution using only jq: (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/)
echo "$the_json" | jq -r 'to_entries[] | [.key, .value] | #csv'
taken from How to map an object to arrays so it can be converted to csv?
long answer (csvkit + csvtool)
the input
in2csv -f json expects a list of JSON objects, so you need to wrap the single object ({...}) into square brackets ([{...}]).
On POSIX compatible shells, write
echo "[$the_json]"
which will print
"whatever": 2342,
"otherwise": 119,
"and": 1,
"so": 2,
"on": 3
the csvkit command
You may pipe the above data directly into in2csv. However, you might run into issues with the ”type inference“ (CSV data interpretation) feature of csvkit:
$ echo "[$the_json]" | in2csv -f json
1 has become True. For details, see the Tips and Troubleshooting part of the docs. It's suggested to turn off type inference using the -I option:
$ echo "[$the_json]" | in2csv -I -f json
Now the result is as expected
transpose the data
Still, you need to transpose the data. The csvkit docs say:
To transpose CSVs, consider csvtool.
(csvtool is available on github, opam, debian and probably other distribution channels.)
Using csvkit + csvtool, your final command looks like this:
echo "[$the_json]" | in2csv -I -f json | csvtool transpose -
with the hyphen (-) meaning to take the data from stdin. This is the result:
that's it.
I think there is no one-liner solution with csvtool only, you'll need in2csv. You may, however, use jq instead, see the short answer.
FTR, I'm using csvkit version 1.0.3.
Tested the first posted answer works! But it is a bit confusing because "[$the_json]" means the raw content of the json. So an example of command could be this:
echo '[{"a":"b","c":"d"}]' | in2csv -I -f json | csvtool transpose -
and if you want to do it with a file name instead, for instance myfile.json one can add the brackets with a sed command and pipe it to in2csv:
sed -e '1s/^/[/' -e 's/$/,/' -e '$s/,$/]/' myfile.json | in2csv -I -f json > myfile.csv
Example with the full transposition command:
sed -e '1s/^/[/' -e 's/$/,/' -e '$s/,$/]/' myfile.json | in2csv -I -f json | csvtool transpose - > myfile.csv
source: How to add bracket at beginning and ending in text on UNIX

JQ get key based on variable value

I'm trying to create a ohmyzsh function for Salesforce's DX CLI based on Wade Wegner's guide here. In order to get the value I want I need to expand how he is using JQ which I've never heard of before. I get the premise for this use case but I'm struggling with one abstraction point (within the aliasConfig json). Here's my script so far
get_sfdx_defaultusername() {
config="$(cat .sfdx/sfdx-config.json 2> /dev/null)";
globalConfig="$(cat ~/.sfdx/sfdx-config.json)";
aliasConfig="$(cat ~/.sfdx/alias.json)";
defaultusername="$(echo ${config} | jq -r .defaultusername)"
defaultusernamealias="NEED HELP HERE"
globaldefaultusername="$(echo ${globalConfig} | jq -r .defaultusername)"
if [ ! $defaultusernamealias = "null" ]
echoString=$echoString$defaultusernamealias"$txtylw (alias)"
elif [ ! $defaultusername = "null" ]
echoString=$echoString$defaultusername"$txtylw (local)"
echoString=$echoString$globaldefaultusername"$txtylw (global)"
echo $echoString"\n"
The alias.json looks like this:
"orgs": {
"HubOrg": "myemail#domain.com",
"my-scrath-org": "test-jdj1iflkor4k#mydomain.net"
Using the ${defaultusername} I know the value in this case to be "test-jdj1iflkor4k#mydomain.net", therefore I need it to set the value of defaultusernamealias to "my-scrath-org"
NOTE: The closest answer I found was this, but unfortunately I still couldn't get what I needed with it.
Congratulations on figuring out how to use to_entries.
One small suggestion is to avoid using shell interpolation to "construct" the jq program. A much better way to achieve the desired goal is to pass in the relevant values on the command-line. In your case, the following would be appropriate:
$ jq --arg username "$defaultusername" '
.orgs | to_entries[] | select(.value == $username ).key'
Another small point is to avoid using echo to send JSON to STDIN. There are several possibilities, including these patterns:
if you are using bash: jq .... <<< "$JSON"
use printf "%s" "$JSON" | jq ...
jq -n --argjson JSON "$JSON" '$JSON | ...'
In your case, the last of these alternatives would look like this:
$ jq --arg username "$defaultusername" --argjson JSON "$aliasConfig" '
| .orgs | to_entries[] | select(.value == $username ).key'
I think I got it figured out here:
get_sfdx_defaultusername() {
config="$(cat .sfdx/sfdx-config.json 2> /dev/null)";
globalConfig="$(cat ~/.sfdx/sfdx-config.json)";
aliasConfig="$(cat ~/.sfdx/alias.json)";
defaultusername="$(echo ${config} | jq -r .defaultusername)"
defaultusernamealias="$(echo ${aliasConfig} | jq -r '.orgs | to_entries[] | select(.value =="'$defaultusername'").key' )"
globaldefaultusername="$(echo ${globalConfig} | jq -r .defaultusername)"
if [ ! $defaultusernamealias = "null" ]
echoString=$echoString$defaultusernamealias"$txtylw (alias)"
elif [ ! $defaultusername = "null" ]
echoString=$echoString$defaultusername"$txtylw (local)"
echoString=$echoString$globaldefaultusername"$txtylw (global)"
echo $echoString"\n"
This allows me to show my current defaultusername org like so:
In case anyone is interested in using this or contributing to it, I published a github repo here

using jq to assign multiple output variables

I am trying to use jq to parse information from the TVDB api. I need to pull a couple of fields and assign the values to variables that I can continue to use in my bash script. I know I can easily assign the output to one variable through bash with variable="$(command)" but I need the output to produce multiple variables and I don't want to make to use multiple commands.
I read this documentation:
but I don't know if this relevant to what I am trying to do.
jq '.data' produces the following output:
"absoluteNumber": 51,
"airedEpisodeNumber": 6,
"airedSeason": 4,
"airedSeasonID": 680431,
"dvdEpisodeNumber": 6,
"dvdSeason": 4,
"episodeName": "We Will Rise",
"firstAired": "2017-03-15",
"id": 5939660,
"language": {
"episodeName": "en",
"overview": "en"
"lastUpdated": 1490769062,
"overview": "Clarke and Roan must work together in hostile territory in order to deliver an invaluable asset to Abby and her team."
I tried jq '.data | {episodeName:$name}' and jq '.data | .episodeName as $name' just to try and get one working. I don't understand the documentation or even if it's what I'm looking for. Is there a way to do what I am trying to do?
You can use separate variables with read :
read var1 var2 var3 < <(echo $(curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/torvalds/linux' |
jq -r '.id, .name, .full_name'))
echo "id : $var1"
echo "name : $var2"
echo "full_name : $var3"
Using array :
read -a arr < <(echo $(curl -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/torvalds/linux' |
jq -r '.id, .name, .full_name'))
echo "id : ${arr[0]}"
echo "name : ${arr[1]}"
echo "full_name : ${arr[2]}"
Also you can split jq output with some character :
IFS='|' read var1 var2 var3 var4 < <(curl '......' | jq -r '.data |
map([.absoluteNumber, .airedEpisodeNumber, .episodeName, .overview] |
join("|")) | join("\n")')
Or use an array like :
set -f; IFS='|' data=($(curl '......' | jq -r '.data |
map([.absoluteNumber, .airedEpisodeNumber, .episodeName, .overview] |
join("|")) | join("\n")')); set +f
absoluteNumber, airedEpisodeNumber, episodeName & overview are respectively ${data[0]}, ${data[1]}, ${data[2]}, ${data[3]}. set -f and set +f are used to respectively disable & enable globbing.
For the jq part, all your required fields are mapped and delimited with a '|' character with join("|")
If your are using jq < 1.5, you'll have to convert Number to String with tostring for each Number fields eg:
IFS='|' read var1 var2 var3 var4 < <(curl '......' | jq -r '.data |
map([.absoluteNumber|tostring, .airedEpisodeNumber|tostring, .episodeName, .overview] |
join("|")) | join("\n")')
jq always produces a stream of zero or more values. For example, to produce the two values corresponding to "episodeName" and "id"' you could write:
.data[] | ( .episodeName, .id )
For your purposes, it might be helpful to use the -c command-line option, to ensure each JSON output value is presented on a single line. You might also want to use the -r command-line option, which removes the outermost quotation marks from each output value that is a JSON string.
For further variations, please see the jq FAQ https://github.com/stedolan/jq/wiki/FAQ, e.g. the question:
Q: How can a stream of JSON texts produced by jq be converted into a bash array of corresponding values?
Experimental conversion of quoted OP input, (tv.dat), to a series of bash variables, (and an array). The jq code is mostly borrowed from here and there, but I don't know how to get jq to unroll an array within an array, so the sed code does that, (that's only good for one level, but so are bash arrays):
jq -r ".[] | to_entries | map(\"DAT_\(.key) \(.value|tostring)\") | .[]" tv.dat |
while read a b ; do echo "${a,,}='$b'" ; done |
sed -e '/{.*}/s/"\([^"]*\)":/[\1]=/g;y/{},/() /' -e "s/='(/=(/;s/)'$/)/"
dat_episodename='We Will Rise'
dat_language=([episodeName]="en" [overview]="en")
dat_overview='Clarke and Roan must work together in hostile territory in order to deliver an invaluable asset to Abby and her team.'
